

This little robin has been hanging around my house for about a week now... cleverly eluding me and my camera most all the while. Today she allowed me to snap one photo... and then she was off. I can only assume that she has a nest very close by. So today... I went and got some extra good birdseed to put out tomorrow.

Then the hubby and I ran some errands. It has been a crazy ( as in bizarre) few days. But... we stopped and got coffee... an item off of Freecycle to work on as a craft.... got haircuts... and all the while I was trying to figure out what to take a photo of to be my photo for today.

We were discussing what... if anything... could sum up my style of photography. I am going to be applying for a grant in the next month or so... and it would help if I could adequately describe what my style is. Funny though... I never really thought about it before. I don't have a specific "thing" I shoot.... (ie: models, cars... sports)... and I don't use a particular filter or whatever that would give most all my shots a signature LOOK. I do a combination of both nature shots, and urban viewpoints... so I am not strictly a nature photographer, for example.

I had a friend recently who described my work as "zen"... and "meditative"... and another friend who said that my photos "depict a world she/ he wished they lived in."

Sort of like a more positive view on everyday life... I really like that.

Or as my hubby put it ..."life affirming..."

And then I got the call. You know... the one I have been anticipating for about a week now. Bad news... but nothing I can divulge today. It has thrown me for a loop. And while it doesn't involve me specifically ... it does effect me completely and utterly. I know, in the whole scheme of things... that goodness can come out of everything... and I have to believe that goodness will come out of this as well.

And so... I am including some "life affirming" photos that I took today... let me know what you think.

(*all photos by Elaine A. Russell)

49:365 by Elaine A. Russell

Being sick can sometimes make you feel caged. On one hand... you feel like you can't do anything... and yet, you still have the desire *at least sometimes* to do stuff... even when you know you can't. This can lead to feelings of unworthiness, depression... failure.

I am very fortunate in that my family understands my issues... and supports me when I don't feel well. They let me sleep... and don't care if I haven't cooked or whatever. My dogs love it when I am sick... not because I am sick.... but because it means extra snuggle and nap time in the comfiest bed ever. In fact, the only one who seems to have an issue... is me. I stress and fret over what I am not doing.... what I am not getting done... things I feel like I have to be doing.... when in reality -- I need to just relax and concentrate on getting better. It's very hard for me to do that. You'd think it would be easy... but not for me.

And so.... I am resting tonight... and trying not to make that mental list of things TO DO that is endlessly long and exhaustive...

Living Simply Tip for the Day:

The trick to simple living is making small changes... but remember-- you don’t have to simplify it all at once. Do one thing at a time, and take small steps. You’ll get there.

In fact, you can do little things today to start living the simple life.

Take out a sheet of paper. Now make a short list of the 4-5 most important things in your life. What’s most important to you? What do you value most? What 4-5 things do you most want to do in your life? Simplifying starts with these priorities, as you are trying to make room in your life so you have more time for these things.


A few weeks ago I went with some friends to Bosque Del Apache.

"Bosque del Apache, which means 'woods of the Apache', was named for the people who often camped in the riverside forest. Today it is known as one of the most spectacular Refuges in North America.
This 57,191 acre refuge straddles the Rio Grande Valley in Socorro County, New Mexico. It ranges in elevation from 4,500 to 6,272 feet above sea level. It receives approximately 7 inches of precipitation each year. Within the refuge borders lie three wilderness areas totaling approximately 30,850 acres and five research natural areas totaling 18,500 acres. "

Having never been before... I was very excited. I was also quite nervous... because we were stopping on the way back to ABQ from a trip... and it was getting dark pretty quickly. Plus... it was not the right time of year to really get shots of the birds. I was afraid that I would not be able to get any shots at all... and so I resigned myself to relaxing and enjoying the experience, and not trying to get a "souvenir" photo.
As it turns out... I was able to get a few... and I hope that you like them.

--------------------------------- *all photos by Elaine A. Russell

See more here:

the quail are coming ...

--------------------------------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

When we first moved here... our yard was a mess. There were 13 dead trees on this very small plot of property, tons of dead turf, and rock.

Now, while it would be arguable that we have done anything to improve the landscaping... we have naturalized it so to speak. We took everything that was dead out... and slowly have raked and spread the dust and dirt around to minimize the prickly stuff ( goatheads, prickers, oh my.. ).

Over the years several of our neighbors have pulled up all their cacti.. and rather than see them thrown in the trash, we have a "cactus garden" of sorts just over our wall and into the arroyo behind us.

Now we have a regular little sanctuary out there. It is amazing to watch. We have tons of jackrabbits, a Coyote that has built(dug) his den there, a great horned owl that comes to our cottonwoods at night, and today I saw 20 !!! (yes 20)... California Quail nesting in the bushes out back. I have seen them over the past 2 years cut through our yard... but I didn't realize they had been nesting (and apparently re-producing) so well back here.

I tried to take their photograph... but the little buggers move pretty quickly.