

Migraine... (I actually went back thru my blogposts and discovered that it's day 10 of this horrible migraine). And it's going as well as you'd think it would be. However... I did help my mom get some financial stuff settled today... and we did take a drive... and I did get some photos... and I did visit briefly with a friend of mine from high school... and it was all good.

If I can finish the paperwork that needs done... and help my mom with a few things on the "To Do" list... then I feel like I will have done as much as I can for this trip. Not to say that I've done alot... as I feel like I have been pretty much useless (*but I have tried... I think it's just that I have been sick and I always feel pretty much useless when I am sick)... but right now I am overwhelmed... and ready to be going home...
(and in the words of my very wise daughter... it's time).

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Pennsylvania is a gorgeous place. It really is. If nothing else.... my daily drives prove this to me. On the flip side... I have had bad allergies... and a migraine to top all migraines... and I feel as if my body is at war with me this week. It will pass... I know it will.... but in the meantime... I am cranky, sleep deprived and miserable.

Fortunately for you... I will quit whining... and just show some pics :)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell


Today is monday... and I have had very little sleep. I am beginning to get cranky and exhausted... and so I took some extra time this morning to rest.

I picked up my mom from the hospital after lunch, and decided to take her for a drive in the countryside. It was a beautiful day today... and it was wonderful to enjoy the sunshine... the very blue skies.... and the plant life bursting to life around us.

We went onto some of the backroads today... and it was teeming with the critters and such of springtime. Bunnies... hawks... cows... goats and sheep and horses... even a turkey vulture looked at us as if we were disturbing his springtime frolicing.

I have been taking lots of movies and music up to my dad... and we have been enjoying them all over again. He rests alot in between times... but every so often he will burst into laughter and grin like a kid at Christmas over something.
It is a joy to see.

I am trying to make sure my mom is well rested and eats...
sometimes this is easier said than done.

But for now... here are a couple shots from our drive today...

------->all photos by Elaine A. Russell