

Today I am thankful for:

remembering my dad with this photo...
finding some cool clothes at a thrift store
RAIN! Even though it was only about 15 minutes worth... it was the first in months...
... and the smell of rain...
and the slight wind with the rain...
recipes from friends
fresh brewed coffee
cheese puffs... and the orange residue it leaves on the fingertips

and the quote:
"he who knows nothing... gets the most out of everything..."
(--- don't know who said it... but it's awesome)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Well... this was the weekend of the "Full Super Moon"... when the moon is the closest to the earth... and will appear the largest and brightest... in fact... the biggest since 1993. It was also the Vernal Equinox... a time for spring!
This is a major thing for me... as I love to watch the moon. So... I spent most of the weekend... up and about... celebrating... cooking... making art... making jewelry... and taking LOTS of photos. It is a time for cleansing... and so I took this opportunity to do some cleaning and airing out of the house... smudging and such... rejuvenation.... and the starting of some fresh projects... (see more HERE)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

(the top photo was taken at 3am; Sunday morning... from my backyard. The bottom shot was taken Saturday evening... just at moonrise. My daughter and I went over to St.Pius school... and stood on the cliffs just west of the Rio Grande... to watch the moon come up over the Sandia Mountains. We can see most of the whole city from there... )


Sometimes you have to reach "rock bottom" in order to get better. This is proven time and time again... as stories of recovery from all kinds of odds abound.

I think my mom has reached an all-time "low point" in her life... and is currently in the hospital back in PA. She has been physically sick for a month or so... some kind of flu... and has been emotionally devastated ever since my father passed last August (on her birthday). It is a very rough time for her... but I have faith that no matter what... she will be OK.

When we were in Arizona, we went to the Sonoran Desert Museum... which has a cave. BAJ loves caves... and in another reality... he is probably a spelunker. It is amazing to be in a cave. All your senses are on overload... everything seems colder... darker... sounds more obvious... etc. I am sure there are scientific reasons for this... I just think it's cool. It's very peaceful.... even though it is (no doubt) quite dangerous.

I feel like (at the moment) I am in that cool, dark, peaceful place... just before heading out into the light...

*photo by Elaine A. Russell


Well... I am back from vacation...

On Monday....BAJ and I decided to head "west"... and ended up driving to Tuscon, AZ.
It was about an 7-8 hour drive... and the weather was wonderful the whole time we were gone.
On day one... we drove the whole way to Tuscon... stopping in Hatch, New Mexico at SPARKY's for a fantastic green chile cheeseburger, home-made fries and a coke. AWESOME!

We took along a big basket of organic fruits, nuts, bread and cheeses... and we used this food stash for breakfasts and snacks while we were gone. It turned out to be a real money-saver... as well as providing us with healthy nutritious food while we were traveling.

Day two.... was spent exploring around the San Xavier del Bac Mission. Oh my. All I can say is... that it is stunningly gorgeous... and a must see if you are anywhere near there.
Day three.... was spent exploring and shopping in/ and around 4th Ave in Tuscon. This is what I would consider the "art district" of the city... and it is jam-packed with fantastic little shops... cool items... street musicians... cafes... bookstores.... you name it. Wonderful!

Day four.... we went to "Old Tuscon"... which is a very elaborate and very museum-like movie studios place that has been in active use since the 30's. All kinds of movies... (310 to Yuma, Wild Wild West, Tombstone, etc)... and TV Shows (Bonanza, Little House on the Prairie, Gunsmoke, etc)... have been filmed there. It was fantastic.
All day I was thinking how my dad would have LOVED this.....

And then we went to the Sonoran Desert Museum... which is actually more of a botanical park/ zoo/ refuge/ preserve type place. ... stunning!

Day five.... we headed home to ABQ. Lots to tell there... including an act of GOD that saved us from being stranded in the desert....
But ... more on all that in future posts...

And now that it is the weekend... I am catching up on laundry, housework, groceries... etc...

My computer is still DEAD.... so I am only able to post when I can use someone else's computer. This means that my posts may be irregular for a little bit... and it also means that I won't be posting photos for the most part because I would have to load them onto someone else's computer... which seems kinda silly.

As soon as everything is back up and running... we will have a PARTY! and I will try to make it all up to you... my faithful readers :)


It has been freezing cold here for a few days... and I have basically been spending it holed up and huddled up. But tonight we decided to make a quick run for some food. On the way... I got these photos of vintage neon on Route66 here in Albuquerque.

I've always liked alot of the vintage motels, cafes and neon on Route66... and it is even more impressive at night. All you really need for some killer night photography... is a stable tripod or monopod. Tonight... I actually forgot mine... so I used the top of the Jeep as stabilization for a longer exposure. The longer exposure allows more light to reach your picture... giving you more detail and color saturation.... provided you can hold the camera very very still... hence the tripod.
The photos for today's post are essentially straight out of the camera... proof that you can get clear crisp shots at night -- All I did was increase the color saturation ever so slightly to bring out the warmth of the brown on the cow.

For more on Night Photography... look here

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Sometimes you just have to "go with the flow"...

I know... it's sort of a lame saying... but every now and then it rings true.
(as my mother-in-law was oft to say... "even a broken clock is right twice a day").

These past few days have been sort of a blur to me. I had a bad allergy problem a few days ago... took some benadryl for it... and have been in sort of a stuporous state since. If I'm awake... I'm a mess.. sneezing... wheezing... and blurry eyed. Or... I am dead asleep.
But... I think it is all finally working it's way out of my system... and the fever I have tonight is actually a blessing in disguise as I think it is helping to burn off some of the effects of it all.

And so. I am trying to relax... and just let things work their majik.

The photos for today's post... are ones I took in Placitas on the 19th... but re-worked today.
The top one, is a portion of a picture encased in a shrine at the Placitas Cemetery. I love it.
The bottom photo, is of the Sandias as we were heading out towards Placitas on Highway 25 North.
I have been fooling around a little with some texture layers ... which are sandwiched on top the photos to make a new image. In a way... they remind me of the old Polaroid prints where you peel off the top layer to expose the print....
which was always alot of fun :)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Not much sleep... and then there were errands... which involved a visit with a friend (and a present!!! which I adore)... coffee and quiche at a local cafe... then a short wander-about taking photos... then a trip to a fabulous herbary for goodies... a nap at home with my favorite puppy (don't tell the others)... and now movies with the family...

How was your day?

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


You really can find inspiration anywhere.

I have never been to a CVS pharmacy store... (I know.. silly me), and so it was with a thought to "run in and run back out" for a few things... that I ended up going there tonight.

It's really packed with alot of cool things. Seriously. One of my major "finds" was a very fun, vintage style lap tray that I hope to decoupage... but I digress.

I got a bunch of things... including a small package of old-fashioned plastic toy animals... and headed home. Then... I took a bunch of somewhat silly photos... and decided to play around with a free on-line photo program that I had bookmarked several months ago, and just never got around to checking out.

So... for example... the top photo is of the inside of CVS... sort of my "1st impression" as I walked in the store...

And below... is how it looks pasted onto another photo of a billboard in NYC. This is just one of the cool applications in this on-line program.

Here are some (hopefully) fun and inspirational photos for your enjoyment... photos I took with the plastic farm animals, and then played with in this same program...

Where else can a simple plastic rooster... become a Warhol-esque rooster...

And a simple photo of a steer...

...becomes museum art....

...or pop art...

Check it out! ...the PHOTOFUNIA program is here...


Artist dates are a wonderful thing.
Today, my daughter... a friend... and I went on another artist excursion in and around Old Placitas.

And over the course of the time there... we saw gorgeous mountain views... and tracks in the dirt of "wild things"... We put out some fresh hay for the wild horses that run around there (just to help them thru the winter a bit)... and explored a very old cemetery (dates back to the 1860's)...
We also had some fabulous food at a local restaurant... and drooled over lots of interesting art magazines for ideas...

The end of the "date" came all too quickly... and yet, that glorious moon was beckoning to us all; a night of sweet dreams...

...And of course... I took some photos...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Today was my first "artist date" of the year... one of those special days where I go out and submerse myself in the artistic side of the world. Sometimes I go to bookstores and read all the latest books and magazines... sometimes I wander about doing urban exploration... sometimes I go to museums or see shows...

