

-----> photo by Elaine A. Russell

Today there was a tragic shooting here in ABQ. I'm sure this kind of thing happens every day..... somewhere..... and that is the worst revelation of all.....

A gunman opened fire today at a business right near where my hubby works. He killed 5 people, injured 4 more, and then killed himself. Police are theorizing that it was a domestic violence case that spilled over into the workplace this am.
While I am majorly impressed with the speed with which the authorities closed in on the tragedy (they responded within 3 minutes)..... it still wasn't enough time to save all the people involved.
How quickly time passes... and how much tragedy can fill such a short amount of time...

If we learn nothing else from this event... I hope that it brings home to many many people tonight how very precious life is. How wonderful life can be... and how quickly it can be cut short.


(Philadelphia airport... art display by Myungjin Choi)

Today was a long day of traveling... but it was actually pretty nice. I had lay-overs at each stop.. so I had time to walk around and see things instead of rushing from gate to gate.
the bad part... of course, was getting only 2-3 hours of sleep before my first flight... which was way to early in the am for my comfort.

(flightlines in Phoenix)

From Williamsport, PA... I went to Philadelphia. I was fortunate enough to get a fabulous Philly pretzel and a drink.
From Philadelphia, PA... I went to Phoenix, AZ. It is a pretty nice airport, and there were lots of interesting things to look at ... including some pretty cool art displays.
From Phoenix, AZ... I came back to Albuquerque. I was really hoping for a window seat.. and I was fortunate enough that the only passenger to not show up for the flight was the person who had the window seat next to me... So I was allowed to slide over and enjoy the view. I also made friends with the flight crew, and after the flight... the pilot showed me the cockpit and controls.. and even let me take some photos. It was really cool.

I got home around supper... and needless to say... it is great to be home.

(flying into New Mexico)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


-------------->all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Because I was in PA for so long, I wasn't able to do my weekly "sneak peaks" inside local galleries here in ABQ. But yesterday, I went to La Parada for the "Cinco de Mayo Folk Arts and Music Festival" here... and today I am featuring some of the excellent artwork from that show. It is amazing how much talent is right here in NM... so... many, many kudos to all of you for continuing to provide us with such fantastic art.

artwork by Richard Trujillo

artwork by Kenny Chavez

artwork by The Iron Guy

artwork by Marci Sednek

artwork by Catherine McCandless

artwork by Ken Fincke

artwork by Carolyn Flores

artwork by The Fancy Chola

artwork by John De Jesus

artwork by Mayling Garcia

artwork by Scott Garcia

artwork by The Two Gringas


(*all photos by Elaine A. Russell)

It's Friday! ... and my Art Gallery "Sneak Peek" is: the Matrix Gallery
(peek #9 in my series)

One of my all-time favorite galleries in ABQ is the Matrix....located on Central Ave in Nob Hill.

"The Matrix was founded in 2007 by its director Regina Held. Originally from Germany, Regina received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Texas at Austin and her Master of Fine Arts from the University of New Mexico. She is also the founder and director of New Grounds Print Workshop and Gallery, located next to Matrix Fine Art. New Grounds has been in operation since 1996."

"Matrix Fine Art reflects New Mexico's artistic diversity by featuring two- and three-dimensional work ranging from landscapes to abstract and figurative themes. The 2,000 square foot gallery mounts twelve exhibitions a year with receptions taking place on every First Friday Artscrawl."... the Matrix website.

The front room... currently featuring artwork by Raul Dorn,
and porcelain work by Elizabeth Fritzsche

artwork Karl Koenig

artwork by Jacklyn St. Aubyn

artwork by Susan Reid

artwork by Archer Dougherty

artwork by David Koch

The Matrix Fine Art Gallery is always a place of inspiration. They have a huge variety of work, the place is fabulously curated, and it has a very pleasant atmosphere.

With the New Grounds Print Workshop and Gallery and on-site artist studio spaces;
it is also a working, vibrant, active space.
I absolutely love this place... and I think it is a MUST SEE for art lovers in and around the ABQ area.

