

Not much sleep... and then there were errands... which involved a visit with a friend (and a present!!! which I adore)... coffee and quiche at a local cafe... then a short wander-about taking photos... then a trip to a fabulous herbary for goodies... a nap at home with my favorite puppy (don't tell the others)... and now movies with the family...

How was your day?

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


One of my goals for this year, is to clean out my garage. Yes, I know. I've said it before.

My garage (like so many people's) tends to be the massive dumping ground for just about everything that comes into this house. Now... it is not "piled to the sky" or at a "Hoarders" level... but it is certainly too disorganized for my comfort level... which is all that really matters I guess.

One of the issues... is that I used to have a studio space *away from home*.... and thru one thing or another... everything ended up back in my garage. This is actually good, as I can access it whenever I feel the urge to make something... but it is also bad... as it is in complete disarray... and I can't find things (---> very frustrating).

Fortunately, I was once a professional organizer... so there is hope on the horizon. That said... it's also harder to go thru your own stuff as opposed to someone else's. It'll get there.

In the meantime... I began sorting out some of the stuff today... lots of which will (no doubt) end up on either Freecycle or on Etsy... stay tuned...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


As a New Year's Eve BONUS...
I am including an extra post that shows a simple video of the photographs
I have on display at CCMH in Coudersport, PA.
(sort of an Ultimate Sneak Peak!)

This is the solo photography show I worked on and submitted earlier this month.
All of the photographs were taken this year, in and around Coudersport, PA... my hometown.

All proceeds from the sales of any photographs will be directly donated to
the Patterson Cancer Care Center in Coudersport
... in loving memory of my sister and my father... who have both passed away due to cancer...

May CANCER someday be a disease of the past...


Today, I was fortunate enough to be able to see Bodies: The Exhibition here at the Albuquerque Convention Center. The show is continuing on thru January 9th, so if you happen to be able to go... GO.

This is not a show for the faint of heart... as it shows several dozen bodies in various states of dismemberment and scientific preservation... in order to highlight different body systems, organs, and functions. As a former nurse, this was obviously not a factor for me... or for the people I went to see the show with. For me, it was glorious... and stupendous... and awesome... and definitely a work of art. Each figure was displayed with dignity and grace. Docents gave tons of information, as well as the Exhibit providing audio guides, and having knowledgeable staff on hand to answer questions.

So... here are some "Sneak Peaks" into the Exhibit... courtesy of some pics I found on the Internet...


Art Galleries and Art Shows: Sneak Peek #18 in my series...

A few days ago, my daughter and I were roaming about the Nob Hill area... as we are inclined to do this time of year (especially)... and we stopped in at: The Talking Fountain Gallery.
It was incredible. It is a fairly small gallery, but it is jam packed with tons of fabulous art.

The owner, KatieCalico, is also one of the featured artists there; and it was a pleasure to be able to chat with her for a bit. The entire atmosphere of the place is welcoming and nurturing to the artistic soul.

Opening in May 2009, the gallery and boutique offer locally made art and goods, custom clothing, jewelry, bags, accessories, stickers, posters, local music, fine art, and lots more. Below are some "sneak peaks" into some of the awesome stuff held inside The Talking Fountain Gallery doors...

(*photos by Elaine A. Russell)


One of the things that I think held me back artistically for a long time... was this preconceived notion I had, that to be an artist you had to specialize in something. ONE thing.
As in... I make jewelry. Or... I carve walking sticks. Or... I am a photographer.

Well... that is not me. Perhaps I have schizophrenic tendencies... but I feel like I wear alot of different hats. I am a photographer. Yes, I also draw. Oh... and I have been making jewelry since 1995. And... well... I have quilted and done embroidery of all kinds since the 70's. Plus.. wait... I have studied herbology and know how to make all kinds of potions and lotions that would make my Irish gypsy ancestors proud (I hope). I believe in recycling and re-purposing items... and incorporate them into all kinds of paper goods, mixed media, collage and more.

So where did that leave me?! Be it good or bad... this notion was also supported by several other artists I knew ... and it sort of re-enforced this idea ... which meant in my little brain... that I must not really be an artist. I was simply someone who liked to do alot of different stuff... but didn't really excel at much of anything.

Well. For those of you who may be reading this and wondering... yes, you can be an artist... and STILL do alot of different kinds of art/ craft.
And so... I bring you... samples of some of my "stuff"... (beading, wire-wrapping, metal fabrication, resin, altered and more)... and prayer beads of all faiths...

... all kinds of recycled paper goods such as envelopes, collage, mixed media, and more...

...making birdhouses, birdfeeders, and carved walking sticks...

