

My dad is getting ready (I think)... to pass on. He woke this afternoon and was expressing his goodbyes to my mom. Thankfully, he seems to be resting in between doses of pain medicine... and I am hoping that he is comfortable. He had a visit from his minister... and hospice has been checking in with him and my mom.

And so...I am trying to wrap things up for another trip back to PA... and the day has been quite chaotic...

About my photos for today's post: Sometimes you have to take inspiration where you can get it. Today I was mostly at home because I was trying to get some things done... and so I knew I had to take a photo for today of something here at the house.
We seem to have an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables here... and so I took a couple photos of some gorgeous radishes. Growing up, I remember eating radishes alot from my grandmother's garden... and so it was a nice memory.

"Radishes and their greens provide an excellent source of vitamin C. Radish leaves contain almost six times the vitamin C content of their root and are also a good source of calcium. Red Globes also offer a very good source of the trace mineral molybdenum and are a good source of potassium and folic acid. Daikons provide a very good source of potassium and copper.
Radishes, like other member of the cruciferous family (cabbage, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts),contain cancer-protective properties. Throughout history radishes have been effective when used as a medicinal food for liver disorders. They contain a variety of sulfur-based chemicals that increase the flow of bile. Therefore, they help to maintain a healthy gallbladder and liver, and improve digestion. Fresh radish roots contain a larger amount of vitamin C than cooked radish roots. Radish greens, contain far more vitamin C, calcium, and protein than the roots. "


Today is monday... and I have had very little sleep. I am beginning to get cranky and exhausted... and so I took some extra time this morning to rest.

I picked up my mom from the hospital after lunch, and decided to take her for a drive in the countryside. It was a beautiful day today... and it was wonderful to enjoy the sunshine... the very blue skies.... and the plant life bursting to life around us.

We went onto some of the backroads today... and it was teeming with the critters and such of springtime. Bunnies... hawks... cows... goats and sheep and horses... even a turkey vulture looked at us as if we were disturbing his springtime frolicing.

I have been taking lots of movies and music up to my dad... and we have been enjoying them all over again. He rests alot in between times... but every so often he will burst into laughter and grin like a kid at Christmas over something.
It is a joy to see.

I am trying to make sure my mom is well rested and eats...
sometimes this is easier said than done.

But for now... here are a couple shots from our drive today...

------->all photos by Elaine A. Russell


---------------------------------->all photos by Elaine A. Russell

So... I have finally caught up on all my posts from traveling back to NM. So... If you are interested, check out the previous week's worth of posts of updated pics and such...I have added to the posts...

Today was a wonderful day. With the help of Vicodin (yes, narcotics are my friend)... I am able to move about without too much pain... and it is a "good thing." I have been going thru our DVD collection... and will be selling off about half of it soon on Ebay.. stay tuned for some fabulous auctions folks...

AND I have been watching and listening to the wind today. The wind here is absolutely amazing... and today was a prime example of the wild winds here in New Mexico. Accoring to the weather channel... they were blowing at 36mph with gusting up to 44mph....and the skies were just awesome.
And so... I took this opportunity to spend a few leisurely hours looking up fun info on the web... talking with my daughter... and nibbling on alot of interesting candy that we have around the house.
(we have: donuts, spicy peach rings, English tea biscuits, Mexican chile candy, Lego sweet tarts, Dutch mints, burnt candy peanuts, India sesame cookies, gummy sharks, German blueberry and raspberry treats, French pastel mints, sesame sticks, Swedish fish, sour peach and watermelon gum drops, and honey roasted almonds... )

I also received a brand new copy of this book: Look HERE.... of which I am one of the featured photographers. I was very honored to have been selected as one of only about 50 photographers from around the world to be featured in this publication... AND... I was lucky to have gotten a larger 6 picture spread. I am deeply honored... and personally, I think the book is pretty fabulous.
It is the first book I have ever been featured in... so it is really exciting! .... and I am hoping that it won't be the last...
I was SO excited when my book came...and sit and actually be able to flip through the pages, and see all the amazing shots submitted for this project...well, I don't have words to describe the feeling.
Thank you to all who helped put this amazing piece of work together.... YEAH!
All proceeds from the sale of this book are being donated to "Doctors Without Borders".

------------------------------------>freakin awesome!


(photos by Elaine A. Russell)

My dad was feeling much better today.... although I think he tried to do too much; and by afternoon he was wiped out. I am so grateful that he is feeling a bit better though.
You have no idea.

In other news: my son and his fiance are planning their wedding for April 24th... yes, it's coming up soon. It sounds like arrangements are moving along very well for them... which is awesome.
I wish I was there to help more... but perhaps this is the way it is meant to be.

And ... in spite of today's weather (rainy cold windy and then snow wannabe stuff)... I went out and took a bunch of photos of the A.A.S.R. buildings... also known locally as "The Consistory."

The original portion (on the farthermost left in the photo above)... I believe was originally the mansion belonging to Mr/Mrs Isaac Benson... early prominent citizens of Coudersport. The house was left to the Freemasons in 1913 (there is a stone with this date on the front corner of the middle portion). The original portion is quite Victorian looking to me.... while the rest of the building was built in 1928... and to me, seems more Gothic. Either way, it is a very impressive building. Inside are a billiards room, dance halls, a Cathedral with a massive pipe organ and a stage, a cafeteria, dining halls, meeting rooms... it is massive.

One article I saw said that the original "house" portion was built in 1899; and that the consistory itself "stands as the largest in the country and yet sits in one of the smallest cities to have such an establishment."
When I was a teenager, I used to waitress and such at Masonic events held there. I have never seen more than the dining halls... but I am told it is pretty fabulous.
Both sides of my family have a long history of membership with the Masons... but I really don't know much about it at all.

My favorite thing on the grounds is the old carriage house. I believe it is simply used for storage now, but I really love the architecture of it.
And so... I hope you like the photos... and I will include the links I found related to this building.

(the Carriage House)

(the Isaac Benson Home)

(middle portion... and main Entrance)

(the last addition)


Coudersport Consistory Link

Wiki link: Coudersport

Wiki article on the Scottish Rite

History on the Consistory House

website for AASR


Current Police headquarters for the town. It used to be the train depot. It is gorgeous.

Vintage train caboose... now part of the Coudersport Arboretum display

Back view of the caboose at night......

Today has been a really, really, long day. First of all... I slept til 2pm (except that I soon discovered that it was actually 3pm because if Daylight Savings Time). Took a shower, did some chores around the house.... and realized that today was the last day to enter photos in the Alibi yearly photo contest... so I worked on that.
Then, my niece called... so I spent the early evening hours helping her and my daughter put together a set of bunk beds (and watch 3 kids). It took longer than I thought it would... but they look great... and the kids seemed excited.

Afterwards, we went over to my local "Sheetz" gas station/super mini store extraordinaire... and started to take my photo of the day (with intent to include it also in my blog with a blurb all about Sheetz and how cool it is to have a 24hr mart like that in the little town of Coudersport).... but then the manager came out and proceeded to chastise me about illegally taking photos of the place (even though it is in the middle of the town... and I was across the street on other property). So... I deleted the photos. How sad.
So... instead I went to take some photos of the old train depot and a train car that is right nearby... and of a vintage sign.
It's such a small town... and most everyone is extremely nice... it just surprised me that she was so defensive and adamant about it all.

I am exhausted. Completely and utterly. And I didn't even really do anything today.

In other news: ... my dad is doing a bit better today. He is still massively distended... but he is progressing along. Still has the NG... still in alot of pain.... but better. The doctor told him that the pain meds may be contributing to his constipation/ distention.... so he didn't take any pain meds today at all. I encouraged him to at least take it at night. He is so stubborn.
No word on his impending transfer to the local hospital, so I will wait on going down. On one hand.... it would be good to go down and be supportive to my folks. On the other, if I go down too early I will really rack up the hotel fees, food costs, etc while staying there... which I can't afford to do. Somewhere in there is a happy medium that I am striving for.
My uncle's funeral is Thursday, outside of the Philadelphia area.... not sure if I can go or not.

It is still raining.
I fear this may be a trend. ie: Elaine is in town... it must rain.
The river is really high here. It runs right behind my parent's house, and through the middle of town. I am reminded of back in 1972 when we had a really big flood here. At that time, we were living in a bigger house on a hill... and when the floods came, we took in a couple other families that had been flooded out of their homes. I remember packing sandbags along the channel with my brother and dad. And as traumatic as it probably was at the time... I don't remember it being a scary thing. Plus.... the air around here smells so good .... wet and fresh with a hint of pine ♥

And... I saw some headlines as I was reading the news on MSN today. Apparently, those tornadoes and storms that passed through the Midwest when I was traveling..... they were only about 10 miles away from us; and only a few hours ahead of us. How scary is that.....and how fortunate we are ♥

----------------------------------------photos by Elaine A. Russell


Today has been a rough day..... feeling the pains of the Lupus. And so... beyond keeping up with the laundry, cleaning and dishes... I haven't gotten much done. Last summer I took a trip to see family in PA... and I have a bunch of photos from that trip on my computer. The photo equipment I had at that time was dying... and the lenses had spots all over them. As a result, all the photos I took on that trip need to be retouched... and it is something I have not made the time to do yet. So today, I worked on them for a bit.
These are some of those photos.

The pictures here were all taken deep in the forests of PA. I love it there. And I thought that ... being in the middle of winter... some greenery would be welcome. .. hope you enjoy....

all photos by Elaine A. Russell


Somehow this weekend really got away from me. I love the photo above... because it reminds me to slooooooow dooooown my everyday activities... and to really appreciate what is happening in the NOW. I took this photo last week while running errands.. and I need to go back sometime and take a more leisurely shot.
The one of the snowman --- I took while driving down I-25 south ... heading home. It is a huge mass of tumbleweeds, fashioned into a snowman; facing the highway. It is fabulous.

And this one I took just a few minutes ago.... of my beloved Sabrina... waiting ever so patiently *not* for me to get off the computer... and take her for a walk. (which I will do )

Sometimes life feels like a series of snapshots. Here one minute.. gone the next. And it is..... and yet... if we try hard enough... we can learn to appreciate those moments in time. Maybe stretch them out a little.... savor them like a fine wine.
My honey is still sick. I am going to make a fire in the fireplace, heat up some wonderful pot roast leftovers, and put on a movie. Maybe I will make hot toddies....wrap him up in a warm blanket and forget about the world for a bit....

Living Simply tip for the day: If you can afford to; and have the ability to... adopt a pet. I realize that alot of living situations are not conducive to having a pet.. and not all people are able to have a pet (allergies, economics, etc)... but if you can....
Studies have shown that owning a pet can provide significant health benefits.
Pets can decrease your: Blood pressure, Cholesterol levels, Triglyceride levels, Feelings of loneliness, stress levels, and more.
Pets can increase your: opportunities for exercise and outdoor activities, as well as for socialization.

I know on a personal level, how very much having Sabrina in my life has increased my overall health.. and I would wish that on everyone....


photo by Elaine A. Russell

Renovations are seriously underway. Like fall.. we are beginning to see some real changes here.
  • Instead of barely functioning sliding doors to the backyard, we now have working french doors with locks.
  • Instead of a front door that hangs lopsided, so that the locks hardly work... we now have a brand new steel door and accenting side windows.
  • Instead of outdoor brass & glass 80's lighting that was hung in the dining area and hallways... we now have beautiful frosted glass globes that hug the ceiling.
  • several holes have been patched, the area around the fireplace has been demolished, finished and textured, and the doorway to the garage has been moved over to accomodate a kitchen re-vamp coming in the next few weeks.

There have been a couple of "oops" today the doorknob was put on backwards to the garage.. and I didn't notice until the crew had left. Ah well. But all in all.... fabulous work so far.

Freecycle, framing, and Flying Star

photos by Elaine A. Russell

One of the blessings of having remodel work done, is that it is sort of an adventure.
Right now, we have one working sink (kitchen) .. one working shower (hall bathroom)... and lots of plasterboard dust all around (framing walls). With 4 people in the house... it's going to be a testament of patience.
And right now.... we are doing well.
Another benefit is that I am slowly going thru things again. Because the workers are putting in a different doorway to the garage, we had to move all my craft/ jewelry making stuff and tables, as well as a heavy duty work bench and alot of tools. Today I hope to go thru alot of it and potentially get rid of some stuff.
Yesterday I was able to give away some buildings supplies ( lumber, cinder block , etc )...gotta love Freecycle ( I have been a member for several yrs, the last 2 of which I have donated an item or more for every day of the year. I think it's an awesome program, and seems to help alot of people who are both looking to get rid of/ or get ... good used stuff.
A final benefit, is that we are getting to sample some of the great food places ABQ has to offer. The hubby and I have always enjoyed eating out and exploring ... so this is a real treat. The other day we went to Flying Star up on Coors and Alameda (, and last night we went to Nothing but Noodles ( Great food.

*Pictures are from that Flying Star location.

patterns in the everyday

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

"Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing" --Camille Pissarro

I saw this quote on the blog of a wonderful artist, Allegra.
It says so perfectly what I was trying to say about the photos for today's blogpost. I was trying to find some kind of quote or anectdote about the patterns we see in everyday life... how we tend to not really see them... because we see them all the time, and so they become invisible.

All the photos for today's blog were taken of buildings on Gold Ave in downtown ABQ.

Stuff and more stuff

-------------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

I started listing items on Ebay in 1998 as a way of getting rid of excess items. When I "retired" from being an RN just a few years ago, I started really going through a lot of our accumulated STUFF and selling it.
The past few weeks have sort of been a final hurrah on that quest. I am now officially "down" to just my needlework supplies and stuff, my photographs that need sorted and stored on disc, and tons and tons of fabric.
The needlework stuff won't be too bad. While I used to be very good at it (and won ribbons).. I just don't do it that much anymore.
The photos are going to be time consuming because I have so very many photos, and I would like to save them all to disc so that I can organize them better.
The fabric is going to be extremely hard. A lot of it was my grandmothers, and it was passed to my sister... and now it is mine (mine sister passed away almost 2yrs ago). There are quilts that were started, and projects left unfinished. I feel compelled to keep and finish it all.. and yet I know that I probably never will. And there is a ton. Like 30 of the really big 48 gallon tubs worth.

Some of the fabric I will no doubt save. Some I hope to cut into squares for a future quilt. Most I will unload. I am going to try to go through a tub a day until I am done. In the meantime.... does anyone know of a charity that saves fabric to use in projects ?

the manic wolf

----------------------------in the window of Mariposa Gallery -----------

--------------------------in the window of Old World Imports-----------

-----------------------close-up of a mural at Annapurna's Chai House ---
---------------------------------------------photos by Elaine A. Russell

So -- if you know me, you know I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythmatosis about 16 1/2 yrs ago. Most days I am fine. About once a week, I get a fever, chills, headache, some kind of crappy thing, etc and ache all over. Today ( and yesterday ) is one of those days.
I'm not complaining. There are certainly people who have it worse, and I know several.

I mention it only in the sense that ... today I am home, drinking some hot coffee, and enjoying listening to the wind outside.
Here are some photos that I took on Sunday... of the Nob Hill area on central ave.

It's monday

------------------------------------------------photo by Elaine Russell

So I was wandering around Barnes & Noble last evening... and taking happy snaps. I was approached by the manager.. and told I was not allowed to take photos in the store. Who knew ?
Kinda bummed me out.
I had always considered stores like that to be the perfect place to take random photos.. and it is a public place ? So I thought there was no problem. hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
That makes the 2nd time I've been asked to not take photos in a public place. The other place was a grocery store. Does anyone know the rulings on this ?