***Link to the New Grounds Print Workshop and Gallery website: http://www.newgroundsgallery.com/


.............................................................................photo by Elaine A. Russell

(as seen through the windows of Masks Y Mas on Central Ave in downtown ABQ)

** and in other news... I am featured in this week's ALIBI newspaper for having won the shutterbug photo challenge for this week... ♥ ♥ ♥


...................................................................................(photos by Elaine A. Russell)

I am late in posting today... I have intentions of posting earlier in the day... and somehow it just doesn't happen. I don't know if it's from all those years of working night shift... but I really do more productive work at night. Plus... it's kind of a meditative thing to write my blog post summing up my day... at the very end of my day.

Still in the Lupus flare... annoying. I have been inordinately tired... and not getting much done. But it is simply nothing compared to what is going on with my parents. Tomorrow, they are driving a fair distance to go to a specialty hospital so that my dad can get some surgery done to combat his newly diagnosed bone cancer with mets. I am not sure what all they are going to do... and frankly, neither is he.

And so... feeling a bit low... and frustrated... and sad... I went down to the river late this afternoon towards sunset. I love the water. It always has a very zen/ meditative effect on me. I used to always dream of living near the ocean... but really; any body of water will do. And so, I trekked down to the river's edge. It was awesome. There were Canadian geese, ducks, bunnies... and the more I walked about... the calmer and more clear I felt.

Simply Living Tip for the Day: relax. Life can be sooo stressful sometimes... and if you let it build up inside... whammo. The good news is... there are as many ways to de-stress as there are stressors. You just need to find the ones that work for you. Pick one... and try it every day for a week or two. ... then take note of how it made you feel. If it worked.. great! If not... try another...

Here is a good link with the top 10 ways to de-stress: HERE


(click on this photo to see it bigger)

Today was a day of rest, good food, and good company. And of course.... the weekly date to Barnes & Noble for coffee with my honey. I was also able to get a couple panoramic photos of the view of ABQ from the westside... I just loved the clouds today....

On an aside....I love murals. When I was walking about Nob Hill yesterday; I was reminded as to one of the reasons why I love living here... the street art. ABQ has some very cool murals and graffiti... and one day I hope to capture them all photographically. In the meantime... here are some that I really like....

And now.. I am off to bed.... see you all tomorrow....
(*all photos by Elaine A. Russell)


One of my favorite galleries here in ABQ, is the Mariposa Gallery.

Owners Liz Dineen and Jennifer Rohrig have gone out of their way to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere that is home to some of the most talented artisans in New Mexico.

Hence, my Art Gallery "Sneak Peek": Mariposa Gallery in Nob Hill
(peek #6 in my series)

Just thinking about Mariposa makes me smile. It has a wide variety of artwork; ranging from jewelry, paintings, ceramics, encaustics, mixed media and more. Located in Nob Hill, it is a centrally located... and is easily accessible to the art loving community.

I have gone to several shows there... and am always pleased with what they have to offer. I would highly recommend a visit... but plan on spending some time... there is alot to see.

(Included in this post are just a sampling of some of the fabulous artwork there....)

To see more about this gallery, look: Here

(*all photos by Elaine A. Russell)


*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Art Gallery "Sneak Peek": 5G Gallery at the The Factory on 5th

The Factory on 5th has been a second home to local artists for about 6 years. It has seen alot of changes in that time... but the past few months have seen even more.
The main building on the property houses "The Kosmos" (home to the Church of Beethoven; as well as a new coffee shop), and about 30 artist studios.

And now; there is the new 5G Gallery towards the front of the property... which is what I am featuring today.

The 5G Gallery is a relative newcomer to the art scene here in ABQ.
Kudos go to RC Naso and David Cudney for the bulk of the work behind the scenes at the 5G Gallery. Recruiting fabulous artists from the Santa Fe area; they put together the premier show "Canyon Road Comes to Albuquerque," held in December.
Last month's show was entitled "The Peoples Art Show", and the next show starts February 26th--"Horsescapes."
(see the flyer at the bottom of this post).
Here are some photos of some of the fine artwork shown at these events:

artwork by James Jimenez

artwork by Alex Chavez

artwork by Annie Lindberg

artwork by David Cudney



I have always loved this grouping of buildings, and it seems the perfect local for a gallery space.

The premier show in December had quite the selection of vibrant and interesting art; and time will tell how cool and exciting this venue can become....