...crochet... needlework... and quilting...
OH! ... and I like to take pictures :)

((all photos by Elaine A. Russell -- except the last one... which was taken by BAJ))


I am an artist

to the very core of my being.

I love to look at art...

I love to make art...

I even love to talk about art.

(and as soon as I am feeling better... you betcha I am gonna be knee-deep in it again)
((some days ... I'm just "happy to be here..."))

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Yesterday, it was all about the Sandhill Cranes at the Open Space Visitor Center here on the westside of ABQ. As I posted yesterday, it was wonderful to be able to see all the gorgeous scenery that is the southwest ... and we had the extra bonus of being able to go to a killer art show while we were at it.

There were these incredible paintings by Cynthia Wister Welch... which I absolutely adore.

There were stunning silk paintings, quilts, scarves, and note cards by Judith Roderick...
(and also the quilt shown at the top of this post)

There were also demonstations on origami, tin art, and silk painting (shown above)... as well as a guided nature walk, and presentations of original art, photography, and even a local author (Mary Chloe Schoolcraft Saunders).

PLUS... all the gorgeous natural displays and artwork that is a staple of the Open Space Center.... and a special presentation of art pieces by the artists at the VSA North 4th Art Center; like this fabulous piece by Linda Plageman (below).

If you get the chance... I highly recommend a visit...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


... and my Art Gallery "Sneak Peek" for today is: the VSA North 4th Art Center
(peek #16 in my series of local art galleries and shows)

"North Fourth Art Center is a contemporary art center with a social mission. Our independent nonprofit name is VSA arts of New Mexico (VSA NM), affiliated with the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC. Our center is dedicated to full accessibility in the arts for people of all abilities, ages, cultures and income levels. Since 1981, we have focused on providing arts education and exhibition opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities. "

The center encompasses programs through AmeriCorps, The VSA CenterArts, City CenterArts, and an explosive Outreach program. It has a gallery, ceramics studio, multiple classrooms, and a theater.


On Friday, The VSA North 4th Art Center featured the opening reception
by The Barrett Foundation here in Albuquerque.

The place was jam packed with the most fabulous art... and it was such a treat to be able to walk around and see it all... Here are a few photos from my visit.

For more information; including current events and programs: LOOK HERE

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Sometimes change can be totally seamless. It's rather amazing in a way. It's as if the very thing you are looking for presents itself... whether or not you realize at that moment that that... is the very thing you are indeed looking for. It's almost serendipitous.

Sometimes life can be a struggle... you push and push ...and try and try... and things just don't fit. And then there are times when everything is so effortless and easy. Today was one of those days. In fact, if I were to look back on the vast amount of change I have experienced this year... it actually makes sense... there is almost a pattern to the way things have played out. Yet... most all along the way... it seemed so much of a struggle.

Like the red-tailed hawk I mentioned in a previous post... it seems as if today the blinders came off, and I can almost see the "big picture".... along with all the little details. Incredible.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


I'm not a big fan of abstract art usually... although some of it I really like. So today, just to try something different... I took some photos while we were eating dinner at Chili's ... of the lights in the bar... and made them into more of an abstract design in (which is the photo to the top of my post today). The bottom photo... is a purposely blurred shot of car taillights as we were driving home in the dark. Sometimes it's just fun and freeing to try something completely different.

And in other news... I think my sinus infection has progressed to pneumonia. While I still have tons of issues with my sinuses, alot has descended down into my lungs. Fortunately, I did see the doctor on Monday, and am already on antibiotics
(so I am not contagious).
I get this every year... and so it is not a "big deal"... just an annoyance. And... in a good way, it is forcing me to stay home a bit more than I normally would... so perhaps I will get some art projects done in between breathing treatments :)

And so... rest well my friends. Drink lots of fluids. Sleep in if you can. Make art. Be happy.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


All day today... I kept thinking it was Sunday. Partly because my hubby is on vacation... and so it still feels like the weekend to me... and partly because we chose to do things today that are normally Sunday type of activities for us.

For lunch... we went to Winning Coffee Co... which is one of my favorite places to go. We got a most excellent Peruvian coffee, as well as Quiche for me and a beef and green chile sandwich for him. Bradley... of Bradley's Books was there... and we had a great time perusing his vast selection of books while we sipped our coffee (and got a couple great books!).

Afterwards... we headed up to Barnes and Noble where we spent several hours enjoying a small mocha... and looking at a huge selection of books and magazines. I love to go and get ideas for artwork... crafts... all kinds of projects. One of the artists whose work I came upon is Takato Yamamoto... and a portion of one of his art pieces is shown below...fabulous stuff...

