

--->photo by Elaine A. Russell

Sometimes the best laid plans... still go awry... and you get "benched." Today I was met with challenge after challenge... until... with much encouragement from the hubby and the daughter... I just gave up on leaving for PA for today.

No matter what I did... it just wouldn't/ couldn't/ didn't pan out the way it was supposed to. I finally came to the conclusion that this just wasn't my day to travel. And so... the jeep is packed... the house is clean... the laundry is caught up... and I will try again tomorrow.

I have been in daily contact with my mom... and the reality is that I may not make it back to PA before my father passes away. That said... my dad and I have had several conversations about this very thing... and I feel comfortable in the knowledge that he knows how very much I love him... and knows it is OK to let go. I do however, want to be there to help my mom as much as possible when that time comes.. and so it was with great frustration today that I just couldn't get it together.

Some days are like that... and I have to believe that there was a reason for it.


Everyone seems wiped out today. Not sure if it is the weather (still raining most of the time)... or just everything catching up with us.... but it is one of those days when you wish you could stay in bed. Even Sabrina is content to curl up on a couch and let the world disappear for a bit.
Fortunately, I made a big pot roast the other day in the crock pot... and I do have some photos for my blog... so I just need to get a photo for the day ( for my 365 photo every day - photo challenge).

A friend of mine asked me yesterday where I find all the interesting things to take pictures of. I am not sure that my "subjects" are exactly riveting... (especially today)... but I try to take photos of things that perhaps we see every day.... but don't really see. I try to make what most people see as "ordinary"... perhaps a bit more extra-ordinary....

The photos for today were taken over a 10 minute break from running errands yesterday. I stopped near the Hershey Farms on Route6; and took 4 or 5 photos of the cows, the geese... the creek... simple, ordinary things that the people here see every day. I added a retro color filter scheme... to make them all look a little golden; a little vintage... and that's it. I'm not really happy with the photos of the cows... but they were being shy, and every time I tried to get a little closer; they would take off. Plus... using a simple point and shoot sometimes has it's limitations... and in this case... not much of a telephoto zoom. Some days are like that....

And this last photo is our submission for this week's Echo Challenge. Brenda (my partner in crime) did the photo of the guitars and I did the photo of the stickers. The theme for this week was "collection."
You can see everyone's entries here
And here is a link to Brenda's Blog


photo by Elaine A. Russell

Some days are darker than others. Today was a difficult day. Unfortunately... there are alot of things going on ... on a personal level...troubles coming knocking on the doors of people I care about... things I really have no control over... and I need to remember that... and have faith that things will work out in the best way possible.

Conversely... there are alot of really good things happening lately. Unexpected support and encouragement from "out of the blue"... kudos from people I greatly admire...positive feedback and opportunities. It's all been wonderful.

And... I am in a flare-up of my Lupus... which means I haven't been getting much done in the way of work that I need to be doing. SO... it is frustrating to say the least. I need to get better and get back to work. It is actually a good thing... as my body is forcing me to rest up and get stronger... to re-focus and solidify my aesthetic and forge on ahead.
And that is an awesome challenge... and one I am looking forward to embracing.


January has simply flown by. This new year is moving so quickly.
I have had a lot of blessings this month...

For this year, 2010... I declared that the word I was going to focus on was the word "Potential." Who knew it would already have such a huge impact on me? By simply narrowing my focus a bit... so many wonderful happenings came into view. ..and keep on coming...

I have been asked to participate in a book that is being published... an account of photos from 2009 .. sort of a "day in the life" kind of thing. I was asked to include several of my photos; and I really couldn't be more honored. More news on this as things progress along....

I was invited to participate in 52 Weeks of Creations; an art project/ challenge...started by Julia D'Arcy. Each week, each of the participants is asked to submit a photo of an art piece that they have worked on. I am submitting photos... that will eventually be published in a book. I am concentrating these photos on the theme, "an exploration of religion, philosophy and spirituality.... through photography."

I am continuing with the ECHO project... a bi-weekly photo challenge where the theme changes every 2 weeks. I am partnered with the wonderful Brenda Seaholm-Wampler (an artist in Texas). Here is our latest submission... the theme was "Face."

And I have joined the 365: Daily Photo/ 2010 Year in Pictures photo challenge on FlickR. I am taking a photo each and every day for the year 2010. So far; some days are easier than others... but the point (at least for me) is to spend time on my photography every day. Having only a simple Kodak... sometimes the challenge is to get what I want to express within the confines of a point and shoot camera.... but ... even that is causing me to expand and grow as a photographer.
And I am grateful.

I revamped this blog-site... and have had lots of wonderful feedback from my readers. I had my first ever "Give-Away" in celebration of having posted each and every day for the past year....and I started a weekly review of local art galleries here in ABQ. You can see those posts listed in the sidebar to the left.

The windows of opportunity have expanded for me locally as well. I have been approached by several local businesses and organizations that want to use my photos for advertising and promos. It has been simply overwhelming... and I am so completely honored and thankful. As an artist... the most important thing for me is that people actually see my work, and through these organizations and businesses; more people will be able to see what I am creating.. and that is awesome.

I had the opportunity and pleasure of helping to teach and give demonstrations at an art venue. I haven't taught in a long time; and it was alot of fun.

And-- I had the awesome pleasure of taking some fabulous classes through the Harwood Art Center. Teaching and learning.... they go hand in hand.

On a more personal level... we have been fixing up our house with plans to sell later on in the year. It is going very well so far, and we are right on track with our goal to move to a more ideal house for just the hubby and I.

We have also made great strides in tweaking our finances, downsizing our belongings... and in general; lightening our "load."

...PLUS... I have had the opportunity to take a roadtrip or two. I am (after all).. a gypsy at heart. And I love to travel and see new places.. even if those places aren't really that far away at all. This month I got to go to Socorro, Bosque del Apache, and the VLA. Who knows where I will go next month... but ... I know I will be going.

Wonderful January..... thank you so much.

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell


(click on the photo, and you can see it larger )

Normally, today I would be posting an art gallery review. But I am sick today. I thought I was over it... and I was wrong. Coincidentally, my mother is in the hospital back in PA with breathing problems... so it's just an interesting day all around.

In lieu of the art gallery review (which I will hopefully be doing tomorrow)... I am posting a picture of the results of a collaborative venture between myself and a fellow photographer/artist who lives in Texas. We both decided to join the Echo Challenge group on FLickR (link: ECHO), and partnered together to form collaborative diptychs.

I am working with Brenda Seaholm-Wampler
(blog site:
Each couple of weeks; the theme changes, and we see what we can come up with separately; then we combine them. It is thrilling to see how well they come together.. and how the other participants interpret the theme. The challenge theme for this one is: MELODY.

having fun

photo by Elaine A. Russell

Yesterday I bought a Kodak digital camera for about $150 ( camera--on sale, extra memory card, camera case ) at my local STAPLES store. I usually prefer anything NIKON, but I chose the Kodak EasyShare camera/ model Z1485 IS, because of it's many features, 14 megapixel capabilities, and the fact that I already own the printer dock to print ACEO size prints from.
It is a pretty darn cool little camera.
(new nickname *Koda -- and he's blue)

Yesterday on our "date" -- the hubby and I went to the NM State Fair. I took about 400 pictures. Yes, really. It was awesome. Now... for all I know.. most of the pictures are crap. They look OK in the LCD display on the back of the camera...but my battery died (after 6-7hours of constant use)... so I can't upload them to my laptop til I can get a new battery :(

That said however, it is an incredibly fun camera to use. It has a 5x zoom lens, with a range from you can get those landscape shots as well as fairly close portraits. The manual only has about 20 pages of user information... but they provide a link on-line for additional info:
One of the problems I found... was that the manual didn't explain all the extra SCENE modes you can have the camera program in for you... night portraits, night landscapes, etc. So... it was very lucky that I ran into a person at the fair who showed me where these features were on my camera (she has a similar camera). And off I went to try some nighttime shots of the fair.
I also ran into some friends from our local FlickR photo group... and I'm sure I raised some eyebrows and a few chuckles.. as I stood with them, chatting and taking photos... with my little point and shoot :)

Tomorrow... I will (hopefully) have shots from the fair, and more on what we did and what we saw there :)

Today's photo is from the other night, using the free Polaroid and free film. Because of the age of the film, there is a serious color cast to it. So... I scanned the original Polaroid photo into my computer, and converted it to B&W. I then added a dark purple tint, and added a little contrast. The program I used on-line is a free program called Picnik:

it's been a week

photo by Elaine A. Russell

It's been a very traumatic/ emotional week for me. Life's lessons sometimes come hard...but it makes us stronger.

Today the hubby took off work, and we are going to run errands and go on a date. :)

Today's photo is one I took last night around midnight. Sabrina and I always take nightly walks, and this time I took the polaroid. This photo is of the tree near my driveway, with the moon casting shadows upon the leaves. I did tweak the colors slightly in Picasa, as the old film has a strange color cast to it.
It is fun, and really challenging to take photos with cheaper *in this case, free* materials and equipment.

an experiment in progress

photo by Elaine A. Russell

So --- Using a free camera (old polaroid) and free film (with serious color cast cuz it's old)....this became the photo for today. Shot at one of the post offices in ABQ at like, 2am.

Can't buy a camera yet... spent most of the money on supplies to make jewelry yesterday for my class... flux, solder, sterling sheet, bezel, sterling wire, pliers, tweezers... But... I am learning alot. In the meantime.. I am enjoying seeing what I can come up with.