

After sleeping in a little this am... and helping write some notes of thanks to people for all the help we received since my father became ill... I packed up and left my mom's house around 3pm and started on my way back home.

Sabrina and I made a stop at the Allegheny National Forest... and delighted in the gorgeous scenery there. TONS of colorful leaves... stunning streams of light coming in through the trees... it was incredible. Soooo meditative... so restful... it was exactly what I needed.

After the break... the weather became increasingly stormy... and I drove the rest of the miles in PA in the thunder and lightening and rain. And so... we have stopped early for the night at a very posh hotel... and are enjoying some relaxing time.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


-----------------------------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

At 3am we called the ambulance. Dad was incoherent, lethargic... and had a raging fever of 104 (axillary).... which means it was actually higher at the core of his being....

I hated to call the ambulance. Dad has only been home form the hospital for about a week... and I know that he would not want to go. That said... he really needed to go.

Mom and I spent the night in the ER, and he was admitted in the am. Diagnosis.... pneumonia.

This whole trip has been so topsy-turvy. None of it makes any sense. Dad will have a good day or two... and then a lousy day or two... and there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it.
Mom is holding up alright... but it is definitely wearing on her.
I'm sure there are some that could wax philosophically about this all.... but I can't... and I won't.


----------------------------------photos by Elaine A. Russell

We did not get an early start... but we got the car checked at Jiffy Lube and were on the road around 1pm.

Today has been an interesting day. My dad had surgery this am... and according to my mom; is having a very rough post-op. The surgery took much longer than anticipated.. and frankly; I am not sure what all they did. I know it was focused on his hip joint... which was so full of cancer, that the bone had essentially deteriorated and was ready to crumble. But that is really all I know at this point.

I did not know that when we set out on our journey today. We ran into interesting weather before we even got out of ABQ. When we hit Tramway Blvd & the base of the Sandias... a huge storm was gathering and the wind was building. By the time we got heading up the mountains... we had snow. Snow and lots of wind. We traveled in and out of this storm for quite awhile.... experiencing snow, hail, rain, massive winds... and about 3 miles of calm in the middle of the eye of the storm before we went thru it all again.

The scenery is just gorgeous though.. and for awhile... it was really nice out. Windy... extremely windy... but nice. Awhile later, we ran into massive dust storms that pushed all kinds of red dirt everywhere. It was like driving in fog.
Kristin drove the rest of the way to the edge of Texas --- when we stopped at San Jon, NM. San Jon is a small town... very small. We stopped at "A Taste of India" cafe/truck stop/mini store.... really, expecting it to not be that great. We had seen signs along the highway for authentic Indian food... and we decided to check it out. We were very pleasantly surprised. While the outside is heavily under construction... and makes the place look a bit "questionable"... the inside has a wonderful little cafe. The owners are first generation Americans who serve awesome authentic Indian food. They were very friendly, very nice... and dang was the food good. According to the last census, about 300 people lived in the San Jon area... but the owner said now it is down to about 7o homes. Apparently, there just isn't a whole lot to do in ole San Jon....

Bellies full and very, very happy... we headed out again. Finally, we made it to Amarillo.... and considering the weather and such; we decided to just stop for the night. An early night; we thought. Take a long bath... watch a movie... we thought....

We got a room at Motel 6; then decided to go get a burger for Sabrina's dinner as a special treat. However, once we got the food... we couldn't find a way to get back to our hotel. Lots of one way streets... overpasses.... etc. We ended up taking a back alley-way that we thought we take us in the direction of our hotel. We ended up on a dirt road behind all the hotels on that strip, which was great... except that it was very muddy. Kristin decided to turn around when things started looking bleak... and we got stuck in the mud. Not just stuck. Really, really stuck. We tried for about an hour ... pushing, yanking... swearing... then we tried 411 to get a tow. After the 4th try of not being able to reach a business that was open... Kristin went to the nearest hotel and asked for help.
Fortunately, we got a tow from a great guy... and a chuckle from the local cops who came to check it out as well, and even a laugh from a passerby on a bicycle. "Angel" (yes, that's his real name)... the tow truck guy....was able to get our car un-stuck... and even drove ahead of us to our hotel so that we would be able to get there in one piece. And now... having had a warm shower... and snacks we got at from the "Taste of India" store.... we are safe... warm.... and in for the night.

