

I believe that things generally happen for a reason. That said... we don't always know what that reason is... and maybe we never do figure it out... but I'm convinced that usually wrapped up in the stuff of life, are lessons to be learned if we take the time to listen.

The past couple of days have shown me some unexpected surprises....yesterday a sharp shinned hawk not only came specifically to my mom's yard (which they never do)... but it fluttered and flapped until it caught my attention... looked me in the eye... and then took off.

About an hour later... somehow a little black-capped chickadee got into the house.... and sat on the window right beside my mom who was taking a nap in a chair. Startled awake... she called me... and the bird not only let me catch him in a soft towel... but let me take him outside, where he looked at me, and quickly flew off... unruffled by the event.
(backstory here ... is that my mom and dad loved to watch the birds)

And today... everywhere we went... I saw hearts. Hearts on flowers, and on leaves...

...even in the form of deck chair designs....

... and when I finally laughed and said... ok ok... I get it .... a friend of my mom's was tossing popcorn into a pond in front of me while he was talking to my mom ... and these huge fish jumped right out of the water... only about 1 foot in front of me..... and all I could think of was my dad laughing out loud and wishing he had a net!

Thanks Dad, I needed that... and I love you

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


It always amazes me how very hot it gets here... and then I have to remember that it is really the humidity that gets to me more. And so... with the air conditioning on full blast for a bit... we took a drive over to "Lyman Run" ...more properly known as "Lyman Run State Park."

This is a PA state park... with a man made lake ....that is basically surrounded by the Susquehannock State Forest. It is a fabulous place for fishing, swimming, playing in the sand... or watching the sunsets on the lake. It sports a relatively new dam... which was a major project a few years ago.

I remember a few glorious days as a kid... getting to swim over there... and run around the forest. (this would not be the day that my brother left me there all day to fend for myself while he hung out with his buddies... but hey... that was a good learning experience too... ). But I digress. It is really pretty there... as was the entire drive over there thru the woods.

Things are starting to calm down a little... and yet... there is so much yet to do. I didn't realize all the places you need to call when someone dies... insurance companies, social security, car registration folks, house titles, the bank for joint accounts... all kinds of things.
And so... that is what we will start with tomorrow.

(*photos by Elaine A. Russell)


Last night around 9:30pm; it started snowing. Really snowing.
Huge, wet flakes came down ... and it was a beautiful sight.

Of course, by the time I woke up; most all of it was gone... having melted in the morning sun. It never did get much above 35 degrees today... although if you stood in the sun; it felt much warmer.

Today was a rough day... and here I am after midnight... trying to make some sense of it all.

I am failing.

I did have some wonderful moments today... gazing at the snow... the rays of sun peaking through the pine trees in the backyard.... seeing this babbling brook when I took a break and drove around a bit....

Sometimes moments are all we have... and I am thankful that some of them are supremely awesome. Today was a very rough day for my parents. Dad had a horrible night; followed by an equally bad day. Can't eat... can't rest... can't sleep... can't breathe well.... and mom is worried sick. On April 4th; they will be married 58years. Hard to imagine... and I am sure it is even more difficult for them... not only with each of them being sick.... but having to spend time away from each other is very hard for them; as they have rarely been apart these 58 years.
I just feel completely helpless and useless....

Kristin and I went for a drive this evening to Port Alleghany where one of my husband's brothers lives. It was a very good visit. And...It was an easy drive. We happened to pass this sporting goods store on way. The bear was pretty awesome... just odd... and funky and wonderful.

And then we saw this ultra fabulous vending machine out front.... yes sir --ee bob... get yer live bait right here in the vending machine! Cuz you never know when you're gonna need worms....

Mind you ... I absolutely love fishing... but even this was a little too funny to pass up :)

**all photos by Elaine A. Russell

back in the groove

Greenup, Indiana

Dinner and 'Foot High Pie' at the Blue Sky Cafe

World's Largest Rocking Chair at the Fanning Outpost near Cuba, Mo
--all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Oh hey now. So... two early nights, and lots of rest... and I am feeling much better. Course, nightly soaks in cool water to combat the intermittent fever certainly helps.

When last we left off... I was in Greenfield, Indiana.... staying at a really really nice hotel. I got up in the am at 8:30, and enjoyed the complimentary orange juice and coffee (was just not up to cereal or yogurt). Sabrina and I traveled on down the road, and stopped at a state rest stop. We spent several nice minutes talking to Taya the pit bull mix and her owner... a younger gal from Oakland California. She says she was a real wild child, and used to ride the railroads after she ran away from home years ago. She had great dreads in her hair, some fab piercings and beautiful tattoos. She is now a very happy woman, who is making jewelry and was currently traveling to Pittsburgh in her VW vanagon. She showed me one of her jewelry pieces, a fabulous necklace comprised of animal bones, and vintage train bits.

The next stop was in Greenup, Indiana.. a historic town full of antique shops and a train memorabilia museum. Brina and I grabbed an early lunch from the local Dairy Queen, and had a picnic lunch in the park. We then went around town and looked in a bunch of the antique shops. ...and got a couple goodies.

Next stop, St. Elmo .. specifically, the Driftstone Pueblo. The Pueblo boasts a huge log cabin type structure, pond, and some new metal horse sculptures to go with the large tee pee and HUGE buffalo in the front. Inside, it is jam packed with all kinds of jewelry, native wooden flutes, swords, knives, pottery, books, beads, rocks and minerals.. and typical kitchy travel stuff. It was really nice to look at all the cool stuff, as well as get in the air conditioning... as it was in the 90's all day.

An early supper was spent at the "Blue Springs Cafe"... which boasts home cooking and 'Foot High Pie'. Sabrina and I camped out on the home-style front porch and enjoyed our supper of liver, potatoes, beans, iced tea... and fresh blackberry pie. . Teh food was excellent.. and so was the service. Such a nice place...

Just for grins... we then stopped at the "Largest Rocking Chair in the World"... located near Cuba Missouri. when we stopped, the train was going thru, and it was awesome. The place features this HUGE rocking chair (and a civil war cannon).... and next to it is a great little place called the Fanning Trading Post. It is like stepping into another world. A world full of country charm, antlers, hunting and fishing gear, general store type stuff, decor, home-made venison jerky, an archery and taxidermy center, and a bar that features locally produced wine. I sat and talked with the owner for a bit.. and he shared some of the sweet white wine ( yes, I bought a bottle.. it was really really good). He bribed Sabrina with some of the venison jerky... and she rewarded him with a kiss. We ended up buying the coolest fishing pole ever... my dad will be so jealous :)

For the night, we settled in at the Drury Inn at Rolla, Missouri. It was a bit expensive ($85)...but it was very nice. Wireless internet, coupons for the Steak and Shake restaurant next door, complimentary breakfast, pool, etc.
what a great great day.