

What makes small town living so special?

Corn on the cob... farm fresh produce at the Farmer's cider... sunflowers... antique car shows... music from the heart in the local gazebo... Bwana Jim and his wildlife show... parades... led by veterans in the local Honor Guard... decorated bikes... friends and neighbors... the Homecoming King and Queen... the high school marching band... junior cheerleaders... Shriners in Go-Karts... carousels.... funnel cake... cotton candy... dart games... tractors and hay rides...

...and the cutest scarecrows you've ever seen...

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell


Today was the annual town-wide yard sales extravaganza here in Coudersport. This event was cooked up by Shirlee Leete... who is a great friend of my parents. It takes alot of organization, but she managed to gather over 100 different homes for the event... plus people who sold on the courthouse square... and lots of impromptu sellers... and even had a map for the event that was distributed. As a bonus... there were stands of Kettle Corn, home-made baked goods... even the band boosters were selling barbecue chicken! It also coincided with the Saturday Farmer's Market... so there were lots of fresh, organic produce to be had as well.

Needless to say, I not only had alot of fun... but also had a fab photo opportunity as well. PLUS... I got some great deals.... alot of old books for art/collage/reference, a shirt for my daughter, a baby blanket and some stuffed toys for my soon-to-be-born granddaughter, 5 large puzzles for my husband's aunt who is in a care facility, a small tv with a built-in DVD player for my mom, a pair of earrings for myself, and lots of organic produce, home-made bread and a small blueberry pie (YUM).. all for about $50...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell
About the photos for today's post: These were all taken at various sales around town. I saw everything from clothes... to books... to dishes... to antiques and collectibles... even (yes) a brand new kitchen sink! Photo opportunities are everywhere if you take the time to look.


(you can click on this photo; and see it larger )

I've heard the phrase..."God never gives you more than you can handle..."... and yet, I have to wonder. My mother is devastated. I have seen grief... in so many different forms and stages over the years... as a nurse.... as a family member.... as a friend.... I have seen so very much of death in the past.
Some people handle it with quiet resolution, others anger... but with my mom; the tears just keep coming... shaking with sobs... unable to calm herself... unable to eat... unable to sleep. She has always been a nervous/ anxious/ restless personality.... but this... there is no fixing this. I feel so helpless.

And I seem to be at the opposite end of the spectrum... missing my father... and yet... relieved that he is no longer in pain... satisfied in the knowledge that I will see him again some day.
I believe that she feels that way too... it's just that her way of showing emotion is so very different than mine. Neither way is better... neither way is worse. It just is.

I mention this only because it was casually mentioned to me that I must not care or some such... because I was not falling apart with grief.
Needless to say, I know this to be far from the truth.

Today; after we had appointments making preparations for services on Friday... I took my mom to eat at a local burger shack type place. The owners are friends of my parents, and it was nice to visit with them. We got to talking about cars... and the owner went and got his 1959 Thunderbird to show me. He is only the 2nd owner... and the car has only 62,000 miles on it. Pristine! Gorgeous! Classic!

And I thought of my dad... who soooooooo loved vintage cars... and could feel him smiling...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


--->photo by Elaine A. Russell

...all day long I have felt like I was treading water... moving slowly thru mud or some such... unable to move with any kind of fluidity... or control... or purpose. I have so very much to do... and so many things I feel like I should do before heading out on another trip... and yet... I can't afford the time. Things just have to be left the way they are.

About my photo for today's post: Today I got the Jeep checked... fluids, tires, etc.... and took it thru the car wash. This photo is actually of the one rinse cycle, as seen from the inside of the vehicle. I saturated and added some color to it... but otherwise... it is straight out of the camera.


I miss having my own mailbox. I know it seems to be a stupid thing... but I remember ... quite fondly, in fact.... having the mail person come up to the porch... say hello.... put your mail in the box and take any mail you may have to go out.
There are alot of communities across the nation that I suppose still have more personal service such as this... but not here in ABQ. In fact, we are not allowed to have an individual mailbox in our neighborhood... just these impersonal large metal boxes on each street for that particular grouping of houses.

I have done alot of mailing these past 10yrs ... selling on Ebay since 98, and on Etsy since 07... and I am always reminded of how complicated things have become within the whole mailing world. Labels, restrictions, packaging rules... it's all quite alot really. I completely understand how things have evolved this way; and I'm not saying it could be any better than it is... it can just be frustrating. Course... equally frustrating is the many, many people in line who don't really know what they are doing.

One of the things my local post office has done is have these machines installed -- which you can use 24/7 ... and allow you to print off your own postage and such. It is awesome... and really saves me alot of time ... because I can go to my post office during off hours; use the machines, and be out in no time.

