

------> photo by Elaine A. Russell

Wednesday is a day I tend to indulge in some guilty pleasures. I usually do some errands and generally drive around the city... just checking things out.
I spent alot of time at La Montanita with my daughter... checking out all the yummy food, people watching... and generally loving the organic Guatemala coffee. Got a gorgeous rose for my hubby. Got burgers for dinner. And now, have settled in for a night of senseless TV watching. I know. Seems simple, somewhat stupid even, maybe.... but it is a nice break.
I've been having alot of trouble sleeping.... or rather, I can't sleep at night, and have been sleeping during the heat of the day instead. I feel mentally and physically exhausted... and I can only suppose that I am still trying to catch up with traveling back and forth to PA still.
I also have occasional issues with depression.... and seem to be in a "down" period right now. That said... at least I am aware of it... and am trying to overcome it by forcing myself to get out and about today.

About my photo for the day: the YODA dude is a little "toy" figurine of my husband's. I placed him on top of the wall that surrounds my yard so that he looks as if he is high on top of a mountain.... ready and able to conquer the world! From this vantage point... he makes me feel a little more optimistic... and hopefully people who see it will as well.


Well... we started off the day by going to Erway's Market for the breakfast buffet... and looked at all their marvelous plants for sale in the store area. It was awesome. Did a couple things around the house... and I also dug up and transplanted a few plants into pots for the patio. Afterwards, we took a short driving tour (so to speak) of the downtown... then spent the rest of the afternoon visiting with my dad.

Dinner was spent with my niece and her 3 kids... burgers and corn on the cob... peanut butter no-bake cookies... iced tea.... fabulous. Then... back up to visit with my dad again.
All things considered... today was actually fairly pleasant and easy. Not all days are like this.

This seems to be (sort of ) the normal routine as of late (course, usually without the benefit of the extended meals... which I insisted on today)...and it's not that it's a horrible routine... but it is rather exhausting. We have been getting home from the last visit of the day around midnight... give or take... and I haven't been getting to sleep before 3am usually because I am trying to keep up at least with my blog and some photo projects that I am involved in. It is a hard thing to try to keep up with stuff... but at the moment... it is also the only thing keeping me relatively sane.

I suppose I am whining... and that is not my intention... but few people seem to understand how very different this is from my normal life. I have essentially been in PA for 3 months... and I am used to working on my art for hours at a stretch.... having leisurely dates with my hubby...working in my studio.... and here I am in a situation where there is no TV, no radio, rushed meals in between visits to the hospital... having to grab snippets of time to work on a daily photo... and I won't even address the family dynamics. Things have been very stressful and uptight. All families have interesting quirks and characters... mine is no exception.... I just think perhaps that I am more sensitive to it all because I am tired.

The crux of it though... is that I am quickly and definitely heading towards a nervous breakdown of sorts. It's hard to be strong and reliable and completely there for other people 24:7.... and I have made a valiant effort... but I thoroughly need a break... and not just a 3hr escape to the woods (which although it was completely awesome, and completely needed... was just not enough)...

I thank the gods daily for my wonderful hubby... whom I miss very much... who not only knows and understands my family.... but allows me to try to be a "good daughter." Who... understand me... (and still loves me)....I hope to spend much more time with him in the future.....

*all photos by Elaine A. Russell


Today has been a trial of all sorts... the final straw being the loss of my internet connection here at the house. I am not sure what was wrong... but I drove all over town trying to get a connection in known spots where I've gotten one before... and it still didn't work. So I powered everything down when I got back to my parent's house... and for some reason it is working now. Go figure. It has been like that with everything I tried to do today... just one of "those" days I guess.

I have also been trying to wrangle up a small-ish TV with a dvd/ vcr player for my dad's hospital room. There are no sets available at the facility... and every lead I have had today has gone dry. Watching movies seems to be one of the few things he is enjoying these days... and I am trying to make it so he can continue to watch them as he feels able. Tonight... we watched "Father Goose" on my laptop... but this is not an ideal solution long term.

And in other news... I am down to the wire on getting paperwork in for the grant I am trying to get. I am at a complete loss as to what to write... and I am very limited in the photos I have available with me to submit (only the past year's worth of photos are on my laptop). It is extremely frustrating to say the least, and everything needs submitted by tomorrow night. Wish me luck.

The photo for today's post is of a farm on the way to the nursing care facility where my dad is. It is a quiet... very picturesque setting... and usually the cows are all over the field right in front of the barn. Today, however, they were lazing about in the sunshine a little ways away... so I had a scenic view of the barn and the creek sans cows.

On a completely separate subject... I filled up my dad's car with gas today. He has always preferred this little station just on the outskirts of town to get his gas... so I went there today. Would you believe it?! The attendants still come out to each and every car, and pump the gas for you... plus.. they offer to check your fluids and air and such if you need it. I thought that these kind of places were a thing of the past... but no... not here! I was in shock ... and just thought I would mention was pretty darn cool.

* all photos by Elaine A. Russell

feelin retro

-----------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

just feeling a little nostalgic today.

Thought I would post an altered photo of a vintage Fisher Price TV Toy from the 1960's that I did....

Making pasta chicken alfredo from scratch.... doing laundry.... listening to the kids having fun ....

Thinking I will open a bottle of crisp white reisling......and turn on some Sinatra.