

---------------------------------->all photos by Elaine A. Russell

So... I have finally caught up on all my posts from traveling back to NM. So... If you are interested, check out the previous week's worth of posts of updated pics and such...I have added to the posts...

Today was a wonderful day. With the help of Vicodin (yes, narcotics are my friend)... I am able to move about without too much pain... and it is a "good thing." I have been going thru our DVD collection... and will be selling off about half of it soon on Ebay.. stay tuned for some fabulous auctions folks...

AND I have been watching and listening to the wind today. The wind here is absolutely amazing... and today was a prime example of the wild winds here in New Mexico. Accoring to the weather channel... they were blowing at 36mph with gusting up to 44mph....and the skies were just awesome.
And so... I took this opportunity to spend a few leisurely hours looking up fun info on the web... talking with my daughter... and nibbling on alot of interesting candy that we have around the house.
(we have: donuts, spicy peach rings, English tea biscuits, Mexican chile candy, Lego sweet tarts, Dutch mints, burnt candy peanuts, India sesame cookies, gummy sharks, German blueberry and raspberry treats, French pastel mints, sesame sticks, Swedish fish, sour peach and watermelon gum drops, and honey roasted almonds... )

I also received a brand new copy of this book: Look HERE.... of which I am one of the featured photographers. I was very honored to have been selected as one of only about 50 photographers from around the world to be featured in this publication... AND... I was lucky to have gotten a larger 6 picture spread. I am deeply honored... and personally, I think the book is pretty fabulous.
It is the first book I have ever been featured in... so it is really exciting! .... and I am hoping that it won't be the last...
I was SO excited when my book came...and sit and actually be able to flip through the pages, and see all the amazing shots submitted for this project...well, I don't have words to describe the feeling.
Thank you to all who helped put this amazing piece of work together.... YEAH!
All proceeds from the sale of this book are being donated to "Doctors Without Borders".

------------------------------------>freakin awesome!


(photos by Elaine A. Russell)

...I really love art...

...all kinds....

...all colors...

...all shapes, sizes, and styles....

Recently, I have had alot going on in my life. Art has saved me on numerous times in the past; and I am sure it will carry me through many tomorrows as well.

I saw this quote the other day; and I just love it.

"When my daughter was about seven years old, she asked me one day what I did at work. I told her I worked at the college- that my job was to teach people how to draw. She stared back at me, incredulous, and said, "You mean they forget?"

---Howard Ikemoto

Keep on with your dreams. Don't forget what you love.

Living Simply Tip for the day:

If you don't love it... I mean ... really love it... why are you keeping it? Sure that collection of funky sweaters *or whatever* was cool in the 80's... but if you aren't loving them anymore, it's time to pass them on. This will not only clear up valuable space in your home; but if you decide to sell the items, you can always use that cash to get something you really would like NOW.

Or better yet... take a vacation. After all... memories and good times last so much longer than a funky sweater....


(*a sampling of photos ... all taken today.....all by Elaine A. Russell)

A friend asked me recently if I considered myself an artist yet. It's funny. As a kid, I really wanted to be an artist... and I always felt it was out of my reach. After all, my brother was an artist... and I needed to be sensible and make a living for myself....

And so... I went to nursing school, and was an RN for almost 17yrs. I loved it. I really did. And I was really good at my profession. I can honestly say that I helped alot of people... and did a good job. But when it came time for me to "retire" from nursing... I knew what I wanted to do. I spent a few years concentrating on getting healthy, and home-schooling the kids... and then I got wrapped up in helping to start ..and run... a local gallery...

Which brings me to last year.

At the beginning of last year; I made some goals for myself. Some of them I have done... and some have fallen by the wayside. Such is the shelf life of goals sometimes. It was a good year for the most part... and I learned an awful lot
.... mainly about myself.

Along the way I surrounded myself and was influenced by alot of artists. Influence can be a good thing. It can steer you in ways you may not have thought of going. It can help you refine your own style. In my case; I got so caught up in the "right way" to do things. I was too busy trying to be what I felt other people wanted/ expected of me. Too busy trusting other people's thoughts and opinions. Too busy doing everything for everyone. ....that I forgot to trust my own instincts.

I forgot myself.

When the dust cleared... I was afraid that I had lost myself as an artist. I didn't know which way to go... what to do.... who.. if anyone... I could trust. I felt alone. I felt unworthy... both of love and friendship... but also of allowing myself to be called an artist.

These past few months, however, have shown me that people really do like my art & photography.... but much more importantly... I am happy with what I am doing.
And yes, I think I can finally call myself... an artist.

Living Simply Tip for the Day:

STEP ONE: You have to believe in yourself! Don't let all those skeptics get to you telling you that you'll never make it, (blah blah blah), or you won't get anywhere and you will remain unfulfilled.

STEP TWO: Do your research ~ but don't get search overload! It is wise to do your research so that you make educated decisions and don't make big mistakes, but don't go overboard or you will have to go back and start over at step one!

STEP THREE: Make little decisions (baby steps) and eventually you will be able to jump in with both feet! If you worry too much or take too much time making your decisions you run the risk of your motivation going down and being back at square one. By taking little steps at a time you will be less likely to get into financial trouble or take too big of risks.

STEP FOUR: Go for it! Once you believe in yourself, have done your research, and have made good progress taking your little steps, it is time to jump in!

---from the Yahoo SHINE --Healthy Living Blog


photo by Elaine A. Russell

Last night I was digging through some of my photos... and I came across this one. I took this back in 1990. I had just finished up my photography classes, and had gotten my diploma through the NYI. I had an old Nikon 35mm camera with a single lens; which I adored. We happened to be living in Biloxi, MS where my hubby was stationed with the USAF. At that time, I was shooting primarily with infrared black and white film, and was doing all my own processing and developing... and then I was hand coloring my photos for a unique look.

And here I am ... some 20 years later ... still in love with photography.

Tonight was my last night of classes with Cynthia Cook at the Harwood Art Center. It has been a wonderful ride. I have met some truly wonderful people; who also happen to be very talented artists... and I have really enjoyed the camaraderie. Cynthia is a fabulous teacher, and I hope to take one of her classes again in the future.

More than anything else; I think this class has taught me to trust my inner voice (at least when it comes to making my own art). No one can decide (better than me)... the paths I want to venture down as an artist. What I make may not be the most market-able, the most sell-able, the most appealing to the masses.... but it's mine. I make art because I cannot NOT make art. I take photos and make jewelry because I have to. It is in my soul. It is an essential part of my being. And I love what I do.

mostly bright skies

So-- today I woke up to mostly bright blue skies. There are still some clouds, but it looks like the storm that has been here for the last few days is clearing out.
I had another doctor's appointment today. Mostly good news. Somehow I have gone from severely qualifying for medical disability to being (mostly) the picture of health... in the past 15yrs. It is really quite amazing. The downside in all this, is that I had finally worked up the courage to apply for disability... and now I probably wouldn't qualify. Course, the good news, is that I am much healthier. So--- extra money each month.... or better health. Easy choice.
Now, apparently I am quite deficient in Vit D, Vit B12, and Iron... so I need to take supplements. And, my cholesterol is a bit higher than it should be, so we are gonna try a new medication. Plus, I will do my best to improve my diet a bit :)

As a treat, I drove up closer to the Sandias for some photo taking. My camera has a panoramic function.... but I am having trouble seeing the screen in bright light in order to "stitch" the photos together as I take them. Will have to try again some other time... but in the meantime... here is the one that turned out OK.

**all photos by Elaine A. Russell (click on photo to see the panographic larger)


photo by Elaine A. Russell

It's been raining off and on for a couple of days now. Unusual weather for Albuquerque. It is sunny almost every day here.. and already people are wishing and waiting for the sun.
Myself, I like rainy days. I like the sky being overcast and cloudy. I like the chill in the air. I like the feel of the moisture on my face. I like any excuse to stay warm in a quilt and read or laze about, drinking hot tea and eating toast.
Today the daughter made pancakes. And not just any pancakes... each one had a different flavor. One with nutmeg, one with orange zest, one with poppy seeds.... and so on. What an adventure.
The hubby is due back from his work-trip tonight. It will be good to have him home.

ABC Wednesday

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

ABC Wednesday is a blog posting with a twist. The host (Mrs. Nesbitt) hails from Great Britain... and there are participants from all over the world. Each week, people focus their post on a letter of the alphabet. They started with the letter "A" --and each week you post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. It is a fun, imaginative exercise... and it is great to see what everyone comes up with. This week's letter is, "N".

nemophilist -- Ne*moph"i*list\, n. [See Nemophily.] One who is fond of forest or forest scenery; a haunter of the woods. [R.] ; one who loves the woods

I am a HUGE fan of the woods. Yes.... a "haunter", a wanderer, a wannabe biologist and/or botanist, one who is profoundly at home in the middle of trees (and ferns!).

leaf turning time

photo by Elaine A. Russell

I was reading Robert's blog ( this morning ... and for me, it felt like he was talking about making decisions.... making changes... being comfortable with the way things are heading. He closes with this quote:

“The most important thing to remember is this: To be ready at any moment to give up what you are for what you might become.”
--W.E.B. Du Bois

The quote really got to me. It's as if Du Bois was saying... make the decision you are comfortable with.... but make sure you know what you are getting into... because you will be changed. There is no going back.

Reminded me of the way the fall leaves are turning right now. It's not like the maple tree can decide that if it doesn't like that particular shade of orange-red... it can go back to being green for a bit. It has already changed. No going back. It will never be quite that shade of green again... at least not in the current incarnation.

Kinda like people. The interactions we have in our lives do change us. Sometimes not necessarily for the better... that is up to us and how we choose to deal with things.
But change us they do.


photo by Elaine A. Russell

in the whole "weird" category.....

the day before yesterday, I came home to water all over my kitchen floor, my son walking about with a garbage bag.. and my hubby shaking his head.

Apparently... a ground squirrel (probably the same little bastard that ate my garden this year) came in through the window. He ran around the kitchen, and ducked behind the refridgerator just as our 3 dogs came screaming in after him. Presumably, with nothing better to do... he decided to chew his way through the tubings that go from our water treatment system to the ice machine in the freezer... causing the puddle.
My son...ever the valiant warrior... decided he could catch the squirrel with a garbage bag and a stick. Upon poking the wee beastie.... the squirrel decided he had had enough fun for the day and ran through the kitchen and out another window.
My dogs are ashamed of themselves. You can see it in the man-dog's eyes. It's as if he was saying " I almost had him... he was right there ... "
The man-dog keeps going out to the patio and looking in the trees for another chance...sighing heavily.

So. Yesterday, after my hubby had found the appropriate shut off valves for the water to stop the puddling....we got a repairman in. And... a whopping $288 dollars later... it is fixed. New filters to the system, new tubing, yearly system maintenance. Yikes.

Lesson in all of this ? Not sure. But I am thinking that next time I see the squirrels, I will be less inclined to think they are so cute.

we are all works in progress

photo by Elaine A. Russell

We are all works in progress. No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. We come into this world with nothing but our heart and our hands. We try, but we don't always get things right all the time.
Part of being human is making mistakes. Learning from them... trying not to make them again... making the best of less than perfect situations.

Friendships are hard to cultivate and maintain. I know... sounds like a garden. And in a way.. it is. You put yourself out there with the best of intentions, and hope that goodness comes from your efforts. You nurture things to the best of your abilities... but sometimes the weather just sucks... or the dirt is lacking... or you screwed up and didn't pull enough weeds.

I have made some good friends in this lifetime. And I hope to keep these friendships for a very long time. But I also understand that sometimes there is only so much that you can do. Some plants won't grow in your climate... much as you like them. Much as you want them to stay. Much as you try to make things work. And for now-- I just need to convince myself.. that that is OK.


photo by Elaine A. Russell

When I was doing the 9x9 show at the Factory on 5th, there was this awesome water installation just outside the south end studios. I am not sure who made it, but it has an incredibly calming effect on me. I have always been drawn to water... and even man-made installations are no exception.
The photo for today is of the installation... using a slow exposure, and slightly saturated colors.

I am in the in-between times. Getting ready for the Aki Matsuri show on the 27th..... trying to get my finances and such in order so that we can fix up our house.... downsizing our stuff... etc.
I think the next few months are probably going to be a healing and rejuvinating time for me. A time for the finishing of old projects, to make way for new. A time to figure out what I really really want, and forming plans to make it happen. And also ... a time to really enjoy what I have.


photo by Elaine A. Russell

So -- a day of rest. Real rest. Awesome. And I am dancing inside. Actually... I am dancing on the outside too... it's just not a pretty picture.

Things are beginning to look up
  • I've managed to have some pretty fabulous shows the past couple months. Not so much in terms of money.. but in positive feedback
  • I am coming to terms with this new life as an artist
  • money issues that have plagued us for over 15yrs... are finally (maybe) being resolved
  • we have the opportunity to fix up our house !! Woo Hoo !! we may have a working sink again
  • the kiddos are doing well in college
  • the hubby is well
  • good friends... good times

The photos shows 2 of the girls in the Rogue Bindis that showed at the Offcenter Arts festival on Sunday. You can see more at:

We Art the People Show yesterday

photos by Elaine A. Russell

The festival yesterday was awesome. Sometimes I really want to kick myself. I have lived her since 1995, and there are things that I just never got around to seeing or hearing about. Probably because I was working so much, so hard, for so long.
Now -- I seem to have (or is it make) more time for things like this.

The premise behind Offcenter Arts is a noble one. Providing a place to make and create art for little or no money.. to take classes in art and techniques .... to provide an art community if you will, to everyone regardless of race, orientation, income, etc.
The festival is a celebration. The music was fantastic... the parade of HUGE handmade puppets was extraordinary .. the food and variety of vendor booths -- fantastic.

As a vendor, I was thrilled that so many people took the time to look and really see... touch... and talk about my art. That was awesome. I enjoyed the comraderie from several other booth vendors... as well as customers. During a couple of "breaks" away from my booth ...I was able to leisurely wander about. There was alot of jewelry (which I make.. so I wanted to see what else was out there ). However, I was surprised --especially considering the audience and local economics... that things were priced as high as they were. Don't misunderstand.. I think that art (generally speaking) can be horribly under-priced and under-valued. But I was surprised that people weren't providing a variety or items at all price points. I heard several vendors chatting about how they weren't selling as much as they had hoped to be. ... and yet, were primarily offering items over $50.

I was impressed by the shear vastness of the variety of items shown. Everything from handmade purses, to hats, to birdhouses, to paintings, to wood carvings, to glass mosaics, to silk scarves, to hand woven rugs, to handmade paper arts and recycle arts.
I wish that I had taken photos of some of the vaiety of crafts.... but alas... I did not.

I was also impressed by how nice people were. Just ... genuinely nice. Taking the time to talk to people.. to enjoy the music... to take in all the art.
Another great day.

We Art the People show

photo taken inside Saggios Restaurant on Central Ave
... by Elaine A. Russell

Well.. today is the We Art the People Show -- sponsored by Offcenter Arts (
  • When: 10 am - 5pm
  • Where: Robinson Park ( Central Ave and 8th Streets in downtown ABQ )
  • What: Over 100 vendor booths, as well as The 7th Annual Giant Puppet, music, theater, & spontaneous fun.

I got about an hour of sleep last night. I had moved Buffy ( the problem dog -- cuz she's a spaz ) into our bedroom to get her used to the idea of not being in my son's room at night anymore. Well... she did not sleep... and neither did I. The hubby had to get up for work at 2:30am *don't ask* I just got up with him and worked on cleaning, organizing and packing things up for the show today.

If you get a chance, come on down. It looks like it's going to be alot of fun :)

a brief lull

photo by Elaine A. Russell ( shadow of my drink at Starbuck's ... as it reflected on the overstuffed chair next to me )

It is a very brief lull between shows.
I learned alot from doing the 9x9 show...and it was fun. I learned what kind of people gravitate towards my art/ photography... what they like about it... what it is about my photography that inspires people.
I learned that what I have to offer the world with my photography is valuable, and is appreciated.

Today is a nice, but short break. I slept in this morning, and am doing some last minute work on some art pieces. Tonight the hubby and I are having dinner with friends. It is all good.

Tomorrow, is a little bit of madness again. I am showing at the Offcenter Arts show, entitled "We Art the People." It is held in Robinson Park, off of Central Ave and 8th. Show opens around 10am, and is an all-day event with a parade, individual shows, music, etc.
Please come by if you get the opportunity. There are over 100 vendors at this show... something for everyone !

Fat Boy Slim-Weapons of Choice

the last hurrah

Tonight is the last showing of the 9x9x9 show at the Factory on 5th.
Please come if you can -- the show runs from 6-9pm.

Artwork shown by ( left to right, top to bottom)
Regina Portscheller, Leau Phillips, JoFish, Robert Redus, Glenn Bigelow, Elaine Russell, Trish Rogers, Raine Klover, Paula Scott.

An overview of one of the walls of art....

photos by Elaine A. Russell

ok ok ok

collage of my entries in the 9x9 show, photos on canvas
by Elaine A. Russell

ok... So yesterday's blog was a bit silly. Sometimes I flop. Actually, alot of times I flop. And I think that's OK. Life is one big learning experience sometimes.

Last night was the first night of 3 showings of the 9x9 show... and it was good. There were quite a few people who came. And there were alot of pleasant reviews of the work. Several of the artists have already sold pieces... so if you are interested.. you'd better come quick.

I got to meet and chat with several really cool people.... some art students who really liked my work... and I got to meet Leighanna Light... a local mixed media artist. I have talked to her on-line, but this was my first opportunity to meet her in person.
I also sat and talked with Trish Rogers, another local and fabulous mixed media artist, along with Annie Hooten (local polymer clay artist), Teresa Jones (local lampwork glass artist), and Hands of Man tile artist, Elizabeth Loring.
I had an intersting time deciding what to enter in this show. In the end, I decided on photos from my series on the Factory on 5th. The show is being held at the Factory, and it is a really cool building. I have been taking photos of it since getting a studio there in January.... and am always in awe of the interesting bits in the architecture.
For this show, I selected 9 of my favorite shots and took them to Kiko at Masks Y Mas -- who did a fabulous job printing and stretching the canvas for me. I then painted the sides of the canvas black to accentuate the photos, and embellished the pieces with shards of glass from the parking lot of the Factory on 5th. Years ago, the Factory was the site of a glass making plant, and I thought it was fitting to include the shards in the art pieces.
The photo for today's blog is an assemblage of the photos I presented in the 9x9 show.

it's the p

photos by Elaine A. Russell

too many "p" words today.... ( a prolific proportion )
photos.. from a phriend's property... of pumkins, peppers.. and pretty posey's....
yummy pita's the other day...
and prickly plants on the patio.....

and now I have to promenade.. to the pulmonologist....
perhaps... it will be pleasant....

and tonight.. the PREMIER showing of the 9x9 show (promptly @ 6-9)

the evolution of a photograph

photos by Elaine A. Russell

I've been thinking alot about photography in general. There is the tendency to think that anyone with a camera can be a professional photographer. And while I think that everyone has a unique point of view that can be expressed in photographs.. and while I think that today's digital wonders certainly make it more accessible for people to take stunning photos... I don't think that everyone on this planet is innately a professional photographer.

I've been selling my photographs since 1986. I don't think that I am a proficient photographer. I am constantly learning... tweaking....perfecting my craft. It's not even close to where I want to be yet. And I think that is OK. It's a process. I think the minute that a photographer becomes satisfied with their work... then they are done. The minute you think.. well .. that one couldn't be any better.. you're through.

I do think that to be a good photographer.. there are certain things that you have to be skilled at. It has to be a fairly good photograph to begin with. Interesting. Technically good. But it also has to have a feeling. An emotion that needs conveyed. A perspective that is uniquely yours.

The photo set above kinda tells what I mean. The first shot is the original.. shot near Bushland, Texas. Technically good.. clear.. in focus....the subject is the main focus of the shot.. no distractions. The lighting, aperture, exposure and such are correct for the daylight travel shot that it was.

The second shot... is the original tweaked with saturation to bring out the colors, and a "glow" filter to make it look all dreamy. This is a shot that I would suspect that daydreams are made of.
The 3rd shot is possibly my favorite of the 3. I have used a unique process/ filters to make it look a little old.. a little worn... a little bedraggled so to speak. A little darker.. a little edgier.

The possibilities are only limited by your unique vision and what you want to convey to those who see it.