

---------> photo by Elaine A. Russell

I am trying to think positive. Some days are harder than others to do this. Part of the problem is that the swamp cooler has been busted for a couple of weeks... and I don't tolerate the heat very well. Part of the problem is that my studio space is a mess... and I don't feel especially motivated to clean it up in the heat. Part of the problem is that I feel like a failure... because I had to cancel my participation in so many shows this year because of my parent's being sick... and the unpredictability of traveling back and forth to PA.
I need to focus on what I can do...

I have been fortunate this year to have been published several times in the Alibi newspaper... and even got a cover shot in April. Then... I was blessed to have been included in the 365 book *see link to the side*... and this past week I found out that one of my photos is going to be included in the August issue of "Artful Blogging" magazine. I am really grateful, and completely excited about this...

Things never pan out exactly like we think they are. I thought this year was going to be all about local shows, and instead, it seems to be more about publication. So... I am trying very hard to stay positive and go with the flow.

In what ways did something go awry... that turned out to be the best thing for you?


*photo by Elaine A. Russell

The nights officially are going to be getting longer... as we progress along the calendar year. I love the night. I worked night shift for the better part of 17yrs as a nurse, and it is still a habit for me to stay up late at night. As a bonus, I am much more tolerant of the coolness of the night. It is calming and more serene for me; and at night I try to collect my thoughts and reflect on the day.
I talked with a therapist today. I was diagnosed with PTSD about 20yrs ago, and have had issues with depression and such .... waxing and waning at times... over the years. Like my photo for today's blog... I need to remember to go with the flow on a certain level... yet also "stand my ground" against the tides of life. It can be a fine line... but one I need to walk at the moment.
I need to remember that there is positive in everything; if we just focus on the blessings at hand... and not get bogged down in the sand by the negatives.

The photo for today's post was taken on the shores of the Rio Grande. In little spots along the river, are the occasional sand bar. It is a scenic thing... and quite a surprise for travelers here in the desert.