--->photos by Elaine A. Russell

About my photos for today's post: I took these photos today near the house of a close friend. I love vintage cars & trucks... and they can be so much fun to photograph. These photos are essentially untouched... just a little soft focus on the edges, and a little tweaking of the colors.
What do the photos have to do with my post? Nothing really... except that the photos; like my memories... remind me of a somewhat simpler time. Guess I was a little nostalgic today...


----->photo by Elaine A. Russell

I have the feeling, that this whole weekend is going to be sort of a blur to me. I am working most of the weekend on a photography assignment, and I am really excited about it.
Tonight I went to the preliminaries for a car show here on Route66; and it was awesome to see the old cars and trucks.... even though it wasn't the most ideal situation to try to take photos of them.
My father is a huge car aficionado..... and growing up, we would go look at the cars together. What little I know about cars; is definately due to his influence. I am hoping to print some of the photos to show him when I go back to PA to visit.... and am sure he will get a kick out of them :)


((( Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah )))

The blessing of being awake all night, is that I got to see the city at 3am... just driving around. I also was able to stop and take some photos... one of which became my photo for the day
(see link here ).
The city is truly beautiful at night. The lights are fantastic... the music in my car was great... and I had a wonderful time just being and enjoying the ride.
Sometimes you have to take those creative moments when you can.

*photo by Elaine A. Russell


-----> photo by Elaine A. Russell

slipping... over the mossy shoreline into the depths below
traveling further and further downward like a plant falling from a window way too high for it's own good
past colorful denizens of the deep
ever watchful
ever hopeful
yet, sinking further
looking towards the skyline of the land I used to belong to
...and the eyes of Poseidon watched

About the photo for today: I was driving downtown taking photos out of the car window. When I came home tonight, this one caught my eye... and I thought it would be interesting to see what it would look like if I changed the color scheme to make it look like it was under water. Well... when I reversed the colors... these fabulous eyes came out of the clouds! I then tweaked the colors just a bit, and removed the brush the Octopus was holding ( the photo is of an Octopus car wash sign)...


Today on one of the trips my mom and I took to the hospital... we were going through town and saw this fabulous car sitting at the Courthouse. We stopped, hoping to get a couple photos to show my dad... who is a HUGE lover of cars.

While we were taking a few photos... the owner came out of a nearby building and came to talk with us. John Walk is from Westchester, PA... but has a cabin close by. He bought the car already restored, and believed it to be a 1944 Ford. It has been customized, and now sports cruise control, a CD player, and a gorgeous chrome dashboard with interesting looking tachometers. The body is all steel, except for the fiberglass running boards on the sides. Oh... and yes, it really was that bright a shade of yellow :)

My dad loved the photos... and actually was alert enough to look at them (*BTW... my dad thinks it is really a 1941 deluxe Ford.. but who knows...)

We also drove this afternoon to the Genesee Natural Foods Store (in Genesee, PA... about 1/2 an hour away). The store has been in business since 1979... and it is a wonderful source for all kinds of natural bulk items, foods, drinks, herbs, vitamins, and educational materials. It was a scenic drive over... in spite of the rain... and it was great to see such a fabulous store still doing well after all these years.

To see more on the Genesee Natural Food Store: look HERE

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell


What a busy, busy, day. I managed to get about 3hrs of sleep... and have been going ever since; in spite of having tried to take a nap at one point...

But it's been a good day. AND... it has been an even better one for my son... who bought his very first car today. He weighed all his options... figured out his budget.... made a plan... and went for it. All in a quite logical fashion... course... what he probably fell in love with ... is that it's a 5 speed and has a kick butt stereo and comfy seats. It is a super sexy... fuel miserly... affordable hunk of steel. Seriously. I hope he has as much fun with it; as I did with my first car.

First cars are like that. In fact.... firsts of any kind are awesome... (usually)... if only in the newness of things. I remember all too well the sheer joy in having new found freedom to basically go when I want; where I want... and not having to worry about catching a ride or whatever. And I am sure he will also feel the crunch when it comes to making his payments and buying his own gas and insurance... but that is part of life. At least... for alot of people. And it will make him stronger, and more independent... or more confident in his abilities and self sufficiency. And that is all good.

I feel like my kids are growing up so fast... and flying out on their own.... and all-in-all... doing OK.

Like the photo above... soaring high... and shining so bright.... and I couldn't be happier for them. I know... sappy....but true.

(*all photos by Elaine A. Russell)


*photos by Elaine A. Russell

It's definitely a Monday. Too much to do this week... and not enough time or (at least at the moment ) ... the energy to do it.
And so... I ran around trying to catch up on things that refused to co-operate. I spent way too much time trying to wrap up some things to get in the mail. I did way too much laundry. I spent way too much time trying to get a hold of a company via the phone.... and was unsuccessful at that. I did get a photo done for my daily photo project... but frankly, wasn't that happy with it. However, I was quickly running out of time...

