

So... do I need to tell you that it's raining again?

Spent the later afternoon/early evening at the hospital with my dad... who seems slightly better today. He didn't get much rest; as he was having trouble breathing. He is now on oxygen.... probably not a good sign. However, he was able to eat a little more today... including a pickled egg that I got for him from the cafeteria.
I am very pleased with the hospital cafeteria here at CCMH. I realize that hospital food (in general) has a bad rap... but they do a really good job here. I went down to get myself something to eat... and all the food was fresh, healthy... and tasted wonderful. And tell me... how many hospitals offer freshly made pickled beet eggs, home-made pies... and real meatloaf?

I also stopped at the Hershey Farms Market on Route6. They had gorgeous flats of spring flowers in.... and I was able to get a lovely flat of beautiful Johnny-Jump-Ups and a really pretty pale ivory and pink mum. I had already bought a big planter, and dirt... and now I am going to fix them all up into a nice piece to sit right near the front deck of my parent's house. This way... it will greet anyone who comes to the house.
I had gotten a new birdfeeder as well for my parents, and this morning I made sure all of the feeders were full and outside. Mom and dad love to watch the birds... so that will be nice for them I think.

The photos for today are from Hershey's new shipments of spring plants. They had primrose, tulips, pansies, mums, gerbera daisies, lilies.... and the most gorgeous hydrangeas I have ever seen.

Charles Cole Memorial Hospital: see here
Hershey Farms Market: see here

**all photos by Elaine A. Russell