

As a New Year's Eve BONUS...
I am including an extra post that shows a simple video of the photographs
I have on display at CCMH in Coudersport, PA.
(sort of an Ultimate Sneak Peak!)

This is the solo photography show I worked on and submitted earlier this month.
All of the photographs were taken this year, in and around Coudersport, PA... my hometown.

All proceeds from the sales of any photographs will be directly donated to
the Patterson Cancer Care Center in Coudersport
... in loving memory of my sister and my father... who have both passed away due to cancer...

May CANCER someday be a disease of the past...


Tonight is a full moon... and I am catching glimpses of it off an on as I sit here on the front porch. It has been raining for most of the day... and now there is a heavy bank of clouds that are playing tag with the moon.

I can hear the crickets chirping... and a dog barking off in the distance...

I can see the little brown bats as they dive for bugs under the street lamp...

I can feel the crispness in the air as the weather slowly changes to fall on this ... the autumn equinox...

I can taste the pungency of my bergamont tea...

and I love the smell of the rain on the grass tonight.

((I took my mother out for dinner tonight to a local cafe for garlic hummus and pita bread... fresh from the oven... tea.... and a wonderful Greek salad...Everything was awesome.))

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


You'd think being "out here in the country"... (said in a voice like a Tom Bodett commercial)... that people wouldn't succumb to the drama of life. Or, better said... that people would be too busy with more important stuff. You'd think... living in a city with half a million people... I would be more accustomed to the particular quirks natural to humanity and living amongst the throngs. But I am not.

The past couple of days has shown me, however, that people are people... no matter where you live. And no place is immune to the stuff of life. That is to say... we all get our feelings hurt... we all occasionally feel put-upon and taken advantage of... we all feel like perhaps there is something "greener" somewhere else... or with someone else... or if we just had "blank" ((... insert thing here...))... life would be easier.

There is a song I know with words in the chorus that go.... "It's a hard life, it's a hard life... it's a very hard life. It's a hard life wherever you go. But if we poison our children with hatred...then, the hard life is all they'll ever know."
The song is specifically talking about bigotry... but it really could be applicable to other things as well. Taken further... we can apply it to ourselves. If we poison our own minds to something... it can truly slant our perspective.
IE: if we expect something to be awful... it generally is.

Now, that is not to say that if we put on rose-colored glasses... our entire life will be sweet as pie.
Far from it. But there is something to be said about hoping for the best... and doing whatever we can to bring that into being.
Positive thoughts... then positive action.

Seems like every book I have read lately has had to do with finding your passion in life... and following your dreams. About being positive in a negative world. About not letting things get you down or destroy your goals. About being optimistic in general, and drawing people to you that are also of a positive mindset. I don't think it was a conscious effort on my part to have picked all these books with basically a theme... but there ya go.

And hey... if nothing else...
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." --Albright

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Another week has begun... and it was full of sunshine and warmth today. It has been unusually chilly for here (me-thinks)... of course... I am used to being in much warmer weather. However... with the chill comes the reason that so many leaves here turn such brilliant colors... so I cannot complain.

Today our drive in the countryside took us out over Dutch Hill and into the fields and back roads of Jenkins Hill, Ayers Hill, and such. The leaves are beginning to turn... and the sunset was gorgeous.

A couple weeks from now will be the local "Falling Leaves Festival"... and the gun show. The business stuff/paperwork I have been doing for my mother is finally winding down... and things are almost completely taken care of. There are a couple projects I would still like to do... and a few people yet that I would like to see..... but things are getting there.

But for right now... I am enjoying a warm cup of tea...
and the warmth of the sunshine in these photos...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Somehow, I have managed to lose the better part of this weekend, although I am not sure how this has happened. I have been sick... headache, body aches, and with a fever off and on for several days now. Little things seem to take me forever to finish. It is very frustrating. I am sure it is my Lupus... agitated and spurred into action by allergies.
On the plus side... at least it is a familiar problem... and one I can deal with, no matter how annoying.

Today we had a wonderful visit from my fav aunt and uncle... and I have started reading a couple new books, "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, and "Secrets of the Fire King" by Kim Edwards... and tonight I stopped at a local fav place of mine to take my photo for the day...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Exactly 30 days ago... my father passed away.
The sun still greets me every morning.
My coffee still tastes good.
My dog still wants me to take her for a walk every evening.
The moon still cheers me up.
The leaves turn... and time passes on... But I miss him.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Pennsylvania is a gorgeous place. It really is. If nothing else.... my daily drives prove this to me. On the flip side... I have had bad allergies... and a migraine to top all migraines... and I feel as if my body is at war with me this week. It will pass... I know it will.... but in the meantime... I am cranky, sleep deprived and miserable.

Fortunately for you... I will quit whining... and just show some pics :)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


" everything there is a season"... and often quoted bible verse... brought to mind as it will be recited at my father's memorial service tomorrow. I thought about this all day today as my mother and I were taking our daily drive in the countryside... evidence of summer life all around us, even as the sadness of death has been weighing on our hearts...

...and so on it goes...

(photos by Elaine A. Russell)


----------------------------------------turkey at a farm in Gold, PA

Today was an incredibly busy day. Dad had an appointment with his primary physician at 9am. It was good to be able to have a lengthy visit, and get everything straightened out.
From there... we had lunch at Fezz's Diner. I have mentioned Fezz's before.. it is a fantastic 50's diner just outside of town. My dad hadn't been there in quite awhile.. and actually felt up to staying for lunch.. so that was awesome.

Around Noon, he had his first infusion of Zemetta; which is an IV medication that helps with bone formation and strengthening... used primarily with cancer patients.

In the afternoon, my daughter and I went back to Gold, PA to drop items off at the Recycling Plant. It is a very pleasant drive. We stopped at the Gold General Store... just as quaint and old fashioned as you would imagine it to be.
Just past the Gold General Store; it a small farm... and in the front area were a stunning pair of turkeys.
In Colesburg, we stopped at the Wending Creek Farms to get fresh spring water for my parents. We filled several jugs.. and admired the spring beds of daffodils that were in full bloom.

We got back to Coudersport just in time to take my dad up for his first radiation appointment... and he seemed to do very well.... but by suppertime he was not feeling well. Assuming it was just the effects of a very busy day; he went to rest. By midnight.... he was running a fever.....

----------------------------------------all photos by Elaine A. Russell


** all photos by Elaine A. Russell

I had a friend ask me about the architecture here in Coudersport.
Alot of it is victorian in style; having been built in the 1880's after a big fire wiped alot of the town out.
I don't know much at all about architecture in general; so I can't elaborate on specifics at all. I know what I like... but that's about it. In any case... I thought that I would focus today's and tomorrow's posts on some of the houses around town. Let me know what you think ...


*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Yesterday I had intended to do a blog post on Mitchell Park here in Coudersport. So many things were going on yesterday though... that by the time I sat down to post... I was too tired to think.

And so, today... I am trying to catch up a little.

There are 2 main parks in Coudersport. One is CARP (Coudersport Area Recreational Park)... where there is a track field, football field, picnic tables, swings, etc. It is a very nice area... and it is used alot by various organizations and such in town... as well as the general public.

The other park, is Mitchell Park. I believe it was named after Robert Mitchell and his wife Dorothy who used to live right across the street from the park. Mr. Mitchell was Mayor in Coudersport for several years... and they were an older couple when I was little... So I am assuming that it was either named for them, or for someone in their family. Unfortunately... I couldn't find any information to confirm or deny this on-line.... so... I am guessing.

At any rate... Mitchell Park is a nice smaller sized park right in town next to the town library. It has a covered pavilion with several picnic tables, and lots of vintage style rides and swings for little kids. Additionally, there are now 2 metal benches towards the back of the lot that overlook Mill Creek as it tumbles and wanders into town.

There is also a really cool bridge that runs across the river here; and connects to the back end of the property where the town pool is. This was an often used shortcut for many people in town.. myself included.

The photos for this post were all taken at Mitchell Park here in Coudersport... I hope you enjoy them...

rest well my friends.. wherever you are


(photos by Elaine A. Russell)

My dad was feeling much better today.... although I think he tried to do too much; and by afternoon he was wiped out. I am so grateful that he is feeling a bit better though.
You have no idea.

In other news: my son and his fiance are planning their wedding for April 24th... yes, it's coming up soon. It sounds like arrangements are moving along very well for them... which is awesome.
I wish I was there to help more... but perhaps this is the way it is meant to be.

And ... in spite of today's weather (rainy cold windy and then snow wannabe stuff)... I went out and took a bunch of photos of the A.A.S.R. buildings... also known locally as "The Consistory."

The original portion (on the farthermost left in the photo above)... I believe was originally the mansion belonging to Mr/Mrs Isaac Benson... early prominent citizens of Coudersport. The house was left to the Freemasons in 1913 (there is a stone with this date on the front corner of the middle portion). The original portion is quite Victorian looking to me.... while the rest of the building was built in 1928... and to me, seems more Gothic. Either way, it is a very impressive building. Inside are a billiards room, dance halls, a Cathedral with a massive pipe organ and a stage, a cafeteria, dining halls, meeting rooms... it is massive.

One article I saw said that the original "house" portion was built in 1899; and that the consistory itself "stands as the largest in the country and yet sits in one of the smallest cities to have such an establishment."
When I was a teenager, I used to waitress and such at Masonic events held there. I have never seen more than the dining halls... but I am told it is pretty fabulous.
Both sides of my family have a long history of membership with the Masons... but I really don't know much about it at all.

My favorite thing on the grounds is the old carriage house. I believe it is simply used for storage now, but I really love the architecture of it.
And so... I hope you like the photos... and I will include the links I found related to this building.

(the Carriage House)

(the Isaac Benson Home)

(middle portion... and main Entrance)

(the last addition)


Coudersport Consistory Link

Wiki link: Coudersport

Wiki article on the Scottish Rite

History on the Consistory House

website for AASR


Last night around 9:30pm; it started snowing. Really snowing.
Huge, wet flakes came down ... and it was a beautiful sight.

Of course, by the time I woke up; most all of it was gone... having melted in the morning sun. It never did get much above 35 degrees today... although if you stood in the sun; it felt much warmer.

Today was a rough day... and here I am after midnight... trying to make some sense of it all.

I am failing.

I did have some wonderful moments today... gazing at the snow... the rays of sun peaking through the pine trees in the backyard.... seeing this babbling brook when I took a break and drove around a bit....

Sometimes moments are all we have... and I am thankful that some of them are supremely awesome. Today was a very rough day for my parents. Dad had a horrible night; followed by an equally bad day. Can't eat... can't rest... can't sleep... can't breathe well.... and mom is worried sick. On April 4th; they will be married 58years. Hard to imagine... and I am sure it is even more difficult for them... not only with each of them being sick.... but having to spend time away from each other is very hard for them; as they have rarely been apart these 58 years.
I just feel completely helpless and useless....

Kristin and I went for a drive this evening to Port Alleghany where one of my husband's brothers lives. It was a very good visit. And...It was an easy drive. We happened to pass this sporting goods store on way. The bear was pretty awesome... just odd... and funky and wonderful.

And then we saw this ultra fabulous vending machine out front.... yes sir --ee bob... get yer live bait right here in the vending machine! Cuz you never know when you're gonna need worms....

Mind you ... I absolutely love fishing... but even this was a little too funny to pass up :)

**all photos by Elaine A. Russell


Woke up initially at 6am... just in time to see the sun rising over the woods near CARP park on the north end of Coudersport, PA. (see photo above)
Took Sabrina for a short walk, and went back to bed. It is amazing how much rest a person can need... and yet, still feel tired.

Did some household chores, and called my mom. My dad is tentatively being transferred from Geisinger Hospital back to the hospital in Coudersport tomorrow.. so he can have a few weeks of rehab before coming home. He still needs surgery to completely repair his should socket, and to remove the large tumor on his clavicle... as well as biopsy his lymph nodes... but that will happen down the road a bit. He has done well with his hip surgery... just had a bugger with complications afterwards. Being almost 77 yrs old... I think he is doing really well.

So... here is the plan. I am going to drive to Geisinger this afternoon; stay overnight.... and come back to Coudersport the next day with all the stuff that my parents have had at the hospital (clothing, etc). Dad is going to be transferred via ambulance. My aunt and uncle are going to be driving from Bradford, PA to Geisinger on Wednesday morning, and will pick up my mom and take her with them to Philadelphia.... where they will be going to my uncle's funeral on Thursday.... and then they will bring her back to Coudersport on Friday.

The Wellsboro Diner.............

I got to Geisinger just fine. I only made one slightly wrong turn; but figured it out right away and was able to turn around. The highways in PA are actually quite nice... some of the best I have seen in the US.

It took me about 3 hours to get to Geisinger. I stopped in Wellsboro PA to have a cup of coffee and some cream of potato soup (and to take some Tylenol for a pounding headache and fever) at the Wellsboro Diner. It is an old train car, that was converted into a diner, and has been in business since 1939. It is right on Route6... and has a distinctly 1950's feel. There is an attached gift shop as well.

On highway 15 ............

From there... I traveled through several small towns. PA is like that. You get little town after little town... with lots of farm land in between. Rarely... will be a town/city of substantial size..... at least, not in the areas I am traveling in. I saw ice and snow on some rock cliffs, several rivers, a swamp area with tons of Canadian geese....and a few Amish carriages driven by horse.

I was able to visit with my dad, and then my mother and I stayed at the "House of Care" .... a guest house for patients and their families... right next to the hospital. The House of Care is a fabulous place. Really affordable rooms ($15 a night).. kitchens... bathrooms.. laundry area... living areas with a library, fireplace and big TV... all snuggled in a little part of the Geisinger campus surrounded by some nice woods. We had a room in the back... and had an excellent view of trees and grass.

Amish carriage near Muncy PA......

Sunset near Danville, PA

(**all photos by Elaine A. Russell)

Links to Wellsboro, PA: here and here
Link to Geisinger House of Care: here
Link to Geisinger Medical Center: here


...all photos by Elaine A. Russell.
Photos were taken today at St. Eulalia Cemetery in Coudersport, PA.

I slept late again today. Between the drive, the time change, and still being in a Lupus flare... my body is just tapped. So too... are my emotions. It's an odd thing... being in my parent's house with them not here. This is not the home I grew up in though.

Between birth and about 4yrs old... I lived in the town of Bradford PA. My mother's sister; and her family, still live there as well. When I was 4; my family moved to Coudersport. We lived in a fairly old farm style house on a hill. We had a double lot of land, right next to the woods... and the woods was my playground. Trees were my friends.

When I was a little over 13, we moved to live beside my grandparents in a double-wide trailer. It was more in the middle of town.... but about as far from idyllic as you could get. Up until I went to college at age 19 ( I worked for a year to save up tuition money)... it was a living hell. The bright spot being when I went to Germany as an exchange student in 1981.

My parents continued to live in that trailer for another 10yrs or so ( my grandparents now being gone)... and then they bought the house they live in now. It is still right in town... but at least does not hold any of the bad memories that the other house did. In an ironic twist of fate... the entire neighborhood where I had spent my teen years is now under about 10 layers of asphalt.... and it is now a massive parking lot... formerly owned by Adelphia Communications.

This "new" house is pretty normal I guess. It is a one story modular home with a good sized deck out front, and a fairly good sized patio in theback. It backs up to the channel... where the mighty Alleghany river runs through the center of the town. Every wall in this house is off-white. .. save the weird flowered blue wallpaper in the bathroom. The ceilings have some sort of sparkle to them, which I can only assume is glitter that was mixed in with the ceiling paint. All the carpets are beige. All the furniture is shades of brown. It is immaculate. My mother is more than a little OCD... so, as you can imagine.... everything has a place... and is in it.

It is not the kind of home I would choose to live in; nor my lifestyle at all.... but it suits my parents just fine... and they are happy here.

The town has had it's ups and downs. Having years when John Rigas had Adelphia Communications here (Link: Adephia)... it was majorly booming... home were restored... parks built...businesses started and flourished. Since the company's demise (or at least most of it) in 2002... Coudersport has gone back to a sleepy little town.... but with expensive homes and huge buildings, now mostly empty. It's rather odd. Some townsfolk prefer it this way... others miss the hustle and bustle of a slightly bigger town.

As for me... either way; it's still my hometown.

To see more about Coudersport: link


------------------------------------------------->photos by Elaine A. Russell

wow. I am exhausted.

My parent's home is like Grand Central Station. I think the phone never stopped ringing.. and I have to wonder how the entire county seemed to figure out someone was home.
Got some laundry done.... got some groceries.... visited with my niece. That was really about it... in between all the phone calls. Did I mention it never stopped ringing?

I only took 4 photos today in totality... so I was very limited when it came to my photo for the day project.
Ah well. Hopefully it is OK.

At the grocery store... I found some wonderful items... including the makings for some fabu blue cheese and spinach bruschetta...which I am making right now. Yes... this very minute.

It's been raining all day. Weird. My niece reminded me that the last time I was here... that it rained most every day.

My dad seems a bit better today. According to my mom; the doctors seem a bit baffled as to the source of his internal bleeding... supposing that it may be a reaction to the stress of surgery, etc. But... 2 units of blood later... the bleeding has slowed, and there is some color in his face. He continues to be quite distended, and they are suspecting a bowel obstruction... which they are working to resolve. He is still in alot of pain... but fortunately, is getting some pretty good meds for that. Mom has moved into his hospital room from the guest house ... and is trying to rest in between stuff. She sounds completely tapped.
At this point, I am planning to drive to the hospital on Monday... in anticipation of his transfer to our local hospital. This will put me there.. hopefully not too early so as to just wait around and stay in a hotel.... but be there to drive my mom and all the stuff back to our hometown. In the meantime, I am fixing some stuff around the house, and tomorrow will clean my dad's car (my mom thinks it's filthy)..... course... she is a bit OCD....


-----------------------------------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

Today we woke up and left the hotel around 9:30. We drove until lunchtime... and stopped at a Waffle House in Indiana. Those of you who know me... know I love diners. I know the food isn't the best for you... I know the music is generally awful.... I know they are usually all sorts of tacky.... but I just love 'em. There was a park nearby, and Sabrina was so happy to see actual grass... she ran around and ran around and rolled in it; smiling and panting the whole time.

We made several short stops today... but basically concentrated on driving and getting as far as we could. Surprisingly, there is very little snow about. I remember it usually having tons of snow still in March... so it really surprised me.

We saw tons of police en force on the highways.... really. Not sure why. ... but things were pretty uneventful. Kristin did have a relatively close encounter with a groundhog... she even got a photo of him... which was pretty cool.

Had my last Starbucks around dinnertime... figured it was the last one I was going to be near for awhile. It was good ♥

Made it to the backwoods of PA... about 2hrs from our destination when I got a call from a friend of my parents to call my mom "immediately." So I pulled off and called. Turns out my dad has had a turn for the worse. This am; they had told my mom that he was going to be transferred tomorrow to our local nursing home for rehab... and that he would be leaving by ambulance tomorrow.. and that I would need to come and get her in Geisinger. Well. Apparently he is not doing well...and that is all on hold for now. I am anticipating driving the 3hrs to the hospital tomorrow sometime to be there.... but my mom told me to just stay put for now.
So... At this moment I am at my parent's house in PA... doing laundry... and unpacking.

I have a "1 bar" connection here.... so ... internet is sometimes fleeting...but I will post when I can.