

Today has been interesting in alot of ways. I keep having these "spells" (for lack of a better word)... where I get anxious, dizzy, and a horrible headache. About an hour later... I am completely wiped out. I can only assume it is blood sugar problems... but man... it is almost like going through various stages of shock on a fairly routine basis.
I have been eating very well... so... I am confused as to the reactions and why they are occurring... but hey.

That said... my daughter and I went downtown and enjoyed some wonderful food from Annapurna's... which I adore. I also managed to get my submission completed and mailed in to the NYC gallery, Charming Wall... and it will be featured in the show running all of November. This is their final show... and I was very fortunate in getting in.
My submission is shown below...

I was torn as to which photo to pick for my photo of the day project. I saw the wonderful painted VW bus near UNM today as we were driving around (see the first photo above)... and it was just freakin awesome! It reminded me of the old SNL skits with the "land shark"...

But I had also taken the photo below... showing a package sent out in today's mail... and that was the one I ultimately went with.... as I just felt it was a stronger photo in it's composition. More importantly though... is that I am back in the swing of doing art... and that is wonderful :)

*photos by Elaine A. Russell

Annapurna wednesday is fine with me

.................................. photo by Elaine A. Russell

Today I had my follow up appointment with my acupuncturist. He addressed my liver problems, pain in my neck and shoulder, and allergies today. While I am still pretty sore.. I can at least turn my head from side to side now.

As a treat.. my daughter and I went to Annapurna's Chai House for dinner.. and it was incredibly good (as usual ). Photo is from inside the restaurant. If you've never been there.. I highly recommend it.

the manic wolf

----------------------------in the window of Mariposa Gallery -----------

--------------------------in the window of Old World Imports-----------

-----------------------close-up of a mural at Annapurna's Chai House ---
---------------------------------------------photos by Elaine A. Russell

So -- if you know me, you know I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythmatosis about 16 1/2 yrs ago. Most days I am fine. About once a week, I get a fever, chills, headache, some kind of crappy thing, etc and ache all over. Today ( and yesterday ) is one of those days.
I'm not complaining. There are certainly people who have it worse, and I know several.

I mention it only in the sense that ... today I am home, drinking some hot coffee, and enjoying listening to the wind outside.
Here are some photos that I took on Sunday... of the Nob Hill area on central ave.