

I have only 2 more days until the end of this year's Photo A Day Project.
It's hard to believe that I am almost done with 2010. I also did one in 2009; so I am officially finishing up 2 years worth... and I am eager to start a 3rd year in 2011.
I can't say that I like all the photos I have taken... in fact... there are several that I downright dislike... but some days are like that. And, conversely, there are ones that I really love...

So what have I learned from all this?

  • that "the best camera is the one you have with you"... really is true. It doesn't matter the mega pixels... or the lens... or the gadgets... heck... you can even take great shots with a Polaroid (or a Kodak point and shoot)...
  • that it is most important to be doing something YOU LOVE ...
  • that art/ photography... can help you thru most anything (illness, travel, death, marriage, babies, money problems... etc)
  • that you can find beauty in everything if you look hard enough
  • that there are moments in my life that I really don't see or pay attention to... those quiet understated moments that I would otherwise have neglected if I hadn't been paying attention more by taking photos... I guess... to be more mindful... if you will...

--and so very much more. I hope you have enjoyed the shots... and I hope you will stay with me for another round in 2011...

For links to my photos from 2010... look HERE
*all photos by Elaine A. Russell


There are several wonderful bloggers out there that I love to read.
About once a week... I spend several hours with hot tea and some great music... and just peruse the wonderfulness out there in "internet land."

On one of the blogs I like *look here*.... I found a thoughtful post on gratefulness. Around Thanksgiving, I did a series of posts on that theme... but I think it's really appropriate during the "holiday rush" to slow down a bit and reflect. And so...

In her post, was a series of fill-in-the-blanks type statements ... to help prompt you into practicing an attitude of gratitude. The prompts, are shown in blue. What are your responses?


* I'm grateful for
... my life. Opportunities. Love. Family (and a new granddaughter!) and friends.
And friends who ARE family.

* My life would be dull if it weren't for
... the fact that I am slightly wink-wink crazy... and my love for travel.
I have this insatiable desire to see and know...

* I don't know what I'd do without
... BAJ--my husband. He is not only my one true love... he is also my best friend. My camera (nuf said)... and Sabrina... my little fur-face partner in crime :)

* I appreciate the following things about myself
... my generosity of spirit. I am told it is my best quality... that... and really tiny ears and feet :)

* This year I've been blessed with
... so very much. Not the least of which is an appreciation of life; after seeing so much sickness. Art... which keeps my spirit going. Opportunity... to live, love, and grow...


And... I am ever so grateful for all of you who actually read this dribble

... much love... and blessings...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


One of the other articles I came across when looking at all the "keys to success" information out there on the internet... was an interesting piece by a creative life coach. The interesting part for me, was how some people can actually sort of sabotage their own success in life because deep down they believe they are not "worthy" of success.

I know, I know... but the more I thought about it... the more it made sense. In fact... it really made sense.

"Lack of self-love, self-acceptance and self-appreciation are issues that affect a majority of the population. I believe this is a silent epidemic. Nobody wants to admit that they don’t love themselves. Unfortunately, too many people have taken on other people’s negative observations and judgments about themselves and made them their own.

In addition, for many people, there can be a huge gap between the image they have of themselves and the image they present to the world. This gap leads to disharmony and creates constant tension within the person. They sit and wait for the bottom to fall out and the world to discover how defective or inadequate they really feel. "

Now... I am not a shrink... and I do not play one on TV... *he he*.... but there is a sort of logic to this. If I try hard to do things that will lead me towards my goals... and yet... deep down... I don't really feel like I deserve it... then it is bound to fail. Call it "sending out mixed signals"... or whatever...

The life coach goes on to describe how she feels that you can have a more positive/ accurate picture of who you really are... so that you don't sabotage yourself... but there are lots of avenues a person could take to discover their true self. Here again... it seems to be a matter of introspection... and really thinking and being honest with yourself; about yourself. OR... talk to someone you trust to give you honest feedback about how you present yourself.

For me... I know that I have a somewhat *poor* self esteem... that is not shocking news. What was sort of shocking though was that my poor image could actually have an impact on the success of some of my ventures. ... food for thought...

*photo by Elaine A. Russell


Welcome to the world baby Sophia Griselda Russell, born today... weighing 7 lbs and 10 ounces... and stretching out to 19 inches in length.
Her mommy and daddy (and her) seem to be doing well..... and we are overjoyed at her birth ♥♥♥

♥May your life be long, joyful, and full of love, health and happiness♥

*photos by Elaine A. Russell (aka Grandma)


I believe that things generally happen for a reason. That said... we don't always know what that reason is... and maybe we never do figure it out... but I'm convinced that usually wrapped up in the stuff of life, are lessons to be learned if we take the time to listen.

The past couple of days have shown me some unexpected surprises....yesterday a sharp shinned hawk not only came specifically to my mom's yard (which they never do)... but it fluttered and flapped until it caught my attention... looked me in the eye... and then took off.

About an hour later... somehow a little black-capped chickadee got into the house.... and sat on the window right beside my mom who was taking a nap in a chair. Startled awake... she called me... and the bird not only let me catch him in a soft towel... but let me take him outside, where he looked at me, and quickly flew off... unruffled by the event.
(backstory here ... is that my mom and dad loved to watch the birds)

And today... everywhere we went... I saw hearts. Hearts on flowers, and on leaves...

...even in the form of deck chair designs....

... and when I finally laughed and said... ok ok... I get it .... a friend of my mom's was tossing popcorn into a pond in front of me while he was talking to my mom ... and these huge fish jumped right out of the water... only about 1 foot in front of me..... and all I could think of was my dad laughing out loud and wishing he had a net!

Thanks Dad, I needed that... and I love you

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


photos by Elaine A. Russell

"You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life." --- Krishnamurti, Jiddu


photo by Elaine A. Russell

“Don't rely on someone else for your happiness and self worth. Only you can be responsible for that. If you can't love and respect yourself - no one else will be able to make that happen. Accept who you are - completely; the good and the bad - and make changes as YOU see fit - not because you think someone else wants you to be different.” .... Stacey Charter

I randomly was surfing the internet for quotes tonight... (yah, I'm strange)... and I came across this one. I love it. So... I began to wonder who this Stacey Charter was; and found this:

"Hi I am Stacey Charter. Not famous though my quotes end up in places that say I'm famous. Cancer Survivor, divorce survivor, attack survivor and all around positive person. Still learning to love myself 100% and thrilled that others have discovered the little pieces of myself I've placed on line. And yes - It's really me and yes I really did write those quotes."

How fabulous is that?
And... what does it inspire in you?


"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun"... Mary Lou Clark

I saw this quote in a magazine... and upon research, discovered that the author of the quote is a Santa Fe activist, author and icon (look HERE)...
I have been thinking alot about this quote today.

I have always considered myself a creative person. A few years ago, I was asked to help start and run a local gallery. At that time, I had a very hard time calling myself an artist. Partly because I was greatly influenced by a local group of artists whom I believed to be significantly more talented/knowledgeable/experienced than I... and so I felt that I would never quite reach the status of "artist."

In the few years since then... I have tried very hard to flesh out what being an artist means to me... and I think one of the crucial aspects is a willingness to put yourself out there. To do what you love... no matter what others may think of your art. To make art because you have to.... because it's part of your essential make-up as a human being.

This is one of the main reasons why I try to focus blog posts on local art, local galleries... things associated with the life of an artist... because I feel it is so important to try and lift these people up... to give them support... to show them that art is not only something they do... but a way of life.

It is a wonderful thing to be an artist... and I am so glad to be home.

photos by Elaine A. Russell


(photo by Elaine A. Russell)

Honey... I love you... and I miss you more than words can say.

You are my heart. You fill my soul... you saturate me with your love and understanding until every open wound... every empty space is filled with your sunshine. You make me a better person... and because of you I can go forth into this big bright world and be myself... feeling safe, loved, and able to come home to a safe haven. I could not wish for a better partner to share this life with.

20 years ago today... I married the best man on this earth.

Be safe and be happy my dearest...
and rest in the knowledge of our love until I can be with you again.

112:365 & 113:365 by Elaine A. Russell

Today my son got married. These past few days have been crazy busy with last minute preparations... and all kinds of things on a crazy "to do" list. Ultimately... at the end of the day... what is important is the love that my son and his bride feel for each other... and that they can now begin their lives together as man and wife. To be able to gather together with friends and family... to enjoy the breaking of bread together... to dance... sing... and toast each other...
it's all icing-- on a very beautiful wedding cake.

Listen to "The Wedding Song" by Captain and Tennille here

love it... live it

panoramic photo by Elaine A. Russell (click on photo to see it enlarged)

It is interesting being a relative newbie to the art scene. You get such a wide variety of opinions on everything from how to market your art, to where to market your art, to pricing.. and more. In the past couple of years it has been the topic of many conversations amongst artists that I have met, books that I have read, seminars and such that I have been too.

I have always done art... but never really pursued it as a "business" until this past few months/year. I have had a store on Ebay since 98, but it was mostly used for selling items out of my house that I was getting rid of. I did mix in art and craft items here and there... but have never made enough to sustain a living off of.
I have had a freelance photography business since 1986, but here again... not enough to survive on if I had too. Part of the advantage is; that I have never had to rely on selling my art to make a living... and this is an important distinction. I'm not sure what I would have done all these years if I had been in a position where I had to earn enough to survive -- with my art.

This past year, I have been researching more into the business of selling your own art.... Different things you can do to increase your productivity, increase your visibility to the public, and maximize your earning potential. It is a complex, yet interesting thing.

There are soooo many different schools of thought on what a person should do to be successful. What seems to be left out of alot of the information out there though... is the importance of discovering for yourself.. .what exactly "success" means to you as an individual. Is it selling in galleries... is it make X amount of money a month... is it being published ?
Conversely, it is also interesting to me how people can get so wrapped up in the "making money" end of things... that they lose sight of why they are doing art in the first place. Then there is the whole school of thought on the power of intention (Dream it .. believe it.. it will come to pass.)... as well as any number other "how to" business models.
Do I have any answers? No.....Wish I did. Or do I?

I think that ultimately, you have to do what makes you happiest. Yes, it is awesome to be able to pay your bills and live in a manner that is comfortable for you. However... and maybe I am too naive... but I think it is much more important to be living a life that is fulfilling and nurturing to your spirit. The kind of life that makes you excited to wake up each and every day.

((And ultimately; ideally; hopefully; you will find yourself in a position where you can pay your bills and enjoy your life))

And so --- I am reflecting these days on what truly is my passion (or passions). Not what other people/ books/ seminars......think I should do... or perhaps even... what would be the most financially advantageous for me to do... but what do I really love....


*photo by Elaine A. Russell

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

— Albert Einstein

A friend of mine loves Albert Einstein... frankly, I never read much of his work... but now am seeing how insightful he really was. Today I am thankful for my family, my friends, my health... and so much more.

my girl....

--------------------------------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

So -- let me tell you about my daughter. She is fabulous. She is one of those unique people who has always known what she wants to do with her life. While most of us struggle with what we should or should not do... or what we can do as set up by our own self imposed limits.. or even limits put onto us by others... she has had this direct, matter-of-fact knowledge of herself. Not to say she is conceited. Far from it. She just knows what she is meant to do. She is an artist.

She has been working with me in the jewelry making business since she was in kindergarten, and selling her own work since she was 12. At 14 she decided she wanted to try her hand at photography, and by 16 she was in a gallery. She will be 17 in a few months.... and who knows where all she'll go and what all she'll do. But I do know that she will do it with creativity, compassion and love.