I wish I would have thought to have taken a photo of the car stuck in the mud.... but a SmartCar up to it's bellybutton in mud is not a pretty sight....

Link to the Taste of India:

66:365 (for Sunday)

---------------------------------------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

so.. in my mad rushing about; I actually forgot to write a post for yesterday. I think that may have been the first time ever that I missed a blog post... in the entire 430some posts I've written so far.

So. Yesterday.... I did manage to get an enormous amount of stuff done... thanks in great part to my family... who pitched in. I got my hair cut... got groceries... cleaned the car... transplanted a bunch of plants into new dirt that needed transplanted...swept the patios... cleaned the entire house... gathered garbage.... did laundry... did cooking for the week so that the boys didn't have to.... did dishes...did my business taxes for the quarter... mailed out some packages from sales and such...and burned a bunch of cds worth of photos for people.

I have been very fortunate in the past few months, and have had people request permission to use my photos for their websites, etc (Los Poblanos, ABQ Trolley Co, South Broadway Cultural Center, the Santa Fe Recycle Show folks, and the guy we hired to do our kitchen remodel)... so that has been absolutely incredible. Yesterday, I got all the photos burned onto cds and mailed out (thanks to my hubby who did the actual burning).

It was simply amazing. I have been sick for long enough... that I had gotten way behind on the everyday stuff that it takes to manage a house, etc... and it was kinda overwhelming in what all I had gotten behind on. .. or at least it felt that way.

When my son got home from work... he went out and not only got me an ice cold coke... but he bought me a snazzy food cooler for the car for this trip. And... my daughter has decided to go along... so that is awesome.

So... starting with the next post... we will be on the road... traveling from ABQ to PA... 1900 miles one way.. .. in the SmartCar ♥

65:365 by Elaine A. Russell

I am swamped. Simply swamped. I am planning on making another roadtrip to PA... and am tentatively leaving on Monday. My Dad is hoping to get discharged from the hospital this coming friday.... and I want to be there to help my folks get back home... and begin the recuperation/rehab/etc.
So... I have a HUGE list of things I have to try and get done around the house.... things done in my studio..... things ready to pack... things to mail out (things sold and such).... it's insane.

I had hoped to have a bit more time to rest and get over this Lupus flare... but such is the way things go sometimes. And so... I am leaving perhaps a bit more tired, a bit more sore, a bit overweight... and a bit overwhelmed.

It's frustrating... as I had planned on participating in a couple photo shows in the next month... and I had to cancel. And... the money I am using to travel on... was set aside for painting the inside of our house.....But... I also believe that things work out the way they are supposed too... so I am looking forward to the adventure of it all.

And so........... I am heading off to bed... in hopes of waking up early-ish.... and hopefully getting alot done tomorrow.


Today has been a rough day..... feeling the pains of the Lupus. And so... beyond keeping up with the laundry, cleaning and dishes... I haven't gotten much done. Last summer I took a trip to see family in PA... and I have a bunch of photos from that trip on my computer. The photo equipment I had at that time was dying... and the lenses had spots all over them. As a result, all the photos I took on that trip need to be retouched... and it is something I have not made the time to do yet. So today, I worked on them for a bit.
These are some of those photos.

The pictures here were all taken deep in the forests of PA. I love it there. And I thought that ... being in the middle of winter... some greenery would be welcome. .. hope you enjoy....

all photos by Elaine A. Russell


*photo by Elaine A. Russell

So--- I am on a small roadtrip. We went from Albuquerque down to Socorro for a Fundraiser for the Performing Arts Center. There were hands-on arts and dance workshops, Brazilian music by the group "Saudade" and a silent auction with tons of gorgeous art available for purchase.

