Cynthia Cook


photo by Elaine A. Russell

Last night I was digging through some of my photos... and I came across this one. I took this back in 1990. I had just finished up my photography classes, and had gotten my diploma through the NYI. I had an old Nikon 35mm camera with a single lens; which I adored. We happened to be living in Biloxi, MS where my hubby was stationed with the USAF. At that time, I was shooting primarily with infrared black and white film, and was doing all my own processing and developing... and then I was hand coloring my photos for a unique look.

And here I am ... some 20 years later ... still in love with photography.

Tonight was my last night of classes with Cynthia Cook at the Harwood Art Center. It has been a wonderful ride. I have met some truly wonderful people; who also happen to be very talented artists... and I have really enjoyed the camaraderie. Cynthia is a fabulous teacher, and I hope to take one of her classes again in the future.

More than anything else; I think this class has taught me to trust my inner voice (at least when it comes to making my own art). No one can decide (better than me)... the paths I want to venture down as an artist. What I make may not be the most market-able, the most sell-able, the most appealing to the masses.... but it's mine. I make art because I cannot NOT make art. I take photos and make jewelry because I have to. It is in my soul. It is an essential part of my being. And I love what I do.


*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Today was very much of a "life gave me lemons" ... kind of day... so... that was my inspiration for my photo of the day as well.
On the plus side... I am really enjoying my class with artist Cynthia Cook at the Harwood Art Center. It is truly an eye-opening and mind expanding experience ... both in terms of freedom of self expression ... and in the liberating use of various materials in our projects.

Art should be fun. Sometimes, we as artists; tend to get bogged down in the "business" side of making art. We worry about saleability, cost effectiveness, making things as pleasing to the largest number of people as possible ... to make things as marketable as we can. However; we (I), also need to occasionally be reminded that it is my art after all ... and that no one can really tell me what my aesthetic is. No one can direct my course of action ... better than me.

I am also in the enviable position of not really having to rely on the proceeds of my art to completely pay for my living expenses. As such ... I need to allow myself the luxury of really expanding my horizons and being adventurous with my art.

I am so grateful for the group of artists taking this class with me ... they are strong men & women with definite ideas about art ... and it is really inspiring me to be bolder and more confident.
I think this is something I really need to learn more; and incorporate more into my being.

Here are some samples of some of the art these artists are producing in the class....

last night at the Harwood

This is a self portrait done by Cynthia when she was attending UNM

Last night, I had the opportunity to attend a class at the Harwood Art Center by Cynthia Cook.
I have posted on Cynthia before (/moongipsies/2009/11/baubles-bits-and-bites.html) and (/moongipsies/2009/12/abc-wednesday_08.html).
And, I have met her in person... at her show reception at Mariposa Gallery earlier this month, and at the Recycle Santa Fe Show (/moongipsies/2009/11/recycle-show-part-1.html).
But, that pales in comparison to actually being able to take one of her classes.
Ms. Cook is sort of an inigma. If you search for information on-line about her; she is essentially non-existant. Yet, she is an icon in the mixed media world.... and greatly sought after for classes and such.

So... about her class. This was a basic introduction to the wonderful world of collage/decoupage/ assemblage... mixed media. With a background that includes jewelry arts and metal-working.. I was hooked. Never mind that her talk focused on glues, tools, techniques.. and the chance to actually MAKE something .. coolness!

Anyway--- here are some photos from the class.

Thank you!!! to the folks at Harwood for providing such an awesome event.

a portion of one of her recent works showing at the Mariposa Gallery

an example of another one of her art pieces

giving a demonstration

working on a project during the class

**all photographs but the self portrait photo at the top, are by Elaine A. Russell

gothic visions

feeling a bit goth today.. .. probably from the onslaught of promos for "New Moon" and anything vampire..... But it's ok... I really do love the look. Years ago... long before it was cool... I was a huge collector of anything Victorian and Gothic. Lots of lace, lots of candles, old dark wood furniture... but alas, married and changed everything to be more comfortable for the tastes of a family lifestyle. Not complaining.... everything comes back around in it's own sweet time. I actually like a variety of styles... so.. my house is a happy mix most of the time.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to see Cynthia Cook at an artist's salon at the Mariposa Gallery. She is charming, intelligent, funny.. and irreverent... just the way I like my artists :)
Her artwork is simply stunning. It is something you would perhaps chance to see at the home of a scientist/ collector/ eccentric in the Victorian times. Tucked away in an old castle-like fortress, hanging on the walls along with those stark portraits of goblets by the fireplace, weird violin music in the offing...I don't know.. maybe that is just my take on it.... but I love her work. It evokes a mood.... a reverence... a look into a world that is just a little more fragile, a little more delicate... a little bit more awe-inspiring than most of us tend to see. Or perhaps.. it is the way the world really is... we just don't see it through our bill-laden, foggy from work ...need another espresso just to function --mentality.
Either way.... it was fabulous.

To see more of Cynthia's work:

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

---and on a completely different note... here is a cool video called "Pipe Dreams."
This video is featured on: -- as it was mailed around as some kind of "urban legend."
All I know is that it's pretty damn cool.