

I believe things happen for a reason. As of today; I have been home a month from my last visit to PA. In that 4 weeks... so very much has happened; that it is sometimes hard to fathom.

The intention was... that as soon as I got back home here to ABQ... that I was going to decide on photos for a solo show in PA... get them printed and matted... and sent off. And yet... it seems as though the universe has conspired against me on it. Seems like everything that can go wrong... has gone wrong... and I haven't been able to get it done. I am now 2 weeks late in getting the items mailed... and it bothers me no end. I absolutely detest being late on anything... and so this really bothers me.

That said... I am determined NOT to let this overwhelm me... and to get everything done and in the mail in the next day or so. It is late. It is sad and unfortunate... and yet.. there is nothing that can be done about it except to plod on at this point and hope that the powers that be are OK with it.

The latest fiasco in this process is that my computer suddenly got violated with a virus ... and none of my photos were accessible. In fact... I was frantic that they were lost forever. 3 days later... that is fixed and they are recovered... ( BAJ IS AWESOME)... but there is something still wrong with my laptop and I have no Internet capabilities (except when I can use someone else's computer).

and ... apparently my pneumonia is worse... and I am now on a new antibiotic.

And so... I am unable to access any of my digital photos to publish on my blog... and I am unable to update my photo for the year project photos on-line... although I am still taking photos.
I will get caught up eventually.

In the meantime; I found these photos I had taken of my son when he was very little... and those are my photos for today's blog post. Proof that:
a. he was... and continues to be ... adorable
b. that I have always been a photographer down to my soul
c. that life indeed does go on... even when you get bogged down in the muck of everyday existence and the foils of "stuff"...

* all photos by Elaine A. Russell


---------->photo by Elaine A. Russell

I took this photograph tonight thru the window of "Hey Jhonny", which is a great store on Central Ave in downtown ABQ. The hubby and I took our daughter out to celebrate her 18th birthday... and it was fun. We had comfort food... lots of tea .... and even a sugar cookie for dessert. YUM.

It seems like everything is changing. I am not sure where things are going... but things seem to be moving pretty quickly around here. Kids growing up, getting married... leaving home. Becoming grandparents... taking care of parents... while still being there for the kids... it's all a mish-mash of emotions.

And my photography is changing a bit too. I have discovered the wonderful world of layering... and am trying my hand at some digital altering of a few of my photographs. It is a wonderful thing to be able to express my feelings and viewpoint with my art, and now I can do it a little bit more artistically.

"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly." --Buddha


My son is now married... to a wonderful girl...
It is the beginning of a new chapter for them... and for us... as we get used to not having him living with us anymore. It is a strange transition... and I know it is the best for all of us. But I miss him... and today I was thinking of my son and my daughter when they were little....

This beautiful wisteria lives in a yard about 3 blocks from my house. It is stunning. Simply stunning.... and late this afternoon I was able to get a couple pictures of it just as the moon was beginning to rise....

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

112:365 & 113:365 by Elaine A. Russell

Today my son got married. These past few days have been crazy busy with last minute preparations... and all kinds of things on a crazy "to do" list. Ultimately... at the end of the day... what is important is the love that my son and his bride feel for each other... and that they can now begin their lives together as man and wife. To be able to gather together with friends and family... to enjoy the breaking of bread together... to dance... sing... and toast each other...
it's all icing-- on a very beautiful wedding cake.

Listen to "The Wedding Song" by Captain and Tennille here


(photos by Elaine A. Russell)

My dad was feeling much better today.... although I think he tried to do too much; and by afternoon he was wiped out. I am so grateful that he is feeling a bit better though.
You have no idea.

In other news: my son and his fiance are planning their wedding for April 24th... yes, it's coming up soon. It sounds like arrangements are moving along very well for them... which is awesome.
I wish I was there to help more... but perhaps this is the way it is meant to be.

And ... in spite of today's weather (rainy cold windy and then snow wannabe stuff)... I went out and took a bunch of photos of the A.A.S.R. buildings... also known locally as "The Consistory."

The original portion (on the farthermost left in the photo above)... I believe was originally the mansion belonging to Mr/Mrs Isaac Benson... early prominent citizens of Coudersport. The house was left to the Freemasons in 1913 (there is a stone with this date on the front corner of the middle portion). The original portion is quite Victorian looking to me.... while the rest of the building was built in 1928... and to me, seems more Gothic. Either way, it is a very impressive building. Inside are a billiards room, dance halls, a Cathedral with a massive pipe organ and a stage, a cafeteria, dining halls, meeting rooms... it is massive.

One article I saw said that the original "house" portion was built in 1899; and that the consistory itself "stands as the largest in the country and yet sits in one of the smallest cities to have such an establishment."
When I was a teenager, I used to waitress and such at Masonic events held there. I have never seen more than the dining halls... but I am told it is pretty fabulous.
Both sides of my family have a long history of membership with the Masons... but I really don't know much about it at all.

My favorite thing on the grounds is the old carriage house. I believe it is simply used for storage now, but I really love the architecture of it.
And so... I hope you like the photos... and I will include the links I found related to this building.

(the Carriage House)

(the Isaac Benson Home)

(middle portion... and main Entrance)

(the last addition)


Coudersport Consistory Link

Wiki link: Coudersport

Wiki article on the Scottish Rite

History on the Consistory House

website for AASR

Calling on Ganesh

photo of Ganesh mural at Annapurna's Chai house down on Central. Photo by Elaine Russell

From Wiki ---"Ganesha (Sanskrit: गणेश; IAST: Gaṇeśa; listen (help·info)), also spelled Ganesa or Ganesh and also known as Ganapati, Vinayaka, and Pillaiyar, is one of the best-known and most widely worshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon.[5] His image is found throughout India.[6] Hindu sects worship him regardless of other affiliations.[7] Devotion to Ganesha is widely diffused and extends to Jains, Buddhists, and beyond India.[8]
Although he is known by many other attributes, Ganesha's elephant head makes him easy to identify.[9] Ganesha is widely revered as the Remover of Obstacles[10] and more generally as Lord of Beginnings and Lord of Obstacles (Vighnesha, Vighneshvara)."

I am whispering to Ganesh today... remover of obstacles. My son took some tests, and hopes to get into CNM asap. He will be 18 in a couple of weeks, so it actually complicates his entry as to whether he wants to be admitted as a High school student taking college classes; or if he wants to declare himself graduated from home-school, and enter as a Freshman. In order to do that, I have to:
  • Requested a release from Santa Fe ( he is homeschooled and needs and official paper )... called 'em
  • Declare himself graduated, and issue him his diploma.
  • Write him up a formal transcript of his schooling for the past 5 yrs.. ..doing tomorrow
  • Get his test results from the Accuplace testing to see what classes he can take... waiting results... he took the test today.
  • Take the TABE test (pre-GED )... and he did really well.
  • (optional) have him take the GED on March 23rd (next available test date)... maybe ?
  • Sign him up at Admissions, and have him take the orientation class... will do as soon as I recieve the papers from Santa Fe

In the meantime, he is surfing the catalogue to see what classes he qualifies to take based on his test results, and what classes he is interested in. The next official semester doesn't start for a couple months, but he can take classes as early as Feb 2nd for a short semester... if we can get his papers in order by then.
It's exciting, confusing, frustrating.. and lots of other adjectives I can't come up with right now.