

It's been a long time (or so it seems) since I just wandered around downtown looking around in nooks and crannies... and so... I thought I would spend a little time this afternoon doing just that. Problem is... we are in the middle of a very cold front... with a whopping temperature of 8 degrees today (and that was mid-afternoon at it's warmest). Plus... we had alot of wind!....

And so... wandering about in the cold took a backseat to a warm cafe with a pot of tea.
BUT... I did get a couple photos of some very cool tags on the way out to the parking lot :)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Sometimes change can be totally seamless. It's rather amazing in a way. It's as if the very thing you are looking for presents itself... whether or not you realize at that moment that that... is the very thing you are indeed looking for. It's almost serendipitous.

Sometimes life can be a struggle... you push and push ...and try and try... and things just don't fit. And then there are times when everything is so effortless and easy. Today was one of those days. In fact, if I were to look back on the vast amount of change I have experienced this year... it actually makes sense... there is almost a pattern to the way things have played out. Yet... most all along the way... it seemed so much of a struggle.

Like the red-tailed hawk I mentioned in a previous post... it seems as if today the blinders came off, and I can almost see the "big picture".... along with all the little details. Incredible.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


(*promo postcard from this month's show at REVLIS)

When I started this blog... I wanted to include lots of local flavor, thoughts on art and photography... and daily musings on life in general
... and I think I have achieved that (at least on most days)...

At the beginning of the year... I started a series of blogposts on local art venues; which I called "Sneak Peeks." However, having been back and forth to PA for many months... I was unable to continue this series. Now that I am back for awhile... and to make it up to you all; I am going to post on 3 different galleries here over the next few days....


... and my Art Gallery "Sneak Peek" for today is: REVLIS
(peek #11 in my series)

Behind a somewhat unassuming exterior on Central Ave, lies a fabulous selection of funky...
hip hop... wild and colorful... exciting and fresh... art.
Graffiti fans beware... you will be sucked into the abyss
... at a vibrant new art gallery called REVLIS.

(yah well... I couldn't help myself... )

I stopped in this First Friday for the first time in several months. Only a short while ago, it was CIRQ gallery... and I loved it's creative spark. Honestly, I was a little reluctant to go now that it is a new place... but the owner; Nicole Montes, has gone out of her way to keep it all "street" and exciting and new. She heartily supports local, up and coming talent... and the energy is fierce.

This month's featured artist is J.L. Johnson... a truly fabulous artist.
For more info on J.L. and her art... check out THIS article at Duke City Fix.
Lisa Gill wrote this great article, and it is well worth the reading.
PLUS... here is a link to J.L. Johnson's website.

And so... here are some photos of some of the art at REVLIS...

artwork by Frank Andrade

artwork by Zack Meyer

artwork by Guillermo Gomez

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


(click on this photo to see it bigger)

Today was a day of rest, good food, and good company. And of course.... the weekly date to Barnes & Noble for coffee with my honey. I was also able to get a couple panoramic photos of the view of ABQ from the westside... I just loved the clouds today....

On an aside....I love murals. When I was walking about Nob Hill yesterday; I was reminded as to one of the reasons why I love living here... the street art. ABQ has some very cool murals and graffiti... and one day I hope to capture them all photographically. In the meantime... here are some that I really like....

And now.. I am off to bed.... see you all tomorrow....
(*all photos by Elaine A. Russell)


(*all photos by Elaine A. Russell)

It's Friday! ... and my Art Gallery "Sneak Peek" is: Black Market Goods
(peek #7 in my series)

"Black Market Goods is a collective of artists who have operated together since 2005. From 2005-2009 we have put on one night art shows showcasing up and coming artists in the area and all across the country. In January 2009 we took over the art space at 112 Morningside NE (Formerly Stove Gallery) to open our gallery/studio/theater/performance space" ...

(click on photo to enlarge it)

I first encountered BMG shows in 2007. I was fortunate enough to be one of their artists in a roving show... and it was my first real taste of art shows here in ABQ.

If I had to describe a "typical" BMG... it would be "beer, babes, and edgy art"... but it is really more than that. It is a high energy, fun loving group of founding members ... who inspire fun and exciting shows. Shows often include live music and performers, runway Fashion shows, beer from Tractor Brewing Co... and lots and lots of art. Edgy, urban, graphic .... these are synonymous with alot of the artists that BMG has showcased.

(click on photo to enlarge it)

But ... I wouldn't consider their shows "typical" by any stretch. They have continually pushed the envelope and aimed high. Featuring so many young, up and coming artist/ groups/ poets/fashionistas... makes them a "gotta see" venue.

See more on this gallery at the following links:

--BMG MySpace Page

--BMG Website


Today was pretty much a perfect day. I will admit... I have been fairly "down" for awhile. The holidays .. generally speaking.. are not the best time of year for me... although I am gradually getting better about it over the years....
But today.... I had lunch with my daughter at the BrickYard Pizza on Central Ave ( .. and had what was probably one of the best veggie calzones ever. Coupled with an ice cold Coke... and some great conversation... it was fab.
Plus... the decor was very inspiring to me.. and I came up with some interesting ideas for some new jewelry pieces... so TOTAL BONUS there...

Then I got to spend the afternoon roaming about the university area... taking in the sites, sounds, and all things cool (there was even a guy playing the violin in front of Satellite cafe!)... and I got some fab photos of some murals. I believe this one was done by the artist known as NESE and another artist known as AEON. Nese's art is incredible.. and he has some fantastic pieces in and around the city here. I have been following his work for a year or so now.. and I am always impressed with what he can do. I am not familiar with AEON... but I will have to look around and see if I can find some more of his art....

Tonight I got to make a fabulous dinner (a tender piece of London Broil .. with butter and mushrooms... fresh asparagus...cracked seeded rye bread.... and some coffee). ... and now I have spent the evening working on some of my photography.

As many of you know...I have been shooting exclusively with a small point and shoot Kodak Camera since last summer. Last summer... I had to part with all my pro photo equipment (which was old and very well used)... and I was able to sell the remains for just enough money to get the Kodak ($140). Having been a pro photographer since 1986... I considered it a challenge to see what I could do with a simple, affordable, mainstream camera. What a learning experience for me this has been! I have discovered that I can be just as creative.. if not more so... when limited (so to speak) by the constraints of a point and shoot. This new burst of creativity and enthusiasm; has in turn; opened me up to many more possibilities than I ever imagined.
I am sure that I will be able to share more on this ... down the road.... but for now-- I encourage you. Don't give up on your dreams. Believe in yourself. Believe in that wonderfulness that can come in the form of surprise and change. Believe that you are meant to be a creative soul.

Share. Hope. Wish. Dream. Believe.

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell


photo by Elaine A. Russell

Last year was pretty fabulous. Starting this blog was a real adventure for me... and I am looking forward to another year of posts. One of the things that this blog has encouraged me to do; is to take photos every single day. It has forced me to expand my creative boundaries and push through them. I highly recommend it.
I have started a project for this year as well. You can see the photos here ... where I will be posting a brand new photo taken each and every day in 2010.

I am going to be starting a series of posts this year. Once a week; I hope to review a local gallery and post about it. This will be a new "art day" kind of series. There are a small ton of galleries here in ABQ and the surrounding areas, and I am sure that I only know of a few in comparison. This will definately be an adventure... but one I relish.

I am also going to be posting "living simply" tips. When I was in college, I helped put myself thru financially by cooking, cleaning and organizing for people. Sort of a professional organizer... long before the term was HOT. It is something I am quite good at, and I often get called upon ( ala the shows Clean House and HOARDERS) to come and organize for people. For me; it is awesome because I love the satisfaction of being able to see almost immediate results. And... truth be told.. I love to search thru people's stuff. It is like digging for buried treasure. Anyway; I have spent years organizing and pairing down my own stuff... re-using, re-purposing items... turning them into art and craft pieces... refurbishing things and passing them on. I am an avid recycler... and I frequently post on Freecycle and Craigslist.

and... I am getting rid of titles; and merely labeling them 2:365 and such. Who reads the titles anyway.. and it's usually hard to come up with one to be honest.

So-- some new changes, as well as embellishments to the "tried and true."
*Don't forget to write me and enter yourself in my "anniversary give-away" at

an interesting view by Elaine A. Russell

everything often boils down to a matter of perspective... how we; as individuals, actually see things. how we perceive things to have transpired.... how our past experiences alter things and how we remember them on a daily basis.

photographing the railyards on Saturday was an awesome experience. What some people would see as urban decay in it's most unpleasant forms.... most of us there viewed with awe and wonder. The beauty of the architecture. The sun streaming through the windows... the light shadows on the wood brick floors....the graffiti ( which I personally LOVED)... the puddles and feathers and signs of time passing.. .weather beating down... people wandering through in the middle of the night....

So much of life is like that. You hear: "... don't move there.. the neighborhood is bad".... or ..." it's nothing but a slum in that section...don't go there..." Some of the best places I have lived have been in areas where people warned us not to go. Traveling is like that as well... people will recommend certain sites to visit... not realizing how much they are missing by not exploring and discovering neat little places on your own.

Sometimes it's a matter of clearing your mind of all previous expectations and perceptions to really really see what's in front of you... what's down that winding dirt road... what's off the beaten path. ...but it's worth it.

graffiti -- art or not ?

--------------------photos by Elaine A. Russell

So. Had a discussion with my daughter recently. I noticed a sign on the westside of ABQ commanding people to report "tagggers" or "suspicious activities" to the local authorities.
We were talking about the local restrictions on graffiti art. Generally, in America it is a major sin to be a tagger. In Europe and in other countries, not so much. In fact, it is more looked upon as an art form, rather than destruction or a criminal act.
I, personally, think that graffiti is one of the purest forms of public art being expressed. Now, that is not to say that I think it's ok to just randomly paint on someone else's property. But I do think that alot of time and money is wasted by the political powers that be, to arrest and hunt down the artists that do this stuff.
My daughter and I happen to love this style of art. We are huge fans of the magazine JUXTAPOZ ( -- which is mostly centered around the graffiti art scene in LA.
About a month or so ago, we happened to be roaming about some of the tunnels in ABQ and photographing some of the fab art. Here are a few more photos from that expedition... recently tweaked.