Last year, I tried to do one at least once a week... that is... when I was actually here in NM. This year, I hope to continue having weekly artist dates... and hope to drag some friends along with me.

So. Today... my daughter and I picked up a friend... and we went roaming about the countryside a bit... driving around the city of Albuquerque a bit... stopping at a plant nursery, a music shop, and at Flying Star for dinner. From there... we spent a leisurely time looking at magazines whilst eating... having great conversation... and got some awesome art inspiration.

And along the way... I took a few photos... and did a few sketches :)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Today I helped a friend move to the fabulous town of Placitas.
Old Placitas is a fantastic village... and if you ever get the chance... it's a "must see" kind of place.
That said... I didn't have the opportunity to take any photos until I was on my way home... and it was very quickly getting dark.
So... here are a few from the ride home...♥

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


From sunrise (above)... to sunset (below)... I am trying to be more mindful of my surroundings. With being sick... it has been doubly hard, in the sense that my sleeping hours are really jumbled... and when I am awake... I am exhausted... so I don't always get much of anything done. It can be very frustrating... especially on those days when I feel like my only accomplishment for the day is feeding the dogs...

This morning, however, I was up early-- as I wanted to say "so long for now... and safe travels"... to a dear friend who is moving out of state. I wish him the very best life has to offer. And while I will miss him; it is incredible to me how he is taking life "by the horns" ... and moving to a dream location... no job, no preconceived notions, no phone, and very little money... and traveling only with what he can stuff in his car. I have complete and utter faith that he will not only be OK... but that he will somehow blossom.


And in other news... I was contacted by a fellow 365 Project photographer... and thru a series of emails... am featured on this blogpost in recognition for completing my 2nd Photo-A-Day project.
How cool is that?!

Rest well my friends... and safe journeys wherever you roam...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Life is full of irony...

I went out and about in the late afternoon to pick up an item off of Freecycle... and had to stop and get some dog food and such... so I stopped at a small "catch-all" type of Mart in a somewhat seedy part of town. Walking in... it was a visual feast... especially compared to the very drab and grey-with-barred-windows.. and door-only-slightly ajar... exterior.
Inside... were brightly colored pinatas... next to canned food... next to cheap Barbie knock-offs... which were next to the pot pipes and various tobaccos...

As I was getting my items (and chatting with the very nice clerk)... a gangster wanna-be looking youth came in... sheepishly carrying a dozen beautiful roses ("for my moms" he said)... while he casually asked another guy about buying a small machine gun. Yes... machine gun. I will assume a toy one.

Life is strange... and wonderful. Like today... when I went to get some chicken wings for dinner... picked up my weekly ALIBI newspaper... and discovered I was the "Shutterbug" photo winner for the week... this always surprises me... but really makes me happy :)

And tomorrow... I am going to see the BODIES Exhibit here in ABQ. It was commented to me that it was interesting how I was going to see an exhibit full of dead bodies... at the dead end of the year... and how ironic it was that those bodies lived on... past their time... and how things are beginning again soon with the new year... and it was all so ironic ... and interesting... and strange... and wonderful.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


I have been procrastinating writing this post... because I'm sorta at a loss as to what to say.
I am humbled... and thankful; as today is my "anniversary" of sorts... having written this blog, every day... for 2 full years now. I hope you are enjoying it.... THANK YOU so much for reading.

When I first started writing this blog... I really didn't expect it to last. I figured... that I would run out of things to say... or just sound like an idiot... and it would fade into the sunset. Over time... it carried me thru alot. My kids graduating... my son getting married... gaining a grandchild... starting and running a gallery.... leaving the gallery... starting an Etsy store... more or less "coming into my own" as an artist... focusing on my photography... getting published!... winning awards... having shows... traveling...traveling some more... and traveling even more... my parents being sickly... my father getting cancer... and passing away... It's all been so much. Thru it all... has been my wonderful hubby (BAJ), my awesome kids and fur faced kiddos... my faith... my friends... my photography... and this blog (and all the wonderful people I have "met" on-line here).

The blog too... has evolved. Featuring some original Haiku... "Sneak Peaks" into local art shows/ venues/ galleries... my 365 Photo A Day Project... and tabs and links to other places you can see my stuff...

