

I have only 2 more days until the end of this year's Photo A Day Project.
It's hard to believe that I am almost done with 2010. I also did one in 2009; so I am officially finishing up 2 years worth... and I am eager to start a 3rd year in 2011.
I can't say that I like all the photos I have taken... in fact... there are several that I downright dislike... but some days are like that. And, conversely, there are ones that I really love...

So what have I learned from all this?

  • that "the best camera is the one you have with you"... really is true. It doesn't matter the mega pixels... or the lens... or the gadgets... heck... you can even take great shots with a Polaroid (or a Kodak point and shoot)...
  • that it is most important to be doing something YOU LOVE ...
  • that art/ photography... can help you thru most anything (illness, travel, death, marriage, babies, money problems... etc)
  • that you can find beauty in everything if you look hard enough
  • that there are moments in my life that I really don't see or pay attention to... those quiet understated moments that I would otherwise have neglected if I hadn't been paying attention more by taking photos... I guess... to be more mindful... if you will...

--and so very much more. I hope you have enjoyed the shots... and I hope you will stay with me for another round in 2011...

For links to my photos from 2010... look HERE
*all photos by Elaine A. Russell


------> photo by Elaine A. Russell

Wednesday is a day I tend to indulge in some guilty pleasures. I usually do some errands and generally drive around the city... just checking things out.
I spent alot of time at La Montanita with my daughter... checking out all the yummy food, people watching... and generally loving the organic Guatemala coffee. Got a gorgeous rose for my hubby. Got burgers for dinner. And now, have settled in for a night of senseless TV watching. I know. Seems simple, somewhat stupid even, maybe.... but it is a nice break.
I've been having alot of trouble sleeping.... or rather, I can't sleep at night, and have been sleeping during the heat of the day instead. I feel mentally and physically exhausted... and I can only suppose that I am still trying to catch up with traveling back and forth to PA still.
I also have occasional issues with depression.... and seem to be in a "down" period right now. That said... at least I am aware of it... and am trying to overcome it by forcing myself to get out and about today.

About my photo for the day: the YODA dude is a little "toy" figurine of my husband's. I placed him on top of the wall that surrounds my yard so that he looks as if he is high on top of a mountain.... ready and able to conquer the world! From this vantage point... he makes me feel a little more optimistic... and hopefully people who see it will as well.


*photo by Elaine A. Russell

The nights officially are going to be getting longer... as we progress along the calendar year. I love the night. I worked night shift for the better part of 17yrs as a nurse, and it is still a habit for me to stay up late at night. As a bonus, I am much more tolerant of the coolness of the night. It is calming and more serene for me; and at night I try to collect my thoughts and reflect on the day.
I talked with a therapist today. I was diagnosed with PTSD about 20yrs ago, and have had issues with depression and such .... waxing and waning at times... over the years. Like my photo for today's blog... I need to remember to go with the flow on a certain level... yet also "stand my ground" against the tides of life. It can be a fine line... but one I need to walk at the moment.
I need to remember that there is positive in everything; if we just focus on the blessings at hand... and not get bogged down in the sand by the negatives.

The photo for today's post was taken on the shores of the Rio Grande. In little spots along the river, are the occasional sand bar. It is a scenic thing... and quite a surprise for travelers here in the desert.


(photos by Elaine A. Russell)

In the middle of town here, is a HUGE horsechestnut tree. When I was very little, it sat in front of a tiny house owned by Mr. & Mrs. Butler; an elderly couple who have since passed on. I remember Mr. Butler telling me about this tree one time... when I asked about the thorny looking nuts it bears in the summer and into fall.

Apparently, these trees originated in the Balkans, and were carried to Northern Europe, and then to the USA. I have read that these trees were primarily planted for their decor, as they would get big and have large showy leaves in the spring... and big showy flowers in the summer. The nuts are very bitter, and generally considered not to be edible. However, old herb books do mention that the bark was sometimes boiled, and the liquid could be consumed for everything from rheumatism to fevers. (link: here)

All I know... is that when I was little... it was a tree unlike any I had seen before...
and I was fascinated by it.
I have always had an affinity for plants and trees...
and this one was "extra special."

