

Well... I am back from vacation...

On Monday....BAJ and I decided to head "west"... and ended up driving to Tuscon, AZ.
It was about an 7-8 hour drive... and the weather was wonderful the whole time we were gone.
On day one... we drove the whole way to Tuscon... stopping in Hatch, New Mexico at SPARKY's for a fantastic green chile cheeseburger, home-made fries and a coke. AWESOME!

We took along a big basket of organic fruits, nuts, bread and cheeses... and we used this food stash for breakfasts and snacks while we were gone. It turned out to be a real money-saver... as well as providing us with healthy nutritious food while we were traveling.

Day two.... was spent exploring around the San Xavier del Bac Mission. Oh my. All I can say is... that it is stunningly gorgeous... and a must see if you are anywhere near there.
Day three.... was spent exploring and shopping in/ and around 4th Ave in Tuscon. This is what I would consider the "art district" of the city... and it is jam-packed with fantastic little shops... cool items... street musicians... cafes... bookstores.... you name it. Wonderful!

Day four.... we went to "Old Tuscon"... which is a very elaborate and very museum-like movie studios place that has been in active use since the 30's. All kinds of movies... (310 to Yuma, Wild Wild West, Tombstone, etc)... and TV Shows (Bonanza, Little House on the Prairie, Gunsmoke, etc)... have been filmed there. It was fantastic.
All day I was thinking how my dad would have LOVED this.....

And then we went to the Sonoran Desert Museum... which is actually more of a botanical park/ zoo/ refuge/ preserve type place. ... stunning!

Day five.... we headed home to ABQ. Lots to tell there... including an act of GOD that saved us from being stranded in the desert....
But ... more on all that in future posts...

And now that it is the weekend... I am catching up on laundry, housework, groceries... etc...

My computer is still DEAD.... so I am only able to post when I can use someone else's computer. This means that my posts may be irregular for a little bit... and it also means that I won't be posting photos for the most part because I would have to load them onto someone else's computer... which seems kinda silly.

As soon as everything is back up and running... we will have a PARTY! and I will try to make it all up to you... my faithful readers :)


Sometimes I feel a little bipolar in the sense of loving life in two very different worlds. On one hand... I love going to PA... being surrounded by all the nature, trees, lush farmlands, and critters... the peace and quiet, the stunning beauty of a simple sunrise on the hills...

And yet... I also love being back in the city. The excitement and the buzz of city life. Cafes, bookstores, shops of every specialty... the whole urban landscape and the little nooks and crannies of art and urban decay.

I have determined that it is OK to live in one of these environments on a permanent basis... but I simply MUST be able to travel on occasion. I need to travel like I need to breathe... even if it's "just down the road..."

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Pennsylvania is a gorgeous place. It really is. If nothing else.... my daily drives prove this to me. On the flip side... I have had bad allergies... and a migraine to top all migraines... and I feel as if my body is at war with me this week. It will pass... I know it will.... but in the meantime... I am cranky, sleep deprived and miserable.

Fortunately for you... I will quit whining... and just show some pics :)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Today my mother and I watched the movie "The Long Long Trailer"... circa 1953; starring Lucy and Desi. Well... more accurately, I should say... that my mom watched it (I did see it years ago)... and I caught the ending just as I was waking up from a nap. What can I say... I took Benadryl 2 days ago, and it is still in my system.... but I digress...

The movie is classic. It features a young couple... who buy a pull-behind trailer and set out as newlyweds, and travel from Colorado to California. Along the way... lots of mishaps ensue... and it is great fun to watch. I remember always wanting to travel like that... but then, I am more of a VW bus kind of gal than a travel trailer.

The trailer in the movie was made by The Redman Trailer Co, which apparently, is still in business today. I personally, prefer the fabulous stylings of the Airstream trailers. Those silver bullets are so very cool! Amazingly, as my mother and I have discovered, there are actually 2 of them here in town for sale!
The outsides look fabulous... but I am sure the insides need work...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


--->photo by Elaine A. Russell

Sometimes the best laid plans... still go awry... and you get "benched." Today I was met with challenge after challenge... until... with much encouragement from the hubby and the daughter... I just gave up on leaving for PA for today.

No matter what I did... it just wouldn't/ couldn't/ didn't pan out the way it was supposed to. I finally came to the conclusion that this just wasn't my day to travel. And so... the jeep is packed... the house is clean... the laundry is caught up... and I will try again tomorrow.

I have been in daily contact with my mom... and the reality is that I may not make it back to PA before my father passes away. That said... my dad and I have had several conversations about this very thing... and I feel comfortable in the knowledge that he knows how very much I love him... and knows it is OK to let go. I do however, want to be there to help my mom as much as possible when that time comes.. and so it was with great frustration today that I just couldn't get it together.

Some days are like that... and I have to believe that there was a reason for it.


photos by Elaine A. Russell

Today my hubby, my daughter and I went to Madrid, NM. I have never been; in spite of the fact that it's only about an hour away from the house. Madrid used to be a coal mining town up until the 1950's.. when it became more or less a ghost town until it was purchased (yes the entire town) by a fellow named Joe Huber in the 1970's (he grew up there... his dad was involved in the mining operations). Joe got alot of artists and such to move there... and well... the rest is history. The film WILD HOGS was shot in part there... and we ate at the Mine Shaft Tavern where some of the filming took place.

Today there was a "Gypsy Festival" there... and so we went. The festival included lots of tents of vendors selling candles, scarves, jewelry, and more. Then there were the hula-hoop dancers, people in costume, a magician and his assistant, and tons of performances by belly dancers.

In spite of the heat (and it was actually much cooler this weekend than last)... we had a really good time. The road up and back from Madrid is really, really scenic...
and it is on my short list of things to do again in the future.

To see more on Madrid:
Look HERE and HERE and even HERE


(Philadelphia airport... art display by Myungjin Choi)

Today was a long day of traveling... but it was actually pretty nice. I had lay-overs at each stop.. so I had time to walk around and see things instead of rushing from gate to gate.
the bad part... of course, was getting only 2-3 hours of sleep before my first flight... which was way to early in the am for my comfort.

(flightlines in Phoenix)

From Williamsport, PA... I went to Philadelphia. I was fortunate enough to get a fabulous Philly pretzel and a drink.
From Philadelphia, PA... I went to Phoenix, AZ. It is a pretty nice airport, and there were lots of interesting things to look at ... including some pretty cool art displays.
From Phoenix, AZ... I came back to Albuquerque. I was really hoping for a window seat.. and I was fortunate enough that the only passenger to not show up for the flight was the person who had the window seat next to me... So I was allowed to slide over and enjoy the view. I also made friends with the flight crew, and after the flight... the pilot showed me the cockpit and controls.. and even let me take some photos. It was really cool.

I got home around supper... and needless to say... it is great to be home.

(flying into New Mexico)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


------------------------------------------------->photos by Elaine A. Russell

wow. I am exhausted.

My parent's home is like Grand Central Station. I think the phone never stopped ringing.. and I have to wonder how the entire county seemed to figure out someone was home.
Got some laundry done.... got some groceries.... visited with my niece. That was really about it... in between all the phone calls. Did I mention it never stopped ringing?

I only took 4 photos today in totality... so I was very limited when it came to my photo for the day project.
Ah well. Hopefully it is OK.

At the grocery store... I found some wonderful items... including the makings for some fabu blue cheese and spinach bruschetta...which I am making right now. Yes... this very minute.

It's been raining all day. Weird. My niece reminded me that the last time I was here... that it rained most every day.

My dad seems a bit better today. According to my mom; the doctors seem a bit baffled as to the source of his internal bleeding... supposing that it may be a reaction to the stress of surgery, etc. But... 2 units of blood later... the bleeding has slowed, and there is some color in his face. He continues to be quite distended, and they are suspecting a bowel obstruction... which they are working to resolve. He is still in alot of pain... but fortunately, is getting some pretty good meds for that. Mom has moved into his hospital room from the guest house ... and is trying to rest in between stuff. She sounds completely tapped.
At this point, I am planning to drive to the hospital on Monday... in anticipation of his transfer to our local hospital. This will put me there.. hopefully not too early so as to just wait around and stay in a hotel.... but be there to drive my mom and all the stuff back to our hometown. In the meantime, I am fixing some stuff around the house, and tomorrow will clean my dad's car (my mom thinks it's filthy)..... course... she is a bit OCD....


-----------------------------------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

Today we woke up and left the hotel around 9:30. We drove until lunchtime... and stopped at a Waffle House in Indiana. Those of you who know me... know I love diners. I know the food isn't the best for you... I know the music is generally awful.... I know they are usually all sorts of tacky.... but I just love 'em. There was a park nearby, and Sabrina was so happy to see actual grass... she ran around and ran around and rolled in it; smiling and panting the whole time.

We made several short stops today... but basically concentrated on driving and getting as far as we could. Surprisingly, there is very little snow about. I remember it usually having tons of snow still in March... so it really surprised me.

We saw tons of police en force on the highways.... really. Not sure why. ... but things were pretty uneventful. Kristin did have a relatively close encounter with a groundhog... she even got a photo of him... which was pretty cool.

Had my last Starbucks around dinnertime... figured it was the last one I was going to be near for awhile. It was good ♥

Made it to the backwoods of PA... about 2hrs from our destination when I got a call from a friend of my parents to call my mom "immediately." So I pulled off and called. Turns out my dad has had a turn for the worse. This am; they had told my mom that he was going to be transferred tomorrow to our local nursing home for rehab... and that he would be leaving by ambulance tomorrow.. and that I would need to come and get her in Geisinger. Well. Apparently he is not doing well...and that is all on hold for now. I am anticipating driving the 3hrs to the hospital tomorrow sometime to be there.... but my mom told me to just stay put for now.
So... At this moment I am at my parent's house in PA... doing laundry... and unpacking.

I have a "1 bar" connection here.... so ... internet is sometimes fleeting...but I will post when I can.


So... when I was traveling this past weekend... the weather was just incredible. We had just left ABQ proper; when it clouded over and became like this (*photo above)...dark skies and threatening looking formations....

The storm was so low to the ground, that from the car; it looked like it was actually rising up from the fields. It began to hail.... big chunks of icy snow came down... and then it just as suddenly cleared up...

And there was nothing but blue skies all around us. The scenery here in New Mexico really is unlike any I have seen anywhere else. You can literally see for miles. It's no wonder that so many artists and photographers come here...

I have been reading a book called "Art and Fear" lately. It's a fairly hard read... not exactly something that is easily absorbed into one's consciousness. But ... it brings up some very good points about being an artist. The authors (David Bales and Ted Orland) talk about "how art is made, the reasons it often doesn't get made, and the nature of the difficulties that cause so many artists to give up along the way." For me (and I haven't finished the book yet)... the striking example has been... the fear of failure. The feeling that no matter what you do; it just isn't good enough. But the authors point out... that this fear itself is what makes artists give up. The fear of rejection by one's peers for example... when in reality... while they may not like your art; it's not really up to them to have a say over what you as an artist is making. That if we all waited for the perfect piece of art to present to the world; we would never get anything actually made. That no work has to be perfect... in fact... what is perfect to some; would certainly not be perfect to all.

It's an interesting take on an age-old issue. I think the "beacon of light" for me; is to give myself permission to just create... to just do... to just be. And hopefully; someone will be inspired and moved by it. After all; that is why we create art in the first place... to share some bit of our soul, some glimpse into our point of view, some feeling we are trying to convey... with someone else ...through the creativity of our hands.
I have been very fortunate these past few months to have been given some wonderful opportunities to further my art. I have taken some great classes by some very talented instructors, and I have had some of my photographs published and/or used by some local businesses. I am honored ... and grateful.

...and I am looking forward to a creative and interesting future.....

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell


*photos by Elaine A. Russell

It's definitely a Monday. Too much to do this week... and not enough time or (at least at the moment ) ... the energy to do it.
And so... I ran around trying to catch up on things that refused to co-operate. I spent way too much time trying to wrap up some things to get in the mail. I did way too much laundry. I spent way too much time trying to get a hold of a company via the phone.... and was unsuccessful at that. I did get a photo done for my daily photo project... but frankly, wasn't that happy with it. However, I was quickly running out of time...

I need a road trip. I need an excuse to get in the car and go in no particular direction to an unknown destination. I need the wind in my face...a bag of pita chips... some Starbucks coffee...and a happy puppy at my side. Also some good music. Not just some random radio station where I end up with a thousand bad songs in a row....

I am plotting... ....but in the meantime... here are some photos from my trip cross country last summer. These 3 photos were taken somewhere in I was going in and out of this cool thunderstorm. The clouds were impressive....the wind was incredible... and the rain was imminent.

Living Simply tip for the day: when you can... travel. Even if it's just down the road a few miles.

"The health benefits of travel are as extensive as the world itself. A vacation can give you a much-needed break from the stresses of your life and rejuvenate your spirit. Plus, it will save valuable money in the long run by preventing doctor bills, sick days and the buildup of stress that can hijack your life."
"Taking a break from the daily routine relieves stress simply by providing a change of scenery. The excitement of getting ready for a trip can be a euphoric experience and the anticipation will take your mind off daily petty problems that often seem larger than life. Getting away from your daily experience helps to put your life in crystal clear terms and allows you to redefine what you find important." --- these are from the AMA

money and other necessary evils

photos by Elaine A. Russell

Some vital statistics....

I traveled about 2150 miles... each way... due to little side trips.
That makes a total of 4300 miles just in traveling.
I did about 450 miles each day -- some more, some less.

I drove thru extreme heat ( usually in the upper 90's ) and humidity. I drove in bad rain, tornado weather/ watch... winds of up to 80mph... sleet and hail. I went thru hills, mountains, plains and plateaus.
City and country driving... mostly interstate.

I averaged 53-55 miles per gallon... with the air conditioning on full blast most of the time.
This means, that is cost me about $110 to travel cross country one way.... for gas.

Hotels were interesting. Most were very nice that I looked at or stayed at. Prices varied from about $50 - $90 a night for one person with a pet. The interesting part is that the really nice hotels didn't really cost that much more than the average hotels. It really seemed to be more of a factor in where these hotels were... ie: in a city... close to convenience centers, etc.

As much as I don't like Walmart.. it saved my butt more than once. When you are traveling.. it is hard to find places that you can get photos printed up at. Had I had a camera that worked properly, this would not have been an issue cuz I could have simply loaded my photos from the camera onto my laptop.

Food. Food is another thing that varies greatly from place to place. Personally, I think this is part of the adventure. Just about anywhere you go, there will be fast food places. Even in Coudersport, population about 2,000... there is a McDonald's. However, for not much more money, you can seek out local venues that are soooooooooo much better. The catch is.. traveling with a pet. Most places won't let you bring your critter inside... which means, leaving them locked in the car, or making a picnic somewhere in the grass. I vote picnic.

You will always need to be drinking more water than you are. Forget soda, forget coffee. Water.
Always drink caffeine in moderation. Heat stroke and dehydration can really kill you.

Rest areas are your friend. But be safe. Lock our vehicle. Don't leave valuables showing in plain sight. Keep track of your money/ wallet at all times.

Talk to people ! This is fun... and you learn alot. Just don't give out alot of personal information... or put yourself in danger. For the most part... people are really nice.. and more than willing to chat.
When you are happy, go ahead and compliment people. You wouldn't believe how very much this is appreciated. Some people get nothing but crap from travelers.... and they will go a long way when they know you are appreciate what they are doing.

You always need less than you packed. Really. I packed one pair of jeans, 2 skirts, about 6 shirts, underthings, a pair of socks, swimsuit and one pair of shoes. I should have taken a hat. What I didn't need to have packed was the bag of stuff to work on (crafts/journals, etc). It took up valuable space.. and it's not like I didn't have things to do. I did pack 2 big scarves that were awesome and did double duty as cover-ups, nightware, etc. I also took a quilt. This was invaluable for picnics, as well as covering all the stuff in the car to deter thieves.. when it was parked. I took a first aid kit, a jar of change, a knife (my son's recommended weapon of choice) and fishing gear. I bought a 2009 version of road maps for the entire US. Just when you think you won't need it; you will.

Enjoy yourself. If you drive like a crazy person, and don't stop for any of the kitchy quirky stuff.. what's the point ? Sure you will get to your final destination quicker... but you will be a stressed out, burned out, anger ball.

I ended up spending about 10 days "on the road" and 21 days with my family. I have spent more time in the past on these trips, and I have spent less. This one was about right. In a perfect world... I could have done with a 2-3 day vacation -- in one spot -- all by myself --to reflect and get my stuff together-- meditate and chill.... but that didn't really happen this time.

I really enjoy traveling. I have always known this.. and I assume that it's my gypsy blood or something. But I really love the lifestyle. I also really enjoy doing this blog, and taking photos. These are lessons I already knew.. but it was re-affirmed for me. I think that I will always want a home to come back too...but I need to travel more. It feeds my soul.

I value your comments -- so keep 'em coming !