

Today was my first "artist date" of the year... one of those special days where I go out and submerse myself in the artistic side of the world. Sometimes I go to bookstores and read all the latest books and magazines... sometimes I wander about doing urban exploration... sometimes I go to museums or see shows...

Last year, I tried to do one at least once a week... that is... when I was actually here in NM. This year, I hope to continue having weekly artist dates... and hope to drag some friends along with me.

So. Today... my daughter and I picked up a friend... and we went roaming about the countryside a bit... driving around the city of Albuquerque a bit... stopping at a plant nursery, a music shop, and at Flying Star for dinner. From there... we spent a leisurely time looking at magazines whilst eating... having great conversation... and got some awesome art inspiration.

And along the way... I took a few photos... and did a few sketches :)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Today I helped a friend move to the fabulous town of Placitas.
Old Placitas is a fantastic village... and if you ever get the chance... it's a "must see" kind of place.
That said... I didn't have the opportunity to take any photos until I was on my way home... and it was very quickly getting dark.
So... here are a few from the ride home...♥

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Having dealt with debilitating illnesses before... you'd think that I would know when to slow down. Or stop. But I don't. I think sometimes that illness (at least in my case) can therefor sometimes be a good thing; in the sense that it forces me to take time and rest.
This whole past month I have been working up to a "good" case of bronchitis. And now, for the past several days... it has consumed most every moment of my existence.
Stupid stuff completely wears me out.

I have been trying to sort thru the house ... and this past weekend I sold some of the stuff off of Craigslist. The stuff that didn't sell.... I loaded up and took to Goodwill this afternoon. It was all I could do to basically drive it up there... and somewhat help unload it (fortunately... I very nice guy helped me out). By the time I got home... I was ready for another breathing treatment... and some Tylenol for a killer headache.

One thing that never seems to wear me out though... is taking photographs. Both of the shots for today's post I took on the way home from Goodwill. They are sunny.... and remind me to keep "looking up".... and keep on keepin on....

------->photos by Elaine A. Russell

61:365 I didn't even get out of bed til 4pm. I have been sick, and I seem to be sleeping (or trying to sleep) more than usual. My hours are totally mixed up and confused... my sleep pattern... erratic at best. I have some pretty vivid dreams... and occasionally they are quite disturbing. So when I woke up, I quickly tried to do some housekeeping... and then I despaired because I thought I had lost what little light was left for me to take a photo for the day.... and then I went outside.

What had appeared to be a totally dull, lifeless, and blah kind of day inside.... was certainly not what was happening in reality outside....

These two photos I took of some items I have hanging on my front patio. The green wire globe is a set of wind chimes that I got several years ago... they make a beautiful tinkling noise in the wind. The globe and wire contraption is an art piece I got off of Craigslist about 3yrs ago. When it twirls, it gives the illusion that the glass globe is moving up and down the wire spirals.... It is an awesome effect.

These are the views from my driveway... looking south. It was just beginning to turn into a stunning sunset, and the clouds were on fire in multiple shades ...turning from pink to burnt orange in a matter of minutes...

And then I drove out to the edge of the housing neighborhoods... and this was our view looking westward....

So for now.... goodnight my friends...Stay warm. Rest well. And try to enjoy the beauty that is around us all... all the time....


This little robin has been hanging around my house for about a week now... cleverly eluding me and my camera most all the while. Today she allowed me to snap one photo... and then she was off. I can only assume that she has a nest very close by. So today... I went and got some extra good birdseed to put out tomorrow.

Then the hubby and I ran some errands. It has been a crazy ( as in bizarre) few days. But... we stopped and got coffee... an item off of Freecycle to work on as a craft.... got haircuts... and all the while I was trying to figure out what to take a photo of to be my photo for today.

We were discussing what... if anything... could sum up my style of photography. I am going to be applying for a grant in the next month or so... and it would help if I could adequately describe what my style is. Funny though... I never really thought about it before. I don't have a specific "thing" I shoot.... (ie: models, cars... sports)... and I don't use a particular filter or whatever that would give most all my shots a signature LOOK. I do a combination of both nature shots, and urban viewpoints... so I am not strictly a nature photographer, for example.

I had a friend recently who described my work as "zen"... and "meditative"... and another friend who said that my photos "depict a world she/ he wished they lived in."

Sort of like a more positive view on everyday life... I really like that.

Or as my hubby put it ..."life affirming..."

And then I got the call. You know... the one I have been anticipating for about a week now. Bad news... but nothing I can divulge today. It has thrown me for a loop. And while it doesn't involve me specifically ... it does effect me completely and utterly. I know, in the whole scheme of things... that goodness can come out of everything... and I have to believe that goodness will come out of this as well.

And so... I am including some "life affirming" photos that I took today... let me know what you think.

(*all photos by Elaine A. Russell)


Today I went out to the Volcanoes (also known as the Three Sisters).... part of the Petroglyphs National Park, and conveniently near my house. I only had about an hour's worth of energy.. and fortunately... this was close enough that I had plenty of time to get there... walk around a bit.. and enjoy the scenery.

This has been a favorite spot of mine ever since we moved here in 1995.
~~ I'm sure you can see why ~~

((...If you click on the panoramic photos... you can see them enlarged... ))

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