

One of my favorite galleries here in ABQ, is the Mariposa Gallery.

Owners Liz Dineen and Jennifer Rohrig have gone out of their way to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere that is home to some of the most talented artisans in New Mexico.

Hence, my Art Gallery "Sneak Peek": Mariposa Gallery in Nob Hill
(peek #6 in my series)

Just thinking about Mariposa makes me smile. It has a wide variety of artwork; ranging from jewelry, paintings, ceramics, encaustics, mixed media and more. Located in Nob Hill, it is a centrally located... and is easily accessible to the art loving community.

I have gone to several shows there... and am always pleased with what they have to offer. I would highly recommend a visit... but plan on spending some time... there is alot to see.

(Included in this post are just a sampling of some of the fabulous artwork there....)

To see more about this gallery, look: Here

(*all photos by Elaine A. Russell)

ABC Wednesday

ABC Wednesday is a blog posting with a twist. The host (Mrs. Nesbitt) hails from Great Britain... and there are participants from all over the world. Each week, people focus their post on a letter of the alphabet. They started with the letter "A" --and each week you post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. It is a fun, imaginative exercise... and it is great to see what everyone comes up with. This week's letter is, "U".

For this week's post... I went with UNIQUE UNIVERSE.

What a wonderful wonderful world we live in. Everyday I am amazed and in awe at the stunning array of wonders around me. I love to go to art shows and events... and this too, brings about feelings of joy and fulfillment as I see all the creations people come up with.

Today's photos... are of some really unique pieces of art that I saw on my last round of gallery visits this past Friday. I have included links to the galleries they are shown in.

artwork by Robert Redus

DreamScapes Gallery (

artwork by Nick Harmon

Chroma Studios (

Harwood Art Center (

artwork by Susan Reid
The Matrix Fine Art Gallery (

artwork by Dennis Larkin
5G Gallery at the Factory on 5th (

artwork by Wes Pullka

Quilt by Jane Lueras

N4th Gallery at VSA ( )

artwork by Cynthia Cook

Mariposa (

gothic visions

feeling a bit goth today.. .. probably from the onslaught of promos for "New Moon" and anything vampire..... But it's ok... I really do love the look. Years ago... long before it was cool... I was a huge collector of anything Victorian and Gothic. Lots of lace, lots of candles, old dark wood furniture... but alas, married and changed everything to be more comfortable for the tastes of a family lifestyle. Not complaining.... everything comes back around in it's own sweet time. I actually like a variety of styles... so.. my house is a happy mix most of the time.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to see Cynthia Cook at an artist's salon at the Mariposa Gallery. She is charming, intelligent, funny.. and irreverent... just the way I like my artists :)
Her artwork is simply stunning. It is something you would perhaps chance to see at the home of a scientist/ collector/ eccentric in the Victorian times. Tucked away in an old castle-like fortress, hanging on the walls along with those stark portraits of goblets by the fireplace, weird violin music in the offing...I don't know.. maybe that is just my take on it.... but I love her work. It evokes a mood.... a reverence... a look into a world that is just a little more fragile, a little more delicate... a little bit more awe-inspiring than most of us tend to see. Or perhaps.. it is the way the world really is... we just don't see it through our bill-laden, foggy from work ...need another espresso just to function --mentality.
Either way.... it was fabulous.

To see more of Cynthia's work:

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

---and on a completely different note... here is a cool video called "Pipe Dreams."
This video is featured on: -- as it was mailed around as some kind of "urban legend."
All I know is that it's pretty damn cool.

the manic wolf

----------------------------in the window of Mariposa Gallery -----------

--------------------------in the window of Old World Imports-----------

-----------------------close-up of a mural at Annapurna's Chai House ---
---------------------------------------------photos by Elaine A. Russell

So -- if you know me, you know I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythmatosis about 16 1/2 yrs ago. Most days I am fine. About once a week, I get a fever, chills, headache, some kind of crappy thing, etc and ache all over. Today ( and yesterday ) is one of those days.
I'm not complaining. There are certainly people who have it worse, and I know several.

I mention it only in the sense that ... today I am home, drinking some hot coffee, and enjoying listening to the wind outside.
Here are some photos that I took on Sunday... of the Nob Hill area on central ave.