

Also, this past weekend, I got the opportunity to check out the Fair Trade Gift Festival at the Harwood Art Center here in ABQ. It was awesome. Although relatively small in size, it was wide in the variety of items for sale.
The show was sponsored by Help=Hope and Children of The Americas. These organizations sponsor many events and programs to benefit shelters and kids worldwide.

There were unique and handmade items including: musical instruments, jewelery, baskets, ornaments, candles, and many other things from around 30 countries.

Best of all... I was able to purchase a couple fabulous holiday presents for friends and family... while helping out through these organizations to people all over the world.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


It's been an odd day...

I woke up at 6am... and anyone who knows me, knows that this is highly unusual. Perhaps I should have taken this as a sign to go back to bed... but instead I headed out around 8am. My first stop for the day was at an Ohio rest area. Which... I have to say... Ohio has some of the most beautiful rest areas of any of the states. This one was full of quite an assortment of trees... all in their fall colors. I would also say that Ohio had much better leaf color this season than PA did when I was there... and it was gorgeous as I drove down the highways this am. Ohio also can boast of some of the best radio stations... as I was able to cruise thru the whole state today listening to great songs from the 60's to now. It was awesome.

Unfortunately... I also got completely overwhelmed with fatigue just before lunchtime... and ended up taking a 3hr nap in the Jeep ... which I definitely could not have done in the SmartCar.
I am not sure why I am so exhausted... but I am. Normally, I would have been much farther along on my way home on the 2nd day... but between leaving late yesterday, and my nap today... I am way behind.

Dinner was spent having a picnic alongside a fabulous cornfield. It was fabulous to be able to walk around the fields... and it was very peaceful in spite of it being near a highway.
And now, I am in for the night, having driven to Indiana...
and am looking forward to watching a little TV...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


It's rained off and on all day today... and it was very quiet around town. I suspect that today there were lots of picnics, house parties and such in the area.... lots of burgers on the grill... potato salad... corn on the cob...
children running and playing... dogs barking...

And mom and I got to visit with a dear friend, and wander about her gardens....

About my photos for today: These photos were taken at the house of a friend. She is a lovely person, with an equally lovely house. Surrounded by gorgeous flowers... it was not hard to find things to take photos of.

Some days are easy like this.... others not so much...
I applied a vintage "through the viewfinder" layer, to help the photo on the bottom look more aged. I think it suits it.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


(photos by Elaine A. Russell)

Today was spent out at Carter Camp... which claims to have a population of 2. Now, I was questioning this highly... until I tried to do some internet research... and couldn't find anything really on this little village. It is basically only mentioned because Ole Bull Park and Museum are close by... which was once a sorta "famous" place to visit.... at least by local standards.
We went to visit some friends of my parents... and they have a really nice place out in the middle of the woods there. We had a great time... and it was nice to be in the middle of nothing but trees.
On the way back we saw a wild female turkey... some great views out near Cherry Springs, PA... and lots of gorgeous nature soaking up the summer sunshine.
And we are in for the night... very tired..... but having enjoyed the day.

I have to admit that I was feeling rather down today... I had gotten an email notice of an art show coming up that I had intended to participate in this year... it's only 2 weeks away. And I was feeling like a colossal failure as an artist because I haven't been able to do any shows really this year due to travels and such. I was having a bit of a pity party I guess.
I need to remember that I don't do art for shows... I do it because it is part of my very being... and that I cannot not make art. I need to remember that I have accomplished a few things professionally as an artist this year... and that is well and good.... but more importantly... I have done what I needed to do for/with my family... both here and in ABQ... and ultimately... that is the only reward I need.


I believe that things generally happen for a reason. That said... we don't always know what that reason is... and maybe we never do figure it out... but I'm convinced that usually wrapped up in the stuff of life, are lessons to be learned if we take the time to listen.

The past couple of days have shown me some unexpected surprises....yesterday a sharp shinned hawk not only came specifically to my mom's yard (which they never do)... but it fluttered and flapped until it caught my attention... looked me in the eye... and then took off.

About an hour later... somehow a little black-capped chickadee got into the house.... and sat on the window right beside my mom who was taking a nap in a chair. Startled awake... she called me... and the bird not only let me catch him in a soft towel... but let me take him outside, where he looked at me, and quickly flew off... unruffled by the event.
(backstory here ... is that my mom and dad loved to watch the birds)

And today... everywhere we went... I saw hearts. Hearts on flowers, and on leaves...

...even in the form of deck chair designs....

... and when I finally laughed and said... ok ok... I get it .... a friend of my mom's was tossing popcorn into a pond in front of me while he was talking to my mom ... and these huge fish jumped right out of the water... only about 1 foot in front of me..... and all I could think of was my dad laughing out loud and wishing he had a net!

Thanks Dad, I needed that... and I love you

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


All I know is...
that I am here... in this moment...
at this place... at this time... and I am alright.
I am tired... so very tired... but I will be OK.

Today's ride in the country was preempted by a spontaneous picnic at a local park with my niece and her kids. We ended up completely surrounded by Jr. football players... random kids ... cheer leading tryouts... more people than I had imagined would be there. It was rather chaotic... and in a way... completely and utterly peaceful. And so... we had fried chicken... potato salad... fresh fruit... corn on the cob... and spice cake muffins. We watched the kids play.... and I got to wander thru the park taking photos ...and it was wonderful.

Sometimes the very thing you need... is the the thing you least expect...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


The logistics of things when a loved one passes away are interesting. There are so many little details that need taken care of... and yet, for most people; it is a time when the last thing they can realistically do is to make any kind of decision.
It's just too much.

Fortunately, my parents were open to these kind of discussions several months ago.. and we were able to "flesh out" some of the little things... what songs they like... what kind of service they like... what kind of headstone... where the burial plots are... cremation... memorial services... we even talked about flowers and places for people to make donations should they want to. We talked about dispensation of personal belongings.. and so much more. It was difficult... but at the same time... I can't imagine trying to make some of the decisions we have been faced with these past couple of days... if we had not had that kind of input from my father.

And so... this week is filled with those kind of tasks.... writing of obituaries, selection of songs/ verses/ and the formalities of memorial services... etc. The phone has been ringing almost constantly with the well wishes of family and friends... people whose lives have been touched by the kindness and generosity of spirit that my dad showed to everyone he met.

I have been trying to take my mom on a short drive daily... just to get her out of the house and away from some of the chaos and such. Today we drove a little around town, and happened to stop at a local church garden to see the flowers. The photos for today's post are from that garden.

When I saw the bee in the top photo... I was devastated because I thought he was dead. He was so big and round and perfectly adorable-- and I was crushed to think of one more being dying right now. And so... I gently touched him... and was surprised when he sat up and started to climb up the lens of my camera.
I am not sure if bees dream... but this little guy sure was taking a little siesta amongst the zinnias :)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


------------> photo by Elaine A. Russell

My neighbors have a synthetic lawn. I never understood the appeal of fake lawns... fake flowers... fake boobs... the list goes on. I suppose living here in the desert, there is a temptation to have green grass... and some will go to any lengths to achieve that. And I must admit... it is nice to see a really green front yard on occasion.... course, I have also seen many the confused dog run up to it... and then wander off.... sad.
Sometimes it's hard to tell what is real and what is not... as all too often the lines of reality are blurred. People say one thing... mean another. What seems pretty... has no substance. What appears to have value... in the end; does not.
It's a hard thing.... trying to be real. People don't expect it. They are used to the "fluff..."

And it got me thinking... what in your life is dependable and real?
Check out this link: HERE


------------->photos by Elaine A. Russell

Today was awesome. Normal everyday stuff... made extra-ordinary simply because I am in my own home and doing my own thing. Laundry, cooking, walking the dog... all simple chores... but joyfully done today because I am so happy to be home.

We are extremely broke... and tomorrow I am going to start the process of cleaning the house and clearing out items that we no longer need or want. If these trips have taught me nothing else... it has taught me that it really is so very important to have all your finances in order, all your information/ passwords/ codes for things etc tucked away in a safe place... and to downsize your stuff as much as you feel comfortable with.

I am also really looking forward to working in my studio space. It is a complete disaster at the moment; not just because all my art supplies and such are in chaos... but also because the area ends up being a dumping ground of sorts for excess stuff around the house.

As an extra bonus... my hubby not only got me some beautiful flowers to welcome me home... but he also bought me a container of Kona coffee :)
he knows me sooooooooooooo well.


... to grow strong and upright in this world... you have to have strong roots... I am reminded of this daily while back here in PA. The natural world has so many lessons to teach us if we are just willing to listen to their wisdom....

this beautiful rhododendron is right in front of my parent's house. I never really liked these plants much as a kid (compared to others I suppose)... but I have grown more fond of them as of late. I think their exotic beauty is just stunning...

... and today it rained all day... sometimes coming down in buckets. I wondered if I would get a good photo for the day... and as it turns out... I got several :)

My dad is markedly more alert today than he has been... it's a puzzlement... but one I am grateful for. Today I spent a goodly portion of the day resting... in between phone calls.... and it was good.

I am very worried about getting my grant packet in on time... and have no idea what I am going to submit at this point... but I have to have faith that it will all work out. That seems to be my modus operandi at the moment...

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell


...the phone started ringing at 9am. I am not a morning person... thank goodness my mom is.

We ran lots of errands today... and actually got quite a bit accomplished. Then we spent the afternoon visiting with my dad... who; according to my mom.... was the most alert he has been since I left 2 1/2 weeks ago. Not that he wasn't confused... or easily distracted... and fading in and out of conversations... BUT... he wasn't sleeping, and he even drank some fluids while we were there.

We left and had supper, and then we brought my brother and his son back with us to visit this evening. My nephew and his fiance also came... so it was sort of a small reunion of sorts.

My father was very affectionate with my mom today... lingering with his hugs... kissing. It was so good to see. I am so glad that he and my mother had such a good day when they celebrated their wedding anniversary a few weeks back ( it was their 58th anniversary).

Tomorrow, the son of a friend of mine is getting married. I am not sure if I will be able to go... but I was thinking of them today... and how it is a glorious time of year to get married. I wish them all the best.

And in a few weeks, I will be celebrating my 20th wedding anniversary with the best guy on the planet... and I love you honey
♥ ♥ ♥

photos by Elaine A. Russell

(from top to bottom: a mock cherry tree in afternoon light, wild white trillium flowers, and flowering pink dogwood)


So... do I need to tell you that it's raining again?

Spent the later afternoon/early evening at the hospital with my dad... who seems slightly better today. He didn't get much rest; as he was having trouble breathing. He is now on oxygen.... probably not a good sign. However, he was able to eat a little more today... including a pickled egg that I got for him from the cafeteria.
I am very pleased with the hospital cafeteria here at CCMH. I realize that hospital food (in general) has a bad rap... but they do a really good job here. I went down to get myself something to eat... and all the food was fresh, healthy... and tasted wonderful. And tell me... how many hospitals offer freshly made pickled beet eggs, home-made pies... and real meatloaf?

I also stopped at the Hershey Farms Market on Route6. They had gorgeous flats of spring flowers in.... and I was able to get a lovely flat of beautiful Johnny-Jump-Ups and a really pretty pale ivory and pink mum. I had already bought a big planter, and dirt... and now I am going to fix them all up into a nice piece to sit right near the front deck of my parent's house. This way... it will greet anyone who comes to the house.
I had gotten a new birdfeeder as well for my parents, and this morning I made sure all of the feeders were full and outside. Mom and dad love to watch the birds... so that will be nice for them I think.

The photos for today are from Hershey's new shipments of spring plants. They had primrose, tulips, pansies, mums, gerbera daisies, lilies.... and the most gorgeous hydrangeas I have ever seen.

Charles Cole Memorial Hospital: see here
Hershey Farms Market: see here

**all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Heritage farms

photos by Elaine A. Russell

These are all photos from the Heritage Farm at the Rio Grande Botanical Gardens. Wandering through there is not very much unlike alot of the farm scenes I grew up around. Now, we didn't have a whole lot of grapes growing in PA... but... the orchards.. yes.

It is a truly beautiful section of the parks, and I encourage you to visit if you can.

More info here: www.cabq.gove/biopark
*click on photos to see them bigger :)

yes, hollyhocks

According to Wiki: The hollyhocks comprise about 60 species of flowering plants in the genus Alcea (Ál-ce-a) in the mallow family Malvaceae, native to southwest and central Asia. They are biennial or short-lived perennial plants growing to 3.5 m tall, with broad, rounded, palmately lobed leaves and numerous flowers, pink or yellow in the wild species, on the erect central stem.

I noticed that I have been taking lots of flower shots as of late. This is nothing new for me... I have always done alot of botanical oriented photography. Just "new" as in "again."
I think alot of it has to do with the abundance of flowers here in ABQ. The weather is just perfect for alot of species. ... escpecially... hollyhocks. Who knew there were so many varieties ?
I remember when I was very little that my grandmother had a bunch of them growing along a shed in the back yard. They seemed sooooooooo tall... and so decadent.

I am no less impressed today. by Elaine A. Russell

**If you like these photos... check out my friend Leau's blog. She has some cool hollyhock photos as well ---->