

Today I am thankful for:

remembering my dad with this photo...
finding some cool clothes at a thrift store
RAIN! Even though it was only about 15 minutes worth... it was the first in months...
... and the smell of rain...
and the slight wind with the rain...
recipes from friends
fresh brewed coffee
cheese puffs... and the orange residue it leaves on the fingertips

and the quote:
"he who knows nothing... gets the most out of everything..."
(--- don't know who said it... but it's awesome)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


You already make a difference.
One of the greatest misconceptions that people have is that they feel like they don't make an impact on the world.
Julia Butterfly Hill, a novelist, once wrote "The question is not 'Can you make a difference?' You already do. It's just a matter of what kind of difference you want to make, during your life on this planet."

"Your life can be a path of coincidence, happenstance, and luck, or it can be a purposefully charted course to touch the lives of others and make the differences that only you can make in the world."
Food for thinking on today...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Yesterday I met a fellow photographer, and we walked in the Bosque. It was a fantastic hour in nature. ... and the area was beautiful. The cottonwood trees were aglow with the afternoon sunlight, and the sky looked as if it was raining cottonwood fluff all about us.

I am having a hard time. I feel as if everything is a mess... and I get caught up in other people's drama far too easily. I need a break. I need to re-focus and re-charge my energy.

Normally, it would not be a huge task to just run off for awhile.... but there are commitments, money is tight, and it's hard to get moving and get around when the melancholy of life is coursing through your body.

In an effort to relieve some of this; the daughter and I went to Flying Star today. For the cost of a couple cups of tea ... we spent a couple hours relaxing, reading magazines... and talking about food/ culture/ art. We were also able to enjoy the air conditioning; as our swamp cooler is on the fritz.... it was nice.

"The marvelous richness of human experience would lose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome. The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse."... Helen Keller


---------> photos by Elaine A. Russell

Well ... tonight is my last chance to get the grant paperwork in... and I am working on it as we speak. It's really hard to write about yourself... and I have never really had to do anything like this before... so it's a bit intimidating.

These past few days have been especially rough. Just when you think things have the opportunity of getting "easier" or calming down... it seems as though something else rises up to the surface to stir things up.
On the other hand, I have come to discover that perhaps my best accomplishment in life is that I married really really well. My hubby ( and the kids as much as they are able) have been so incredibly supportive throughout this whole thing... and I do not even want to think about where I would be without them. And... I have really good friends. Friends who write with encouragement, friends who come over for a hug, friends willing to loan me a tv for my dad. It has been an incredibly insightful journey. You never know what will happen when the proverbial shit hits the fan... and to my great astonishment... I have been truly blessed with good friends and loved ones.
Yes, there have been some klunkers.... and I am emotionally cutting them loose. It's time. (actually... it's probably past time).
And I have had the great opportunity of learning (more than I care to)... about the insurance industry, finances, elder care, and planning for the future. In the whole scheme of things... it has truly been an education; and I'm sure it will be something I will tackle with the hubby on our own end when I get back to ABQ.
Life is too damn short. Too short to try to "save for a rainy day"... to not go on vacations.... to think that all our life is about is the work that we do... or the appointments we keep.... or even the company we keep. It's about experiences. It's about doing what we can for our fellow humankind and the earth and it's creatures. It's about helping each other out. It's about truly loving... deep and wide... til we split open and spill out all that goodness on each other. It's about enjoying food.. nature... life.
And I; for one... am not going to miss another day.
the photos for today's post are of a massive pine tree in my parent's back yard. There are several of these type of pine trees here in town... and even more in the surrounding woods. As a kid... I thought of studying botany... and at one point... I knew the names of most every tree, grass, weed, and flower in the county. Course, I have since managed to forget most of it... but some I remember :)

My parent's have a vintage little pocket tree book; and from the description, I thought that this was a Sugar Pine. However, after doing some internet research... I think it is actually a Norway Spruce. This tree is massive... and it has these gorgeous bows that hang low like curtains and shade you from the world...

It also gets these really big pine cones that make great "boats" to sail down the river....

Personally; it has been a great pleasure these past few days to just stand under these formidable bows... sheltered from the world around me... and pretending.. if only for a moment... that I am in my own world.


(photos by Elaine A. Russell)

In the middle of town here, is a HUGE horsechestnut tree. When I was very little, it sat in front of a tiny house owned by Mr. & Mrs. Butler; an elderly couple who have since passed on. I remember Mr. Butler telling me about this tree one time... when I asked about the thorny looking nuts it bears in the summer and into fall.

Apparently, these trees originated in the Balkans, and were carried to Northern Europe, and then to the USA. I have read that these trees were primarily planted for their decor, as they would get big and have large showy leaves in the spring... and big showy flowers in the summer. The nuts are very bitter, and generally considered not to be edible. However, old herb books do mention that the bark was sometimes boiled, and the liquid could be consumed for everything from rheumatism to fevers. (link: here)

All I know... is that when I was little... it was a tree unlike any I had seen before...
and I was fascinated by it.
I have always had an affinity for plants and trees...
and this one was "extra special."

Well... that little house is long gone now... but the tree still stands strong and proud there. I stopped by today to check on it, and was blessed to see that it was not only doing well... but had gorgeous blooms on it.

You'd think that... with all this tree has seen in it's lifetime... that it would give up and wither away. But ... it actually seems stronger today than I remember it being. People can be like that too. Sometimes, with all the crap that goes on in the world... our first thought may be to shrivel up and hide somewhere.... sink into the ground and stay there. But... if we let it... adversity can also make us stronger... majestic... able to handle the wild winds.

My father is carrying on. In spite of all predictions... and certainly beyond belief at times. I do not understand it... nor will I try. I can only believe that there must be a purpose... and like my tree that I love so much, I will try to bend with the wind... and listen for the lesson.

( and in other news.... I was shocked to learn that another one of my photos won the Alibi's Shutterbug weekly contest... WoOt!.... see HERE)


... to grow strong and upright in this world... you have to have strong roots... I am reminded of this daily while back here in PA. The natural world has so many lessons to teach us if we are just willing to listen to their wisdom....

this beautiful rhododendron is right in front of my parent's house. I never really liked these plants much as a kid (compared to others I suppose)... but I have grown more fond of them as of late. I think their exotic beauty is just stunning...

... and today it rained all day... sometimes coming down in buckets. I wondered if I would get a good photo for the day... and as it turns out... I got several :)

My dad is markedly more alert today than he has been... it's a puzzlement... but one I am grateful for. Today I spent a goodly portion of the day resting... in between phone calls.... and it was good.

I am very worried about getting my grant packet in on time... and have no idea what I am going to submit at this point... but I have to have faith that it will all work out. That seems to be my modus operandi at the moment...

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell


...the phone started ringing at 9am. I am not a morning person... thank goodness my mom is.

We ran lots of errands today... and actually got quite a bit accomplished. Then we spent the afternoon visiting with my dad... who; according to my mom.... was the most alert he has been since I left 2 1/2 weeks ago. Not that he wasn't confused... or easily distracted... and fading in and out of conversations... BUT... he wasn't sleeping, and he even drank some fluids while we were there.

We left and had supper, and then we brought my brother and his son back with us to visit this evening. My nephew and his fiance also came... so it was sort of a small reunion of sorts.

My father was very affectionate with my mom today... lingering with his hugs... kissing. It was so good to see. I am so glad that he and my mother had such a good day when they celebrated their wedding anniversary a few weeks back ( it was their 58th anniversary).

Tomorrow, the son of a friend of mine is getting married. I am not sure if I will be able to go... but I was thinking of them today... and how it is a glorious time of year to get married. I wish them all the best.

