Tomorrow, November 13th, is World Kindness Day.
In honor of it, fellow bloggers Anyes and Se'Lah are co-hosting
A Random Acts of Kindness Day out here in blogland.
I am a big fan of the whole "pay it forward" concept.
For the past 4 years, I have challenged myself to: do something nice for someone...
or give away an item...
for every day of the year ( and so far, I have met my goal ).
I do this by donating to local charity sources, giving spontaneous gifts to friends, listing on Freecycle,
doing kind acts when I can ... and even sneaking surprises onto people's doorsteps.
There are so many ways you can help someone else out... the ideas are endless.
The point is ... do it. Not only will you help someone else out...
but the feeling you get from it?
There are so many ways you can help someone else out... the ideas are endless.
The point is ... do it. Not only will you help someone else out...
but the feeling you get from it?