Well... that little house is long gone now... but the tree still stands strong and proud there. I stopped by today to check on it, and was blessed to see that it was not only doing well... but had gorgeous blooms on it.

You'd think that... with all this tree has seen in it's lifetime... that it would give up and wither away. But ... it actually seems stronger today than I remember it being. People can be like that too. Sometimes, with all the crap that goes on in the world... our first thought may be to shrivel up and hide somewhere.... sink into the ground and stay there. But... if we let it... adversity can also make us stronger... majestic... able to handle the wild winds.

My father is carrying on. In spite of all predictions... and certainly beyond belief at times. I do not understand it... nor will I try. I can only believe that there must be a purpose... and like my tree that I love so much, I will try to bend with the wind... and listen for the lesson.

( and in other news.... I was shocked to learn that another one of my photos won the Alibi's Shutterbug weekly contest... WoOt!.... see HERE)


I feel as if I am closing the door on something. I can't explain it. ... nor do I really want to think about it. All day I have been depressed. I am sure it has alot ot do with my back really really hurting, and the knowledge that I am leaving in the am. It is physical, and emotional ... all tied up into one big ball of string.... endlessly rolling about on the floor and tangling me up.

And so. I forced myself to take some motrin... take a hot shower... and go and take some photos. I didn't go far... I didn't really need to. There are so many things in this part of the country that I would love to be able to take photos of. Today was a strange day weather-wise... raining... snowing... and the sun trying to peak through the clouds very briefly... it was odd. Many would consider this bad weather to try and take photos in... but it was still alot of fun for me.

Kristin and I are leaving in the am. We have put it off as long as possible... knowing that my parents really need help. But the reality is, is that my son is getting married on friday... and if I have any hope of showing up on time ... I need to go.

This has been a bizarre few weeks.... full of happiness, trauma, illness, joy AND pain... it has been a wild ride. I am hoping that things will begin to settle down soon...

And so... I am off to work on some laundry, and to try to go to sleep before 1am so that we can begin the journey tomorrow....

---------------------------------> all photos by Elaine A. Russell


Last night around 9:30pm; it started snowing. Really snowing.
Huge, wet flakes came down ... and it was a beautiful sight.

Of course, by the time I woke up; most all of it was gone... having melted in the morning sun. It never did get much above 35 degrees today... although if you stood in the sun; it felt much warmer.

Today was a rough day... and here I am after midnight... trying to make some sense of it all.

I am failing.

I did have some wonderful moments today... gazing at the snow... the rays of sun peaking through the pine trees in the backyard.... seeing this babbling brook when I took a break and drove around a bit....

Sometimes moments are all we have... and I am thankful that some of them are supremely awesome. Today was a very rough day for my parents. Dad had a horrible night; followed by an equally bad day. Can't eat... can't rest... can't sleep... can't breathe well.... and mom is worried sick. On April 4th; they will be married 58years. Hard to imagine... and I am sure it is even more difficult for them... not only with each of them being sick.... but having to spend time away from each other is very hard for them; as they have rarely been apart these 58 years.
I just feel completely helpless and useless....

Kristin and I went for a drive this evening to Port Alleghany where one of my husband's brothers lives. It was a very good visit. And...It was an easy drive. We happened to pass this sporting goods store on way. The bear was pretty awesome... just odd... and funky and wonderful.

And then we saw this ultra fabulous vending machine out front.... yes sir --ee bob... get yer live bait right here in the vending machine! Cuz you never know when you're gonna need worms....

Mind you ... I absolutely love fishing... but even this was a little too funny to pass up :)

**all photos by Elaine A. Russell


So... do I need to tell you that it's raining again?

Spent the later afternoon/early evening at the hospital with my dad... who seems slightly better today. He didn't get much rest; as he was having trouble breathing. He is now on oxygen.... probably not a good sign. However, he was able to eat a little more today... including a pickled egg that I got for him from the cafeteria.
I am very pleased with the hospital cafeteria here at CCMH. I realize that hospital food (in general) has a bad rap... but they do a really good job here. I went down to get myself something to eat... and all the food was fresh, healthy... and tasted wonderful. And tell me... how many hospitals offer freshly made pickled beet eggs, home-made pies... and real meatloaf?