And so... as we enter a 3rd year... I am taking suggestions from you... the readers.
Is there anything you would like to see more of or have featured?

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


December seems to be going out like a lion... hence my photo for today's post. It has been quite a year... and I am still healing and resting from it. My photo of the lion statue above, reminds me to have courage... to stand up for myself... to go forth and conquer. As one site put it:

"LION brings us courage to make the right choices. The Lion symbolizes the astrological sign of Leo, which rules the heart. Courage comes from the heart and from one's deep sense of personal authority, which creates the power to act in a way that accords with one's spirit. One who acts truly from the heart is capable of leadership, achievement, and the kind of success that encourages the accomplishments of others. It is also about not being able to speak one's own truth, or to roar if you feel threatened in any way."

It has been bright and sunny here in Albuquerque... nothing like the traditional weather gracing holiday seasons back east. But that's not a bad thing... and I am enjoying the blue skies and sunshine. The photo below, and of the lion above, I took yesterday on my walk around the college area downtown.

My hope is that it will fill you with sunshine thoughts and blue skies... and courage to face your day.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


I am sick again.... and it's getting annoying. Actually... it is probably just a continuation of the pneumonia/whooping cough/ sinus infection "plague" I had for the last part of October, and all of November. Knowing me... I probably wasn't completely well... and now it's resurfaced. uuuurrrggh.

However, it was as good as an excuse as any to go to Annapurna's Chai House for some Ayurvedic food therapy at dinnertime. And... half an order of kitchari and oodles of tea later... I am somewhat better. Shown above, is the fabulous cardamom cookie I had at the onset of my dinner... which, according to Ayurvedic wisdom...

"The body digests food in the same order it is tasted: sweet, salty, spicy, bitter, astringent. Thus, sweet foods should be eaten first, followed by salty, spicy, bitter, and astringent."
((... and like you have to convince me to eat my dessert first...))


In other news... I am winding down to the last bit on this year's 365 Photo-A-Day project... as I only have a couple weeks of it left. On the whole... it wasn't very difficult to incorporate taking a photo every day into my schedule... partly because I had done it the year before as well. The only bits that have been somewhat difficult, have actually been this month. I made it a quest to devote all the pics for this month on the theme of toys... thinking it would be easier to have a set theme. However... I have found that this actually makes it harder for me somehow. I guess it takes the spontaneity out of it more... or some such.
I most likely will continue on another year of it come January though... just without the monthly theme idea.

Today, after checking on-line, I discovered that it was Flake Appreciation Day (as in SnowFlakes)... which inspired me to do this photo (below) as my photo for the day.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Today I saw an interesting post on Facebook. A lady I know was sending out a plea for financial help... and I responded. Now, this is a fantastic woman... one of great strength. A single parent to a special needs child... an artist... and hard worker. This was not someone who was simply asking for a handout. She... like so many of us... has had a hard year financially... and was at a stressing point, and needed help.

I so understand this. My husband has a great job, that he loves... that actually pays quite well. However, we have debt out the ying-yang. Most of the debt is from past medical bills on my part, home improvements and such. It is the "American way of life"... someone once jokingly said... and I am inclined to agree. It's almost as if, if you are not $30,000 in debt or some such... then you are not American... he he. In our case... it was not from spending frivolously or stupidly... and it was the same for this woman.

But it's more than that. It's sometimes all too easy to get behind the curve ball... and then things snowball... and before you know it... things are out of control. Each time I have traveled to PA... I end up spending at least $1500-2000 on hotels, food, gas, and then costs while I am there... and then back again. I have gone 4 times in the past year. Yes, you do the math. It's not that I would not go (obviously)... but it has put a huge strain on things financially. Such is life. We will get thru it. It may take us a bit longer than we would like... but it's still in the range of possible.
With my friend... not so much. And so ... yes. By all means YES. If my small "donation to the cause" can help... I will gladly do so. I know she would do the same for me. And isn't that what this is all about? Helping each other when we can... in ways we can.

Have a happy HAPPY night ... and take care of one another :)

*photo by Elaine A. Russell


Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens --Epictetus

Right now... any power I may have is in "re-charge mode"..., my friends... rest. Be well... and be happy...

(*photo of a local power plant, by Elaine A. Russell)