

I believe that things generally happen for a reason. That said... we don't always know what that reason is... and maybe we never do figure it out... but I'm convinced that usually wrapped up in the stuff of life, are lessons to be learned if we take the time to listen.

The past couple of days have shown me some unexpected surprises....yesterday a sharp shinned hawk not only came specifically to my mom's yard (which they never do)... but it fluttered and flapped until it caught my attention... looked me in the eye... and then took off.

About an hour later... somehow a little black-capped chickadee got into the house.... and sat on the window right beside my mom who was taking a nap in a chair. Startled awake... she called me... and the bird not only let me catch him in a soft towel... but let me take him outside, where he looked at me, and quickly flew off... unruffled by the event.
(backstory here ... is that my mom and dad loved to watch the birds)

And today... everywhere we went... I saw hearts. Hearts on flowers, and on leaves...

...even in the form of deck chair designs....

... and when I finally laughed and said... ok ok... I get it .... a friend of my mom's was tossing popcorn into a pond in front of me while he was talking to my mom ... and these huge fish jumped right out of the water... only about 1 foot in front of me..... and all I could think of was my dad laughing out loud and wishing he had a net!

Thanks Dad, I needed that... and I love you

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


My dad is getting ready (I think)... to pass on. He woke this afternoon and was expressing his goodbyes to my mom. Thankfully, he seems to be resting in between doses of pain medicine... and I am hoping that he is comfortable. He had a visit from his minister... and hospice has been checking in with him and my mom.

And so...I am trying to wrap things up for another trip back to PA... and the day has been quite chaotic...

About my photos for today's post: Sometimes you have to take inspiration where you can get it. Today I was mostly at home because I was trying to get some things done... and so I knew I had to take a photo for today of something here at the house.
We seem to have an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables here... and so I took a couple photos of some gorgeous radishes. Growing up, I remember eating radishes alot from my grandmother's garden... and so it was a nice memory.

"Radishes and their greens provide an excellent source of vitamin C. Radish leaves contain almost six times the vitamin C content of their root and are also a good source of calcium. Red Globes also offer a very good source of the trace mineral molybdenum and are a good source of potassium and folic acid. Daikons provide a very good source of potassium and copper.
Radishes, like other member of the cruciferous family (cabbage, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts),contain cancer-protective properties. Throughout history radishes have been effective when used as a medicinal food for liver disorders. They contain a variety of sulfur-based chemicals that increase the flow of bile. Therefore, they help to maintain a healthy gallbladder and liver, and improve digestion. Fresh radish roots contain a larger amount of vitamin C than cooked radish roots. Radish greens, contain far more vitamin C, calcium, and protein than the roots. "


----------------------------------------turkey at a farm in Gold, PA

Today was an incredibly busy day. Dad had an appointment with his primary physician at 9am. It was good to be able to have a lengthy visit, and get everything straightened out.
From there... we had lunch at Fezz's Diner. I have mentioned Fezz's before.. it is a fantastic 50's diner just outside of town. My dad hadn't been there in quite awhile.. and actually felt up to staying for lunch.. so that was awesome.

Around Noon, he had his first infusion of Zemetta; which is an IV medication that helps with bone formation and strengthening... used primarily with cancer patients.

In the afternoon, my daughter and I went back to Gold, PA to drop items off at the Recycling Plant. It is a very pleasant drive. We stopped at the Gold General Store... just as quaint and old fashioned as you would imagine it to be.
Just past the Gold General Store; it a small farm... and in the front area were a stunning pair of turkeys.
In Colesburg, we stopped at the Wending Creek Farms to get fresh spring water for my parents. We filled several jugs.. and admired the spring beds of daffodils that were in full bloom.

We got back to Coudersport just in time to take my dad up for his first radiation appointment... and he seemed to do very well.... but by suppertime he was not feeling well. Assuming it was just the effects of a very busy day; he went to rest. By midnight.... he was running a fever.....

----------------------------------------all photos by Elaine A. Russell


-----------------------------------horses grazing in the fields of Gold, PA

So... today; we had alot of company at the house... which is good, but can also be very tiring.

I loaded the car full of recycle-able goods... and headed over to Gold where there is a recycle plant. Unfortunately, by the time I got there.. it was closed. Apparently, it closes daily at 3pm; instead of the 5pm that I was told. Ah well. No bother. It was a very nice ride; and I can do it again tomorrow.

For dinner, my daughter and I stopped at the Sweden Valley Inn again. She has never been there; so we sat and ordered some food. She got the "double baked" potato soup... which was absolutely fabulous... loaded with yummy melted cheese on top. Then she had a salad with shrimp on it. I had a cheeseburger with bacon and blue cheese, and an order or mozzarella sticks and some fries. As a special treat... I had another one of those butterscotch schnapps hot cocoa drinks I mentioned a couple of days ago. It was still just as good as it was the other night.
As a bonus.... we sat more in the dining area this time ... and there are lots of vintage photos on the walls of places around town... but circa 1900 through the 1950's. I was able to take photos of a couple of them... and will post them on my flickR account as soon as I can.

------------------------ "double baked" potato soup at the Sweden Valley Inn

My dad managed to fall in the shower today... banging his hip that he had the surgery on. Fortunately... he didn't seem to do any damage.... I think he hurt his pride more. Problem is... my mom tried to pull him up... and hurt herself as well. Sort of a comedy of errors I suppose.... but not funny at the time.

I mention this only in the context of .... I never really thought about this time in my life. When I was younger, I dreamed of being in love... perhaps having children... traveling.. that sort of thing. And after I got married... I would daydream about growing old with my hubby... always in a "rose-colored glasses" kind of way.

I don't recall however, dreaming of being middle-aged. I don't like to think of myself as middle-aged. I am not sure what that even entails. But I don't like it much. It is very strange to have my kids on the cusp of getting married/ leaving home... and at the same time... being in a position of taking care of my parents and helping them out as much as I am able. It is a very strange in-between time. I am sure I will get used to it.... but for now, it is almost freakish.

------------------------------------the pond beside the Sweden Valley Inn

**all photos by Elaine A. Russell


------------------------------------------------->photos by Elaine A. Russell

wow. I am exhausted.

My parent's home is like Grand Central Station. I think the phone never stopped ringing.. and I have to wonder how the entire county seemed to figure out someone was home.
Got some laundry done.... got some groceries.... visited with my niece. That was really about it... in between all the phone calls. Did I mention it never stopped ringing?

I only took 4 photos today in totality... so I was very limited when it came to my photo for the day project.
Ah well. Hopefully it is OK.

At the grocery store... I found some wonderful items... including the makings for some fabu blue cheese and spinach bruschetta...which I am making right now. Yes... this very minute.

It's been raining all day. Weird. My niece reminded me that the last time I was here... that it rained most every day.

My dad seems a bit better today. According to my mom; the doctors seem a bit baffled as to the source of his internal bleeding... supposing that it may be a reaction to the stress of surgery, etc. But... 2 units of blood later... the bleeding has slowed, and there is some color in his face. He continues to be quite distended, and they are suspecting a bowel obstruction... which they are working to resolve. He is still in alot of pain... but fortunately, is getting some pretty good meds for that. Mom has moved into his hospital room from the guest house ... and is trying to rest in between stuff. She sounds completely tapped.
At this point, I am planning to drive to the hospital on Monday... in anticipation of his transfer to our local hospital. This will put me there.. hopefully not too early so as to just wait around and stay in a hotel.... but be there to drive my mom and all the stuff back to our hometown. In the meantime, I am fixing some stuff around the house, and tomorrow will clean my dad's car (my mom thinks it's filthy)..... course... she is a bit OCD....


-----------------------------------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

Today we woke up and left the hotel around 9:30. We drove until lunchtime... and stopped at a Waffle House in Indiana. Those of you who know me... know I love diners. I know the food isn't the best for you... I know the music is generally awful.... I know they are usually all sorts of tacky.... but I just love 'em. There was a park nearby, and Sabrina was so happy to see actual grass... she ran around and ran around and rolled in it; smiling and panting the whole time.

We made several short stops today... but basically concentrated on driving and getting as far as we could. Surprisingly, there is very little snow about. I remember it usually having tons of snow still in March... so it really surprised me.

We saw tons of police en force on the highways.... really. Not sure why. ... but things were pretty uneventful. Kristin did have a relatively close encounter with a groundhog... she even got a photo of him... which was pretty cool.

Had my last Starbucks around dinnertime... figured it was the last one I was going to be near for awhile. It was good ♥

Made it to the backwoods of PA... about 2hrs from our destination when I got a call from a friend of my parents to call my mom "immediately." So I pulled off and called. Turns out my dad has had a turn for the worse. This am; they had told my mom that he was going to be transferred tomorrow to our local nursing home for rehab... and that he would be leaving by ambulance tomorrow.. and that I would need to come and get her in Geisinger. Well. Apparently he is not doing well...and that is all on hold for now. I am anticipating driving the 3hrs to the hospital tomorrow sometime to be there.... but my mom told me to just stay put for now.
So... At this moment I am at my parent's house in PA... doing laundry... and unpacking.

I have a "1 bar" connection here.... so ... internet is sometimes fleeting...but I will post when I can.


So ... February has been an interesting month.

I am applying for a photography grant... the deadline being in May. It is very exciting... and very intimidating at the same time. I have never applied for a grant before... so this is a first.
On the plus side... I was recently commissioned by a local group to take photos for them --- part of an on-going public relations kind of thing. This is extremely exciting, and I am so thrilled to be asked to participate... and today I worked on some photos for this project. Being as it is a potentially long-term project; it fits in nicely with my goals/ intentions for the grant. Funny how things work out like that.
And, provided I get the grant money... I will be able to replace at least some of the photography equipment I lost/sold last summer. That would be awesome.

I was "down" most of the month with my Lupus... which is frustrating... but not exactly critical. It had the bonus effect of forcing me to rest, re-group, reflect and re-organize a bit. I still have an awful lot I would like to do... and alot I am behind in doing... but at least I feel like I am moving in the right direction.

The book I was asked to participate in... and in which I have several photos being almost ready to go to print. This is soooooooooo fabu. This will be my first publication in a book... but hopefully not my last.

I have been keeping steady with the FlickR 365 photo a day challenge, the 52 Weeks of Creations challenge, and the ECHO project bi-weekly photo challenges. It has been "challenging" some days... to say the least.... but I love photography, and these projects have been really encouraging me to stretch my creativity a bit.

But most on my mind these past few days have been family. My father was diagnosed with bone cancer... and recent reports from the doctors are not very promising at all. But I know my dad. I know that he is made of tougher fiber than most. In an essence, he said that he will "do whatever it takes"... in order to get better. He is strong, he has a great support system, and a profound faith.
My husband's sister was also in the hospital, very sick... with a staggeringly high blood pressure. She is home now... and hopefully well on the way to mending.
And I have seen 2 close family friends pass away this month.

Life is so short. Sometimes events make it feel even shorter and more precious. And that is good, I think. ... it keeps us from getting complacent... tired....weary... and numb of mind. For me, at least... it has encouraged me to keep life so much more sacred... to enjoy these moments... tough as they may be at times.

So. Here's to March. Let's see what March 2010 has in store....♥

(*photos by Elaine A. Russell)