For my photo for the day project today, I chose to alter a Polaroid shot of the gates to Old Towne here in Albuquerque. I altered the color slightly, and tried to give it sort of a glowing effect. I wanted the photo to feel as magical as the place... (shown below)

And tonight I am finishing up an art piece to mail out to a New York City gallery tomorrow. I have printed off one of my square format photos, and used a transfer technique to mount it to a small 6x6 inch framed canvas. I have painted the sides, and plan to speckle the print slightly with paint for a cohesive, yet rustic look.

I love days like this.... photography... art... books... good food... good coffee... good company... and inspiration!

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


(photos by Elaine A. Russell)

Today was spent out at Carter Camp... which claims to have a population of 2. Now, I was questioning this highly... until I tried to do some internet research... and couldn't find anything really on this little village. It is basically only mentioned because Ole Bull Park and Museum are close by... which was once a sorta "famous" place to visit.... at least by local standards.
We went to visit some friends of my parents... and they have a really nice place out in the middle of the woods there. We had a great time... and it was nice to be in the middle of nothing but trees.
On the way back we saw a wild female turkey... some great views out near Cherry Springs, PA... and lots of gorgeous nature soaking up the summer sunshine.
And we are in for the night... very tired..... but having enjoyed the day.

I have to admit that I was feeling rather down today... I had gotten an email notice of an art show coming up that I had intended to participate in this year... it's only 2 weeks away. And I was feeling like a colossal failure as an artist because I haven't been able to do any shows really this year due to travels and such. I was having a bit of a pity party I guess.
I need to remember that I don't do art for shows... I do it because it is part of my very being... and that I cannot not make art. I need to remember that I have accomplished a few things professionally as an artist this year... and that is well and good.... but more importantly... I have done what I needed to do for/with my family... both here and in ABQ... and ultimately... that is the only reward I need.


--->photo by Elaine A. Russell

This whole year has been rather surreal... conflicts, illness, financial concerns... huge changes in the family structure, my son got married... a baby is on the way... traveling... taking care of the parents... it's just all been alot.
The process of going thru all our belongings and cleaning out has been therapeutic in bringing some order to a chaotic situation. I got a little side-tracked with being sick... but I am hoping to resume work tomorrow on it.

Tonight I was watching a tv show where they were discussing order and chaos..... and I was reminded of the quote:

"I have a great belief in the fact that whenever there is chaos, it creates wonderful thinking. I consider chaos a gift. "
---Septima Poinsette Clark

This really speaks to me..... and thought I would include that today. What do you think?
About the photo for today's post: Several months ago... I was taking a class that was really instrumental in awakening my inner artist. There was a party afterwards, and one of the guests has this gorgeous passionflower sitting in a glass on the table.
When I was editing the photo today... I wanted to bring out the juxtaposition of the grit of life... with the surreal beauty of the flower. (sort of like... living passionately... in perhaps the most chaotic or gritty of situations).
Hopefully, I got that across.


------> photo by Elaine A. Russell

I am too young to remember when Felix the Cat was popular. He debuted in 1919... and was a hot commodity thru the 20's. He gained some revival in the 50's, and some more in the 90's. It is rumored that there will be a new series starring Felix coming out this next year..... and so it goes. Animation is hot.

My hubby and I are huge animation freaks. Cartoons, comics, lithos, trade paperbacks... you name it. When we first got married... we started collecting the occasional piece of animation art, and now own a few really cool pieces.

I mention this only because I got into a discussion today about what is considered "High Art"... and what is considered "Low Art." To me... it doesn't really matter. What matters to me is if you like the piece... does it speak to you?.... does it evoke emotion inside of you?.... does it fill a void?...

About the photo for today's post: We went to the Cottonwood Mall today to get my hubby's hair cut. Downstairs in the middle section is an antiques and novelties dealer... and they have a whole lot of cool stuff! Everything from vintage magazines, to antique dishes, to costume jewelry and toys.... it is a fantastic place to wander through.... and so we did :)


(Maple Bacon Doughnuts at the Zombie Doughnuts and Cafe ... YUM)

... and my Art Gallery/ Show "Sneak Peek" for today is: Zombie Doughnuts and Cafe
(peek #14 in my series)

Today was a busy day. Puttering around the house... then off to a going-away party and BBQ for a friend... (thank you Sal and Debbie... the food was feckin awesome! -- and the very best wishes to Danielle)... then off to an art show at the Zombie Doughnuts and Cafe. A couple of friends and fellow artists are currently showing their artwork there... and it was a great time.

Couple this with some incredible maple-bacon doughnuts... and there ya have it!

If you've never been to Zombie Doughnuts... I highly recommend them.
Yummy, inventive... and they won't eat your brains out....

See these links:
Zombie Doughnuts and Cafe Website: Here
Unique Doughnuts review: HERE

artwork by Agatha and Torm (Too Ugly to Prostitute, Too Lazy to Strip)


*photos by Elaine A. Russell

"If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive..." ~Eleonora Duse (1859 - 1924)

I have been rather despondent as of late. Part of it is a change in my medications (*or more accurately, having been without them for several months.. and going back on them), feeling overweight and out of shape, and having been through the great turmoil of life that is my family...

I am trying very hard to change what I can and be as optimistic as possible.
Some days are easier than others.

However, today was my dear hubby's birthday. And after dinner we went on a drive... chasing the sunset as far west as it let us go before it faded into the hills. It was awesome.

I have no answers to the depression that fills some of my days... I have no words of wisdom. I only know that I must keep on doing what I love... and hope that everything works out in the best way possible. Art and the love of my family are what is currently keeping me going...
What do you do when despair knocks on your door?


As promised... today I am doing another post on one of the local art venues here in ABQ.

... and my Art Gallery "Sneak Peek" for today is: Chroma Studios
(peek #12 in my series)

"Chroma Studios is a contemporary art gallery focused on the art of New Mexico artists. We also provide studio space rentals for artists and musicians looking for a professional working environment. We now have two studio/classroom locations, downtown and near UNM."

This month's featured artist is Denise Kuntz; with her show entitled
" I See London - I See France."

Denise is a fabulous artist, as well as a wonderful person. She says she was inspired to do this series of paintings..... by the nose art of WWII plane artists; which included her father... and by the life and art of Betty Page.

Owners Paula Manning-Lewis and Aaron Lewis celebrated their 2nd anniversary in April 2010... and are still going strong. They have relocated the gallery space (formerly upstairs at Roma Station) to the new and funky "Underground" space. While it is now a smaller gallery space, it flows well... and continues to showcase top notch New Mexico artists.
This past Friday was the last "First Friday" event they will be participating in until the fall; and they will now be open by appointment only.

For more information, check out their site:

(top left - top right): Karl Eschenback - digital photography, Brendan Gould - oil painting

(bottom left - bottom right): Cari Pier - painting, Susan See - photography

artwork by owner Paula Manning-Lewis

(*photos by Elaine A. Russell)


(*promo postcard from this month's show at REVLIS)

When I started this blog... I wanted to include lots of local flavor, thoughts on art and photography... and daily musings on life in general
... and I think I have achieved that (at least on most days)...

At the beginning of the year... I started a series of blogposts on local art venues; which I called "Sneak Peeks." However, having been back and forth to PA for many months... I was unable to continue this series. Now that I am back for awhile... and to make it up to you all; I am going to post on 3 different galleries here over the next few days....


... and my Art Gallery "Sneak Peek" for today is: REVLIS
(peek #11 in my series)

Behind a somewhat unassuming exterior on Central Ave, lies a fabulous selection of funky...
hip hop... wild and colorful... exciting and fresh... art.
Graffiti fans beware... you will be sucked into the abyss
... at a vibrant new art gallery called REVLIS.

(yah well... I couldn't help myself... )

I stopped in this First Friday for the first time in several months. Only a short while ago, it was CIRQ gallery... and I loved it's creative spark. Honestly, I was a little reluctant to go now that it is a new place... but the owner; Nicole Montes, has gone out of her way to keep it all "street" and exciting and new. She heartily supports local, up and coming talent... and the energy is fierce.

This month's featured artist is J.L. Johnson... a truly fabulous artist.
For more info on J.L. and her art... check out THIS article at Duke City Fix.
Lisa Gill wrote this great article, and it is well worth the reading.
PLUS... here is a link to J.L. Johnson's website.

And so... here are some photos of some of the art at REVLIS...

artwork by Frank Andrade

artwork by Zack Meyer

artwork by Guillermo Gomez

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


I have slowly begun the process of getting re-aquainted with Albuquerque.
I really do love it here. I also love PA... basically... I love being most anywhere, as long as I have friends and my dear hubby.... and a puppy or two or three....

Today I got to spend the afternoon with a friend talking about art, and the business of art... and it was awesome. There are so many truly talented people in the world striving to get their art out there and be seen... and so many who have devoted all their time and talents into making it their career as well. It is a rough and weary road... but I have to say, I personally am enjoying the trip.

After our visit, I drove by the Albuquerque BioPark; and while it was closed for the day... I was still able to get a few photos of the pond and cacti areas right near the front gate. I love this park, and I never fail to find something extremely exquisite there to take photos of.

And I have re-opened up my Etsy store after 3 months of being on "vacation mode."
My goal for the next week or so is to take photos of a tub o' stuff and get things listed.
So.. feel free to check it out (link here).

In the meantime... have a great night... and I will see y'all tomorrow :)

* photos by Elaine A. Russell