

Tonight is the full moon for the month of November. Looking on-line; there are some who call this the True Blue Moon... although a "blue moon" generally refers to a full moon that happens for the second time during the course of the month.

According to one on-line source:..."This Taurus Full Moon, the second in our current series at 29 degrees, is asking you to look at what is of true value in your life. It is about your material environment and how that enhances your sense of self or diminishes you. It is about your sense of self worth and how you feel empowered in your life. It is about identifying what your inner talents are and releasing any blocks that prevent you from expressing your creative gifts. Ask yourself am I ready to release whatever stops me from being fully my Soul Essence Self? Am I ready to release what no longer supports my Divine Path?"

And yet another source; refers to this full moon as the Full Beaver Moon. Historically, this was the time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Another interpretation suggests that the name Full Beaver Moon comes from the fact that the beavers are now actively preparing for winter. It is sometimes also referred to as the Frosty Moon.

In any case... it appears (at least for me)... to be a time of reflection... a time for releasing all the unnecessary things from my life (perhaps even this damned pneumonia?!)... and embracing the fully creative person I am becoming.

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun"... Mary Lou Clark

I saw this quote in a magazine... and upon research, discovered that the author of the quote is a Santa Fe activist, author and icon (look HERE)...
I have been thinking alot about this quote today.

I have always considered myself a creative person. A few years ago, I was asked to help start and run a local gallery. At that time, I had a very hard time calling myself an artist. Partly because I was greatly influenced by a local group of artists whom I believed to be significantly more talented/knowledgeable/experienced than I... and so I felt that I would never quite reach the status of "artist."

In the few years since then... I have tried very hard to flesh out what being an artist means to me... and I think one of the crucial aspects is a willingness to put yourself out there. To do what you love... no matter what others may think of your art. To make art because you have to.... because it's part of your essential make-up as a human being.

This is one of the main reasons why I try to focus blog posts on local art, local galleries... things associated with the life of an artist... because I feel it is so important to try and lift these people up... to give them support... to show them that art is not only something they do... but a way of life.

It is a wonderful thing to be an artist... and I am so glad to be home.

photos by Elaine A. Russell