And in a few weeks, I will be celebrating my 20th wedding anniversary with the best guy on the planet... and I love you honey
♥ ♥ ♥

photos by Elaine A. Russell

(from top to bottom: a mock cherry tree in afternoon light, wild white trillium flowers, and flowering pink dogwood)


I feel as if I am closing the door on something. I can't explain it. ... nor do I really want to think about it. All day I have been depressed. I am sure it has alot ot do with my back really really hurting, and the knowledge that I am leaving in the am. It is physical, and emotional ... all tied up into one big ball of string.... endlessly rolling about on the floor and tangling me up.

And so. I forced myself to take some motrin... take a hot shower... and go and take some photos. I didn't go far... I didn't really need to. There are so many things in this part of the country that I would love to be able to take photos of. Today was a strange day weather-wise... raining... snowing... and the sun trying to peak through the clouds very briefly... it was odd. Many would consider this bad weather to try and take photos in... but it was still alot of fun for me.

Kristin and I are leaving in the am. We have put it off as long as possible... knowing that my parents really need help. But the reality is, is that my son is getting married on friday... and if I have any hope of showing up on time ... I need to go.

This has been a bizarre few weeks.... full of happiness, trauma, illness, joy AND pain... it has been a wild ride. I am hoping that things will begin to settle down soon...

And so... I am off to work on some laundry, and to try to go to sleep before 1am so that we can begin the journey tomorrow....

---------------------------------> all photos by Elaine A. Russell

77:365 in the backyard.... warm grass and moss under my toes...

...snowdrops blooming in a neghbor's front yard...

...a childhood friend's house (also a "station" on the historic Underground RailRoad)...

...white birch at the local Patterson Cancer Center...

...views from a typical barn in the area...
(all photos by Elaine A. Russell)

Today was an odd mix of answering countless phone calls... taking a few pictures... doing laundry... getting groceries.... visiting with my dad.... cooking... cleaning... and (later) visiting with my mom who got back from Philadelphia late tonight.
It's late. I am exhausted... but I am thinking that (hopefully) things may be beginning to settle down.


Today was an odd day. I've been sicker than I thought... and not really getting much done. Makes me feel rather useless....and so I edited some older photos. ... this one is from Feb 2009, taken through the windows of Off Broadway on Central Ave.... I love the way the colors create a mood...

I contemplated this.... when I discovered this photo in my archives... taken 12-08. I love the weathered and worn church pew... and the contradictions it evokes with the book....

I spent alot of time on the phone today ... different family members & friends are not doing well.... and I was reminded of this photo, taken 7-09... somewhere in the midwest when I was traveling.....

And I thought about life and death issues as a very close family friend is passing. I took this photo last summer at Eulalia Cemetery in PA. I love the old look to this place... the feel... the colors... in what most people consider to be a dark place....

And got excited when I found this one.... a photo taken December 31st, 2009 on the first full/ Blue Moon. It makes me feel like there is still hope and a brightness to the future. A bit of majik.... a bit of sparkle....
And so... til tomorrow.....

(all photos by Elaine A. Russell)

Feliz Navidad

photo by Elaine A. Russell

...working on the garage today... gathered a bunch of stuff to put on freecycle, and stuff to give to the contractor when he comes tomorrow to haul extra supplies .... and stuff to take photos of to list on craigslist.... is amazing... I can actually hang up all the tools on the wall... and stuff is back (mostly) where it belongs...

...and now I get to organize my studio better. This is awesome. I have been able to work on things... but it will be so much better when everything has a place and is in it..

fall foliage

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Yesterday's freak snowstorm, reminded me of how very short life really is... how quickly the season's can change... how temporary things truly are.
I love fall. I think it has alot to do with growing up in the NE... and having such glorious fall foliage every year. Halloween is by far my favorite holiday. I usually am sooo incredibly happy this time of year. Today seems to be a black spot on an otherwise perfect sky. There is no reason for it. Sometimes it just happens I guess.
So-- rather than ramble on... I will stuff you full of pretty fall foliage pics that I took Tuesday at the entrance to the BioPark. I didn't have enough money to actually go in that day... so I took some shots around the parking complex and the entryway to the park.

apple blossom time

-----------------photos by Elaine A. Russell

One of my most fav times of year is when the apple trees blossom. There is a lady in my neighborhood who has a fabulous apple tree, and while most of the blossoms are gone, I was able to get a photo or two of the last blooms.

And I am working on my yard (cough.. sandpit.. cough)...

the problem with neighbors

----------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell that you never see eye to eye.

Since moving here in 1995, we have always had that "one special" neighbor who can be a pain. Now.. that particular title has changed from neighbor to neighbor over the years.. and for the most part, my neighbors have been pretty good.
For the past 2 years we have had a new neighbor adjacent to our back yard. He has had this never ending quest for us to remove all our trees. In particular, this huge clump of cottonwood trees that is shading his back yard. Little does he know that if we were to take out these trees.. he would never be able to even use his back yard for the sun.

All the trees in our yard were here when we bought the house in 95. In fact, we removed about 10 trees and bushes that were left for dead from the previous owner. The ones we kept, we have kept clean and healthy. Our yard is the biggest in the neighborhood, and everyone comments on how nice it is that we have so many mature trees in the area.

Well. Last year we spent over $4000 rebuilding most of the concrete wall that goes between our houses. The old wall was cracked; and he was convinced it was going to fall. (the contractor dis-agreed). But.. we re-built most of the wall and re-did the stucco so that it mostly matched. We leveled our yard, trimmed some of the trees, etc.

Now, mind you. That was improvement for our yard in general as well. But we did it to make him happy.
NOW. Said neighbor is saying that another part of the wall is cracked ( and it is... but it is not structural) .. and he wants the trees removed NOW. Why ? Because the trees occasionally drop twigs that "ruin" his yard, and the roots of the trees won't allow him to properly grow grass in his back yard. Now... of course, his inability to grow grass has nothing to do with the fact that he has a dead pine tree in his yard, or the fact that this is a desert... and the dirt in our yards over here are SAND. naw.....argh.
I know. Long rant. I just wish everyone understood how important trees are here in the desert. .. and not focused so much on some imaginary, perfect lawn with perfectly green water-sucking grass. I love grass... but sometimes it just isn't meant to be.


-----------photo by Elaine A. Russell

I am so feckin tired. Not sure why... I am assuming it is allergies (as opposed to the Lupus). But... things are progressing along. Am working on a "show calendar".. gathering info on shows in the ABQ area. I got my business taxes taking care of. Now I am working on organizing my studio space at home.

On the plus side... look at how pretty the trees are right now !

Goddess approved....

---------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell with Holga digital effects

Usually I clean the house on Mondays.. but I have been pretty sick lately, and just wasn't up to it. So, fortunately, the laundry is mostly caught up, the dishes are caught up.. and my daughter swept the floors for me.
I got to thinking about things that I really really enjoy doing. I am a gardener. I love to dig my hands in the soil. Now, if you saw my yard, you would probably question my ability to actually do this... but.
At christmas time instead of have a large real tree, or a fake tree (last year I gave our tree and most all our decorations away to a family that needed it)....we got a 2 foot tall real pin tree in a pot from Home Depot. I have been trying to figure out the best place to put it in the yard... and the best place was always seeming to be where our peach tree was(it died last year). I really wanted to put the pine tree there.. but was afraid I wouldn't be able to pull up all the roots necessary to get the pine tree in.
Well ---- low and behold.. I went to try to dig up the roots... and it went surprisingly well. Apparently I had given the roots enough time to sufficiently rot so that they were easy to pull up. So. I got the little baby tree in the ground, pulled some weeds that were trying to come up in the area... and watered it.
Just as I finished, a very gentle rain came down and assisted in watering the baby tree.... Goddess approved.