I had the pleasure of assisting with teaching & demonstrations on the making of ATC cards. Amongst the other demonstrations there were: tye dying, beading, wire-work, embellishing sunglasses and other accessories, egg decoration, gourd painting, clay work, tin work, book binding, Polish paper cutting, weaving, printmaking, making fruit sushi, origami, crocheting, pastel drawing, watercolor painting, pottery, and making stained glass mosaics.
Combine that with great food and great music... It was pretty cool.

Tonight I am staying in a lovely log home out in the wilds of "Hop Canyon"... just outside of Magdalena.
Deer, snow, winding roads and mountains.
More to come tomorrow....


*photos by Elaine A. Russell

It's definitely a Monday. Too much to do this week... and not enough time or (at least at the moment ) ... the energy to do it.
And so... I ran around trying to catch up on things that refused to co-operate. I spent way too much time trying to wrap up some things to get in the mail. I did way too much laundry. I spent way too much time trying to get a hold of a company via the phone.... and was unsuccessful at that. I did get a photo done for my daily photo project... but frankly, wasn't that happy with it. However, I was quickly running out of time...

I need a road trip. I need an excuse to get in the car and go in no particular direction to an unknown destination. I need the wind in my face...a bag of pita chips... some Starbucks coffee...and a happy puppy at my side. Also some good music. Not just some random radio station where I end up with a thousand bad songs in a row....

I am plotting... ....but in the meantime... here are some photos from my trip cross country last summer. These 3 photos were taken somewhere in I was going in and out of this cool thunderstorm. The clouds were impressive....the wind was incredible... and the rain was imminent.

Living Simply tip for the day: when you can... travel. Even if it's just down the road a few miles.

"The health benefits of travel are as extensive as the world itself. A vacation can give you a much-needed break from the stresses of your life and rejuvenate your spirit. Plus, it will save valuable money in the long run by preventing doctor bills, sick days and the buildup of stress that can hijack your life."
"Taking a break from the daily routine relieves stress simply by providing a change of scenery. The excitement of getting ready for a trip can be a euphoric experience and the anticipation will take your mind off daily petty problems that often seem larger than life. Getting away from your daily experience helps to put your life in crystal clear terms and allows you to redefine what you find important." --- these are from the AMA

ABC Wednesday

*photos by Elaine A. Russell (click on pics to see them bigger)

ABC Wednesday is a blog posting with a twist. The host (Mrs. Nesbitt) hails from Great Britain... and there are participants from all over the world. Each week, people focus their post on a letter of the alphabet. They started with the letter "A" --and each week you post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. It is a fun, imaginative exercise... and it is great to see what everyone comes up with. This week's letter is, "R".

"R" is a pretty easy letter to try and come up with a post for... and therein lay my dilemma. Too many choices....

On Sunday I went to Santa Fe for the annual Recycle Show. I have never been before... and it makes me want to cry. The potential I missed!!! If you have never been.. .I highly recommend making the trip. Some friends and I chose to ride the Railrunner up to Santa Fe from Albuquerque.

On an aside.. I absolutely LOVE trains... so this was a huge *bonus* for me.

The station itself is gorgeous, and the ride up was full of great conversation, comfy seats, and stunning scenery.

Today's photos are just a sneak peak at the ride up. ... more to come on the actual show... and on the ride back :)

To see more on this great train ride:

money and other necessary evils

photos by Elaine A. Russell

Some vital statistics....

I traveled about 2150 miles... each way... due to little side trips.
That makes a total of 4300 miles just in traveling.
I did about 450 miles each day -- some more, some less.

I drove thru extreme heat ( usually in the upper 90's ) and humidity. I drove in bad rain, tornado weather/ watch... winds of up to 80mph... sleet and hail. I went thru hills, mountains, plains and plateaus.
City and country driving... mostly interstate.

I averaged 53-55 miles per gallon... with the air conditioning on full blast most of the time.
This means, that is cost me about $110 to travel cross country one way.... for gas.

Hotels were interesting. Most were very nice that I looked at or stayed at. Prices varied from about $50 - $90 a night for one person with a pet. The interesting part is that the really nice hotels didn't really cost that much more than the average hotels. It really seemed to be more of a factor in where these hotels were... ie: in a city... close to convenience centers, etc.

As much as I don't like Walmart.. it saved my butt more than once. When you are traveling.. it is hard to find places that you can get photos printed up at. Had I had a camera that worked properly, this would not have been an issue cuz I could have simply loaded my photos from the camera onto my laptop.

Food. Food is another thing that varies greatly from place to place. Personally, I think this is part of the adventure. Just about anywhere you go, there will be fast food places. Even in Coudersport, population about 2,000... there is a McDonald's. However, for not much more money, you can seek out local venues that are soooooooooo much better. The catch is.. traveling with a pet. Most places won't let you bring your critter inside... which means, leaving them locked in the car, or making a picnic somewhere in the grass. I vote picnic.

You will always need to be drinking more water than you are. Forget soda, forget coffee. Water.
Always drink caffeine in moderation. Heat stroke and dehydration can really kill you.

Rest areas are your friend. But be safe. Lock our vehicle. Don't leave valuables showing in plain sight. Keep track of your money/ wallet at all times.

Talk to people ! This is fun... and you learn alot. Just don't give out alot of personal information... or put yourself in danger. For the most part... people are really nice.. and more than willing to chat.
When you are happy, go ahead and compliment people. You wouldn't believe how very much this is appreciated. Some people get nothing but crap from travelers.... and they will go a long way when they know you are appreciate what they are doing.

You always need less than you packed. Really. I packed one pair of jeans, 2 skirts, about 6 shirts, underthings, a pair of socks, swimsuit and one pair of shoes. I should have taken a hat. What I didn't need to have packed was the bag of stuff to work on (crafts/journals, etc). It took up valuable space.. and it's not like I didn't have things to do. I did pack 2 big scarves that were awesome and did double duty as cover-ups, nightware, etc. I also took a quilt. This was invaluable for picnics, as well as covering all the stuff in the car to deter thieves.. when it was parked. I took a first aid kit, a jar of change, a knife (my son's recommended weapon of choice) and fishing gear. I bought a 2009 version of road maps for the entire US. Just when you think you won't need it; you will.

Enjoy yourself. If you drive like a crazy person, and don't stop for any of the kitchy quirky stuff.. what's the point ? Sure you will get to your final destination quicker... but you will be a stressed out, burned out, anger ball.

I ended up spending about 10 days "on the road" and 21 days with my family. I have spent more time in the past on these trips, and I have spent less. This one was about right. In a perfect world... I could have done with a 2-3 day vacation -- in one spot -- all by myself --to reflect and get my stuff together-- meditate and chill.... but that didn't really happen this time.

I really enjoy traveling. I have always known this.. and I assume that it's my gypsy blood or something. But I really love the lifestyle. I also really enjoy doing this blog, and taking photos. These are lessons I already knew.. but it was re-affirmed for me. I think that I will always want a home to come back too...but I need to travel more. It feeds my soul.

I value your comments -- so keep 'em coming !

Kiara's tale

--photos by Elaine A. Russell

Things the past couple of days have been a blur. Not so much because there is a ton of things going on.. but more because I feel as if I am in time warp of sorts.
Walking the dog, doing dishes, cooking, running errands, visiting with people... all normal events -- somehow becoming a bit contorted with this whole sense of deja vu.

