

---------------------------------->all photos by Elaine A. Russell

So... I have finally caught up on all my posts from traveling back to NM. So... If you are interested, check out the previous week's worth of posts of updated pics and such...I have added to the posts...

Today was a wonderful day. With the help of Vicodin (yes, narcotics are my friend)... I am able to move about without too much pain... and it is a "good thing." I have been going thru our DVD collection... and will be selling off about half of it soon on Ebay.. stay tuned for some fabulous auctions folks...

AND I have been watching and listening to the wind today. The wind here is absolutely amazing... and today was a prime example of the wild winds here in New Mexico. Accoring to the weather channel... they were blowing at 36mph with gusting up to 44mph....and the skies were just awesome.
And so... I took this opportunity to spend a few leisurely hours looking up fun info on the web... talking with my daughter... and nibbling on alot of interesting candy that we have around the house.
(we have: donuts, spicy peach rings, English tea biscuits, Mexican chile candy, Lego sweet tarts, Dutch mints, burnt candy peanuts, India sesame cookies, gummy sharks, German blueberry and raspberry treats, French pastel mints, sesame sticks, Swedish fish, sour peach and watermelon gum drops, and honey roasted almonds... )

I also received a brand new copy of this book: Look HERE.... of which I am one of the featured photographers. I was very honored to have been selected as one of only about 50 photographers from around the world to be featured in this publication... AND... I was lucky to have gotten a larger 6 picture spread. I am deeply honored... and personally, I think the book is pretty fabulous.
It is the first book I have ever been featured in... so it is really exciting! .... and I am hoping that it won't be the last...
I was SO excited when my book came...and sit and actually be able to flip through the pages, and see all the amazing shots submitted for this project...well, I don't have words to describe the feeling.
Thank you to all who helped put this amazing piece of work together.... YEAH!
All proceeds from the sale of this book are being donated to "Doctors Without Borders".

------------------------------------>freakin awesome!


January has simply flown by. This new year is moving so quickly.
I have had a lot of blessings this month...

For this year, 2010... I declared that the word I was going to focus on was the word "Potential." Who knew it would already have such a huge impact on me? By simply narrowing my focus a bit... so many wonderful happenings came into view. ..and keep on coming...

I have been asked to participate in a book that is being published... an account of photos from 2009 .. sort of a "day in the life" kind of thing. I was asked to include several of my photos; and I really couldn't be more honored. More news on this as things progress along....

I was invited to participate in 52 Weeks of Creations; an art project/ challenge...started by Julia D'Arcy. Each week, each of the participants is asked to submit a photo of an art piece that they have worked on. I am submitting photos... that will eventually be published in a book. I am concentrating these photos on the theme, "an exploration of religion, philosophy and spirituality.... through photography."

I am continuing with the ECHO project... a bi-weekly photo challenge where the theme changes every 2 weeks. I am partnered with the wonderful Brenda Seaholm-Wampler (an artist in Texas). Here is our latest submission... the theme was "Face."

And I have joined the 365: Daily Photo/ 2010 Year in Pictures photo challenge on FlickR. I am taking a photo each and every day for the year 2010. So far; some days are easier than others... but the point (at least for me) is to spend time on my photography every day. Having only a simple Kodak... sometimes the challenge is to get what I want to express within the confines of a point and shoot camera.... but ... even that is causing me to expand and grow as a photographer.
And I am grateful.

I revamped this blog-site... and have had lots of wonderful feedback from my readers. I had my first ever "Give-Away" in celebration of having posted each and every day for the past year....and I started a weekly review of local art galleries here in ABQ. You can see those posts listed in the sidebar to the left.

The windows of opportunity have expanded for me locally as well. I have been approached by several local businesses and organizations that want to use my photos for advertising and promos. It has been simply overwhelming... and I am so completely honored and thankful. As an artist... the most important thing for me is that people actually see my work, and through these organizations and businesses; more people will be able to see what I am creating.. and that is awesome.

I had the opportunity and pleasure of helping to teach and give demonstrations at an art venue. I haven't taught in a long time; and it was alot of fun.

And-- I had the awesome pleasure of taking some fabulous classes through the Harwood Art Center. Teaching and learning.... they go hand in hand.

On a more personal level... we have been fixing up our house with plans to sell later on in the year. It is going very well so far, and we are right on track with our goal to move to a more ideal house for just the hubby and I.

We have also made great strides in tweaking our finances, downsizing our belongings... and in general; lightening our "load."

...PLUS... I have had the opportunity to take a roadtrip or two. I am (after all).. a gypsy at heart. And I love to travel and see new places.. even if those places aren't really that far away at all. This month I got to go to Socorro, Bosque del Apache, and the VLA. Who knows where I will go next month... but ... I know I will be going.

Wonderful January..... thank you so much.

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell


So... when I was traveling this past weekend... the weather was just incredible. We had just left ABQ proper; when it clouded over and became like this (*photo above)...dark skies and threatening looking formations....

The storm was so low to the ground, that from the car; it looked like it was actually rising up from the fields. It began to hail.... big chunks of icy snow came down... and then it just as suddenly cleared up...

And there was nothing but blue skies all around us. The scenery here in New Mexico really is unlike any I have seen anywhere else. You can literally see for miles. It's no wonder that so many artists and photographers come here...

I have been reading a book called "Art and Fear" lately. It's a fairly hard read... not exactly something that is easily absorbed into one's consciousness. But ... it brings up some very good points about being an artist. The authors (David Bales and Ted Orland) talk about "how art is made, the reasons it often doesn't get made, and the nature of the difficulties that cause so many artists to give up along the way." For me (and I haven't finished the book yet)... the striking example has been... the fear of failure. The feeling that no matter what you do; it just isn't good enough. But the authors point out... that this fear itself is what makes artists give up. The fear of rejection by one's peers for example... when in reality... while they may not like your art; it's not really up to them to have a say over what you as an artist is making. That if we all waited for the perfect piece of art to present to the world; we would never get anything actually made. That no work has to be perfect... in fact... what is perfect to some; would certainly not be perfect to all.

It's an interesting take on an age-old issue. I think the "beacon of light" for me; is to give myself permission to just create... to just do... to just be. And hopefully; someone will be inspired and moved by it. After all; that is why we create art in the first place... to share some bit of our soul, some glimpse into our point of view, some feeling we are trying to convey... with someone else ...through the creativity of our hands.
I have been very fortunate these past few months to have been given some wonderful opportunities to further my art. I have taken some great classes by some very talented instructors, and I have had some of my photographs published and/or used by some local businesses. I am honored ... and grateful.

...and I am looking forward to a creative and interesting future.....

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell