

After 4 days of rain... today awoke with sunshine and birds singing...

...but hang on folks... it's gonna be a busy weekend!

There will be a parade, a small carnival, a gun show, special music in the courthouse gazebo, shows by Bwana Jim, an antique car show, HOMECOMING (high school football game, crowning of the Royal Couple, and activities), a farmer's market, lots of vendors with Kettle Corn... Funnel Cake...Italian Sausage...crafts... and more!

...and I hope to see it all...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


photos by Elaine A. Russell

Today my hubby, my daughter and I went to Madrid, NM. I have never been; in spite of the fact that it's only about an hour away from the house. Madrid used to be a coal mining town up until the 1950's.. when it became more or less a ghost town until it was purchased (yes the entire town) by a fellow named Joe Huber in the 1970's (he grew up there... his dad was involved in the mining operations). Joe got alot of artists and such to move there... and well... the rest is history. The film WILD HOGS was shot in part there... and we ate at the Mine Shaft Tavern where some of the filming took place.

Today there was a "Gypsy Festival" there... and so we went. The festival included lots of tents of vendors selling candles, scarves, jewelry, and more. Then there were the hula-hoop dancers, people in costume, a magician and his assistant, and tons of performances by belly dancers.

In spite of the heat (and it was actually much cooler this weekend than last)... we had a really good time. The road up and back from Madrid is really, really scenic...
and it is on my short list of things to do again in the future.

To see more on Madrid:
Look HERE and HERE and even HERE


----------------------------------->all photos by Elaine A. Russell

...today was an incredibly busy... but totally awesome day. It started off with a full body massage by Masterpiece Massage on Carlisle. The owner, Karla Linden is a very skilled therapist... and I left feeling refreshed and in less pain than I have been in weeks.

From there I went to an Art Sale near UNM, and got a fabulous art piece by Thomas Christopher Haag! He is one of my fav artists here in Albuquerque... and I am honored to have the opportunity to own a piece of his work.

On my way back home... I saw a demonstration on the UNM campus... providing info on medical marijuana... lots of peace and love, folks :).... and a great photo op. I have my own opinions on the subject... and having been a cancer survivor... have some real experience as well.

Later on this afternoon.... the hubby and I went to La Parada where the "Cinco de Mayo Folk Art & Music Festival" was in full swing. It was awesome. It will also be the main topic for tomorrow's post... so check back for lots of cool photos of some fab art by some awesome artists!

(Aaron Campbell)

And... before we headed home for the evening... we stopped at Astro Zombies on Central Ave; as it was their "Free Comic Book Day." We got to meet comic artists Aaron Campbell (Green Hornet Year One) and Andy Kuhn (Firebreather), and were even lucky enough to get signed comics and photos! WOOT!

It was an insanely busy day... and my back may kill me for it tomorrow... but in the meantime... it was feckin awesome :)

Gotta love Albuquerque in the Springtime


---------------------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

Today is Valentine's Day... and it also marks the first day of the Year of the Tiger. The hubby and I went to see the Chinese New Year Celebrations here in ABQ.... wow! It was pretty spectacular!!!

This year's celebrations were held at the Chinese Culture Center on Adam's street. Festivities to ring in the lunar new year 4708 included Traditional Dragon and Lion Dancing, Kung Fu and Tai Chi Demonstrations, sword dances, fan dances, ribbon and flag dances... and SO much more.

I was awestruck by the fabulous costumes for the lions ... and of course, the massive green dragon!
Demonstrations were graced with appearances by the Monkey King and his entourage, and from some pretty awesome demon dancers.
Oh... and did I mention the drummers?! Incredible.

The presentations (which went from 1-3pm) concluded with a wonderful encore by the mighty dragon dancers with all of the Lions ... and about 12,500 fireworks! No joke.

To see more on this celebration; check HERE. and HERE
I will share more pictures on another post.....


(photos by Elaine A. Russell)

Well... what I had planned on being a very busy day.... turned out very differently indeed. My old friend insomnia decided to change things around and spice things up a bit ... so I ended up sleeping through the major part of the day.

But... the hubby, daughter and I had a fabulous dinner at Chili's (a burger with blue cheese and fries for me)... and a post dinner white chocolate mocha from Starbuck's. ... so there is no way I am complaining.

Today is the first day of February... I am excited at the prospect of a full, new month.
"February was named after the Latin term februum, which means purification, via the purification ritual Februa held on February 15 in the old Roman calendar."...Wiki

Today & tomorrow are also traditional days to celebrate Imbolc... if you are so inclined...

"Imbolc is one of the four principal festivals of the Celtic calendar, celebrated among Gaelic peoples and some other Celtic cultures, either at the beginning of February or at the first local signs of Spring. Most commonly it is celebrated on February 1 (or February 12, according to the Old Calendar), which falls (three days before) midway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere. Perhaps originally dedicated to the goddess Brigid, in the Christian period it was adopted as St Brigid's Day.

Imbolc is traditionally a time of weather prognostication, and the old tradition of watching to see if serpents or badgers came from their winter dens is perhaps a precursor to the North American Groundhog Day.

Fire and purification are an important aspect of this festival. Brigid (also known as Brighid, Bríde, Brigit, Brìd) is the Gaelic goddess of poetry, healing and smithcraft. As both goddess and saint she is also associated with holy wells, sacred flames, and healing. The lighting of candles and fires represents the return of warmth and the increasing power of the Sun over the coming months." ... from Wiki

... or you can celebrate Candlemas... http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03245b.htm .

So many interesting events at this time of year....

So sit back, enjoy a good fire, have a cup of tea... and be refreshed.


*photo by Elaine A. Russell

So--- I am on a small roadtrip. We went from Albuquerque down to Socorro for a Fundraiser for the Performing Arts Center. There were hands-on arts and dance workshops, Brazilian music by the group "Saudade" and a silent auction with tons of gorgeous art available for purchase.

I had the pleasure of assisting with teaching & demonstrations on the making of ATC cards. Amongst the other demonstrations there were: tye dying, beading, wire-work, embellishing sunglasses and other accessories, egg decoration, gourd painting, clay work, tin work, book binding, Polish paper cutting, weaving, printmaking, making fruit sushi, origami, crocheting, pastel drawing, watercolor painting, pottery, and making stained glass mosaics.
Combine that with great food and great music... It was pretty cool.

Tonight I am staying in a lovely log home out in the wilds of "Hop Canyon"... just outside of Magdalena.
Deer, snow, winding roads and mountains.
More to come tomorrow....