I also stopped at the Hershey Farms Market on Route6. They had gorgeous flats of spring flowers in.... and I was able to get a lovely flat of beautiful Johnny-Jump-Ups and a really pretty pale ivory and pink mum. I had already bought a big planter, and dirt... and now I am going to fix them all up into a nice piece to sit right near the front deck of my parent's house. This way... it will greet anyone who comes to the house.
I had gotten a new birdfeeder as well for my parents, and this morning I made sure all of the feeders were full and outside. Mom and dad love to watch the birds... so that will be nice for them I think.

The photos for today are from Hershey's new shipments of spring plants. They had primrose, tulips, pansies, mums, gerbera daisies, lilies.... and the most gorgeous hydrangeas I have ever seen.

Charles Cole Memorial Hospital: see here
Hershey Farms Market: see here

**all photos by Elaine A. Russell


I took some time this afternoon to go and take some photos. Just outside of town on Route49... in Colesburg... is the WaterWheel Farm. I think it is still owned by the Regis Family, who live nearby. Either way... it is stunningly beautiful. Even with winter's coat still on.... and spring but a whisper away... it is still gorgeous.

And so... Kristin, Sabrina and I all walked around the farm, ponds and such. This red winged-blackbird kept calling to me... but stayed just far enough away that I really couldn't get a great shot of him.... but I tried.

There is a creek that feeds the several ponds on the farm... and it was bubbling with fresh cool water from the hills surrounding the farm ...

Sabrina found several gopher and rabbit holes to investigate... and was having a wonderful time frolicking about. We weren't there maybe an hour or so... but it was timed right so that we had the opportunity to see the sun beginning to set while we were there...

We then drove to get my mom from the hospital from her visit with my dad. My mom is quite sick with the bronchitis... her cough is just awful. She is on a good dose of steroids as well as antibiotics now... and the meds are giving her some fits as well (hot flashes, really flushed and sore cheeks, upset stomach, etc). I think she is just plain wore out.

Kristin also came down with the flu this am... although tonight she seems a bit better for having taken some medicine and gotten out in the sun...

And then there's my dad. He is not doing well. Seems like every day he is getting a little worse. He is on nebulizers now for a bad cough, and continues to be distended in the abdomen and very swollen in his legs. Additionally, he is becoming somewhat lethargic... and has no appetite at all. I just don't know what to do...

On the home front... my son and his girlfriend have gotten engaged... and are planning their wedding! They are anxious to begin their new life together... and want to get things moving along. So much has happened while I have been gone... I just can't believe it...

And tonight my hubby told me that he picked up this week's issue of the ALIBI ( the local ABQ newspaper we get)... and it looks like I have WON their annual photo contest in the category of "manipulated images"... holy cow!

It all seems like such a merry-go-round at the moment.... I can't process it all. But I am trusting that everything will work out just the way it is supposed to... and I just need to "keep calm and carry on"... as the saying goes.....

**all photos by Elaine A. Russell


Everyone seems wiped out today. Not sure if it is the weather (still raining most of the time)... or just everything catching up with us.... but it is one of those days when you wish you could stay in bed. Even Sabrina is content to curl up on a couch and let the world disappear for a bit.
Fortunately, I made a big pot roast the other day in the crock pot... and I do have some photos for my blog... so I just need to get a photo for the day ( for my 365 photo every day - photo challenge).

A friend of mine asked me yesterday where I find all the interesting things to take pictures of. I am not sure that my "subjects" are exactly riveting... (especially today)... but I try to take photos of things that perhaps we see every day.... but don't really see. I try to make what most people see as "ordinary"... perhaps a bit more extra-ordinary....

The photos for today were taken over a 10 minute break from running errands yesterday. I stopped near the Hershey Farms on Route6; and took 4 or 5 photos of the cows, the geese... the creek... simple, ordinary things that the people here see every day. I added a retro color filter scheme... to make them all look a little golden; a little vintage... and that's it. I'm not really happy with the photos of the cows... but they were being shy, and every time I tried to get a little closer; they would take off. Plus... using a simple point and shoot sometimes has it's limitations... and in this case... not much of a telephoto zoom. Some days are like that....

And this last photo is our submission for this week's Echo Challenge. Brenda (my partner in crime) did the photo of the guitars and I did the photo of the stickers. The theme for this week was "collection."
You can see everyone's entries here
And here is a link to Brenda's Blog


It's still raining... and for brief periods... it is snowing. Somehow, I managed to sleep 'til almost 2 o'clock this afternoon... woken only for the phone ringing... and for the Jehovah's Witness lady that came to the door. (I think she saw my car with out of state plates... and figured I needed religious help).
By 4pm... I was on the road with my niece... driving to Bradford, PA to the Walmart store there (*the closest one in the area... and about an hour away). She got new bunk beds for her 2 boys who are sharing a room. Miraculously, we got the box in the van.... along with her 3 children, carseats, both of us, some toys, etc. While we were in the area... she stopped at my Aunt's house so that I could see my Aunt and Uncle. I love these guys ... and I think they are some of the best people on the planet. They have been having some health issues... and I was glad I was able to visit for a short while.
And... we got back to my hometown around 8pm.

Talked with my mom... no word on a possible transfer of my dad to a local facility. He still has an NG tube... but no further bleeding in his stomach/bowel/ innerds. Still has an IV... still getting pain meds... which are (fortunately) holding back most of the pain.
In other news... my mom's only living brother passed away early this am. Mom is the youngest daughter of 10 children (5 boys/ 5 girls)..... and now it's down to just my mom and her next older sister who survive. The news was very traumatic for both my mom and her sister... whom I visited with earlier today.


The photos for today's post are a bit of a diversion for me ... I guess I needed one.....

The first shot is a house that was built in the 1930's by architect Lynn Hall. He later became the lead contractor for Frank Lloyd Wright's "Falling Waters" house... which is pretty famous. When you look at the photo (and the link)... you will see that Lynn's house heavily influenced Wright's house. (link: Lynn Hall House info)

We were driving in the rain when I took the shot... so when I edited it, I tried to make it look very retro feeling... to set the mood.

The next photo is of a mysterious looking factory in the middle of nowhere ... in the woods... just outside of the town of Smethport PA. I didn't even realize it was there until we took this road to get to Bradford. Apparently, it was built in 1923, and was originally an oil/petroleum factory. Later... it bacame a wax factory (wax that is used to line cups, boxes, and also for tires, candles and such). Somewhere along the way the EPA got involved... because the info I saw on-line about it mentioned that they were working to resolve some issues in regards to soil and water contamination. Yikes. (link: Weird Factory)

I digitally colored this photo. I used to do alot of Infrared B&W photography, and I hand colored the photos with Marshall's Oil paints. I love the look... and tried to replicate it here with this shot of the factory.

Then... just some pics of what PA looks like right now... (ie: chilly and rainy)....

And lastly... a photo of the woods near Bradford PA. I thought it was looking rather "Blair Witch" out there in the dusky light... so I tried to make the photo appear a little creepy....

(link: The Blair Witch Project website)

...............................................................all photos by Elaine A. Russell


(click on this photo to see it bigger)

Today was a day of rest, good food, and good company. And of course.... the weekly date to Barnes & Noble for coffee with my honey. I was also able to get a couple panoramic photos of the view of ABQ from the westside... I just loved the clouds today....

On an aside....I love murals. When I was walking about Nob Hill yesterday; I was reminded as to one of the reasons why I love living here... the street art. ABQ has some very cool murals and graffiti... and one day I hope to capture them all photographically. In the meantime... here are some that I really like....

And now.. I am off to bed.... see you all tomorrow....
(*all photos by Elaine A. Russell)


Today I went out to the Volcanoes (also known as the Three Sisters).... part of the Petroglyphs National Park, and conveniently near my house. I only had about an hour's worth of energy.. and fortunately... this was close enough that I had plenty of time to get there... walk around a bit.. and enjoy the scenery.

This has been a favorite spot of mine ever since we moved here in 1995.
~~ I'm sure you can see why ~~

((...If you click on the panoramic photos... you can see them enlarged... ))

For more information, check out these links:


January has simply flown by. This new year is moving so quickly.
I have had a lot of blessings this month...

