Susan Tuttle


Today was a much better day... and while I still have a headache... at least it's not screaming at me. I got the final bunch of paperwork done for my mother... and hopefully everything will be straightened out as soon as it is processed.

I have a couple small projects to finish up over the weekend... and then... it's back on the road and heading home...


Today I am posting on a FlickR group I belong to; called the ECHO Project... and catching you up on the last several challenges. The "prompts" or themes for each of the diptychs is under each photo that was done in collaboration with my fabulous partner... Brenda Seaholm-Wampler.

"In Autumn of 2009 we (Christy Hydeck & Susan Tuttle) decided to take a creative journey together, a collaborative photography venture we simply titled: ECHO. "

Every two weeks, a new theme is posted... and photographers in the group (who generally are paired off into teams), come up with a set of photos (or diptych) created with one photo from each of the partners... based on that theme.

(if you click on the photos, they will enlarge so that you can see them better)


Theme: Blur

Theme: Splash

Theme: Portals

Theme: Sweet

Theme: Minimalist

**all photos in these diptychs (c) 2010 Brenda Seaholm-Wampler & Elaine A. Russell


Theme: Stripes

Theme: Market

Theme: Meander


Today I am posting on a FlickR group I belong to; called the ECHO Project.

"In Autumn of 2009 we (Christy Hydeck & Susan Tuttle) decided to take a creative journey together, a collaborative photography venture we simply titled: ECHO. "
Every two weeks, a new theme is posted... and photographers in the group (who generally are paired off into teams), come up with a set of photos (or diptych) created with one photo from each of the partners... based on that theme.
My partner is Brenda Seaholm-Wampler (blog site here), and together we have done 15 challenges... I posted photos of the first 12 diptychs here..... and today I am posting the most recent three.

(if you click on the photos, they will enlarge so that you can see them better)


I am so excited to be part of this group. As a reminder; an article about this group is being published in the next issue of Artful Blogging magazine... which should come out next month. Several photos are included in the article from different members of the group... and I was really fortunate in that one of mine is going to be featured. WoOt!


Theme: Abundance

Theme: Surprise

Theme: Melody

Theme: Face

Theme: Juicy

Theme: Illuminate


Tonight I am posting on a FlickR group I belong to; called the ECHO Project.
"In Autumn of 2009 we (Christy Hydeck & Susan Tuttle) decided to take a creative journey together, a collaborative photography venture we simply titled: ECHO. "
Every two weeks, a new theme is posted... and photographers in the group (who generally are paired off into teams), come up with a set of photos (or diptych) created with one photo from each of the partners... based on that theme.
My partner is Brenda Seaholm-Wampler (blog site here), and together we have done 12 challenges... all of which are shown here in the order in which we did them.
(if you click on the photos, they will enlarge so that you can see them better)


Theme: Collections

Theme: Blossom

Theme: Dim

Theme: Abstract

Theme: Fauna

Theme: Rouge


Everyone seems wiped out today. Not sure if it is the weather (still raining most of the time)... or just everything catching up with us.... but it is one of those days when you wish you could stay in bed. Even Sabrina is content to curl up on a couch and let the world disappear for a bit.
Fortunately, I made a big pot roast the other day in the crock pot... and I do have some photos for my blog... so I just need to get a photo for the day ( for my 365 photo every day - photo challenge).

A friend of mine asked me yesterday where I find all the interesting things to take pictures of. I am not sure that my "subjects" are exactly riveting... (especially today)... but I try to take photos of things that perhaps we see every day.... but don't really see. I try to make what most people see as "ordinary"... perhaps a bit more extra-ordinary....

The photos for today were taken over a 10 minute break from running errands yesterday. I stopped near the Hershey Farms on Route6; and took 4 or 5 photos of the cows, the geese... the creek... simple, ordinary things that the people here see every day. I added a retro color filter scheme... to make them all look a little golden; a little vintage... and that's it. I'm not really happy with the photos of the cows... but they were being shy, and every time I tried to get a little closer; they would take off. Plus... using a simple point and shoot sometimes has it's limitations... and in this case... not much of a telephoto zoom. Some days are like that....

And this last photo is our submission for this week's Echo Challenge. Brenda (my partner in crime) did the photo of the guitars and I did the photo of the stickers. The theme for this week was "collection."
You can see everyone's entries here
And here is a link to Brenda's Blog


As part of the bi-weekly photo prompt put on by Susan Tuttle and Chrysti Hydeck, the word for this week of the ECHO Project-- is Whisper. My partner, Brenda Seaholm-Wampler, provided the photo of the beautiful angel statue with the quote from the Talmud. Mine is the rose.

It got me thinking about the word "whisper." According to Webster's... whisper means: to speak softly with little or no vibration of the vocal cords, especially to avoid being overheard.
But being a romantic... I like to think of the word whisper in terms of ....whispering on the wind... to whisper to your soul.... and such.

And so I got to thinking about the things that whisper and speak to my soul....

...the gorgeous skies and cloud formations here in the southwest.....

... bodies of water.... especially ones with gorgeous lily pads (like this one at the ABQ Botanical Gardens)

....snow.... breezes..... rain..... the smell of dirt when it's wet...

... snuggling with my baby girl Sabrina.... who has been enjoying the extra nap time...

...and some great music by Basia...

(...all photos by Elaine A. Russell)

ECHO project -- Abundance

This week, I joined this FlickR photo group called {ECHO}. I have been in a bit of a rut lately, and I thought the challenge of creating photographic pieces on a bi-weekly prompt would be good for me.

"In Autumn of 2009 we (Susan Tuttle: Susan's Blog & Chrysti Hydeck: Chrysti's Blog) decided to take a creative journey together, a collaborative photography venture we simply titled: echo. We invite you to take this journey with us .. to take our bi-weekly prompt and interpret it through the lens of your own camera. Whether you choose to work with a partner or fly solo – it is our hope that you will accompany us along our journey. We look forward to seeing life through your eyes.. your voice, your echo."

Every 2 weeks, they post a theme word to base our photos off of.
The current theme: Abundance.
I was able to partner with a wonderful artist from Texas, Brenda Seaholm-Wampler (Brenda's blog)

And here are our combined photos in a diptych ....