I need a road trip. I need an excuse to get in the car and go in no particular direction to an unknown destination. I need the wind in my face...a bag of pita chips... some Starbucks coffee...and a happy puppy at my side. Also some good music. Not just some random radio station where I end up with a thousand bad songs in a row....

I am plotting... ....but in the meantime... here are some photos from my trip cross country last summer. These 3 photos were taken somewhere in I was going in and out of this cool thunderstorm. The clouds were impressive....the wind was incredible... and the rain was imminent.

Living Simply tip for the day: when you can... travel. Even if it's just down the road a few miles.

"The health benefits of travel are as extensive as the world itself. A vacation can give you a much-needed break from the stresses of your life and rejuvenate your spirit. Plus, it will save valuable money in the long run by preventing doctor bills, sick days and the buildup of stress that can hijack your life."
"Taking a break from the daily routine relieves stress simply by providing a change of scenery. The excitement of getting ready for a trip can be a euphoric experience and the anticipation will take your mind off daily petty problems that often seem larger than life. Getting away from your daily experience helps to put your life in crystal clear terms and allows you to redefine what you find important." --- these are from the AMA

and the winner is ...

photo by Elaine A. Russell

So -- my parents now own a Buick. Having owned mostly Fords... this is a change. But, my mom has always joked about wanting a Buick luxury car.. and now she does.
We had it narrowed down yesterday to the Buick and the Honda CRV. The Honda was a close contender. Being a 4 wheel drive, it certainly had it's advantages.. but it was about $1000 more, and had over 100,000 miles on it.
The Buick has only 58,000 miles, and is very comfortable. It has dual climate control, a cd player, and was very clean. The main disadvantage, was that it looks very much like the Taurus they traded in.. same color scheme and all.

We also managed to decide on a rough draft for their will.. which they will take to the lawyers this coming week or so. We decided on the funeral arrangements and service plans. We went thru their stuff and set aside things for certain people. It was great.

So -- what's left ? Fishing. And photo taking if the weather permits. Then I will be on the road coming on Monday after I pick up a charm I ordered at the local jewelry store.. which is awesome !

cars and other adventures

photos by Elaine A. Russell

I have been busy the last day or so trying to help my dad pick out a new (new to him) car. The one he has was recently hit by another driver, and it is 10yrs old.. so it was time to trade it in.

We have looked at lots of cars...and it has been fun. I got to drive a really cool HHR.. talk about awesome. My dad spotted a hot rod.. being driven by someone up the street... that he would have loved to have gotten... course-- not exactly a practical car for here. We looked at Luminas, Fusions, even a Honda CRV (my fav). I think he has decided on the Buick. We'll know later on today.

In the meantime.. I wanted to do a post on my niece. She is an awesome woman. She has been thru so much the past couple of years... from her mother dying, to her husband having an affair and leaving her.. thru her best friend's betrayal... thru raising 3 kids ( 2 of whom are special needs ) on her own... all kinds of trials and tribulations. She has overcome and shined thru it all. She is a very bright and resourceful young woman.. and I am so very proud of her.

travelin' -- 1900 miles to go

photo by Elaine A. Russell, taken at the Albuquerque Railyards

I am heading out.... into the brave wild world with my lovely Sabrina at my side for the journey. I have a map, music, and a brand new laptop that we found on an amazing sale. I have my phone, my camera, and my journals....colored pencils, gifts for my parents, a violin that belonged to my sister... that I am giving to her middle child.
I have every bit of clothing I own (yes it fit in one bag). Sabrina's food, bed, treats, and brush.
A soft pillow and a blanket just in case.
A first aid kit. Toiletries.
Sounds like alot...but is amazingly not.

I am driving my little SmartCar. I feel like the commercial for the Wii ....with the two dudes driving into the sunset/ sunrise in their little SmartCar....heading out into the vast unknown. In fact, I have always knick-named my car "the wee" ... after that. And being a small car.. it suits it.

For Tuesday

-------------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

Not sure how I missed posting a blog for tuesday...

My schedule has been a bit off. Part of the problem is that I have been without a car during the day because my son takes it to school. So, I have been working at the studio late at night, and sleeping late into the daytime... so things are a bit out of whack.

Here is a photo of Kristin's "Inspiration Board" in her nook at the studio. It is soooo cool in person. Hopefully I caught a bit of the coolness in the photo.... smart car

----------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

I love my car. I had researched it on-line and signed up to reserve one ---and it took me 18 months to receive it. That was last July. And now, having driven it for almost a year... I still think it's the best car ever for me. I love the looks of classic cars like the Ghia and the Mustang...but this is fun, economical, and extremely safe.
This is the first car I have ever bought brand new from a dealer... and I am so glad that I did.

Just a short rant... but I love my car.