

This has been a very trying couple of weeks... but... these things make us stronger, right?
I will expand on that sometime... but right now it is still fresh and somewhat painful
... and so I don't want to muddle it all with my emotions.

Tonight... we (BAJ, the daughter, and I) went out for dinner... and then we stopped at the most fabulous book shop EVER! ... right here in downtown ABQ. It was amazing... and I am delighted to have found it open and waiting for me to browse amongst the glorious stacks of books.

These last 3 photos were taken at Saggio's Restaurant here on Central Ave. We had a fabulous dinner (as always... the food is awesome!)... and I got to take a couple photos of the food (there is a shot of the canoli above) and the cacti that are right out front of the restaurant. It always amazes me that people will "graffiti" the cacti... but then... I suppose I shouldn't be surprised...

This one (above) became my photo for the day. I altered it slightly ...
changed some of the color a bit... added some flavor/grunge a little...

... and this one (below) was taken of those same cacti from inside the restaurant. It was getting quite dark outside, and the lights from inside the restaurant were being reflected in the window... making the cacti look like they were having their own little party going on right there...

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


I have slowly begun the process of getting re-aquainted with Albuquerque.
I really do love it here. I also love PA... basically... I love being most anywhere, as long as I have friends and my dear hubby.... and a puppy or two or three....

Today I got to spend the afternoon with a friend talking about art, and the business of art... and it was awesome. There are so many truly talented people in the world striving to get their art out there and be seen... and so many who have devoted all their time and talents into making it their career as well. It is a rough and weary road... but I have to say, I personally am enjoying the trip.

After our visit, I drove by the Albuquerque BioPark; and while it was closed for the day... I was still able to get a few photos of the pond and cacti areas right near the front gate. I love this park, and I never fail to find something extremely exquisite there to take photos of.

And I have re-opened up my Etsy store after 3 months of being on "vacation mode."
My goal for the next week or so is to take photos of a tub o' stuff and get things listed.
So.. feel free to check it out (link here).

In the meantime... have a great night... and I will see y'all tomorrow :)

* photos by Elaine A. Russell

Cholla cactus sunsets

photo by Elaine A. Russell

The other night, my daughter and I went over towards the base of the Sandias. We were picking up a camera that someone was giving away on Freecycle... so we stopped to check out the view. It was quickly getting dark... so I wasn't sure that any of my photos were actually going to turn out.

This one, I was happy with.

I will miss the massive sunsets when we move from here... but in the meantime... I'm thinking I need to get out more and do some scenary shots. Anyone want to come ?