

My dad is getting ready (I think)... to pass on. He woke this afternoon and was expressing his goodbyes to my mom. Thankfully, he seems to be resting in between doses of pain medicine... and I am hoping that he is comfortable. He had a visit from his minister... and hospice has been checking in with him and my mom.

And so...I am trying to wrap things up for another trip back to PA... and the day has been quite chaotic...

About my photos for today's post: Sometimes you have to take inspiration where you can get it. Today I was mostly at home because I was trying to get some things done... and so I knew I had to take a photo for today of something here at the house.
We seem to have an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables here... and so I took a couple photos of some gorgeous radishes. Growing up, I remember eating radishes alot from my grandmother's garden... and so it was a nice memory.

"Radishes and their greens provide an excellent source of vitamin C. Radish leaves contain almost six times the vitamin C content of their root and are also a good source of calcium. Red Globes also offer a very good source of the trace mineral molybdenum and are a good source of potassium and folic acid. Daikons provide a very good source of potassium and copper.
Radishes, like other member of the cruciferous family (cabbage, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts),contain cancer-protective properties. Throughout history radishes have been effective when used as a medicinal food for liver disorders. They contain a variety of sulfur-based chemicals that increase the flow of bile. Therefore, they help to maintain a healthy gallbladder and liver, and improve digestion. Fresh radish roots contain a larger amount of vitamin C than cooked radish roots. Radish greens, contain far more vitamin C, calcium, and protein than the roots. "