

(*a sampling of photos ... all taken today.....all by Elaine A. Russell)

A friend asked me recently if I considered myself an artist yet. It's funny. As a kid, I really wanted to be an artist... and I always felt it was out of my reach. After all, my brother was an artist... and I needed to be sensible and make a living for myself....

And so... I went to nursing school, and was an RN for almost 17yrs. I loved it. I really did. And I was really good at my profession. I can honestly say that I helped alot of people... and did a good job. But when it came time for me to "retire" from nursing... I knew what I wanted to do. I spent a few years concentrating on getting healthy, and home-schooling the kids... and then I got wrapped up in helping to start ..and run... a local gallery...

Which brings me to last year.

At the beginning of last year; I made some goals for myself. Some of them I have done... and some have fallen by the wayside. Such is the shelf life of goals sometimes. It was a good year for the most part... and I learned an awful lot
.... mainly about myself.

Along the way I surrounded myself and was influenced by alot of artists. Influence can be a good thing. It can steer you in ways you may not have thought of going. It can help you refine your own style. In my case; I got so caught up in the "right way" to do things. I was too busy trying to be what I felt other people wanted/ expected of me. Too busy trusting other people's thoughts and opinions. Too busy doing everything for everyone. ....that I forgot to trust my own instincts.

I forgot myself.

When the dust cleared... I was afraid that I had lost myself as an artist. I didn't know which way to go... what to do.... who.. if anyone... I could trust. I felt alone. I felt unworthy... both of love and friendship... but also of allowing myself to be called an artist.

These past few months, however, have shown me that people really do like my art & photography.... but much more importantly... I am happy with what I am doing.
And yes, I think I can finally call myself... an artist.

Living Simply Tip for the Day:

STEP ONE: You have to believe in yourself! Don't let all those skeptics get to you telling you that you'll never make it, (blah blah blah), or you won't get anywhere and you will remain unfulfilled.

STEP TWO: Do your research ~ but don't get search overload! It is wise to do your research so that you make educated decisions and don't make big mistakes, but don't go overboard or you will have to go back and start over at step one!

STEP THREE: Make little decisions (baby steps) and eventually you will be able to jump in with both feet! If you worry too much or take too much time making your decisions you run the risk of your motivation going down and being back at square one. By taking little steps at a time you will be less likely to get into financial trouble or take too big of risks.

STEP FOUR: Go for it! Once you believe in yourself, have done your research, and have made good progress taking your little steps, it is time to jump in!

---from the Yahoo SHINE --Healthy Living Blog