wow. This has been a hard week. I’ve slept alot, I’ve been mourning the loss of Bugsy… which also brought up the loss of ZeeZe…. plus all the stress from moving here and the changes with work, family, my health, etc… Everything has kind of snowballed… and it’s all felt very real and very fresh.
I had inquired about fostering another senior pup… in particular, one from the same rescue that Bugsy came from. And there is a pup in need… but he traveled a long way to get here, and is now quite ill. So everything is on hold while he (hopefully) stabilizes and gets better. I had hoped to get some puppy feet back in this apartment sooner rather than later… but alas, I guess it is not to be right now. ..
And that makes me sad as well… but. It also gives me the opportunity to work on a whole bunch of things I need to work on (trying to be positive here)…. like scanning decades worth of photos. Family photos of my hubby’s and my families… and of course, TONS of photos that I have taken, slides, memorabilia, etc that all needs scanned into digital files. The goal is to then get rid of most all the physical photos, and clear up some much needed space (and about 1/2 of the stuff in our storage closet here). I also have jewelry to make…. fabric to go thru and decide what to do with….books to read… artwork to work on …. etc…. And, perhaps most importantly, I need to get my health back on track. I haven’t said, but I am using a cane now… as my back is bad, and I can hardly walk a block without needing it. I’ve gained weight, and my stamina is pathetic. I’ve had lots of issues .. in particular since being so sick in January (which is another reason I am inclined to think I had some version of CoVid in January). This too shall pass… it’s just something I need to focus on and work on. And… now’s as good a time as any… as long as I can stay motivated.
And so today…. Jim and I ran a bunch of errands, and I tried to walk as much as I could. We took some things to a donation center, took items to the recycling center, stopped at our complex mail office to get our mail, went to the local post office to mail some things, went to a wine shop (we had a gift card to use), stopped at a coffee shop, and then stopped and picked up tacos from a local place to take home for a late lunch. This afternoon, I’ve worked on picking up the house a little, and gathered a final cutting of the herbs on our balcony and am drying them in the oven to use over the winter. We’ve probably gotten at least 4 cuttings from the herbs this year, which is awesome; especially for a tiny balcony garden.
Tonight, I expect that we will watch “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”… which is our family tradition.
… here are some of my ‘snapshot for the day’ photos from this week….