Having used my Kodak pocket camera for over a year now... I am really happy with the photos I have been able to get with it. It is affordable (other than the batteries... it was awesome cost-wise)... easy to carry with you all the time... and surprisingly technically good for such a small camera.
I am a firm believer that the camera does not make the photographer. Over the course of the past year... I feel like I have learned that lesson well. Using a point and shoot encouraged me to go back to the basics... to really focus (as it were)... on what I wanted to accomplish with each shot... the feeling I wanted each shot to express to whomever saw it... but within the limits of a point and shoot camera... and that was an incredible lesson to learn.
It also encouraged me to concentrate on the art of the photograph. The composition... the color... and not just the technical stuff (aperture, focus, lighting, depth of field, etc). Simply put... there are some shots that you can do with a point and shoot camera... and ones you can't. But just as true... is that a point and shoot camera can be much more accessible than a big digital SLR.
And now... ((as of a few days ago))... I have the Nikon D300s with an 18-200mm zoom lens. Now.. I begin the "work" of combining a more technically savvy camera and all that goes with that... with what I re-learned about composition and color and feeling... and it is a wonderful feeling.
So.... can you guess which shots on this post were taken with the Nikon and which with the Kodak?
I am in love with water.... and yah... I live in a desert. Some things in life just aren't planned out... and moving here was definately one of them. That said... it is a gorgeous place to live.
I haven't been getting much done... at least... not as much as I would like to be. I am feeling a strong push to be more productive ... and my body just won't oblige.
This past week, my father came home from the nursing care facility he was at for the past couple of months. I am positive he is happier at home... but I am concerned about the amount of care that has been foisted upon my mother. She is getting some help from hospice... and a portion of help from her church community... and from family... but the majority of it has landed on her shoulders.
What do these three snippets have in common? They are all things in my life right now that are relatively out of my control. All three have been weighing heavily on my mind... some definately more than others... but there you have it. As a working artist, and having my studio at home... life can completely overwhelm the time that is allotted to working on art. The lines of what is work time... and what is home time; often blur. It's easy to fall into the trap of not working on art because other things need done ... laundry... errands... etc. And I am as guilty of that as the next person. It takes alot of discipline to work from home... and I am working on getting more control over that time and trying to be more disciplined.
About my photos for today's post: While running errands today... I happened to drive by this spot way off on Unser Blvd on the westside of ABQ. I love this little pond of water... and it always suprises me when I come upon it. In this desert environment... it is completely astonishing... and out of the realm of what most people think of when they think of living here. Sometimes a little surprise and break in the "normal control" of things is good....
Some days I don't have any inspiration at all... or at least... very little. One of the more interesting shows on TV these days is the show "Work of Art: The Next Great Artist." While I don't think they showcase many pieces that I would actually hang in my house... I can certainly appreciate the effort put out by these artists to come up with something great on a day to day basis. It encourages me to know that other artists struggle with inspiration as well... and, if I try hard enough... and am willing to open myself up to the process... lots of times something interesting will come out of it.
I've been thinking alot lately about what I really, really want in life. I know without uncertainty that I will always be taking photos. It is part of my soul. And... I have been making jewelry for over 15yrs now; and I am still in love with it. Two things that are so essential to my being. It is more than a ways to make money... it is a calling for me.
Once this becomes clear... it becomes easier to get rid of all the extra "stuff." Organizing, getting rid of things, downsizing... I am in the process of gathering things to sell... to list on Ebay, Etsy, and Craigslist.... with the hopes that any money procured will go towards the purchase of a new camera, and some jewelry making equipment.
Sometimes evaluations like this are so crucial... and we tend to put them on the back burner... but it really is an important thing to do. So... if you could only do one or two things for the rest of your life to really make you happy... what would it be?
"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun"... Mary Lou Clark
I saw this quote in a magazine... and upon research, discovered that the author of the quote is a Santa Fe activist, author and icon (look HERE)... I have been thinking alot about this quote today.
I have always considered myself a creative person. A few years ago, I was asked to help start and run a local gallery. At that time, I had a very hard time calling myself an artist. Partly because I was greatly influenced by a local group of artists whom I believed to be significantly more talented/knowledgeable/experienced than I... and so I felt that I would never quite reach the status of "artist."
In the few years since then... I have tried very hard to flesh out what being an artist means to me... and I think one of the crucial aspects is a willingness to put yourself out there. To do what you love... no matter what others may think of your art. To make art because you have to.... because it's part of your essential make-up as a human being.
This is one of the main reasons why I try to focus blog posts on local art, local galleries... things associated with the life of an artist... because I feel it is so important to try and lift these people up... to give them support... to show them that art is not only something they do... but a way of life.
It is a wonderful thing to be an artist... and I am so glad to be home.
(*promo postcard from this month's show at REVLIS)
When I started this blog... I wanted to include lots of local flavor, thoughts on art and photography... and daily musings on life in general
... and I think I have achieved that (at least on most days)...
At the beginning of the year... I started a series of blogposts on local art venues; which I called "Sneak Peeks." However, having been back and forth to PA for many months... I was unable to continue this series. Now that I am back for awhile... and to make it up to you all; I am going to post on 3 different galleries here over the next few days....
... and my Art Gallery "Sneak Peek" for today is: REVLIS
(peek #11 in my series)
Behind a somewhat unassuming exterior on Central Ave, lies a fabulous selection of funky... hip hop... wild and colorful... exciting and fresh... art.
Graffiti fans beware... you will be sucked into the abyss
... at a vibrant new art gallery called REVLIS.
(yah well... I couldn't help myself... )
I stopped in this First Friday for the first time in several months. Only a short while ago, it was CIRQ gallery... and I loved it's creative spark. Honestly, I was a little reluctant to go now that it is a new place... but the owner; Nicole Montes, has gone out of her way to keep it all "street" and exciting and new. She heartily supports local, up and coming talent... and the energy is fierce.
This month's featured artist is J.L. Johnson... a truly fabulous artist.
For more info on J.L. and her art... check out THIS article at Duke City Fix.
Lisa Gill wrote this great article, and it is well worth the reading.
I have slowly begun the process of getting re-aquainted with Albuquerque.
I really do love it here. I also love PA... basically... I love being most anywhere, as long as I have friends and my dear hubby.... and a puppy or two or three....
Today I got to spend the afternoon with a friend talking about art, and the business of art... and it was awesome. There are so many truly talented people in the world striving to get their art out there and be seen... and so many who have devoted all their time and talents into making it their career as well. It is a rough and weary road... but I have to say, I personally am enjoying the trip.
After our visit, I drove by the Albuquerque BioPark; and while it was closed for the day... I was still able to get a few photos of the pond and cacti areas right near the front gate. I love this park, and I never fail to find something extremely exquisite there to take photos of.
And I have re-opened up my Etsy store after 3 months of being on "vacation mode." My goal for the next week or so is to take photos of a tub o' stuff and get things listed. So.. feel free to check it out (link here).
In the meantime... have a great night... and I will see y'all tomorrow :)
----------------------------------->all photos by Elaine A. Russell
...today was an incredibly busy... but totally awesome day. It started off with a full body massage by Masterpiece Massage on Carlisle. The owner, Karla Linden is a very skilled therapist... and I left feeling refreshed and in less pain than I have been in weeks.
From there I went to an Art Sale near UNM, and got a fabulous art piece by Thomas Christopher Haag! He is one of my fav artists here in Albuquerque... and I am honored to have the opportunity to own a piece of his work.
On my way back home... I saw a demonstration on the UNM campus... providing info on medical marijuana... lots of peace and love, folks :).... and a great photo op. I have my own opinions on the subject... and having been a cancer survivor... have some real experience as well.
Later on this afternoon.... the hubby and I went to La Parada where the "Cinco de Mayo Folk Art & Music Festival" was in full swing. It was awesome. It will also be the main topic for tomorrow's post... so check back for lots of cool photos of some fab art by some awesome artists!
(Aaron Campbell)
And... before we headed home for the evening... we stopped at Astro Zombies on Central Ave; as it was their "Free Comic Book Day." We got to meet comic artists Aaron Campbell (Green Hornet Year One) and Andy Kuhn (Firebreather), and were even lucky enough to get signed comics and photos! WOOT!
It was an insanely busy day... and my back may kill me for it tomorrow... but in the meantime... it was feckin awesome :)
...today I didn't even get out of bed til 4pm. I have been sick, and I seem to be sleeping (or trying to sleep) more than usual. My hours are totally mixed up and confused... my sleep pattern... erratic at best. I have some pretty vivid dreams... and occasionally they are quite disturbing. So when I woke up, I quickly tried to do some housekeeping... and then I despaired because I thought I had lost what little light was left for me to take a photo for the day.... and then I went outside.
What had appeared to be a totally dull, lifeless, and blah kind of day inside.... was certainly not what was happening in reality outside....
These two photos I took of some items I have hanging on my front patio. The green wire globe is a set of wind chimes that I got several years ago... they make a beautiful tinkling noise in the wind. The globe and wire contraption is an art piece I got off of Craigslist about 3yrs ago. When it twirls, it gives the illusion that the glass globe is moving up and down the wire spirals.... It is an awesome effect.
These are the views from my driveway... looking south. It was just beginning to turn into a stunning sunset, and the clouds were on fire in multiple shades ...turning from pink to burnt orange in a matter of minutes...
And then I drove out to the edge of the housing neighborhoods... and this was our view looking westward....
So for now.... goodnight my friends...Stay warm. Rest well. And try to enjoy the beauty that is around us all... all the time....
So.... I was running errands today... and came across one of those tacky-rific crane machines with stuffed toys in it. This one, however, was full of St. Pat's themed toys.... how cool is that?! The photo of the ivy is from a brief stroll through the plant section at Home Depot. Hence, my photo for the day...
Recently, I have had alot going on in my life. Art has saved me on numerous times in the past; and I am sure it will carry me through many tomorrows as well.
I saw this quote the other day; and I just love it.
"When my daughter was about seven years old, she asked me one day what I did at work. I told her I worked at the college- that my job was to teach people how to draw. She stared back at me, incredulous, and said, "You mean they forget?"
---Howard Ikemoto
Keep on with your dreams. Don't forget what you love.
Living Simply Tip for the day:
If you don't love it... I mean ... really love it... why are you keeping it? Sure that collection of funky sweaters *or whatever* was cool in the 80's... but if you aren't loving them anymore, it's time to pass them on. This will not only clear up valuable space in your home; but if you decide to sell the items, you can always use that cash to get something you really would like NOW.
Or better yet... take a vacation. After all... memories and good times last so much longer than a funky sweater....
(*a sampling of photos ... all taken today.....all by Elaine A. Russell)
A friend asked me recently if I considered myself an artist yet. It's funny. As a kid, I really wanted to be an artist... and I always felt it was out of my reach. After all, my brother was an artist... and I needed to be sensible and make a living for myself....
And so... I went to nursing school, and was an RN for almost 17yrs. I loved it. I really did. And I was really good at my profession. I can honestly say that I helped alot of people... and did a good job. But when it came time for me to "retire" from nursing... I knew what I wanted to do. I spent a few years concentrating on getting healthy, and home-schooling the kids... and then I got wrapped up in helping to start ..and run... a local gallery...
Which brings me to last year.
At the beginning of last year; I made some goals for myself. Some of them I have done... and some have fallen by the wayside. Such is the shelf life of goals sometimes. It was a good year for the most part... and I learned an awful lot
.... mainly about myself.
Along the way I surrounded myself and was influenced by alot of artists. Influence can be a good thing. It can steer you in ways you may not have thought of going. It can help you refine your own style. In my case; I got so caught up in the "right way" to do things. I was too busy trying to be what I felt other people wanted/ expected of me. Too busy trusting other people's thoughts and opinions. Too busy doing everything for everyone. ....that I forgot to trust my own instincts.
I forgot myself.
When the dust cleared... I was afraid that I had lost myself as an artist. I didn't know which way to go... what to do.... who.. if anyone... I could trust. I felt alone. I felt unworthy... both of love and friendship... but also of allowing myself to be called an artist.
These past few months, however, have shown me that people really do like my art & photography.... but much more importantly... I am happy with what I am doing. And yes, I think I can finally call myself... an artist.
~~~ Living Simply Tip for the Day:
STEP ONE: You have to believe in yourself! Don't let all those skeptics get to you telling you that you'll never make it, (blah blah blah), or you won't get anywhere and you will remain unfulfilled.
STEP TWO: Do your research ~ but don't get search overload! It is wise to do your research so that you make educated decisions and don't make big mistakes, but don't go overboard or you will have to go back and start over at step one!
STEP THREE: Make little decisions (baby steps) and eventually you will be able to jump in with both feet! If you worry too much or take too much time making your decisions you run the risk of your motivation going down and being back at square one. By taking little steps at a time you will be less likely to get into financial trouble or take too big of risks.
STEP FOUR: Go for it! Once you believe in yourself, have done your research, and have made good progress taking your little steps, it is time to jump in!
Normally... I would be posting a review of a local gallery today. But, I woke up after only 2 hours of sleep with a fever and a sore throat.... so all bets are off at the moment. This is not an unusual event (having Lupus)... but I also know that it probably means that I will be "toast" for the rest of the day.. and not to plan on doing anything major. Tonight is the "First Friday" gallery events here in ABQ... so hopefully I will be better by tonight so that I can go.
Ah.. but enough of that.
As you all know... I have been taking photos forever... and have more than the average person's stash of photos lying about. It has been my goal to eventually get them all scanned and saved into digital files so that:
I can access them more easily
store them more easily
not have a closet full of photos
Yesterday I was looking at a bunch of my photos that I have saved on my husband's computer from last year (*before I got my own laptop). The photos for today's blog are 2 shots that I took last February. In fact, almost to the day... a year ago. There is something so reassuring about the river area here in ABQ. I have always been drawn to water... but there is something majikal about the combination of river and the huge cottonwood trees down there that is just amazing.
And so... I will leave you to gaze upon the beauty that is the Bosque....
Living Simply Tip for the Day: Try to keep your collections small. If that is not possible (say you have a collection of several thousand photos---ahem... )... try to keep them organized and in one location. In my case... scanning and saving all my photos to digital files is a long and arduous task... but one that I will definitely reap the benefits of in the future.
Today was very much of a "life gave me lemons" ... kind of day... so... that was my inspiration for my photo of the day as well.
On the plus side... I am really enjoying my class with artist Cynthia Cook at the Harwood Art Center. It is truly an eye-opening and mind expanding experience ... both in terms of freedom of self expression ... and in the liberating use of various materials in our projects.
Art should be fun. Sometimes, we as artists; tend to get bogged down in the "business" side of making art. We worry about saleability, cost effectiveness, making things as pleasing to the largest number of people as possible ... to make things as marketable as we can. However; we (I), also need to occasionally be reminded that it is my art after all ... and that no one can really tell me what my aesthetic is. No one can direct my course of action ... better than me.
I am also in the enviable position of not really having to rely on the proceeds of my art to completely pay for my living expenses. As such ... I need to allow myself the luxury of really expanding my horizons and being adventurous with my art.
I am so grateful for the group of artists taking this class with me ... they are strong men & women with definite ideas about art ... and it is really inspiring me to be bolder and more confident.
I think this is something I really need to learn more; and incorporate more into my being.
Here are some samples of some of the art these artists are producing in the class....
Today was pretty much a perfect day. I will admit... I have been fairly "down" for awhile. The holidays .. generally speaking.. are not the best time of year for me... although I am gradually getting better about it over the years.... But today.... I had lunch with my daughter at the BrickYard Pizza on Central Ave (http://www.brickyardpizza.com/) .. and had what was probably one of the best veggie calzones ever. Coupled with an ice cold Coke... and some great conversation... it was fab. Plus... the decor was very inspiring to me.. and I came up with some interesting ideas for some new jewelry pieces... so TOTAL BONUS there...
Then I got to spend the afternoon roaming about the university area... taking in the sites, sounds, and all things cool (there was even a guy playing the violin in front of Satellite cafe!)... and I got some fab photos of some murals. I believe this one was done by the artist known as NESE and another artist known as AEON. Nese's art is incredible.. and he has some fantastic pieces in and around the city here. I have been following his work for a year or so now.. and I am always impressed with what he can do. I am not familiar with AEON... but I will have to look around and see if I can find some more of his art....
Tonight I got to make a fabulous dinner (a tender piece of London Broil .. with butter and mushrooms... fresh asparagus...cracked seeded rye bread.... and some coffee). ... and now I have spent the evening working on some of my photography.
As many of you know...I have been shooting exclusively with a small point and shoot Kodak Camera since last summer. Last summer... I had to part with all my pro photo equipment (which was old and very well used)... and I was able to sell the remains for just enough money to get the Kodak ($140). Having been a pro photographer since 1986... I considered it a challenge to see what I could do with a simple, affordable, mainstream camera. What a learning experience for me this has been! I have discovered that I can be just as creative.. if not more so... when limited (so to speak) by the constraints of a point and shoot. This new burst of creativity and enthusiasm; has in turn; opened me up to many more possibilities than I ever imagined. I am sure that I will be able to share more on this ... down the road.... but for now-- I encourage you. Don't give up on your dreams. Believe in yourself. Believe in that wonderfulness that can come in the form of surprise and change. Believe that you are meant to be a creative soul.
Normally, today I would be posting an art gallery review. But I am sick today. I thought I was over it... and I was wrong. Coincidentally, my mother is in the hospital back in PA with breathing problems... so it's just an interesting day all around.
In lieu of the art gallery review (which I will hopefully be doing tomorrow)... I am posting a picture of the results of a collaborative venture between myself and a fellow photographer/artist who lives in Texas. We both decided to join the Echo Challenge group on FLickR (link: ECHO), and partnered together to form collaborative diptychs.
I am working with Brenda Seaholm-Wampler (blog site: http://memoriesandtreasures.blogspot.com/). Each couple of weeks; the theme changes, and we see what we can come up with separately; then we combine them. It is thrilling to see how well they come together.. and how the other participants interpret the theme. The challenge theme for this one is: MELODY.
But, that pales in comparison to actually being able to take one of her classes. Ms. Cook is sort of an inigma. If you search for information on-line about her; she is essentially non-existant. Yet, she is an icon in the mixed media world.... and greatly sought after for classes and such.
So... about her class. This was a basic introduction to the wonderful world of collage/decoupage/ assemblage... mixed media. With a background that includes jewelry arts and metal-working.. I was hooked. Never mind that her talk focused on glues, tools, techniques.. and the chance to actually MAKE something .. coolness!
Anyway--- here are some photos from the class.
Thank you!!! to the folks at Harwood for providing such an awesome event.
a portion of one of her recent works showing at the Mariposa Gallery
an example of another one of her art pieces
giving a demonstration
working on a project during the class
**all photographs but the self portrait photo at the top, are by Elaine A. Russell
panoramic photo by Elaine A. Russell (click on photo to see it enlarged)
It is interesting being a relative newbie to the art scene. You get such a wide variety of opinions on everything from how to market your art, to where to market your art, to pricing.. and more. In the past couple of years it has been the topic of many conversations amongst artists that I have met, books that I have read, seminars and such that I have been too.
I have always done art... but never really pursued it as a "business" until this past few months/year. I have had a store on Ebay since 98, but it was mostly used for selling items out of my house that I was getting rid of. I did mix in art and craft items here and there... but have never made enough to sustain a living off of. I have had a freelance photography business since 1986, but here again... not enough to survive on if I had too. Part of the advantage is; that I have never had to rely on selling my art to make a living... and this is an important distinction. I'm not sure what I would have done all these years if I had been in a position where I had to earn enough to survive -- with my art.
This past year, I have been researching more into the business of selling your own art.... Different things you can do to increase your productivity, increase your visibility to the public, and maximize your earning potential. It is a complex, yet interesting thing.
There are soooo many different schools of thought on what a person should do to be successful. What seems to be left out of alot of the information out there though... is the importance of discovering for yourself.. .what exactly "success" means to you as an individual. Is it selling in galleries... is it make X amount of money a month... is it being published ? Conversely, it is also interesting to me how people can get so wrapped up in the "making money" end of things... that they lose sight of why they are doing art in the first place. Then there is the whole school of thought on the power of intention (Dream it .. believe it.. it will come to pass.)... as well as any number other "how to" business models. Do I have any answers? No.....Wish I did. Or do I?
I think that ultimately, you have to do what makes you happiest. Yes, it is awesome to be able to pay your bills and live in a manner that is comfortable for you. However... and maybe I am too naive... but I think it is much more important to be living a life that is fulfilling and nurturing to your spirit. The kind of life that makes you excited to wake up each and every day.
((And ultimately; ideally; hopefully; you will find yourself in a position where you can pay your bills and enjoy your life))
And so --- I am reflecting these days on what truly is my passion (or passions). Not what other people/ books/ seminars......think I should do... or perhaps even... what would be the most financially advantageous for me to do... but what do I really love....