

I believe things happen for a reason. As of today; I have been home a month from my last visit to PA. In that 4 weeks... so very much has happened; that it is sometimes hard to fathom.

The intention was... that as soon as I got back home here to ABQ... that I was going to decide on photos for a solo show in PA... get them printed and matted... and sent off. And yet... it seems as though the universe has conspired against me on it. Seems like everything that can go wrong... has gone wrong... and I haven't been able to get it done. I am now 2 weeks late in getting the items mailed... and it bothers me no end. I absolutely detest being late on anything... and so this really bothers me.

That said... I am determined NOT to let this overwhelm me... and to get everything done and in the mail in the next day or so. It is late. It is sad and unfortunate... and yet.. there is nothing that can be done about it except to plod on at this point and hope that the powers that be are OK with it.

The latest fiasco in this process is that my computer suddenly got violated with a virus ... and none of my photos were accessible. In fact... I was frantic that they were lost forever. 3 days later... that is fixed and they are recovered... ( BAJ IS AWESOME)... but there is something still wrong with my laptop and I have no Internet capabilities (except when I can use someone else's computer).

and ... apparently my pneumonia is worse... and I am now on a new antibiotic.

And so... I am unable to access any of my digital photos to publish on my blog... and I am unable to update my photo for the year project photos on-line... although I am still taking photos.
I will get caught up eventually.

In the meantime; I found these photos I had taken of my son when he was very little... and those are my photos for today's blog post. Proof that:
a. he was... and continues to be ... adorable
b. that I have always been a photographer down to my soul
c. that life indeed does go on... even when you get bogged down in the muck of everyday existence and the foils of "stuff"...

* all photos by Elaine A. Russell


Yesterday, we were able to spend a couple of hours with our granddaughter... and she is wonderful.

The "circle of life" has been so very close and obvious this year... and it is such a blessing to be able to see the other end of things... birth, life, the promise of things to come...

*all photos by Kristin M. Russell


" everything there is a season"... and often quoted bible verse... brought to mind as it will be recited at my father's memorial service tomorrow. I thought about this all day today as my mother and I were taking our daily drive in the countryside... evidence of summer life all around us, even as the sadness of death has been weighing on our hearts...

...and so on it goes...

(photos by Elaine A. Russell)


----->photo by Elaine A. Russell is complicated. People oftentimes make it worse. Supposed wrongs.... hurt feelings... sometimes the drama is so exaggerated and unnecessary.
Today was one of those days. And like my photo for the day... I am trying to take a backseat to it all... rest... and stay out of the craziness.


------------> photo by Elaine A. Russell

My neighbors have a synthetic lawn. I never understood the appeal of fake lawns... fake flowers... fake boobs... the list goes on. I suppose living here in the desert, there is a temptation to have green grass... and some will go to any lengths to achieve that. And I must admit... it is nice to see a really green front yard on occasion.... course, I have also seen many the confused dog run up to it... and then wander off.... sad.
Sometimes it's hard to tell what is real and what is not... as all too often the lines of reality are blurred. People say one thing... mean another. What seems pretty... has no substance. What appears to have value... in the end; does not.
It's a hard thing.... trying to be real. People don't expect it. They are used to the "fluff..."

And it got me thinking... what in your life is dependable and real?
Check out this link: HERE


photos by Elaine A. Russell

"You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life." --- Krishnamurti, Jiddu


---------> photos by Elaine A. Russell

Well ... tonight is my last chance to get the grant paperwork in... and I am working on it as we speak. It's really hard to write about yourself... and I have never really had to do anything like this before... so it's a bit intimidating.

These past few days have been especially rough. Just when you think things have the opportunity of getting "easier" or calming down... it seems as though something else rises up to the surface to stir things up.
On the other hand, I have come to discover that perhaps my best accomplishment in life is that I married really really well. My hubby ( and the kids as much as they are able) have been so incredibly supportive throughout this whole thing... and I do not even want to think about where I would be without them. And... I have really good friends. Friends who write with encouragement, friends who come over for a hug, friends willing to loan me a tv for my dad. It has been an incredibly insightful journey. You never know what will happen when the proverbial shit hits the fan... and to my great astonishment... I have been truly blessed with good friends and loved ones.
Yes, there have been some klunkers.... and I am emotionally cutting them loose. It's time. (actually... it's probably past time).
And I have had the great opportunity of learning (more than I care to)... about the insurance industry, finances, elder care, and planning for the future. In the whole scheme of things... it has truly been an education; and I'm sure it will be something I will tackle with the hubby on our own end when I get back to ABQ.
Life is too damn short. Too short to try to "save for a rainy day"... to not go on vacations.... to think that all our life is about is the work that we do... or the appointments we keep.... or even the company we keep. It's about experiences. It's about doing what we can for our fellow humankind and the earth and it's creatures. It's about helping each other out. It's about truly loving... deep and wide... til we split open and spill out all that goodness on each other. It's about enjoying food.. nature... life.
And I; for one... am not going to miss another day.
the photos for today's post are of a massive pine tree in my parent's back yard. There are several of these type of pine trees here in town... and even more in the surrounding woods. As a kid... I thought of studying botany... and at one point... I knew the names of most every tree, grass, weed, and flower in the county. Course, I have since managed to forget most of it... but some I remember :)

