
*all photos by Elaine A. Russell

Today was very much of a "life gave me lemons" ... kind of day... so... that was my inspiration for my photo of the day as well.
On the plus side... I am really enjoying my class with artist Cynthia Cook at the Harwood Art Center. It is truly an eye-opening and mind expanding experience ... both in terms of freedom of self expression ... and in the liberating use of various materials in our projects.

Art should be fun. Sometimes, we as artists; tend to get bogged down in the "business" side of making art. We worry about saleability, cost effectiveness, making things as pleasing to the largest number of people as possible ... to make things as marketable as we can. However; we (I), also need to occasionally be reminded that it is my art after all ... and that no one can really tell me what my aesthetic is. No one can direct my course of action ... better than me.

I am also in the enviable position of not really having to rely on the proceeds of my art to completely pay for my living expenses. As such ... I need to allow myself the luxury of really expanding my horizons and being adventurous with my art.

I am so grateful for the group of artists taking this class with me ... they are strong men & women with definite ideas about art ... and it is really inspiring me to be bolder and more confident.
I think this is something I really need to learn more; and incorporate more into my being.

Here are some samples of some of the art these artists are producing in the class....