

I have slowly begun the process of getting re-aquainted with Albuquerque.
I really do love it here. I also love PA... basically... I love being most anywhere, as long as I have friends and my dear hubby.... and a puppy or two or three....

Today I got to spend the afternoon with a friend talking about art, and the business of art... and it was awesome. There are so many truly talented people in the world striving to get their art out there and be seen... and so many who have devoted all their time and talents into making it their career as well. It is a rough and weary road... but I have to say, I personally am enjoying the trip.

After our visit, I drove by the Albuquerque BioPark; and while it was closed for the day... I was still able to get a few photos of the pond and cacti areas right near the front gate. I love this park, and I never fail to find something extremely exquisite there to take photos of.

And I have re-opened up my Etsy store after 3 months of being on "vacation mode."
My goal for the next week or so is to take photos of a tub o' stuff and get things listed.
So.. feel free to check it out (link here).

In the meantime... have a great night... and I will see y'all tomorrow :)

* photos by Elaine A. Russell


January has simply flown by. This new year is moving so quickly.
I have had a lot of blessings this month...

For this year, 2010... I declared that the word I was going to focus on was the word "Potential." Who knew it would already have such a huge impact on me? By simply narrowing my focus a bit... so many wonderful happenings came into view. ..and keep on coming...

I have been asked to participate in a book that is being published... an account of photos from 2009 .. sort of a "day in the life" kind of thing. I was asked to include several of my photos; and I really couldn't be more honored. More news on this as things progress along....

I was invited to participate in 52 Weeks of Creations; an art project/ challenge...started by Julia D'Arcy. Each week, each of the participants is asked to submit a photo of an art piece that they have worked on. I am submitting photos... that will eventually be published in a book. I am concentrating these photos on the theme, "an exploration of religion, philosophy and spirituality.... through photography."

I am continuing with the ECHO project... a bi-weekly photo challenge where the theme changes every 2 weeks. I am partnered with the wonderful Brenda Seaholm-Wampler (an artist in Texas). Here is our latest submission... the theme was "Face."

And I have joined the 365: Daily Photo/ 2010 Year in Pictures photo challenge on FlickR. I am taking a photo each and every day for the year 2010. So far; some days are easier than others... but the point (at least for me) is to spend time on my photography every day. Having only a simple Kodak... sometimes the challenge is to get what I want to express within the confines of a point and shoot camera.... but ... even that is causing me to expand and grow as a photographer.
And I am grateful.

I revamped this blog-site... and have had lots of wonderful feedback from my readers. I had my first ever "Give-Away" in celebration of having posted each and every day for the past year....and I started a weekly review of local art galleries here in ABQ. You can see those posts listed in the sidebar to the left.

The windows of opportunity have expanded for me locally as well. I have been approached by several local businesses and organizations that want to use my photos for advertising and promos. It has been simply overwhelming... and I am so completely honored and thankful. As an artist... the most important thing for me is that people actually see my work, and through these organizations and businesses; more people will be able to see what I am creating.. and that is awesome.

I had the opportunity and pleasure of helping to teach and give demonstrations at an art venue. I haven't taught in a long time; and it was alot of fun.

And-- I had the awesome pleasure of taking some fabulous classes through the Harwood Art Center. Teaching and learning.... they go hand in hand.

On a more personal level... we have been fixing up our house with plans to sell later on in the year. It is going very well so far, and we are right on track with our goal to move to a more ideal house for just the hubby and I.

We have also made great strides in tweaking our finances, downsizing our belongings... and in general; lightening our "load."

...PLUS... I have had the opportunity to take a roadtrip or two. I am (after all).. a gypsy at heart. And I love to travel and see new places.. even if those places aren't really that far away at all. This month I got to go to Socorro, Bosque del Apache, and the VLA. Who knows where I will go next month... but ... I know I will be going.

Wonderful January..... thank you so much.

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell


*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Today was very much of a "life gave me lemons" ... kind of day... so... that was my inspiration for my photo of the day as well.
On the plus side... I am really enjoying my class with artist Cynthia Cook at the Harwood Art Center. It is truly an eye-opening and mind expanding experience ... both in terms of freedom of self expression ... and in the liberating use of various materials in our projects.

Art should be fun. Sometimes, we as artists; tend to get bogged down in the "business" side of making art. We worry about saleability, cost effectiveness, making things as pleasing to the largest number of people as possible ... to make things as marketable as we can. However; we (I), also need to occasionally be reminded that it is my art after all ... and that no one can really tell me what my aesthetic is. No one can direct my course of action ... better than me.

I am also in the enviable position of not really having to rely on the proceeds of my art to completely pay for my living expenses. As such ... I need to allow myself the luxury of really expanding my horizons and being adventurous with my art.

I am so grateful for the group of artists taking this class with me ... they are strong men & women with definite ideas about art ... and it is really inspiring me to be bolder and more confident.
I think this is something I really need to learn more; and incorporate more into my being.

Here are some samples of some of the art these artists are producing in the class....

love it... live it

panoramic photo by Elaine A. Russell (click on photo to see it enlarged)

It is interesting being a relative newbie to the art scene. You get such a wide variety of opinions on everything from how to market your art, to where to market your art, to pricing.. and more. In the past couple of years it has been the topic of many conversations amongst artists that I have met, books that I have read, seminars and such that I have been too.

I have always done art... but never really pursued it as a "business" until this past few months/year. I have had a store on Ebay since 98, but it was mostly used for selling items out of my house that I was getting rid of. I did mix in art and craft items here and there... but have never made enough to sustain a living off of.
I have had a freelance photography business since 1986, but here again... not enough to survive on if I had too. Part of the advantage is; that I have never had to rely on selling my art to make a living... and this is an important distinction. I'm not sure what I would have done all these years if I had been in a position where I had to earn enough to survive -- with my art.

This past year, I have been researching more into the business of selling your own art.... Different things you can do to increase your productivity, increase your visibility to the public, and maximize your earning potential. It is a complex, yet interesting thing.

There are soooo many different schools of thought on what a person should do to be successful. What seems to be left out of alot of the information out there though... is the importance of discovering for yourself.. .what exactly "success" means to you as an individual. Is it selling in galleries... is it make X amount of money a month... is it being published ?
Conversely, it is also interesting to me how people can get so wrapped up in the "making money" end of things... that they lose sight of why they are doing art in the first place. Then there is the whole school of thought on the power of intention (Dream it .. believe it.. it will come to pass.)... as well as any number other "how to" business models.
Do I have any answers? No.....Wish I did. Or do I?

I think that ultimately, you have to do what makes you happiest. Yes, it is awesome to be able to pay your bills and live in a manner that is comfortable for you. However... and maybe I am too naive... but I think it is much more important to be living a life that is fulfilling and nurturing to your spirit. The kind of life that makes you excited to wake up each and every day.

((And ultimately; ideally; hopefully; you will find yourself in a position where you can pay your bills and enjoy your life))

And so --- I am reflecting these days on what truly is my passion (or passions). Not what other people/ books/ seminars......think I should do... or perhaps even... what would be the most financially advantageous for me to do... but what do I really love....