

------> photo by Elaine A. Russell

Wednesday is a day I tend to indulge in some guilty pleasures. I usually do some errands and generally drive around the city... just checking things out.
I spent alot of time at La Montanita with my daughter... checking out all the yummy food, people watching... and generally loving the organic Guatemala coffee. Got a gorgeous rose for my hubby. Got burgers for dinner. And now, have settled in for a night of senseless TV watching. I know. Seems simple, somewhat stupid even, maybe.... but it is a nice break.
I've been having alot of trouble sleeping.... or rather, I can't sleep at night, and have been sleeping during the heat of the day instead. I feel mentally and physically exhausted... and I can only suppose that I am still trying to catch up with traveling back and forth to PA still.
I also have occasional issues with depression.... and seem to be in a "down" period right now. That said... at least I am aware of it... and am trying to overcome it by forcing myself to get out and about today.

About my photo for the day: the YODA dude is a little "toy" figurine of my husband's. I placed him on top of the wall that surrounds my yard so that he looks as if he is high on top of a mountain.... ready and able to conquer the world! From this vantage point... he makes me feel a little more optimistic... and hopefully people who see it will as well.