For more info: check out the following links....

Link to the 5G Gallery website: http://www.rcnaso.com/gallery/albuquerque.htm
Link to the Kosmos space website: http://www.thekosmos.org/
Link to the Church of Beethoven website: http://www.churchofbeethoven.org/
Link to the Factory on 5th website: http://www.factoryon5.com/


So... when I was traveling this past weekend... the weather was just incredible. We had just left ABQ proper; when it clouded over and became like this (*photo above)...dark skies and threatening looking formations....

The storm was so low to the ground, that from the car; it looked like it was actually rising up from the fields. It began to hail.... big chunks of icy snow came down... and then it just as suddenly cleared up...

And there was nothing but blue skies all around us. The scenery here in New Mexico really is unlike any I have seen anywhere else. You can literally see for miles. It's no wonder that so many artists and photographers come here...

I have been reading a book called "Art and Fear" lately. It's a fairly hard read... not exactly something that is easily absorbed into one's consciousness. But ... it brings up some very good points about being an artist. The authors (David Bales and Ted Orland) talk about "how art is made, the reasons it often doesn't get made, and the nature of the difficulties that cause so many artists to give up along the way." For me (and I haven't finished the book yet)... the striking example has been... the fear of failure. The feeling that no matter what you do; it just isn't good enough. But the authors point out... that this fear itself is what makes artists give up. The fear of rejection by one's peers for example... when in reality... while they may not like your art; it's not really up to them to have a say over what you as an artist is making. That if we all waited for the perfect piece of art to present to the world; we would never get anything actually made. That no work has to be perfect... in fact... what is perfect to some; would certainly not be perfect to all.

It's an interesting take on an age-old issue. I think the "beacon of light" for me; is to give myself permission to just create... to just do... to just be. And hopefully; someone will be inspired and moved by it. After all; that is why we create art in the first place... to share some bit of our soul, some glimpse into our point of view, some feeling we are trying to convey... with someone else ...through the creativity of our hands.
I have been very fortunate these past few months to have been given some wonderful opportunities to further my art. I have taken some great classes by some very talented instructors, and I have had some of my photographs published and/or used by some local businesses. I am honored ... and grateful.

...and I am looking forward to a creative and interesting future.....

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell


Art Gallery: Sneak Peek #4

Today I will be featuring Dreamscapes Gallery.

Dreamscapes is a local art gallery located on 5th street in downtown Albuquerque, owned by artist Jan Jackson.

"Jackson works in an original style she calls “Dreamscapes”. Her paintings of people, animals, and events are stitched to pastel paper or canvas with bright slashes of bold, pastel color. She also works in acrylic, oil and clay. Her most recent work is multi-media sculpture using animal bone, doll parts, fabric and found materials." ...ABQ ArtsCrawl review

I first went to Dreamscapes Gallery this past fall. It is a quiet, unassuming building; and at first; I think the tendancy for most people is to drive right past it. What a shame. While it has a fairly benign exterior; the inside is brimming with color and vibrancy. There are a series of little rooms (this used to be a house), and inside each one (*yes, even the kitchen and bathroom) are works of art to be enjoyed and purchased.

In December, I went for the opening reception of the "Vally of the Art Dolls" show. Wow. It was wall to wall people!!! ... .and the works on display were absolutely stunning. Here are some highlights from that show... which will give you an idea of the cool artwork offered there on a regular basis.

I highly recommend checking it out. Owner Jan Jackson is a very talented artist, and the gallery is one of ABQ's hidden jewels. Bright and funky art abounds here... :)

(*all photos by Elaine A. Russell)

artwork by Melody Mock (link)

artwork by Steven Art Watson

artwork by Michael C. McCormick

artwork by Mercedes Allen

artwork by Leighanna Light (link)


For more information; please check out the gallery website: http://dreamscapeson5th.com/

Here is the flyer for the next show at the gallery; featuring artist Nick Harmon.

(click on photo to enlage it)


*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

My love affair with photography began at a very early age. I think at first, it was a self defense mechanism. See... I was very very shy. Painfully so. And I absolutely hated to have my photo taken. So ... at the very early age of around 6... I started volunteering to take the photos... rather than be in them. It worked out to my benefit... because my father (who had been taking all the photos up til that point.. for the most part).. had a nasty habit of cutting people's heads off and such when taking photos. So .. he was happy to let me take over.