I am trying to find a new home for my neighbor's dog. The dog is a gorgeous 2yr old female Sheltie. She is smart, adorable, potty trained.. and starved for attention. When she is bored.. she barks. Which is alot of the time.. so needless to say, alot of the neighbors will be glad when she finds a new home. She is a wonderful baby. She just needs something to do and someone to be a companion to. Like alot of dogs ( and people too ) she finds meaning in having a task that she is responsible for... and right now, she doesn't have one. So far, I have found 3 potential homes for her... so we'll see how this goes. I would gladly keep her myself, but I think that Sabrina would not be happy with me. Her name is Kiara.

And so they day goes on. The weather has been interesting. I have never seen a summer in Potter County this mild. It has rained every day since I have been here. Then the sun will come out near sundown, and it will be gorgeous out. Sabrina is happily playing in the grass.. although she has had a bath 2 nights in a row because she rolls in bear scat. Silly girl.

A neighbor is playing "America" .. specifically "Sister Golden Hair" on his stereo... while he tends to his garden. Children scream up the street at the local baseball field. ... ducks are honking in the creek behind the house.... these are the sounds of Coudersport PA.

**If you are in Albuquerque.. don't forget to go to the Re-Animation Show at the Factory on 5th tonight from 7-11pm. There will be about 20 or so artists, a fashion show, movies and more !!! Kristin will have both her and my artwork out. Plus there is a very cool Zombie themed bunch of art entries for you to vote "best of show" on !


powerlines in Ohio

back roads to Smethport, PA

vintage Mobile gas sign near Wadsworth, Ohio
All photos by Elaine A. Russell

I've been thinking alot lately. I remember the phrase "you can't go home again..."
I always interpreted it in the context of how things change. Buildings, homes, roads.. etc. Places and objects that are etched in your memory.. that are never the same as what you remember from your youth.

It is true. My home town (population 2000 --including cows)... has certainly changed over the years. New businesses have come and gone like people change their socks. Homes change their appearance. We actually have a McDonald's now in town. And there are 2 traffic lights now in the main part of town... both of which go to blinking yellow after 6pm.

Some things don't change. There is still only one theater... only open on the weekends. One bowling alley... that has definitely seen better days. 13 bars, 13 churches (you gotta have these things balanced).

I've been thinking that the phrase means so much more. More on a human level. How people change over the years. Sometimes it's for the better, sometimes it's not. I've run into several people from high school. The only reunion I have been to was my 10th reunion. I just haven't been able to get back for the others. It occurred to me that I have been out of school for 27 years. Seems impossible. On one hand, it seems like only yesterday, and in many others.. a lifetime ago.

People seem so different, and yet, so much like they were too. It's a strange paradox.

And then I noticed how very different.. and yet, how very much the same members of my family are. Life and circumstance have changed us all in different ways.

I think I am beginning to finally like who I have become.

king of the road....

photo by Elaine A. Russell, taken in Missouri

Today I woke up at at 9:30am.. still pretty tired... and stayed tired all day. I can only assume that I am just not used to all the driving. It has also been very humid.. and I have been driving in and out of storms.. which also adds to the feeling of fatigue.
Right away, I was able to find a Walmart near the hotel, and was able to purchase a new cord to hook my camera to the laptop. However, the pics still won't load.. so I can only assume that there is something really wrong with my camera. This is not a surprise, as my camera is not so elegantly held together with duct tape and prayer.

Drove for a couple hours, then stopped for lunch at a Wendy's. I am constantly amazed at how many people come up to me to talk about the SmartCar. I have been averaging about 50-60 people every day during my travels, who ask about the details on the car. If I had a $1 for every one... . he he. I actually don't mind. It is great to see people so excited about it... and I understand their enthusiasm.

Later on, Brina and I stopped at a Speedway Gas station in Wadsworth, OH. I got to talk to a very nice young girl about life... young, tattooed, rebellious, and an artist... living in a really really small town. Ohio is full of well manicured lawns and the towns of nothing but 3 bedroom brick ranches. Large corporate buildings and factories. Heavy steel factories, lots of really big buildings composed of brick...reflecting the heyday of industry in the East.

