

Relationships are hard. All too often, one person will sacrifice their beliefs, their ideals, their goals ... in favor of the other's. They think they are helping... or being kind... or even being selfless. But I think, more often than not... they end up losing their sense of self. Not gracious... not giving... just lost and a mere shadow of what they used to be. Oftentimes, resentment is a companion feeling to this sense of loss.

There aren't many examples today where there is genuine give and take in a relationship. Where one person truly cares as much for the other, as they are cared for by the other. It is sad.
All too often... we see a "what's in it for me" response.

Just look at a news segment... and you will have an instant reminder of the worst that humanity has to offer. Perhaps I am an idealist... but I think that NOW more than ever... we need to get back to simple kindness. Looking out for each other. Helping each other. And not because we might get some kind of reward... but because it's the right thing to do.

Tonight we all went out for dinner at the Route 66 Malt Shop here in ABQ. It was freezing balls out... and yet... there were instances when gentlemen still held open doors for "their girl" instead of rushing in for warmth... where waitresses were helpful and nice... where cooks sat down and chatted... where pleasant conversation was shared around a good meal.

...kindness matters... simplicity happens... love abounds... ((spread it around))

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


-----> photo by Elaine A. Russell

slipping... over the mossy shoreline into the depths below
traveling further and further downward like a plant falling from a window way too high for it's own good
past colorful denizens of the deep
ever watchful
ever hopeful
yet, sinking further
looking towards the skyline of the land I used to belong to
...and the eyes of Poseidon watched

About the photo for today: I was driving downtown taking photos out of the car window. When I came home tonight, this one caught my eye... and I thought it would be interesting to see what it would look like if I changed the color scheme to make it look like it was under water. Well... when I reversed the colors... these fabulous eyes came out of the clouds! I then tweaked the colors just a bit, and removed the brush the Octopus was holding ( the photo is of an Octopus car wash sign)...


(photos by Elaine A. Russell -- this one was taken at the 2nd Time Around antique shop)

Today we started out near St. Louis, Missouri....and tonight we are in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Today has been sort of a rough day. Lots of construction on the roads... and some bad experiences with other drivers have made it a little difficult. Also... the roads seem to be in worse condition than I remember... or maybe it is just because my back is more sensitive to every pothole and bump in the road *(and there have been alot).

That said... we have seen some gorgeous scenery. Kristin did alot of the driving today... so I was able to look out my window at the stunning countryside. We saw lots of rivers and streams... and lots of really pretty birds.... tons of cows... horses and such. We even saw an alpaca farm off in the distance.

And there were the pleasures of being in more "city" areas as well...

We stopped in Springfield, MO for a Starbucks (my first in about 6 weeks)... and we discovered this awesomely loaded antique shop called "A Second Time Around." See this link: here

I think every square inch of this place had cool treasures to see... and we saw a ton.

For dinner, we stopped in Miami, OK at the Waylan's Ku Ku Burger (link: here). This is the cool place that I took a photo of last summer when I was in Miami... but I didn't get the chance to eat there at the time. This time... we took our time and sat down for a bite. It was really, really awesome. This place had been a nationwide "hot spot" since the Route66 days... and it is still going strong.

I had a fantastic steak sandwich, home-made fries and fresh coffee... FABULOUS.

Almost to our stopping point for the night, we saw a red glow and alot of smoke. Turns out.... some local farmers were burning their fields... and boy did it look cool.

These purple trees were everywhere... and boy are they gorgeous!

Cows... grazing in the fields....

Waylan's Ku Ku Burger joint....

...and fields ablaze....


*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Today I went to Artisans, a local art supply company... for the first time. This New Mexico business has been serving the art community since 1975. It is pretty darn cool. I went, because my daughter had to get some supplies for her college art class, and I wanted to see what all they had --- needless to say; we found alot of cool stuff... and got more than we probably should have. The selection of supplies was awesome, and the staff there was extremely helpful.

Additionally, I was able to get a couple of shots for today's post... as well as for my 365 Photo a Day project. This was really cool because I wasn't feeling very well.. and the idea of trying to come up with something potentially interesting... would most likely have been beyond me at that point.

So here I am (after having eaten and taken more allergy medicine)...editing pix and posting. The photos themselves got me thinking about color theory, and how it applies in a medical/ emotional way.
Color Theory is a formal approach that describes how colors mix together and interact with one another from a design perspective. The history of color theory began with Aristotle; and in 1630, Englishman Robert Fludd created the first printed color wheel in a medical journal.
Different theories have abounded since then... hence the "craze" of painting prisons and hospital wards specific colors to calm people down and help them to relax. Different colors are thought to bring out certain moods, affects... emotions in people. And... they are also thought now to actually induce healing for certain physical and emotional problems.

Now... if I can just find the right color to get rid of my allergies.....

Living Simply: tip for the day......
If you believe in the whole concept of color theory effecting your mood... put it into action. Paint the walls of different rooms to bring out your best. Blue walls for relaxing in your bedroom, green in your bathroom for renewal and balance, yellow in your office for inspiration and wisdom....see what colors will work for you :)

Here are some cool links: