

Overwhelmed. Seems to be my word for the day. Overwhelmed with things to do... people to see... stuff to take care of... and I am sick. Overwhelmed with news from home... missing my kids and hubby... and news of a HUGE payment on a new water treatment system (*apparently ours died when the city was flushing the lines... and my dear hubby had it replaced yesterday). I am tapped. Broke. Broken.

Tea. Sometimes what I need to do is sit with a warm cup of tea and try to remember that things will work out. Don't know when... don't know how. I just have to believe it. And so... I am trying... (and a cookie can't hurt...)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Today I went to Artisans, a local art supply company... for the first time. This New Mexico business has been serving the art community since 1975. It is pretty darn cool. I went, because my daughter had to get some supplies for her college art class, and I wanted to see what all they had --- needless to say; we found alot of cool stuff... and got more than we probably should have. The selection of supplies was awesome, and the staff there was extremely helpful.

Additionally, I was able to get a couple of shots for today's post... as well as for my 365 Photo a Day project. This was really cool because I wasn't feeling very well.. and the idea of trying to come up with something potentially interesting... would most likely have been beyond me at that point.

So here I am (after having eaten and taken more allergy medicine)...editing pix and posting. The photos themselves got me thinking about color theory, and how it applies in a medical/ emotional way.
Color Theory is a formal approach that describes how colors mix together and interact with one another from a design perspective. The history of color theory began with Aristotle; and in 1630, Englishman Robert Fludd created the first printed color wheel in a medical journal.
Different theories have abounded since then... hence the "craze" of painting prisons and hospital wards specific colors to calm people down and help them to relax. Different colors are thought to bring out certain moods, affects... emotions in people. And... they are also thought now to actually induce healing for certain physical and emotional problems.

Now... if I can just find the right color to get rid of my allergies.....

Living Simply: tip for the day......
If you believe in the whole concept of color theory effecting your mood... put it into action. Paint the walls of different rooms to bring out your best. Blue walls for relaxing in your bedroom, green in your bathroom for renewal and balance, yellow in your office for inspiration and wisdom....see what colors will work for you :)

Here are some cool links: