

...please join me in ... lighting a candle... saying a prayer... sending healing thoughts
... and surrounding my friend, Allegra, with white light...
Allegra is a wonderful, delightful, caring soul that I met thru her blog... and she is gravely ill.
...please also send warm, and caring thoughts to her husband and family...

see more here...

*photo by Elaine A. Russell


Today I had an awesome day just hanging out with a friend. We went out for lunch... did a little shopping... but mainly just visited. It has been a rough year for me... and I think it is about to get even more interesting.

This whole summer has been sort of a "hurry up and wait" type of scenario.... always anticipating another trip back to PA... and so not getting too involved... not getting too comfortable... not starting (or finishing really) any projects because of potential interruptions... etc. It has sort of been like living in limbo.

It's been rather silly in a way... no one knows how many tomorrows you may have... and to wait for some magical time when you anticipate free time to work on things is rediculous. But there it is... and there I was.... not working on things because I was either too depressed... too sick... too anxious.... or waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop when I would have to go again.

My father has been home from the hospital for 16 days I think... if I have counted right... and I have been asked to come. My father has been irritable... anxious... in alot of pain... and helpless to do anything for himself. My mom, though she has tried her best... and done quite well... is at the point where she wants/needs my help... and so I will go.

Tomorrow I will try to get the Jeep checked over to make sure it is "road ready".... get some stuff together.... get things finished up as much as I can before I head out on another cross-country trip.
I feel like I should have been more prepared for this moment... especially what with anticipating it for several weeks now... and yet... I am not.

--->photos by Elaine A. Russell


Life itself can be so unpredictable. My mother has told me to wait on coming back to PA... my dad seems to be declining... but at a fairly steady, slow, pace. He is getting pain medicine almost hourly... and so far, it is helping.
She feels she will need me more later on...

My hubby came home late yesterday from his travels, and then did a 12hr work day today... he is exhausted.

My sleep schedule is completely whack... what with concern over family and such... and I seem to be in a very unproductive phase right now... scattered... restless... anxious.

I mention this only to highlight the fact that I was awake to see the sunrise this am... something that is a rarity for me. I was wandering about the yard... taking some photos of the sky and the light... when this glorious hummingbird came within about 2 feet of my face.

I had been standing near a yucca plant... contemplating life... death... illness... When this little hummer came to me and just stared at me... looking right into my eyes.... then hovered slightly in the sky... and took off.

I had my camera in hand... but was so startled at his appearance... that I only snapped 2 quick shots before he left (and one is a total wash). Tonight, upon looking up info on hummers as totem animals... I read that many cultures view the hummingbird as a symbol of resurrection --
"This is because each hummer becomes lifeless and seems to die on cold nights, but it comes back to life again when the miraculous sunrise brings warmth. "

How appropriate ... indeed.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


To see more on Hummingbirds as totem animals...



My dad is getting ready (I think)... to pass on. He woke this afternoon and was expressing his goodbyes to my mom. Thankfully, he seems to be resting in between doses of pain medicine... and I am hoping that he is comfortable. He had a visit from his minister... and hospice has been checking in with him and my mom.

And so...I am trying to wrap things up for another trip back to PA... and the day has been quite chaotic...

About my photos for today's post: Sometimes you have to take inspiration where you can get it. Today I was mostly at home because I was trying to get some things done... and so I knew I had to take a photo for today of something here at the house.
We seem to have an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables here... and so I took a couple photos of some gorgeous radishes. Growing up, I remember eating radishes alot from my grandmother's garden... and so it was a nice memory.

"Radishes and their greens provide an excellent source of vitamin C. Radish leaves contain almost six times the vitamin C content of their root and are also a good source of calcium. Red Globes also offer a very good source of the trace mineral molybdenum and are a good source of potassium and folic acid. Daikons provide a very good source of potassium and copper.
Radishes, like other member of the cruciferous family (cabbage, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts),contain cancer-protective properties. Throughout history radishes have been effective when used as a medicinal food for liver disorders. They contain a variety of sulfur-based chemicals that increase the flow of bile. Therefore, they help to maintain a healthy gallbladder and liver, and improve digestion. Fresh radish roots contain a larger amount of vitamin C than cooked radish roots. Radish greens, contain far more vitamin C, calcium, and protein than the roots. "


I left the house at 7am, after getting little to no sleep. The flight from ABQ to Phoenix was fairly uneventful, although I still don't understand why I had to travel west in order to go east. I had a wonderful conversation with an Air Force Sergeant on his way to Hawaii... sounds like alot of fun!

the Phoenix Airport... and the flight somewhere over Arizona

In Phoenix, I had a short lay-over.. and it gave me just enough time to check my email and play around a little on-line. However, I was one of the last groups to board the flight to Philadelphia, and we were told that we had to check all our bag due to no room in the cabin. Reluctantly, I did. Come to find out, the person who checked my bag marked it as if Philadelphia was my final destination... so when I got to Philly, I had to go the full length of the airport in order to get my carry-ons... and then I had to go thru security checks again.. and take a shuttle to my section of the airport to catch my last flight. A little chaotic... and a little nerve-wracking.. but it all worked out fine. The other thing was that I was supposed to get a meal on my flight, and I didn't... which means I was without food from 8am until 6pm. NOT that I can't lose a little... :)
Philadelphia has a great airport. I can't believe that I lived in PA for over 25yrs, and never went to Philadelphia. It looked vast and cool from the air...
Had a fabulous dinner at a "Hard Rock Cafe" type place where I had a really good Asian salad... YUM.

the flight from Phoenix to Philadelphia... some where over Kansas, and then over Missouri

and finally coming into Philadelphia....

And now... I am waiting for my flight to Williamsport, PA. From there, I have a friend coming to get me... and it will be a 2hour drive to my parent's house. Such is the quirks of living in the middle of PA forest country I guess.

and this was the sunset in Philadelphia..... and then coming into Williamsport PA

all photos by Elaine A. Russell

In other news... It has been an interesting couple of months... and the journey is not over yet. I had mentioned in my blog once that I never anticipated this time of my life... that glorious in-between time of children leaving the home/ whilst helping the parents into "older-age." It has been a vast learning experience, and one I am glad to have gotten... but at the same time... chaotic... and very emotional.
I have also learned that I am going to be a grandmother for the 1st time... and I couldn't be happier for my son and his new bride. Such an incredible time of life... a new life developing and coming into this world... as my father prepares to leave it for the next part of his life....


-----------------------------------> photo by Kristin M. Russell

I am leaving in the am for PA. I am leaving at 8am; and I won't get there until just before 11pm.... and then it will be a 2hr drive to my parent's house. The doctors have told mom that "it's getting close" to the time when my father may pass.
I am traveling light. I always travel light... but this time I am only taking what I can fit in a carry-on and my tote/purse. I have about $20 on a credit card. No cash. This one is gonna be tight.... and we'll have to worry about things later.

Things can get chaotic in life. Sometimes you just have to set your priorities and go full steam ahead... no matter what the consequences. I did the same thing when my sister passed... and I wouldn't do it any differently now.

I apologize if yesterday's post was in any way offensive. There are piranhas in this world who will cut you down, especially when you are potentially vulnerable... and it's just wrong. My tolerance for this is gone. I am tapped. I will no longer be the victim/weakling they perceive me as. Here too... sometimes when you are "balls to the wall"... you find your strength... and I am stronger than I thought.
From now on... and I would encourage everyone to do this: Life is too short to surround yourself with people who do not love you, and who do not have your best interests at heart. Cut them loose. It doesn't matter who they are, or who they have been to you in the past... or what they could potentially be to you in the future. It's just not worth it. You don't have to "be nice..." and keep these people around for propriety's sake or whatever ...
Enjoy your life. Be happy. Be loved, and love in return... fully and unconditionally.


(all photos by Elaine A. Russell)

In the past 24hours... I have learned that my friend's (from high school) mother passed away.... that my husband's sister is in the hospital with a possible heart attack... and I've learned more about bone cancer than I ever care to know.
Crazy how things seem to "dogpile" when they hit like that....

And yet the world goes round... and it goes on. I had a fabulous lunch with my daughter at Kelly's Pub in Nob Hill.
It is a really cool place... and the food portions are not only HUGE... but they taste awesome.

From there... we went to a great local gallery (which will be featured on Friday's blog "sneak peak")...stopped at Cafe Giuseppe for a hot chai ( totally awesome!! and the place is really cool).... and then we stopped at this incredible little bookstore "The Book Stop," where we found the most amazing selection of books (new and old).

I was able to take a few pictures while roaming about... and then we made a quick stop at Albertson's grocery store for a few items; where I saw the most beautiful orchids in their floral area. WOW.

And now I am home. And it is late. And I can't help but think about how crazy life can be. Life doesn't just stop... even when you want it to... if only for a minute while you catch your breathe. Illness and tragedy rains on everyone. ... and can... seemingly out of the blue...
And just as miraculously... good and great things happen as well. We may never know why things happen the way they do... and perhaps that is a good thing.

Living Simply Tip for the Day:
Enjoy life. Have good coffee. See good art. Read a good book. Enjoy time with loved ones every chance you get. Buy yourself flowers. Yes, it's more than worth it.... and these are the things you will reflect upon when the rough times sometimes hit you, or someone you love.


Kelly's Brew Pub -- fabulous food, great service, big screen Tv's, billiards and more!

Cafe Giuseppe -- awesome coffee... tea... and a neat little lounge area

The Book Stop -- hidden TREASURE! Great little book shop.