My parent's have a vintage little pocket tree book; and from the description, I thought that this was a Sugar Pine. However, after doing some internet research... I think it is actually a Norway Spruce. This tree is massive... and it has these gorgeous bows that hang low like curtains and shade you from the world...

It also gets these really big pine cones that make great "boats" to sail down the river....

Personally; it has been a great pleasure these past few days to just stand under these formidable bows... sheltered from the world around me... and pretending.. if only for a moment... that I am in my own world.


I left the house at 7am, after getting little to no sleep. The flight from ABQ to Phoenix was fairly uneventful, although I still don't understand why I had to travel west in order to go east. I had a wonderful conversation with an Air Force Sergeant on his way to Hawaii... sounds like alot of fun!

the Phoenix Airport... and the flight somewhere over Arizona

In Phoenix, I had a short lay-over.. and it gave me just enough time to check my email and play around a little on-line. However, I was one of the last groups to board the flight to Philadelphia, and we were told that we had to check all our bag due to no room in the cabin. Reluctantly, I did. Come to find out, the person who checked my bag marked it as if Philadelphia was my final destination... so when I got to Philly, I had to go the full length of the airport in order to get my carry-ons... and then I had to go thru security checks again.. and take a shuttle to my section of the airport to catch my last flight. A little chaotic... and a little nerve-wracking.. but it all worked out fine. The other thing was that I was supposed to get a meal on my flight, and I didn't... which means I was without food from 8am until 6pm. NOT that I can't lose a little... :)
Philadelphia has a great airport. I can't believe that I lived in PA for over 25yrs, and never went to Philadelphia. It looked vast and cool from the air...
Had a fabulous dinner at a "Hard Rock Cafe" type place where I had a really good Asian salad... YUM.

the flight from Phoenix to Philadelphia... some where over Kansas, and then over Missouri

and finally coming into Philadelphia....

And now... I am waiting for my flight to Williamsport, PA. From there, I have a friend coming to get me... and it will be a 2hour drive to my parent's house. Such is the quirks of living in the middle of PA forest country I guess.

and this was the sunset in Philadelphia..... and then coming into Williamsport PA

all photos by Elaine A. Russell

In other news... It has been an interesting couple of months... and the journey is not over yet. I had mentioned in my blog once that I never anticipated this time of my life... that glorious in-between time of children leaving the home/ whilst helping the parents into "older-age." It has been a vast learning experience, and one I am glad to have gotten... but at the same time... chaotic... and very emotional.
I have also learned that I am going to be a grandmother for the 1st time... and I couldn't be happier for my son and his new bride. Such an incredible time of life... a new life developing and coming into this world... as my father prepares to leave it for the next part of his life....


So ... February has been an interesting month.

I am applying for a photography grant... the deadline being in May. It is very exciting... and very intimidating at the same time. I have never applied for a grant before... so this is a first.
On the plus side... I was recently commissioned by a local group to take photos for them --- part of an on-going public relations kind of thing. This is extremely exciting, and I am so thrilled to be asked to participate... and today I worked on some photos for this project. Being as it is a potentially long-term project; it fits in nicely with my goals/ intentions for the grant. Funny how things work out like that.
And, provided I get the grant money... I will be able to replace at least some of the photography equipment I lost/sold last summer. That would be awesome.

I was "down" most of the month with my Lupus... which is frustrating... but not exactly critical. It had the bonus effect of forcing me to rest, re-group, reflect and re-organize a bit. I still have an awful lot I would like to do... and alot I am behind in doing... but at least I feel like I am moving in the right direction.

The book I was asked to participate in... and in which I have several photos being almost ready to go to print. This is soooooooooo fabu. This will be my first publication in a book... but hopefully not my last.

I have been keeping steady with the FlickR 365 photo a day challenge, the 52 Weeks of Creations challenge, and the ECHO project bi-weekly photo challenges. It has been "challenging" some days... to say the least.... but I love photography, and these projects have been really encouraging me to stretch my creativity a bit.

But most on my mind these past few days have been family. My father was diagnosed with bone cancer... and recent reports from the doctors are not very promising at all. But I know my dad. I know that he is made of tougher fiber than most. In an essence, he said that he will "do whatever it takes"... in order to get better. He is strong, he has a great support system, and a profound faith.
My husband's sister was also in the hospital, very sick... with a staggeringly high blood pressure. She is home now... and hopefully well on the way to mending.
And I have seen 2 close family friends pass away this month.

Life is so short. Sometimes events make it feel even shorter and more precious. And that is good, I think. ... it keeps us from getting complacent... tired....weary... and numb of mind. For me, at least... it has encouraged me to keep life so much more sacred... to enjoy these moments... tough as they may be at times.

So. Here's to March. Let's see what March 2010 has in store....♥

(*photos by Elaine A. Russell)


This little robin has been hanging around my house for about a week now... cleverly eluding me and my camera most all the while. Today she allowed me to snap one photo... and then she was off. I can only assume that she has a nest very close by. So today... I went and got some extra good birdseed to put out tomorrow.

Then the hubby and I ran some errands. It has been a crazy ( as in bizarre) few days. But... we stopped and got coffee... an item off of Freecycle to work on as a craft.... got haircuts... and all the while I was trying to figure out what to take a photo of to be my photo for today.

We were discussing what... if anything... could sum up my style of photography. I am going to be applying for a grant in the next month or so... and it would help if I could adequately describe what my style is. Funny though... I never really thought about it before. I don't have a specific "thing" I shoot.... (ie: models, cars... sports)... and I don't use a particular filter or whatever that would give most all my shots a signature LOOK. I do a combination of both nature shots, and urban viewpoints... so I am not strictly a nature photographer, for example.

I had a friend recently who described my work as "zen"... and "meditative"... and another friend who said that my photos "depict a world she/ he wished they lived in."

Sort of like a more positive view on everyday life... I really like that.

Or as my hubby put it ..."life affirming..."

And then I got the call. You know... the one I have been anticipating for about a week now. Bad news... but nothing I can divulge today. It has thrown me for a loop. And while it doesn't involve me specifically ... it does effect me completely and utterly. I know, in the whole scheme of things... that goodness can come out of everything... and I have to believe that goodness will come out of this as well.

And so... I am including some "life affirming" photos that I took today... let me know what you think.

(*all photos by Elaine A. Russell)


**photos by Elaine A. Russell

I know that the new year is all about beginnings... new birth so to speak... creativity... that spark that starts things rolling. Well... most times you can't have beginnings without endings as well.
I am not a morbid person. Anything but.
I have certainly had my share of loved ones who have passed on ... and having had cancer; I understand first hand the realization that life truly is short. For me though... it is not a scary, hush-hush topic. It is a reality that life as we know it does come to an end at some point... usually, not a point we necessarily expect...nor one we generally plan for. I also like to think of it as actually a more joyous time... a time when we get to be with our loved ones who have already passed... a time away from the pain, misery, and whatever else was our trial in this lifetime.

Today I stopped at the San Jose del El Rosario Cemetery. It is just off the I-25 south freeway onto Gibson Ave. When the highway was built in the 1960's... it looks like they literally shoved this cemetery to the side... It is very sad... Very unkempt... quite ... forgotten looking. Most of the graves are not even standing, let alone have any readable markers... The wear and tear of the desert winds and sun have taken a huge toll on this place. And yet... it is still being used.

In the midst of some of the weathered and worn sites, is a boxing ring – a memorial to a boxer, Vicente “Picosito” Garcia, who died at age 20 in 2006.

Most of the grave sights are outlined with rocks. Some are accented with bottles, flowers, even a toy car or two. Graves of little children are often surrounded by the sides of cribs. And there are alot of them. What would those children have gone on to do? What was their potential that somehow got misplaced ? or perhaps it was their goal to teach us more about death... and about life. To enjoy it while we have it. To live life to it's fullest. To become our absolute best... to live up to our innate potential.

And so ... that is my word for this year... Potential. What will be yours?

To see more about this cemetery: