
This little robin has been hanging around my house for about a week now... cleverly eluding me and my camera most all the while. Today she allowed me to snap one photo... and then she was off. I can only assume that she has a nest very close by. So today... I went and got some extra good birdseed to put out tomorrow.

Then the hubby and I ran some errands. It has been a crazy ( as in bizarre) few days. But... we stopped and got coffee... an item off of Freecycle to work on as a craft.... got haircuts... and all the while I was trying to figure out what to take a photo of to be my photo for today.

We were discussing what... if anything... could sum up my style of photography. I am going to be applying for a grant in the next month or so... and it would help if I could adequately describe what my style is. Funny though... I never really thought about it before. I don't have a specific "thing" I shoot.... (ie: models, cars... sports)... and I don't use a particular filter or whatever that would give most all my shots a signature LOOK. I do a combination of both nature shots, and urban viewpoints... so I am not strictly a nature photographer, for example.

I had a friend recently who described my work as "zen"... and "meditative"... and another friend who said that my photos "depict a world she/ he wished they lived in."

Sort of like a more positive view on everyday life... I really like that.

Or as my hubby put it ..."life affirming..."

And then I got the call. You know... the one I have been anticipating for about a week now. Bad news... but nothing I can divulge today. It has thrown me for a loop. And while it doesn't involve me specifically ... it does effect me completely and utterly. I know, in the whole scheme of things... that goodness can come out of everything... and I have to believe that goodness will come out of this as well.

And so... I am including some "life affirming" photos that I took today... let me know what you think.

(*all photos by Elaine A. Russell)