My father had a Polaroid. One of the ones where you still had to peel off the picture... after letting it sit for a minute or so. I loved it. Instant gratification. The caveat; was that the film was expensive... and I think we only purchased less than a handful of packs a year.

My first camera was a Kodak Brownie Hawkeye. I loved it. It went with me to Girl Scout camp... field trips... school...fishing trips to Canada.... everywhere. When my best friend moved in 7th grade... I gave her my camera. It was my most prized possession. I have since gotten one just like it... and still love using it.

As an exchange student to Germany in High School... I bought the newest camera... a Kodak 110 with a macro function! Woo-Hoo!!! Course, it had to be replaced when both it ( and almost me ) got knocked over a castle wall and off of a cliff. Believe it or not.. I was still able to salvage the film.. and the photos were ok. .. even though the camera was shattered. I replaced it with a similar camera... and it carried me thru the next few years.

When I graduated from college... I spent my very first paycheck on a brand new Ricoh 35mm with a couple lenses and a flash. I also signed up; and started taking classes through the New York Institute of Photography ( and graduated a year or so later). In 1986; I started working freelance; and selling my prints. I even made it into some national magazines, calendars and cards...

A few years later... all my equipment was stolen while at a park in Omaha, NE. I then replaced it all with a Nikon set... and started filling my spare time with freelance photo gigs.... weddings, portraits, kid shots and more. I also did a few advertising shoots and promos for companies and apartment complexes.

My specialty became Infrared Black and White photography, with an emphasis on hand-coloring and re-touching of vintage photos. I became one of a handful of people in the US doing this kind of work... and I loved it. Still do.

I used Nikon equipment exclusively until this past summer; when it all either died... or was sold. It had been well loved, and well used... but it was time. Unfortunately, I did not have the money to replace it with more pro equipment... so I opted to get a simple Kodak EasyShare camera until I can save up enough to get a new Nikon.

So... these are the cameras I currently own:

  • A vintage Polaroid Land Camera with flash attachment, additional lenses and leather casing. It's cool... but it is mainly a decoration at this point. When my husband and I were on our honeymoon... I found a beautiful version of this camera, and bought it immediately. A few years later, I was forced to sell it for "diaper money." Yah, stuff happens. But .. last year I was gifted with this one... WOW!

  • A Kodak Brownie Hawkeye... just like my beloved one I had as a kid. Complete with flash unit and original boxes. I still use this. I was able to find this one off of Ebay... how cool is that?!

  • A vintage Kodak Duaflex... the original version. I use this for TTV photography. I love it. It is a really, really, cool camera. Very portable... and it has awesome effects. This was also an Ebay find. I am so grateful to have been able to get this one...

  • A Polaroid instant camera. I have had several different Polaroid cameras over the years... giving them away at different intervals to students, kids... lovers of photography. This one was given to me recently by a dear friend... she even gave me a pack of film... which is increasingly hard to find.

  • Finally --- a photo of my little Kodak EasyShare camera that I got for $140 last summer. It has saved me in so many ways. I do not think I could survive *as an artist/photographer* without a camera... and for a little point and shoot... it is freakin awesome.


Art Gallery: Sneak Peek #3
(I hope you are all enjoying this series... I know I am... it's fun to take "sneak peeks".)

Today, I am featuring the fabulous Harwood Art Center.

"The Harwood Art Center is one of the most alive art places in Albuquerque. Once a boarding school for girls, the Harwood Art Center has been home to a thriving art colony since 1992. The Harwood is a community of artists, a gathering place that brings the public and the art community together; it is a secure space for artists to work and a supportive environment in which artistic experimentation is celebrated.

The building's colorful history is etched in the walls and long corridors. Wandering through the high-ceilings and wide hallways of the imposing old brick building is both an exciting and eerie experience. One can easily imagine uniformed young girls living, studying and growing through adolescence in these rooms.

