I love the show CSI... the one in Las Vegas with Grissom. I absolutely adore his character.... as well as alot of the other characters on that particular show. I think it is awesome. Some day... I will have to get all the episodes and have a marathon. Wouldn't that be cool ?
Bring on the popcorn baby.
In other news... I have discovered that (like duh)... it has influenced my work/art life. I have included a photo that I did not too long ago... very CSI (don't worry.. it's just pomegrant juice). I also had started a complete jewelry line dedicated to aspects of CSI with some steampunk thrown in... but then I discovered someone had copied the entire line (someone I know).
Ah well. I will probably do it anyway. Damn bastards.
But then -- what would Grissom do ? I guess I will take it as a compliment and move on.