

I love Etsy ( I sold on Ebay for 10yrs, and ended up moving most all my sales onto Etsy... which caters more to the handmade and unique... whereas Ebay now tends to cater to bulk sellers and mass marketing (how sad).

One of the beauties of Etsy is the vast selection of handmade items... everything from soup to nuts! (quite literally in fact).

And so tonight... I worked for quite awhile listing some handmade stuff in my Etsy store.

... In my store; I list handmade items: crocheted scarves, cell phone charms, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, cuff links, earrings... art and photography... well as vintage items and vintage jewelry...

... my handmade envelopes, recycled paper art, etc...

And tonight I created my very first treasury... which is more or less... a collection of some of my favorite Etsy finds... that may get featured on the front page... It was fun!
((see it HERE))

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


So... I've been busy the past couple of days ... trying to clear out some stuff that we have had stashed in our garage
... and it's been interesting ♥

Today I listed 18 items on Ebay... and I am continuing my listing of stuff on Freecycle... (one item for every day of the year --and this is my 4th year). The other night I listed a bunch of stuff in my Etsy store... but I have a small ton of things yet to list.

It's been a long process... and I still have a long way to go yet. But I also know that I am on the way to getting it done. Currently, I am going thru stuff I had stashed aside with the hopes of selling at some point... and just never did. Then ... it will be a matter of going thru all my craft and jewelry making supplies. The hardest part is going to be the TON of fabric that I have stashed in the attic space above the garage. Alot of it was my grandmother's... who was a very talented sewer. Then it was my sister's stash... and she did alot of quilting.... and now I have added to it all as well.
It has become a huge amount of stuff.

There are major studies being done on hoarding behaviour. Now... I am not a hoarder... not even close. But I do know several family members that do have that tendancy. It is very interesting to read the psychology behind some of the habits...
(look HERE)...


I have slowly begun the process of getting re-aquainted with Albuquerque.
I really do love it here. I also love PA... basically... I love being most anywhere, as long as I have friends and my dear hubby.... and a puppy or two or three....

Today I got to spend the afternoon with a friend talking about art, and the business of art... and it was awesome. There are so many truly talented people in the world striving to get their art out there and be seen... and so many who have devoted all their time and talents into making it their career as well. It is a rough and weary road... but I have to say, I personally am enjoying the trip.

After our visit, I drove by the Albuquerque BioPark; and while it was closed for the day... I was still able to get a few photos of the pond and cacti areas right near the front gate. I love this park, and I never fail to find something extremely exquisite there to take photos of.

And I have re-opened up my Etsy store after 3 months of being on "vacation mode."
My goal for the next week or so is to take photos of a tub o' stuff and get things listed.
So.. feel free to check it out (link here).

In the meantime... have a great night... and I will see y'all tomorrow :)

* photos by Elaine A. Russell