Around dinner, we stopped at a little gas station/cafe/gift shop at the junction of I-80 and Rt66. We are in PA now. Now comes the part of the trip where the road winds up and down thru the top end of the Appalachian Mountains. Small little villages with no red lights and one country store. Areas that are only hosts to the seasonal campers and hunters with sporadic trailers and cabins strewn about. Luscious green fields, primitive forests, and quiet blue ponds. Dairy farms and small herds of sheep. Rusty old tractors gathering rust in the sun strewn fields. Barns echoing times gone by, now left to fall into the ground. It is my home state... and I had almost forgotten how loudly it speaks to my soul.

The last leg of the trip takes me thru Mt. Jewett, Kane, Smethport, Port Alleghany, Roulette, and finally to Coudersport. Along the way I took photos of fields, farms, and some vintage train cars that a gentleman is restoring into guest houses. I took pictures of lots of flowers. This is what I started taking photos of as a child, and I still love to take nature shots. I had actually considered studying Biology at one point... and at one time I knew the names of every plant or tree I saw.

As I arrived into Coudersport, it started to lightly rain.. and there was the most gorgeous HUGE rainbow. It was soooooooooooo bright. I did take some photos.... along with another guy in a small car that stopped alongside the road.

Picked up a salad for supper ... and drove to my parent's house. Brina has been happily sleeping in her bed since we arrived at 8pm.

Total expenses: $60 for gas, food and snacks. $20 for a camera cord at Walmart.
Drove about 500 miles or so today.

driving Miss Brina...............

photos by Elaine A. Russell, taken in Texas

ugh. Apparently I have killed the cord that I use to upload photos from my camera. I didn't realize it was dead, so I didn't get a replacement. I will have to try to find one tomorrow, but as it is Sunday, I am not sure if I will be able to locate a store that will be open. In the meantime, there will be no daily photos. I will add them to the post as soon as I am able.

Once again, I was able to sleep through the night. I am not sure if it is because of exhaustion.. but I am hoping it is the new herbal meds.
I got up at 6:30am because the previous tenant in the room didn't disable the alarm clock.. and I didn't realize it was on.... so I awoke to an insanely piercing alarm. Sabrina, being the puppy she is .. merely looked at the clock with disdain and rolled back over.
I, got up.
By 8am we were out of the hotel, and over to the Flea Market. I saw the gentleman I spoke to last night (Hi Mike !), and he greeted me with a hug, and Brina with a cookie. She actually gave him a kiss. Brina and I walked around the market, and bought a really cool green depression glass mug. It is the perfect size for the cup holder in the car, and is now happily holding my change for me.
I also got a vintage 1951 Popular Mechanics magazine. The main article talks about the Russian space programs... I thought the hubby would get a hoot out of that.
I took some photos of some cool items for sale (Aunt Jemima figurines !), and then Brina and I headed in to the antique mall. Wow. Alot of stuff. Again, I took some photos...vintage dishes, a typewriter, some cool tins. I bought 2 spinning wheel bobbins with graduated rings on it. I figure I will use them to make loops for my jewelry wire work projects. I also bought an adorable little marble.. just cuz.
Then we stopped very quickly at the Cheese factory Outlet, and got some jerky, some cheese sticks, and the best snack food ever--- Churro Nuggets. Go ahead ... look it up. You know you want to.
We had a late breakfast ala picnic style in the grass... then drove through Missouri. We saw fields, possum, rivers, ponds, lots of green, some hills, limestone ridges, signs for caves... and a farm that had ostriches grazing about.

We made a pit stop in Pocahontas, IL... then back on the road.. stopping again in Effingham, IL. Effingham also has one of those massive roadside crosses. If you are just a bit tired from driving.. this can be really disconcerting...because it makes you think you have been delusional, and are still in Groom, TX. I really don't know what it is with these big cross attractions. I have yet to see a massive 3 story Buddha.... or a huge metal Ganesha....

