

I believe things happen for a reason. As of today; I have been home a month from my last visit to PA. In that 4 weeks... so very much has happened; that it is sometimes hard to fathom.

The intention was... that as soon as I got back home here to ABQ... that I was going to decide on photos for a solo show in PA... get them printed and matted... and sent off. And yet... it seems as though the universe has conspired against me on it. Seems like everything that can go wrong... has gone wrong... and I haven't been able to get it done. I am now 2 weeks late in getting the items mailed... and it bothers me no end. I absolutely detest being late on anything... and so this really bothers me.

That said... I am determined NOT to let this overwhelm me... and to get everything done and in the mail in the next day or so. It is late. It is sad and unfortunate... and yet.. there is nothing that can be done about it except to plod on at this point and hope that the powers that be are OK with it.

The latest fiasco in this process is that my computer suddenly got violated with a virus ... and none of my photos were accessible. In fact... I was frantic that they were lost forever. 3 days later... that is fixed and they are recovered... ( BAJ IS AWESOME)... but there is something still wrong with my laptop and I have no Internet capabilities (except when I can use someone else's computer).

and ... apparently my pneumonia is worse... and I am now on a new antibiotic.

And so... I am unable to access any of my digital photos to publish on my blog... and I am unable to update my photo for the year project photos on-line... although I am still taking photos.
I will get caught up eventually.

In the meantime; I found these photos I had taken of my son when he was very little... and those are my photos for today's blog post. Proof that:
a. he was... and continues to be ... adorable
b. that I have always been a photographer down to my soul
c. that life indeed does go on... even when you get bogged down in the muck of everyday existence and the foils of "stuff"...

* all photos by Elaine A. Russell