

Today has been a trial of all sorts... the final straw being the loss of my internet connection here at the house. I am not sure what was wrong... but I drove all over town trying to get a connection in known spots where I've gotten one before... and it still didn't work. So I powered everything down when I got back to my parent's house... and for some reason it is working now. Go figure. It has been like that with everything I tried to do today... just one of "those" days I guess.

I have also been trying to wrangle up a small-ish TV with a dvd/ vcr player for my dad's hospital room. There are no sets available at the facility... and every lead I have had today has gone dry. Watching movies seems to be one of the few things he is enjoying these days... and I am trying to make it so he can continue to watch them as he feels able. Tonight... we watched "Father Goose" on my laptop... but this is not an ideal solution long term.

And in other news... I am down to the wire on getting paperwork in for the grant I am trying to get. I am at a complete loss as to what to write... and I am very limited in the photos I have available with me to submit (only the past year's worth of photos are on my laptop). It is extremely frustrating to say the least, and everything needs submitted by tomorrow night. Wish me luck.

The photo for today's post is of a farm on the way to the nursing care facility where my dad is. It is a quiet... very picturesque setting... and usually the cows are all over the field right in front of the barn. Today, however, they were lazing about in the sunshine a little ways away... so I had a scenic view of the barn and the creek sans cows.

On a completely separate subject... I filled up my dad's car with gas today. He has always preferred this little station just on the outskirts of town to get his gas... so I went there today. Would you believe it?! The attendants still come out to each and every car, and pump the gas for you... plus.. they offer to check your fluids and air and such if you need it. I thought that these kind of places were a thing of the past... but no... not here! I was in shock ... and just thought I would mention was pretty darn cool.

* all photos by Elaine A. Russell


So ... February has been an interesting month.

I am applying for a photography grant... the deadline being in May. It is very exciting... and very intimidating at the same time. I have never applied for a grant before... so this is a first.
On the plus side... I was recently commissioned by a local group to take photos for them --- part of an on-going public relations kind of thing. This is extremely exciting, and I am so thrilled to be asked to participate... and today I worked on some photos for this project. Being as it is a potentially long-term project; it fits in nicely with my goals/ intentions for the grant. Funny how things work out like that.
And, provided I get the grant money... I will be able to replace at least some of the photography equipment I lost/sold last summer. That would be awesome.

I was "down" most of the month with my Lupus... which is frustrating... but not exactly critical. It had the bonus effect of forcing me to rest, re-group, reflect and re-organize a bit. I still have an awful lot I would like to do... and alot I am behind in doing... but at least I feel like I am moving in the right direction.

The book I was asked to participate in... and in which I have several photos being almost ready to go to print. This is soooooooooo fabu. This will be my first publication in a book... but hopefully not my last.

I have been keeping steady with the FlickR 365 photo a day challenge, the 52 Weeks of Creations challenge, and the ECHO project bi-weekly photo challenges. It has been "challenging" some days... to say the least.... but I love photography, and these projects have been really encouraging me to stretch my creativity a bit.

But most on my mind these past few days have been family. My father was diagnosed with bone cancer... and recent reports from the doctors are not very promising at all. But I know my dad. I know that he is made of tougher fiber than most. In an essence, he said that he will "do whatever it takes"... in order to get better. He is strong, he has a great support system, and a profound faith.
My husband's sister was also in the hospital, very sick... with a staggeringly high blood pressure. She is home now... and hopefully well on the way to mending.
And I have seen 2 close family friends pass away this month.

Life is so short. Sometimes events make it feel even shorter and more precious. And that is good, I think. ... it keeps us from getting complacent... tired....weary... and numb of mind. For me, at least... it has encouraged me to keep life so much more sacred... to enjoy these moments... tough as they may be at times.

So. Here's to March. Let's see what March 2010 has in store....♥

(*photos by Elaine A. Russell)