We had a late lunch at Wendy's -- again in the grass. This time, we ate in this huge field behind a bunch of hotels. It was really strange. There in the middle of this field was a very old metal kid's play/ climbing/ slide thingie that looked like a rocket ship. It was fabulous. There was also a very old abandoned towing type truck, and these huge signs. Actually, it was pieces to one massive electrified sign that looked older than dirt. It had these fabulous yellow bulbs on it. Great photo op. I also noticed that the field was basically all white clover plants. Brina immediately ate her chicken and took a nap in the grass.

The next stop was in Cloverdale, Indiana. We had a snack, and bought a couple home-made no-bake cookies from the attendant, and also got a map guide of all the states. Figured it might be a good idea. Took some great photos of these bright purple tall flowers. Gorgeous. They were growing with the cattails in the swampy areas off of the highway. OH--- and we saw a RED FOX !

Then... we headed out for Dayton, OH. I wasn't sure if we would actually get this far, but we did. Unfortunately, when we got to the hotel we wanted to stay at; they were booked solid. Apparently there is an Air Show at the base this weekend. The only other hotel that allows pets in the entire area was about 20 miles away in the wrong direction. So -- the hotel clerk was nice enough to call them and we got the last room available. I actually found my way there !!! thanks to some awesome directions from the new hotel clerk.. and now we are in for the night.

Expenses: If my calculations are right, we did about 650 miles today.We spent $30 on food, $20 for the map, $15 for stuff at the market and antique mall. About $35-40 in gas. Hotel was $68, plus $7 for Internet use. Personally, I think hotels charge WAY too much...on the other hand... this is a nice one.

So... seeing as I can't work on some photos (la sigh)... I am going to watch a dvd that I brought with me. It is the first 3 episodes of The Partridge Family !! (kudos to Netflix for having such cool movies).
Gonna take a quick shower, and lay on the bed with all the snacks, and watch Shirley Jones. Yup....oh hey now !

greetings from Missouri

photos by Elaine A. Russell

so.. didn't get quite as far as I had hoped today. I had planned on getting thru St. Louis, but only made it to Lebanon, Missouri.
Please see my updated note/ travel log from yesterday. I added more of the neat "details."

Basically, my
I slept amazingly well, am trying a new herbal remedy for insomnia.. and so far it kicks ass.
Woke up at 4am, took Sabrina out for a "walk", and went back to sleep immediately. Woke up at 10:30 am. Now, I don't know if that means that I forgot to set my alarm, or if I slept thru it. But -- was on the road by 11am. Left Elk City, Ok and drove as far as El Reno, Ok. Stopped for a picnic lunch in the grass.. yes I took a quilt with me for such purposes. I needed to find a place that sold phone chargers, as my battery was dying. I thought I was going to have to find a Walmart.. yeash.... but I actually found a T-Mobile store (DT Cellular) right near the McDs. I went in, and not only found the perfect charger for only $12, but the owner has family in Los Lunas !
Got a little twisted around on the John Kilpatrick Turnpike... but a very nice lady at one of the toll booths got me straightened out.
Stopped at Vinita, OK... home of the biggest, strangest McDs... it actually spans across the highways in a huge overpass. It includes a gift shop, a museum, and a great little cafe/ ice cream area with all kinds of great flavors. I opted instead for a large iced chai.
Saw lots of bright red dirt, wind farms, and fields of crop in OK.

Dinner was spent ala picnic style at a Wendy's in Springfield, Mo.
Missouri is much more hilly, green, and humid so far. Lots of nice ponds, and the rock is more sandstone. Lots of billboards for caves to visit.

I then stopped about 30 minutes or so down the road at Lebanon because it is the home of the coolest Antique Mall ever. I have been to this mall every time I road trip back to Pa... and it is so chock full of neat stuff. The building also houses the BEST cheese factory outlet place...and a Russell Stover Chocolates Outlet. Both the cheese place and the chocolate stores offer free samples.. so you can see the attraction there for me.
After that.. I got the usual glompage of people at my car asking all about Smartcars. One of the people I talked to at the antiques mall, happens to be a retired car designer. We talked for quite awhile. He also happens to have a bunch of stuff for sale at the antique mall on consignment, and mentioned that there was going to be a HUGE open air antiques and Flea Market kind of sale in the am in the parking lot.
So ---- because it was late anyway (*grin)... I found a hotel nearby, and am going to go to the market in the am before I head out.

Total expenses for the day: food $20, tolls $10, gas $30, hotel $68


It's almost 11pm on Oklahoma time. I made it almost to Oklahoma City.. which .. considering that I was driving madly in and out of this huge thunderstorm today... is pretty good. The power even went off 3 times during my 3 minute shower tonight.
Sabrina is loving the trip.. especially now that we are seeing land that actually has grass.
Statistics: $35 spent on food, water and gas. $57 on hotel (yikes!).
averaging about 56 miles per gallon... and I have been using the ac constantly. It's been over 100 degrees outside of the car.
here is a little teaser photo of one of the things I saw today....

photo by Elaine A. Russell, taken in Santa Rosa, NM

Basically, my day:

Headed out from ABQ around 9am. Stopped at a rest stop just short of Cline's Corners. Talked with a very nice guy from South Carolina (he loved the car). Took photos at Cline's Corners... neat gift shop/ tourist trap.

Took photos at exit 234.. a strange place called the Flying C Ranch. Also a tourist kind of place.. the cool thing is that they still have endless billboards all over as you get close to the store. Kinda like the old time advertisements they used to put along the roadsides.

Stopped in Santa Rosa, and took some photos (including the one of the sign above). Very cool place with lots of vintage signs and buildings.

Stopped in Cuervo, NM. This is one of my fav places to stop. It's basically a little guost town now, from what was once a fairly good sized railroad town. It is rumored that Billy the Kid was there or some such. I happened to have nice talk with Joe Tenario.. a road mainenance guy who was taking a break there when I stopped.

Stopped in Tucumcari for gas. Texas is a big blur for me. It was very hot and humid, and I kept running in and out of thunder storms and hail. Saw cool signs in Del Rio, Long Horn cattle in Wilandorfa, and had a pit stop in Bushland, Tx ( yes, "Bush-Land").

Stopped at a "CarHenge" type installation just outside of Amarillo. It is a series of 57 chevy's that are upright and buried in the ground at a slant. On this installation, the cars are totally graffiti ! Spray cans are available for people to participate in the ongoing tagging of the cars. I painted a puppy foot print in honor of Sabrina and I visiting.

Stopped at Groom, TX for the nation's largest cross *(and senseless Christian propaganda and gift shops--JMHO).. and a little further down the road at this ultra cool abandoned grainery for photos.

Stopped in Shamrock, Tx for gas....and for the night in Elk City, OK... where I was able to get a nice room at a Motel 6.

travelin' -- 1900 miles to go

photo by Elaine A. Russell, taken at the Albuquerque Railyards

I am heading out.... into the brave wild world with my lovely Sabrina at my side for the journey. I have a map, music, and a brand new laptop that we found on an amazing sale. I have my phone, my camera, and my journals....colored pencils, gifts for my parents, a violin that belonged to my sister... that I am giving to her middle child.
I have every bit of clothing I own (yes it fit in one bag). Sabrina's food, bed, treats, and brush.
A soft pillow and a blanket just in case.
A first aid kit. Toiletries.
Sounds like alot...but is amazingly not.

I am driving my little SmartCar. I feel like the commercial for the Wii ....with the two dudes driving into the sunset/ sunrise in their little SmartCar....heading out into the vast unknown. In fact, I have always knick-named my car "the wee" ... after that. And being a small car.. it suits it.