Stuff and more stuff

-------------------------photo by Elaine A. Russell

I started listing items on Ebay in 1998 as a way of getting rid of excess items. When I "retired" from being an RN just a few years ago, I started really going through a lot of our accumulated STUFF and selling it.
The past few weeks have sort of been a final hurrah on that quest. I am now officially "down" to just my needlework supplies and stuff, my photographs that need sorted and stored on disc, and tons and tons of fabric.
The needlework stuff won't be too bad. While I used to be very good at it (and won ribbons).. I just don't do it that much anymore.
The photos are going to be time consuming because I have so very many photos, and I would like to save them all to disc so that I can organize them better.
The fabric is going to be extremely hard. A lot of it was my grandmothers, and it was passed to my sister... and now it is mine (mine sister passed away almost 2yrs ago). There are quilts that were started, and projects left unfinished. I feel compelled to keep and finish it all.. and yet I know that I probably never will. And there is a ton. Like 30 of the really big 48 gallon tubs worth.

Some of the fabric I will no doubt save. Some I hope to cut into squares for a future quilt. Most I will unload. I am going to try to go through a tub a day until I am done. In the meantime.... does anyone know of a charity that saves fabric to use in projects ?