For this year, 2010... I declared that the word I was going to focus on was the word "Potential." Who knew it would already have such a huge impact on me? By simply narrowing my focus a bit... so many wonderful happenings came into view. ..and keep on coming...

I have been asked to participate in a book that is being published... an account of photos from 2009 .. sort of a "day in the life" kind of thing. I was asked to include several of my photos; and I really couldn't be more honored. More news on this as things progress along....

I was invited to participate in 52 Weeks of Creations; an art project/ challenge...started by Julia D'Arcy. Each week, each of the participants is asked to submit a photo of an art piece that they have worked on. I am submitting photos... that will eventually be published in a book. I am concentrating these photos on the theme, "an exploration of religion, philosophy and spirituality.... through photography."

I am continuing with the ECHO project... a bi-weekly photo challenge where the theme changes every 2 weeks. I am partnered with the wonderful Brenda Seaholm-Wampler (an artist in Texas). Here is our latest submission... the theme was "Face."

And I have joined the 365: Daily Photo/ 2010 Year in Pictures photo challenge on FlickR. I am taking a photo each and every day for the year 2010. So far; some days are easier than others... but the point (at least for me) is to spend time on my photography every day. Having only a simple Kodak... sometimes the challenge is to get what I want to express within the confines of a point and shoot camera.... but ... even that is causing me to expand and grow as a photographer.
And I am grateful.

I revamped this blog-site... and have had lots of wonderful feedback from my readers. I had my first ever "Give-Away" in celebration of having posted each and every day for the past year....and I started a weekly review of local art galleries here in ABQ. You can see those posts listed in the sidebar to the left.

The windows of opportunity have expanded for me locally as well. I have been approached by several local businesses and organizations that want to use my photos for advertising and promos. It has been simply overwhelming... and I am so completely honored and thankful. As an artist... the most important thing for me is that people actually see my work, and through these organizations and businesses; more people will be able to see what I am creating.. and that is awesome.

I had the opportunity and pleasure of helping to teach and give demonstrations at an art venue. I haven't taught in a long time; and it was alot of fun.

And-- I had the awesome pleasure of taking some fabulous classes through the Harwood Art Center. Teaching and learning.... they go hand in hand.

On a more personal level... we have been fixing up our house with plans to sell later on in the year. It is going very well so far, and we are right on track with our goal to move to a more ideal house for just the hubby and I.

We have also made great strides in tweaking our finances, downsizing our belongings... and in general; lightening our "load."

...PLUS... I have had the opportunity to take a roadtrip or two. I am (after all).. a gypsy at heart. And I love to travel and see new places.. even if those places aren't really that far away at all. This month I got to go to Socorro, Bosque del Apache, and the VLA. Who knows where I will go next month... but ... I know I will be going.

Wonderful January..... thank you so much.

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell


*photo of the VLA.... by Elaine A. Russell

I won't talk much... cuz frankly; I am exhausted. I had a wonderful weekend... and will no doubt tell more about it this week. Suffice it to say, that I needed a roadtrip... and it was good.

Today's adventures took me to the towns of Magdalena & Socorro, to the VLA (very large array), and to Bosque del Apache... then back to Albuquerque.

Now ... 'tis time for a shower, a cup of tea, bed... and maybe a little Leonard Cohen (as sung by Jeff Buckley)..... Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.


(click on the photo, and you can see it larger )

Normally, today I would be posting an art gallery review. But I am sick today. I thought I was over it... and I was wrong. Coincidentally, my mother is in the hospital back in PA with breathing problems... so it's just an interesting day all around.

In lieu of the art gallery review (which I will hopefully be doing tomorrow)... I am posting a picture of the results of a collaborative venture between myself and a fellow photographer/artist who lives in Texas. We both decided to join the Echo Challenge group on FLickR (link: ECHO), and partnered together to form collaborative diptychs.

I am working with Brenda Seaholm-Wampler
(blog site:
Each couple of weeks; the theme changes, and we see what we can come up with separately; then we combine them. It is thrilling to see how well they come together.. and how the other participants interpret the theme. The challenge theme for this one is: MELODY.


Windows of opportunity often come disguised. More often than not; for me; it comes in the form of endings that I am usually quite distraught over. It's not that I am adverse to change; quite the contrary. But I do find comfort in the known, the comfortable... the predictable.

"It is often hard to distinguish between the hard knocks of life, and those of opportunity"...Frederick Phillips

Sometimes I have a tendency to get stuck in a rut... to park (so to speak) ... and get a little too lackadaisical in my approach... sometimes I need to just "mix it up" ... and try something completely new in order to open my mind and horizons.

I am starting a new class at the Harwood Art Center. It is going to be 4 classes over the course of the next month in various techniques primarily used in mixed media art. I have done some mixed media projects, and I have enjoyed doing them. However, I don't think it is my "main focus" when it comes to artistic endeavors. I do hope, however, to learn some interesting techniques to incorporate into my jewelry making and fabrication. It will be really interesting.. and even if I don't come away with something I can personally use in my day to day art, it will no doubt open my mind to a whole new world... and that is fabulous.

**all photos by Elaine A. Russell


*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Today I went to Artisans, a local art supply company... for the first time. This New Mexico business has been serving the art community since 1975. It is pretty darn cool. I went, because my daughter had to get some supplies for her college art class, and I wanted to see what all they had --- needless to say; we found alot of cool stuff... and got more than we probably should have. The selection of supplies was awesome, and the staff there was extremely helpful.

Additionally, I was able to get a couple of shots for today's post... as well as for my 365 Photo a Day project. This was really cool because I wasn't feeling very well.. and the idea of trying to come up with something potentially interesting... would most likely have been beyond me at that point.

So here I am (after having eaten and taken more allergy medicine)...editing pix and posting. The photos themselves got me thinking about color theory, and how it applies in a medical/ emotional way.
Color Theory is a formal approach that describes how colors mix together and interact with one another from a design perspective. The history of color theory began with Aristotle; and in 1630, Englishman Robert Fludd created the first printed color wheel in a medical journal.
Different theories have abounded since then... hence the "craze" of painting prisons and hospital wards specific colors to calm people down and help them to relax. Different colors are thought to bring out certain moods, affects... emotions in people. And... they are also thought now to actually induce healing for certain physical and emotional problems.

Now... if I can just find the right color to get rid of my allergies.....

Living Simply: tip for the day......
If you believe in the whole concept of color theory effecting your mood... put it into action. Paint the walls of different rooms to bring out your best. Blue walls for relaxing in your bedroom, green in your bathroom for renewal and balance, yellow in your office for inspiration and wisdom....see what colors will work for you :)

Here are some cool links:


*photos by Elaine A. Russell

It's definitely a Monday. Too much to do this week... and not enough time or (at least at the moment ) ... the energy to do it.
And so... I ran around trying to catch up on things that refused to co-operate. I spent way too much time trying to wrap up some things to get in the mail. I did way too much laundry. I spent way too much time trying to get a hold of a company via the phone.... and was unsuccessful at that. I did get a photo done for my daily photo project... but frankly, wasn't that happy with it. However, I was quickly running out of time...

I need a road trip. I need an excuse to get in the car and go in no particular direction to an unknown destination. I need the wind in my face...a bag of pita chips... some Starbucks coffee...and a happy puppy at my side. Also some good music. Not just some random radio station where I end up with a thousand bad songs in a row....

I am plotting... ....but in the meantime... here are some photos from my trip cross country last summer. These 3 photos were taken somewhere in I was going in and out of this cool thunderstorm. The clouds were impressive....the wind was incredible... and the rain was imminent.

Living Simply tip for the day: when you can... travel. Even if it's just down the road a few miles.

"The health benefits of travel are as extensive as the world itself. A vacation can give you a much-needed break from the stresses of your life and rejuvenate your spirit. Plus, it will save valuable money in the long run by preventing doctor bills, sick days and the buildup of stress that can hijack your life."
"Taking a break from the daily routine relieves stress simply by providing a change of scenery. The excitement of getting ready for a trip can be a euphoric experience and the anticipation will take your mind off daily petty problems that often seem larger than life. Getting away from your daily experience helps to put your life in crystal clear terms and allows you to redefine what you find important." --- these are from the AMA