Many of the old classrooms and dorm rooms (whether lonely places of exile or snug havens) are now lively studios for about 60 painters, sculptors, photographers, art therapists, poets, performance artists and graphic artists. "--- info taken from the Collector's Guide

"The Harwood is the community outreach program of Escuela del Sol, an independent, non-profit Montessori school founded in 1968. Harwood was started to build and sustain connections between the school and the neighborhood in which it is located, as well as the larger community of Albuquerque. The unique relationship between school and community art center provides limitless opportunities for personal and community-wide education, enrichment, and growth through the arts." --from the Harwood website

Here are some photos from the wonderful 12x12 Annual Fundraiser Show

I first discovered the Harwood about a year ago. A friend of a friend was having an exhibit there, and I went to see it. I was fascinated with the actual building... as well as all the wonderful things the center does in the art community. Since then, I have been fortunate enough to have seen several shows at the Harwood Center; including the 12x12 Annual Fundraising event.

And... I am now taking my second class through the center... with artist Cynthia Cook.

I think that the Harwood is one of the most vibrant, essential, and active artist hubs in ABQ... and I think it should be on everyone's MUST SEE list.

The Exhibits for January 2010:
David Leigh,"posters"
Cheryl Dietz,"A Safe Distance"
West Mesa High School,"Annual Mixed Media Exhibit"
Shows Run: January 1 - 29

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell


*photo by Elaine A. Russell

...resting... figuring out finances... eating home-made cookies...
...getting packages ready to mail out to some lucky winners of my
First Ever Give-Away...

...enjoying some nice and spicy tacos for dinner...
Thinking how very fortunate I am to be as healthy as I am in spite of everything... and in spite of being not so healthy in the past...
(even though I have to take a BUNCH of meds/vitamins -- hence my inspiration for this photo I took today for my daily photo challenge)

Living Simply tip for the day: If you like spicy food; consider that you quite possibly could be benefiting greatly from the spice as well. I know in my personal experience, nothing boosts my immune system quite like a slathering of green chile on my fav foods. It is a boost in vit c; as well as helping me clean out my sinuses... and giving me a general flush of well being.

"Most of the health benefits of spicy foods appear to center around capsaicin, the ingredient which makes chili peppers hot. Other ingredients like turmeric, coriander, and mustard seeds which appear in spicy foods in some regions of the world may also confer additional health benefits. One of the most widely accepted claims is that eating spicy foods promotes sweating, opens the sinuses, and encourages expectoration, making spicy foods a good thing to eat if someone has a cold. The hot temperature of spicy foods can also promote an opening of the sinuses and bronchial tubes.

Some studies have suggested that the health benefits of spicy foods may be especially important for the brain. People who eat a lot of spicy food appear to be at a decreased risk of developing degenerative brain and nervous system conditions, and these foods may also help with depression and migraines. Eating spicy foods also increases the metabolism, encouraging people to process food more quickly, leading some researchers to suggest that spicy foods may help with weight loss. " -- from http://www.wisegeek.com/


Some days are the kind where you wish you would have/ could have ... stayed in bed. Lazy days where the bed seems way too comfortable to leave... and the floors seem way to cold to be on....

Today was one of those days. My dear hubby is sick today... something that only happens about once a year. It is cold and dreary out. ......And yet, today was also the last day to submit entries in my "give-away" --- me giving gifts in celebration of this blog site being one year old. So it was with excitement that I went through all the mail that I had received ... tallying up who all had entered..... And so... in the next few days I will be getting addresses from some lucky winners... who will each get a present in the mail.

So, today I did some laundry, picked up the house a bit... took my photo for my "Photo a Day project; year 2010".....made wontons and rice.... ran a couple of errands....went to a Pampered Chef Party briefly....and got back home in time to make my honey some tea and make sure he had taken some medicine.

Tuck yourselves in ... dear readers. Read a good book, watch a good movie... snuggle with someone you love. See you all tomorrow :)

Living Simply tip for the day: Get enough sleep for you. Don't be embarrassed if you have the opportunity and inclination to take a nap. Likewise, if you do better on less sleep... enjoy the extra time doing something you love. This will ultimately reduce your stress, increase your health and well-being... and will make your life much more simple.

""The first thing experts will tell you about sleep is that there is no "magic number." Not only do different age groups need different amounts of sleep, but sleep needs are also individual. Just like any other characteristics you are born with, the amount of sleep you need to function best may be different for you than for someone who is of the same age and gender.""

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell


*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Art Gallery: Sneak Peek #2

Today I am featuring the South Broadway Cultural Center here in ABQ. To be honest, in all the years that I have lived here; I didn't realize what a treasure this place is. Now I do.

The South Broadway Cultural Center (SBCC) is "a multi-cultural, visual, performing and literary art center, that promotes, preserves and educates the community about the cultures and ethnicities that define Albuquerque."

My most recent trip to the gallery was a great honor. One of my photographs was featured in the "La Guadalupana 2009 Art Exhibit" that ended on January 5th. The photos I am including for today's post, are from that exhibit; which was curated by Augustine Romero.

In addition to the fabulous gallery space, there is the John Lewis Theater(which hosts musical and theatrical events throughout the year), a public library, and services for youths and adults.

I highly recommend a leisurely visit to this gallery space. It is fabulous.

For more information on the SBCC; click here

Jeff Sipes

unknown artist

Francis Bustamanti

Luis Gonzales

unknown artist

John de Jesus

Amanda Griegos


The next show at the SBCC, is "OUT OF AFRICA TO THE AMERICAS"


Exhibiting from January 14 through February February 26th, 2010

January 14, 2010 - Thursday - Artists Reception from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.
Hakim Bellamy; National Champion in Slam Poetry, playwright, actor, journalist, and social justice advocate, will perform his Slam Poetry at the Reception.

Refreshments provided.

Exhibiting their art will be African, Afro-Caribbean, and African artists of the New Mexico African Artists Guild. Curator/contact: Marianne Gendron


*Don't forget to write me and enter yourself in my "anniversary give-away" --- moongipsies@msn.com. Entries must be submitted by 9am tomorrow!


*photos by Elaine A. Russell

Had and interesting day today... spent my morning in the doctor's office, then went for lunch in Old Towne at the Church Street Cafe and had the best fajitas, chips and queso. What can I say ... I like my queso and chips.

Church Street Cafe is a wonderful cafe in Old Towne, ABQ... quaint, historic... rumored to have ghosts....I first saw the place when my family went on the Ghost Tours of Old Towne about a year ago. But I digress. The food is awesome. Seriously. My waiter... Tony.. was fabulous. What more could I want? Oh ya.... a bag to take the rest of it home... which I relished over dinner.
To see more on the cafe: Church Street Cafe

But back to my posting...
Came home, did a few things that needed to be done; and took a nap. How wonderful is that?
Dinner was delightful; conversations with friends --awesome.... a good day.

Some days are perfect like that ... others ... are -- well... not. And that is OK. There is not always a reason for the sequence of events that make our days what they are... and yet, how we react to them can make a world of difference. For instance; yesterday I let a series of events completely throw me off... and it made me weary and frustrated and sad. A friend of mine sent me this quote today:

“Trials, temptations, disappointments -- all these are helps instead of hindrances, if one uses them rightly. They not only test the fiber of character but strengthen it...Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before.” —James Buckham

And so - - I must remind myself that no matter what happens.. I may not have control over the situation .. or the event itself per se... but I always have control over my response to it.

Living Simply tip for the day:
"The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak." --Hans Hofmann

I think this must also include our emotions. Take what you absolute must.. and try not to worry about the rest. Don't bring more into the situation than is actually there .... or actually necessary.


So.... the other day I went into Old Towne... here in ABQ. Walked around for a bit.... looked at the wonderful carving of the Our Lady of Guadalupe that is carved into a tree near the San Felipe de Neri church. The sky is often-times just amazing here... totally awesome and saturated in the deepest blues ever. I couldn't resist taking some shots of the bare trees against this magnificent blue.

Today was a rough day.... had a run-in with a guy via email. When things like this happen... I really need to take a moment and realize that sometimes there are just jerks in the world. No amount of reasoning with these people helps. Things like this always upset me... and when I am upset... I clean. Maybe it's because of my heritage... or my mom being a "bit" OCD.... but I always clean when I am upset.

So now-- the laundry is caught up, the dishes are done...the kitchen is clean....

Living Simply Tip for the day:
Clean a little bit every day. It's much easier to quickly wipe things down as you go; rather than to try and do major cleaning once a week. This also saves money... because you don't have to buy caustic cleaners that are often-times pricey as well. Instead, just a quick wipe with soap and warm water.. and you are done.


Today I went to the Albuquerque Museum of Art and History. While, I suppose, there are some that would not consider it a "gallery"... as in ... let's go buy some art..... I definately consider it one. And so... it is my first "Art Gallery: Sneak Peek" of 2010. (as in ... a peek inside)

The museum, as we know it, first started as a feature at the Albuquerque International Sunport in 1967. It later outgrew the area, and was built in it's current location by Antoine Predock.

According to Fodor's Guide: "This modern structure, which underwent a spectacular 40,000-square-foot expansion in 2004, houses the largest collection of Spanish-colonial artifacts in the nation, along with relics of the city's birth and development. The centerpiece of the colonial exhibit is a pair of life-size models of Spanish conquistadors in original chain mail and armor. Perhaps the one on horseback is Francisco Vásquez de Coronado, who, in search of gold, led a small army into New Mexico in 1540—the turning point in the region's history. Among the museum's attractions are treasure chests filled with pearls and gold coins, religious artifacts, and early maps (some dating from the 15th century and showing California as an island). A multimedia presentation chronicles the development of the city since 1875. The sculpture garden contains 45 works by 20th-century southwestern artists that include Glenna Goodacre, Michael Naranjo, and Luís Jiménez."

Specifically; I went with a friend today to see the "Albuquerque Now" presentation.

Albuquerque Now is a pair of exhibitions, comprised of two distinct installations of recent works created by artists in Albuquerque. A wide variety of media and styles will be featured, from traditional to post-modern, and the artists represented range in age from the mid-twenties to over eighty.

Among the artists included in Albuquerque Now Fall :
Jane Abrams, Garo Antreasian, Cynthia Cook, Ann Dunbar, Betty Hahn, Aaron Karp, Stephanie Lerma, Orlando Leyba,
Reg Loving, Santiago Pérez, Bart Prince, Alan Radebaugh, Holly Roberts, Peter White

It was simply stunning. Words cannot describe it.... but I was blown away.

Curator of Art, Andrew Connors (who envisioned and put together this show) said, ''The more I discover about Albuquerque, the more I appreciate the real, visceral, integral and experimental feel of the art scene here,'' Connors explains. ''Some of our most significant artists possess a pioneering enthusiasm...there’s something about the appeal of New Mexico and the Southwest lifestyle that allows people to be who they are without expectations.''

I couldn't have said it better myself....

Here are some additional links:


*all photos by Elaine A. Russell


photo by Elaine A. Russell

Last year was pretty fabulous. Starting this blog was a real adventure for me... and I am looking forward to another year of posts. One of the things that this blog has encouraged me to do; is to take photos every single day. It has forced me to expand my creative boundaries and push through them. I highly recommend it.
I have started a project for this year as well. You can see the photos here ... where I will be posting a brand new photo taken each and every day in 2010.

I am going to be starting a series of posts this year. Once a week; I hope to review a local gallery and post about it. This will be a new "art day" kind of series. There are a small ton of galleries here in ABQ and the surrounding areas, and I am sure that I only know of a few in comparison. This will definately be an adventure... but one I relish.

I am also going to be posting "living simply" tips. When I was in college, I helped put myself thru financially by cooking, cleaning and organizing for people. Sort of a professional organizer... long before the term was HOT. It is something I am quite good at, and I often get called upon ( ala the shows Clean House and HOARDERS) to come and organize for people. For me; it is awesome because I love the satisfaction of being able to see almost immediate results. And... truth be told.. I love to search thru people's stuff. It is like digging for buried treasure. Anyway; I have spent years organizing and pairing down my own stuff... re-using, re-purposing items... turning them into art and craft pieces... refurbishing things and passing them on. I am an avid recycler... and I frequently post on Freecycle and Craigslist.

and... I am getting rid of titles; and merely labeling them 2:365 and such. Who reads the titles anyway.. and it's usually hard to come up with one to be honest.

So-- some new changes, as well as embellishments to the "tried and true."
*Don't forget to write me and enter yourself in my "anniversary give-away" at moongipsies@msn.com